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Résumé de: Metcalf B, et al. Effectiveness of intervention on physical activity of children: systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials with objectively measured outcomes (EarlyBird 54). BMJ. 2012 Sep 27;345:e5888. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e5888. PMID: 23044984.


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Une superbe fresque des quêtes spirituelles de l'humanité. Qui sont ces maîtres de vie, ces sages, ces mystiques qui ont façonné l'aventure spirituelle de l'humanité ? Quels sont les grands textes qu'ils ont écrits ou suscités, quelles sont les sources de leur inspiration ? Pour la première fois en un seul volume les trésors de sagesses de l'histoire de l'humanité : 100 figures spirituelles (Du Bouddha à Thérèse d'Avila, de Sénèque à Gandhi, d'Ibn 'Arabi à Simone Weil, des sages égyptiens aux lamas tibétains contemporains, des maîtres du hassidisme aux gurus de l'Inde moderne...), 200 textes de sagesse du monde entier, 100 illustrations.


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There are many negative impacts of obesity on fertility. Obese couples present decreased sperm count, decreased ovulation and conception rates, increased erectile dysfunction and spontaneous abortion rate as well as increased maternal and foetal complications of pregnancy. Moreover, obesity tends to decrease response to fertility treatments. Fortunately, intensive lifestyle modifications can restore fertility while decreasing pregnancy complications risk. With the increasing trend of obesity to affect young populations, taking care of these infertile couples rapidly is capital to restore fertility and decrease its related pregnancy complications.


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Al projecte que, com a psicopedagoga, pretenc portar a terme, tinc la intenció d'analitzar quins processos es segueixen per a identificar i valorar les necessitats educatives de l'alumnat i quina resposta es dóna en aquests moments als alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials.


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Infections after total joint arthroplasty are rare but come with severe consequences. Timely, adequate and standardized treatment beginning at the onset of symptoms will have a major impact on the handling of this dreaded complication. In absences of clear guidelines, errors are often committed, with occasionally severe consequences for the patient. In this article, the 10 most frequent errors starting with diagnostics till antibiotic and surgical treatment will be discussed.


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The 1:10,000 scale mapping of the southern part of the Aggtelek Plateau (Western Carpathians, Silica Nappe, NE Hungary) and the study of five sections revealed two Middle Triassic reef bodies. In the late Pelsonian the uniform Steinalm Platform was drowned and dissected due to the Reifling Event. A connection with the open sea was established, indicated by the appearance of gladigondolellid conodonts from the early Illyrian. Basins and highs were formed. In the NW part of the studied area lower - middle? Illyrian basinal carbonates were followed by a platform margin reef (early? - middle Illyrian; reef stage 1) developed on a morphological high. This is the oldest known Triassic platform margin reef within the Alpine-Carpathian region. The reef association is dominated by sphinctozoans and microproblematics. The fossils are characteristic of the Wetterstein - type reef communities. Differently from this in the SE part of the studied region a basin existed from the late Pelsonian until the early Ladinian. During the late Illyrian - early Ladinian, the reef prograded to the SE, and reef stage 2 was established. Meanwhile, on the NW part of the platform a lagoon was formed behind the reef. Based on our palaeontological study the stratigraphic range of Colospongia catenulata, Follicatena cautica, Solenolmia manon manon, Vesicocaulis oenipontanus must be extended down to the middle Illyrian. Synsedimentary tectonics were detected in the 1. Binodosus Subzone, 2. Trinodosus Zone - the most part of the Reitzi Zone, 3. Avisianum Subzone.