985 resultados para Nearest Neighbour


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The solubility of oxygen in liquid gallium in the temperature range 775 –1125 °C and in liquid gallium-copper alloys at 1100 °C, in equilibrium with β-Ga2O3, has been measured by an isopiestic equilibrium technique. The solubility of oxygen in pure gallium is given by the equation log (at.% O) = −7380/T + 4.264 (±0.03) Using recently measured values for the standard free energy of formation of β-Ga2O3 and assuming that oxygen obeys Sievert's law up to the saturation limit, the standard free energy of solution of oxygen in liquid gallium may be calculated : View the MathML sourceΔ°298 = −52 680 + 6.53T (±200) cal where the standard state for dissolved oxygen is an infinitely dilute solution in which the activity is equal to atomic per cent. The effect of copper on the activity of oxygen dissolved in liquid gallium is found to be in good agreement with that predicted by a recent quasichemical model in which it was assumed that each oxygen is interstitially coordinated to four metal atoms and that the nearest neighbour metal atoms lose approximately half their metallic cohesive energies.


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The solubility of oxygen in liquid indium in the temperature range 650–820 °C and in liquid copper-indium alloys at 1100 °C in equilibrium with indium sesquioxide has been measured by a phase equilibration technique. The solubility of oxygen in pure indium is given by the relation log(at.% O) = −4726/T + 3.73 (±0.08) Using the recently measured values for the standard free energy of formation of In2O3 and assuming that oxygen obeys Sievert's law up to saturation, the standard free energy of solution of molecular oxygen in liquid indium is calculated as View the MathML sourceΔG°= −51 440 + 8.07 T (±500) cal where the standard state for dissolved oxygen is an infinitely dilute solution in which activity is equal to atomic per cent. The effect of indium additions on the activity coefficient of oxygen dissolved in liquid copper was measured by a solid oxide galvanic cell. The interaction parameter ϵ0In is given by View the MathML source The experimentally determined variation of the activity coefficient of oxygen in dilute solution in Cu-In alloys is in fair agreement with that predicted by a quasichemical model in which each oxygen atom is assumed to be interstitially coordinated to four metal atoms and the nearest neighbour metal atoms are assumed to lose approximately half their metallic cohesive energies.


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In view of the importance of the suicides in the high temperature applications, the diffusion behaviour is compared in different systems for two types of silicides, XSi2 and X5Si3 (X=Nb, Mo, V). Atomic mechanism of diffusion and defects present in the structure are discussed. In both the phases, Si has faster diffusion rate than the metal species. This is expected from the nearest neighbour (NN) bonds present in the XSi2 phase but rather unusual in the X5Si3 phase. Relative mobilities of the species calculated indicate the presence of high concentration of Si antisites. Moreover, the concentration of the defects is different in different systems to find different diffusion rates.


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In this paper, we address a physics based closed form model for the energy band gap (E-g) and the transport electron effective mass in relaxed and strained 100] and 110] oriented rectangular Silicon Nanowire (SiNW). Our proposed analytical model along 100] and 110] directions are based on the k.p formalism of the conduction band energy dispersion relation through an appropriate rotation of the Hamiltonian of the electrons in the bulk crystal along 001] direction followed by the inclusion of a 4 x 4 Luttinger Hamiltonian for the description of the valance band structure. Using this, we demonstrate the variation in Eg and the transport electron effective mass as function of the cross-sectional dimensions in a relaxed 100] and 110] oriented SiNW. The behaviour of these two parameters in 100] oriented SiNW has further been studied with the inclusion of a uniaxial strain along the transport direction and a biaxial strain, which is assumed to be decomposed from a hydrostatic deformation along 001] with the former one. In addition, the energy band gap and the effective mass of a strained 110] oriented SiNW has also been formulated. Using this, we compare our analytical model with that of the extracted data using the nearest neighbour empirical tight binding sp(3)d(5)s* method based simulations and has been found to agree well over a wide range of device dimensions and applied strain. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we propose FeatureMatch, a generalised approximate nearest-neighbour field (ANNF) computation framework, between a source and target image. The proposed algorithm can estimate ANNF maps between any image pairs, not necessarily related. This generalisation is achieved through appropriate spatial-range transforms. To compute ANNF maps, global colour adaptation is applied as a range transform on the source image. Image patches from the pair of images are approximated using low-dimensional features, which are used along with KD-tree to estimate the ANNF map. This ANNF map is further improved based on image coherency and spatial transforms. The proposed generalisation, enables us to handle a wider range of vision applications, which have not been tackled using the ANNF framework. We illustrate two such applications namely: 1) optic disk detection and 2) super resolution. The first application deals with medical imaging, where we locate optic disks in retinal images using a healthy optic disk image as common target image. The second application deals with super resolution of synthetic images using a common source image as dictionary. We make use of ANNF mappings in both these applications and show experimentally that our proposed approaches are faster and accurate, compared with the state-of-the-art techniques.


