970 resultados para Non-governmental Organizations
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
A gulf has tended to develop between the adoption and usage of information technology by different generations, at the heart of which is different ways of experiencing and relating to the world around us. This research idea is currently being developed following data collection and feedback is sought on ways forward to enable impact. The research focuses on information technology in the form of multimedia. Multimedia meaning ‘media’ and ‘content’ that uses a combination of different content forms; or electronically integrated communication engaging all or most of the senses (e.g. graphic art, sound, animation and full-motion video presented by way of computer or other electronic means) mainly through presentational technologies. Although multimedia is not new, some organization’s particularly those in the non-profit sector do not always have the technical or financial resources to support such systems and consequently may struggle to adopt and support its usage amongst different generations. However non-profit organizations are being forced to pay more attention to the way they communicate with markets and the public due to the professionalism of communication everywhere in society. The case study used for this study is a church circuit comprising of 15 churches in the Midlands region of the United Kingdom which was selected due to the diverse age groups catered for within this type of non-profit organization. Participants in the study also had a range of skills, experiences and backgrounds which adds to the diversity of the population studied. Data gathered focused on the attitudes and opinions of the adoption and use of multimedia amongst different age groups. 395 questionnaires were distributed, comprising of 11 opinion questions and 4 demographic questions. 83% of the questionnaires were returned, representing 35% of the total circuit membership. Three people from each of the following age categories were also interviewed: 1920 – 1946 (Matures); 1947-1964 (Baby Boomers); 1965-1982 (Generation X); 1983-2004 (Net Generation). Results of the questionnaire and comments from the interviews were found not to tally with the widespread assumption that the younger generation is attracted by the use of multimedia in comparison to the older generation. The highest proportion of those who said that they gain more from a service enhanced by multimedia was from the Baby Boomers. Comments from interviews suggested that: ‘we need to embrace multimedia if we are to attract and retain the younger generation’; ‘multimedia often helps children to remain focused and clarifies the objective of the service’. However, because the younger generations’ world tends to be dominated by computer technology the questionnaire showed that they are more likely to have higher standards when it comes to the use of multimedia, such as identifying higher levels of equipment failing to work and annoying use of sounds compared to older age groups. In comparison problems experienced with multimedia for the Matures age group had the highest percentage of difficulty with the size of letters; the colour of letters and background and the sound not loud enough which is to be expected. Since every organization is unique any type of multimedia adopted and used should be specific to their needs, its stakeholders and the physical building in order to enhance that uniqueness and its needs. Giving thought to whether the type of multimedia is the best method for communicating the message to the particular audience alongside how technical and financial resources are best used can assist in accommodating different age groups that need to be catered for.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
A AIDS foi um evento marcante tanto por sua capacidade devastadora como pela forma como estimulou a solidariedade e a mobilização da sociedade na defesa dos direitos de pessoas vivendo e convivendo com HIV/AIDS. De iniciativas para dar dignidade na morte, as ONG/AIDS passaram por mudanças estruturais para responder às demandas da epidemia. Este estudo descreve a trajetória da ONG/AIDS Casa de Assistência Filadélfia com relação à evolução da epidemia de AIDS ressaltando o desenvolvimento organizacional. Utilizou-se uma metodologia qualitativa com estudo de caso, sendo os dados colhidos por meio de análise documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com informantes-chave referidos pela organização. A análise dos dados baseou-se nas proposições teóricas de desenvolvimento organizacional e mostra como a organização saiu da fase pioneira marcada pela improvisação, se expandiu, indo para uma fase de regulamentação até chegar à fase de flexibilização e inovação com a diversificação dos projetos. O estudo aponta para a importância do desenvolvimento organizacional como elemento essencial na formação de organizações saudáveis e ágeis na resposta às suas demandas.
In 2008 the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) started an initiative to systematically develop its capacity and its internal and external policy agenda. This paper sums up achievements that have been made with this ISPRM initiative as well as pending issues and strategies to address them. The paper treats the following: ISPRM`s policy agenda in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), research capacity in functioning and rehabilitation, ISPRM world conferences, relationships with regional societies of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), and ISPRM`s membership and governance structure.
This paper briefly outlines how the political scenario and the mobilization of different actors have contributed to the construction of a public health policy in response to the AIDS epidemics in Brazil. Three factors are presented and discussed: the political context of the 1980s, characterized by redemocratization, growth of social movements, and consolidation of the Brazilian health care reform; the socio-cultural context of the 1970s and 1980s, characterized by achievement of individual freedom, which was key to the organization of the AIDS movement; and finally the actions carried out in the international scenario to support the sustainability of the Brazilian domestic policy and the reinforcement of a global response to face the epidemics in lower-middle income economies.
