997 resultados para Nature - French romance


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It is possible to notice that the modern narrative increasingly seeks to invest its characters with a broad and complex nature, away from the well-defined beings of the traditional narrative. Through this work, we aim to make a study of Marcela, a character of the novel A ostra e o vento, by Moacir Costa Lopes, taking into account the way the complexity of the fictitious being is constituted through an analysis of structural, semantic, and thematic elements. We first will bring up a brief theoretical discussion about the character in a novel, and we also will carefully analyze the diagetic universe, presenting the complex path of the character further. Subsequently, we will focus on the structure of the narrative which creates a complex picture of the character, using the technique of crossed points of view as well as the technique of temporal fragmentation. Finally, we will investigate conflicting social relations that portray Marcela s disturbed inner side, as well as the metaphoric symbolic language, which furnishes a number of different representation of this character, impeding the creation of a well-structured coherent character. Studies of scholars such as Antonio Candido, Anatol Rosenfeld, Vitor Manuel de Aguiar e Silva, Fernando Segolin, Gerard Genette, Michel Zéraffa, among others, will guide our analysis


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho parte de pesquisas realizadas no periódico Diário de Notícias, de Belém, Pará, no período que vai de 1881 a 1893, com o objetivo de recuperar textos ficcionais em prosa, em especial, o romance-folhetim, gênero que surge da relação próxima entre literatura e jornal, muito intensa no decorrer do século XIX. Nesse período, o jornal aparece como importante meio de divulgação política e cultural nas várias regiões do país, considerando que seu custo era bem mais acessível que o do livro. O romance-folhetim alcança, nesse veículo, uma grande popularidade entre os leitores. Dentre os romances-folhetins catalogados, optamos por analisar o Negro e cor de rosa: o canto do cysne, do francês Georges Ohnet, publicado no período de julho a agosto de 1887, na coluna Folhetim do já citado periódico. A análise foi baseada nos estudos de Jésus Martín-Barbero sobre os dispositivos de enunciação do gênero folhetim. A partir de nossa pesquisa, procuramos investigar como se caracterizava o circuito editorial da Belém oitocentista, averiguando a relação entre o gosto do público e a presença ostensiva de narrativas francesas, bem como, a relação mercadológica entre editores e livreiros. Assim, ressalta-se a relevância dos estudos da História do Livro e da Leitura no Brasil por permitir-nos a recuperação de informações que contribuirão para o registro da História da Literatura Brasileira.


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Este artigo analisa alguns ensaios de Eisenstein escritos entre 1945 e 1947, que se encontram na antologia francesa intitulada La non-indifférente nature, de 1976. Fio condutor dos escritos é uma indagação sobre a natureza orgânica da obra de arte, encontrada nas mais variadas manifestações artísticas: em cinema, teatro, literatura, pintura, arquitetura, música. A “organicidade” das obras artísticas decorria do fato de elas serem construídas conforme os elementos estruturais do fenômeno representado: a ligação entre realidade e obra não consistiria numa reprodução de conteúdos, mas na recriação, em todos os níveis formais da obra, da lei dialética que rege a realidade. This paper analyses some essays by Eisenstein written between 1945 and 1947, included in a French anthology of 1976 entiled La non-différente in nature. The guideline of such writings is a quest for the “organic nature” of the work of art, found in the most varied artistic manifestations: cinema, drama, literature, painting, architecture, music. The “organicity” of works of art derived from the that they were built according to the structural elements of the phenomenon represented: the connection between reality and work would not consist of a duplication of contents, but in the recreation, in all the formal levels of the work, of the dialectic law which rules reality.


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L'article Uma estréia no romance: A mocidade de Trajano veut revoir l'histoire de la publication de ce roman de 1871, renié,quelques années plus tard, par Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay. On y veut aussi vérifier les marques qui ce remettent à ceux de Macedo, surtout en ce qui concerne sa filiation au mélodrame (le mot pris dans son sens le plus vaste). Le regard de l'auteur sur le paysage, l'importance du rôle attribué par lui à la nature – scène idéaleopposés à la constatation des dégâts dans les rapports seigneur/esclave, surtout dans les grandes propriétés rurales, pendant le XIXe., ont, eux aussi, été objet de réflexions. Finalement, dans cet article on a essayé de remarquer la filiation idéologique du personnage Trajano à des valeurs européennes, notamment françaises.