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Climate change impact assessment studies involve downscaling large-scale atmospheric predictor variables (LSAPVs) simulated by general circulation models (GCMs) to site-scale meteorological variables. This article presents a least-square support vector machine (LS-SVM)-based methodology for multi-site downscaling of maximum and minimum daily temperature series. The methodology involves (1) delineation of sites in the study area into clusters based on correlation structure of predictands, (2) downscaling LSAPVs to monthly time series of predictands at a representative site identified in each of the clusters, (3) translation of the downscaled information in each cluster from the representative site to that at other sites using LS-SVM inter-site regression relationships, and (4) disaggregation of the information at each site from monthly to daily time scale using k-nearest neighbour disaggregation methodology. Effectiveness of the methodology is demonstrated by application to data pertaining to four sites in the catchment of Beas river basin, India. Simulations of Canadian coupled global climate model (CGCM3.1/T63) for four IPCC SRES scenarios namely A1B, A2, B1 and COMMIT were downscaled to future projections of the predictands in the study area. Comparison of results with those based on recently proposed multivariate multiple linear regression (MMLR) based downscaling method and multi-site multivariate statistical downscaling (MMSD) method indicate that the proposed method is promising and it can be considered as a feasible choice in statistical downscaling studies. The performance of the method in downscaling daily minimum temperature was found to be better when compared with that in downscaling daily maximum temperature. Results indicate an increase in annual average maximum and minimum temperatures at all the sites for A1B, A2 and B1 scenarios. The projected increment is high for A2 scenario, and it is followed by that for A1B, B1 and COMMIT scenarios. Projections, in general, indicated an increase in mean monthly maximum and minimum temperatures during January to February and October to December.


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To perform super resolution of low resolution images, state-of-the-art methods are based on learning a pair of lowresolution and high-resolution dictionaries from multiple images. These trained dictionaries are used to replace patches in lowresolution image with appropriate matching patches from the high-resolution dictionary. In this paper we propose using a single common image as dictionary, in conjunction with approximate nearest neighbour fields (ANNF) to perform super resolution (SR). By using a common source image, we are able to bypass the learning phase and also able to reduce the dictionary from a collection of hundreds of images to a single image. By adapting recent developments in ANNF computation, to suit super-resolution, we are able to perform much faster and accurate SR than existing techniques. To establish this claim, we compare the proposed algorithm against various state-of-the-art algorithms, and show that we are able to achieve b etter and faster reconstruction without any training.


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The shearing of ordered gamma' precipitates by matrix dislocations results in the formation of antiphase boundaries (APB) in Ni-base superalloys. The APB energy is an important source of order-strengthening in disk and blade alloys where Ti and Ta substitute for Al in gamma'. While the importance of APB energy is well-acknowledged, the effect of alloying on APB energy is not fully understood. In the present study, the effect of Ti and Ta additions on the {111} and {010} APB energies was probed via electronic structure calculations. Results suggest that at low levels of Ti/Ta, APB energies on either plane increases with alloying. However, at higher Ti/Ta levels, the APB energies decrease with alloying. These trends understood by accounting for nearest neighbour violations about the APB and additionally, invoking the effect of precipitate composition on the energy penalty of the violations. We propose an Environment Dependent Nearest Neighbour Bond (EDNNB) model that predicts APB energies that are in close agreement to calculated values.


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In this paper, we propose a super resolution (SR) method for synthetic images using FeatureMatch. Existing state-of-the-art super resolution methods are learning based methods, where a pair of low-resolution and high-resolution dictionary pair are trained, and this trained pair is used to replace patches in low-resolution image with appropriate matching patches from the high-resolution dictionary. In this paper, we show that by using Approximate Nearest Neighbour Fields (ANNF), and a common source image, we can by-pass the learning phase, and use a single image for dictionary. Thus, reducing the dictionary from a collection obtained from hundreds of training images, to a single image. We show that by modifying the latest developments in ANNF computation, to suit super resolution, we can perform much faster and more accurate SR than existing techniques. To establish this claim we will compare our algorithm against various state-of-the-art algorithms, and show that we are able to achieve better and faster reconstruction without any training phase.