Como reflexo de uma tend??ncia que tem ganhado import??ncia crescente nas organiza????es p??blicas, privadas e n??o governamentais do Brasil e do mundo, a tem??tica gest??o do conhecimento motivou a realiza????o desta pesquisa, cujo foco imediato ?? fornecer subs??dios para auxiliar organiza????es p??blicas como escolas de governo em seus processos de desenvolvimento de conhecimento organizacional. Este conhecimento ?? criado mediante a intera????o dos conhecimentos t??cito e expl??cito. A intera????o entre eles pode ser verificada por meio de quatro convers??es, as quais formam um ciclo do conhecimento organizacional: a socializa????o, a externaliza????o, a combina????o e a internaliza????o. O estudo em quest??o visa apresentar um conjunto de crit??rios representantes do ciclo de desenvolvimento do conhecimento organizacional e, mediante an??lise comparada entre sete escolas de governo internacionais e uma nacional, a Funda????o Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (Enap), elaborar o desenho de uma estrutura organizacional que maximize o desenvolvimento do conhecimento organizacional em escolas de governo.
O texto aborda as principais caracter??sticas da reforma administrativa em andamento no Brasil. A proposta ?? de mudan??a da administra????o p??blica burocr??tica e clientelista para uma administra????o p??blica gerencial, baseada no enfoque da ???nova administra????o p??blica???. A reforma brasileira distingue as atividades exclusivas do Estado, detentoras do poder de Estado, dos servi??os sociais e cient??ficos e das empresas estatais. O primeiro setor permanecer?? dentro do aparato estatal e as empresas estatais est??o sendo privatizadas. Com rela????o aos servi??os sociais e cient??ficos, que recebem um suporte substancial do Estado, a proposta ?? de transform??-los em organiza????es sociais n??o lucrativas, seguindo as linhas dos ???quangos??? (quasi non governamental organizations) ingleses.
RESUMO:O desenvolvimento entendido como um processo político, económico e social, visando uma melhoria constante do bem-estar de toda a população, requer a alocação e utilização de recursos para benefício social e económico da sociedade. Porém, em Moçambique, neste processo, o crescimento e progressão dos grupos sociais ainda é desigual, ocorrendo uma certa marginalização e menor participação nos processos de tomada de decisão, das mulheres e dos grupos desfavorecidos. O presente estudo, subordinado ao tema: “A Questão do Género em Moçambique: Contributo para uma análise da sua problemática”, procurou compreender a importância e o contributo das mulheres moçambicanas inseridas em diferentes áreas de desenvolvimento e o seu empoderamento. O estudo foi centrado nas diversas formas de luta e de intervenção contra a pobreza e a exclusão social. A metodologia do presente trabalho consistiu numa pesquisa empírica através da observação participante, onde foram feitas entrevistas, utilizando guiões pré-elaborados que permitiram recolher os perfis sociológicos das ONGs que trabalham directamente com as questões de género. Foram entrevistadas mulheres que ocupam lugares-chave nas instituições governamentais e algumas parlamentares. Foi igualmente consultada a documentação oficial bem como os dados estatísticos que abordam questões ligadas ao género. As observações feitas indicam-nos que a mulher em Moçambique busca gradualmente o seu espaço no desenvolvimento da sociedade, não se esgotando a sua participação apenas nos processos decisórios a nível governamental e das ONGs, antes estendendo-se ao associativismo nos mais diversos campos sociais. A mulher moçambicana participa hoje, individualmente ou organizada em grupo, em lutas e reivindicações colectivas, tendo crescido positivamente ao conseguir ultrapassar diversos obstáculos. A título de conclusão recomenda-se a inclusão de profissionais da área social nos programas de desenvolvimento. Seria uma forma de fortalecer os avanços já alcançados. A presença de assistentes sociais nos órgãos públicos e noutros sectores mais sensíveis, iria por certo permitir reduzir as preocupações dos que buscam estes serviços. ABSTRACT: The present study on the subject: “The Question of Gender in Mozambique: Development and Issues”, demand to understand the importance and contribution that non-governmental organizations provides on the effort of Mozambican woman in having in the society the space that on right belongs to her. The development understood as the economic, social, cultural and political process that aimed a continuous improvement of the population welfare, require the allocation and use of