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The award-winning and controversial movie by Pedro Almodóvar “The skin I live” (2011) is an adaptation of Mygale’s novel (1984), the French writer Thierry Jonquet (1954-2009), translated into Portuguese in 2005 as Tarântula. It is a horror story, full of suspense, in which a renowned surgeon, Robert Ledgard, played by Antonio Banderas, switches, without any scruples, the sex of the young Vincent. What it shown to the viewer since the first images of the movie is, therefore, Vicente/Vera in her new and perfect female body. Flashbacks clarify during the movie the events that culminated in the opening scene that is presented to us, surprising us and, of course, shocking us. References to myths and symbols can be noticed in the movie. They bring with them, to be recognized by the viewer, issues related to the creation or metamorphosis, among others, as the Pygmalion and Galatea myth, which binds to artistic creation. Artistic metamorphosis operated equally by the filmmaker in his modern version of the doctor and the monster, for example, but, especially, in the rereading of the Jonquet’s novel. This study seeks to highlight some of the major myths and symbols inserted in Almódovar’s movie and what interpretations such insertions may ensue.


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We aim with this article to analyze the poetics of love in The Romance of the Rose. We think that Guillaume de Lorris’s conception of love is associated with the flourishing of the French courtly society of the XIII Century, and that Jean de Meun’s conception of love is a result of the decline of this same society. Behind the virtues offered by Guillaume to the medieval lover we find the notion of courtesy, of the art of living in society, the understanding of the poetry as a form of ethics, and the medieval poetic of desire – intimately associated with the religious mysticism appeared from the XI Century and with the troubadours’ poetry. Jean is more influenced by the Ovidian tradition of thinking about the causes and effects of love. In the first part of the poem, Guillaume idealizes the conquest of the Rose; in the second, Jean describes the cueillette of the Rose, which could be read as a rape, in an allegorical way. It is this tension between different conceptions of love in a same poem that makes possible a better comprehension of the ways people used to think and feel in the Middle Ages.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Although beryllium-10 (10Be) concentrations in stream sediments provide useful synoptic views of catchment-wide erosion rates, little is known on the relative contributions of different sediment supply mechanisms to the acquisition of their initial signature in the headwaters. Here we address this issue by conducting a 10Be-budget of detrital materials that characterize the morphogenetic domains representative of high-altitude environments of the European Alps. We focus on the Etages catchment, located in the Ecrins-Pelvoux massif (southeast France), and illustrate how in situ 10Be concentrations can be used for tracing the origin of the sand fraction from the bedload in the trunk stream. The landscape of the Etages catchment is characterized by a geomorphic transient state, high topographic gradients, and a large variety of modern geomorphic domains ranging from glacial environments to scarcely vegetated alluvial plains. Beryllium-10 concentrations measured in the Etages catchment vary from similar to 1 x 104 to 4.5 x 105 atoms per gram quartz, while displaying consistent 10Be signatures within each representative morphogenetic unit. We show that the basic requirements for inferring catchment-wide denudation from 10Be concentration measurements are not satisfied in this small, dynamic catchment. However, the distinct 10Be signature observed for the geomorphic domains can be used as a tracer. We suggest that a terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) budget approach provides a valuable tool for the tracing of material origin in basins where the let nature do the averaging' principles may be violated.


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This paper presents a first exploration of the syntactic abilities of autistic children using the framework of truncation theory (Rizzi 1993-4, 2000). It is the first step of an ongoing research project aiming to (a) provide a complete map of syntax in autism, for such work has never been attempted from a sound linguistic perspective (b) develop a targeted remediation program to enhance syntactic abilities of autistic children. Recently, a growing body of work has emphasized the existence of a causal relation between the acquisition of complex syntax (embedding) and the development of a theory of mind (in normally-developing, deaf and autistic children). Early identification and remediation of syntactic deficits is therefore crucial not only to enhance cognitive abilites related to theory of mind, but also because of the critical period hypothesis for language acquisition.