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We present results for a finite variant of the one-dimensional Toom model with closed boundaries. We show that the steady state distribution is not of product form, but is nonetheless simple. In particular, we give explicit formulas for the densities and some nearest neighbour correlation functions. We also give exact results for eigenvalues and multiplicities of the transition matrix using the theory of R-trivial monoids in joint work with A. Schilling, B. Steinberg and N. M. Thiery.


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This paper proposes a denoising algorithm which performs non-local means bilateral filtering. As existing literature suggests, non-local means (NLM) is one of the widely used denoising techniques, but has a critical drawback of smoothing of edges. In order to improve this, we perform fast and efficient NLM using Approximate Nearest Neighbour Fields and improve the edge content in denoising by formulating a joint-bilateral filter. Using the proposed joint bilateral, we are able to denoise smooth regions using the NLM approach and efficient edge reconstruction is obtained from the bilateral filter. Furthermore, to avoid tedious parameter selection, we carry out a noise estimation before performing joint bilateral filtering. The proposed approach is observed to perform well on high noise images.


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The nearest-neighbour Lennard-Jones potential from the embedded-atom method is extended to a form that includes more than nearest neighbours. The model has been applied to study melting with molecular dynamics. The calculated melting point, fractional volume change on melting, heat of fusion and linear coefficients of thermal expansion are in good agreement with experimental data. We have found that the second and third neighbours influence the melting point distinctly.


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Esta dissertação apresenta um sistema de indução de classificadores fuzzy. Ao invés de utilizar a abordagem tradicional de sistemas fuzzy baseados em regras, foi utilizado o modelo de Árvore de Padrões Fuzzy(APF), que é um modelo hierárquico, com uma estrutura baseada em árvores que possuem como nós internos operadores lógicos fuzzy e as folhas são compostas pela associação de termos fuzzy com os atributos de entrada. O classificador foi obtido sintetizando uma árvore para cada classe, esta árvore será uma descrição lógica da classe o que permite analisar e interpretar como é feita a classificação. O método de aprendizado originalmente concebido para a APF foi substituído pela Programação Genética Cartesiana com o intuito de explorar melhor o espaço de busca. O classificador APF foi comparado com as Máquinas de Vetores de Suporte, K-Vizinhos mais próximos, florestas aleatórias e outros métodos Fuzzy-Genéticos em diversas bases de dados do UCI Machine Learning Repository e observou-se que o classificador APF apresenta resultados competitivos. Ele também foi comparado com o método de aprendizado original e obteve resultados comparáveis com árvores mais compactas e com um menor número de avaliações.


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Accurate simulation of rolling-tyre vibrations, and the associated noise, requires knowledge of road-surface topology. Full scans of the surface types in common use are, however, not widely available, and are likely to remain so. Ways of producing simulated surfaces from incomplete starting information are thus needed. In this paper, a simulation methodology based solely on line measurements is developed, and validated against a full two-dimensional height map of a real asphalt surface. First the tribological characteristics-asperity height, curvature and nearest-neighbour distributions-of the real surface are analysed. It is then shown that a standard simulation technique, which matches the (isotropic) spectrum and the probability distribution of the height measurements, is unable to reproduce these characteristics satisfactorily. A modification, whereby the inherent granularity of the surface is enforced at the initialisation stage, is introduced, and found to produce simulations whose tribological characteristics are in excellent agreement with the measurements. This method will thus make high-fidelity tyre-vibration calculations feasible for researchers with access to line-scan data only. In addition, the approach to surface tribological characterisation set out here provides a template for efficient cataloguing of road textures, as long as the resulting information can subsequently be used to produce sample realisations. A third simulation algorithm, which successfully addresses this requirement, is therefore also presented. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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High speed photographic images of jets formed from dilute solutions of polystyrene in diethyl phthalate ejected from a piezoelectric drop-on-demand inkjet head have been analyzed in order to study the formation and distribution of drops as the ligament collapses. Particular attention has been paid to satellite drops, and their relative separation and sizes. The effect of polymer concentration was investigated. The distribution of nearest-neighbour centre spacing between the drops formed from the ligament is better described by a 2-parameter modified gamma distribution than by a Gaussian distribution. There are (at least) two different populations of satellite size relative to the main drop size formed at normal jetting velocities, with ratios of about three between the diameters of the main drop and the successive satellite sizes. The distribution of the differences in drop size between neighbouring drops is close to Gaussian, with a small non-zero mean for low polymer concentrations, which is associated with the conical shape of the ligament prior to its collapse and the formation of satellites. Higher polymer concentrations result in slower jets for the same driving impulse, and also a tendency to form ligaments with a near-constant width. Under these conditions the mean of the distribution of differences in nearest-neighbour drop size was zero.