resources for social and economic benefit of society. However in many countries, as is the case of Mozambique, this process is the advancement of certain groups accompanied by the marginalization, exclusion and subordination of others, especially women. Despite improvement in education and combating poverty, access to education for women remains an unusual reality and poverty persists to affect much of Mozambican women, thus causing its social exclusion. On the other hand, although the law recognizes gender equality, women are still oppressed and often the only career that is destined is to be married, take care of the field and having children. However, several exceptions have occurred in which women have to take political positions and functions exclusively reserved to men before. Women's organizations and women leaders participating in favour of the defence of other women have been contributing to its success. UFUPISHO:Maendeleo, yanayosikiwa kama utaratibu wa jamii, ambao unalinga hali njema ya mustarehe wa watu wote wa nchi, yanahitaji toleo na utumizi wa vifaa kwa fadhili ya jamii na ya kiuchumi ya watu jamii. Walakini katika Mozambiki, mwendeleo unaotukia utaratibuni huu hauko sawa. Funzo hili la kuhusu jambo: “ Swali la jinsi ya kuwa kiume au kike Mozambiki: Maendeleo na Tatizo “, lilitafuta kufahamu muhimu na msaada wa wanawake wa Mozambiki katika maeneo mbalimbali ya maendeleo na ongezo la uwezo wao. Funzo lilifanywa juu ya namna nyingi za mapigano na uamuzi kwa kupingana na umaskini na ondoleo katika jamii. Taratibu ya funzo hili ilikuwa uchunguzi jarabati katika onyo la kushirika,ambamo yalifanywa mahojiano, yakitumia maongozi yaliyofanywa mbele ambayo yaliruhusu kujua tabia za elimujamii za “ONGs” ambazo zinafanya kazi juu ya maswali ya jinsi ya kuwa kiume au kike. Walihojiwa wanawake ambao wanamiliki kazi muhimu katika mashirika ya serikali na wanawake wa bunge. Zilichunguwa pia hati rasmi na takwimu zinazohusu maswali ya jinsi ya kuwa kiume au kike. Maonyo yaliyofanywa yanatuonyesha ya kwamba mwanamke katika Mozambika anatafuta kidogo kidogo nafasi yake maendeleoni ya watu jamii, asipojichosha tu kwa kushirika katika taratibu za kubezwa za serikali za “ONGs” na ushirikiano, ukijitanda kwa maeneo ya jamii makubwa zaidi. Mwanamke wa Mozambiki anashirika peke au kwa kundi, akiunganika mapiganoni na madaini ya pamoja, akigua na akiweza kupita vizuizi vingi. Inashauriwa kwamba kama namna ya kuimarisha maendeleo na kwa sababu mwanamke yuko katika sehemu nyingi za jamii, anaingia ndani ya sekta mbalimbali za ufundi kama kwa mfano msaidizi wa jamii. Kuwapo kwa msaidizi wa jamii katika mashirika ya umma na katika sekta nyingine mbalimbali kutaruhusu kumaliza shughuliko ya wale ambao wanatafuta kazi hizi.
This paper discusses constructions of social identity as 'Brazilian indian' in Acre between 1983 and 1991. It focuses on the Cashinahua in their relations with pro-Indian support organizations, examining how concepts and practices producing sociality were employed or negated in this social context. To do so, the paper outlines the form interethnic relations took in the region. It relates inequality in the socio-political context to changes in gender constructs and sexuality in inter-ethnic situations.
Lifelong learning (LLL) has received increasing attention in recent years. It implies that learning should take place at all stages of the “life cycle and it should be life-wide, that is embedded in all life contexts from the school to the work place, the home and the community” (Green, 2002, p.613). The ‘learning society’, is the vision of a society where there are recognized opportunities for learning for every person, wherever they are and however old they happen to be. Globalization and the rise of new information technologies are some of the driving forces that cause depreciation of specialised competences. This happens very quickly in terms of economic value; consequently, workers of all skills levels, during their working life, must have the opportunity to update “their technical skills and enhance general skills to keep pace with continuous technological change and new job requirements” (Fahr, 2005, p. 75). It is in this context that LLL tops the policy agenda of international bodies, national governments and non-governmental organizations, in the field of education and training, to justify the need for LLL opportunities for the population as they face contemporary employability challenges. It is in this context that the requirement and interest to analyse the behaviour patterns of adult learners has developed over the last few years