917 resultados para Natural Systems


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The determination of relative connections between families and genera of Cladocera, necessary for the construction of their natural systems, must be based on various criteria, among them on the structure of the ephippia. Of particular interest is the study of the process of formation and structure of the ephippium in Macrothricidae, different representatives of which differ significantly among themselves according to this criterion. In this article are presented the results of an investigation of the features of formation of the ephippium in seven species of Macrothricidae and in the moinid Moina weismanni Ishikawa (Moinidae).


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Synthetic metalloporphyrin complexes are often used as analogues of natural systems, and they can be used for the preparation of new Solid Coordination Frameworks (SCFs). In this work, a series of six metalloporphyrinic compounds constructed from different meso substituted metalloporphyrins (phenyl, carboxyphenyl and sulfonatophenyl) have been structurally characterized by means of single crystal X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The compounds were classified considering the dimensionality of the crystal array, referred just to coordination bonds, into 0D, 1D and 2D compounds. This way, the structural features and relationships of those crystal structures were analyzed, in order to extract conclusions not only about the dimensionality of the networks but also about possible applications of the as-obtained compounds, focusing the interest on the interactions of coordination and crystallization molecules. These interactions provide the coordination bonds and the cohesion forces which produce SCFs with different dimensionalities.


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Póster presentado en: XXII International Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (UICr), 22–30 Agosto 2011. Madrid, España


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Póster presentado en: 11th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry. 2-5 Diciembre 2011. Barcelona, España (ISABC 2011)


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O presente estudo é resultado do exame das aproximações feitas entre o pensamento do filósofo holandês Baruch de Espinosa e as pesquisas e reflexões atuais do biofísico Henri Atlan e do neurobiólogo António Damásio. O exame consistiu, primeiramente, na identificação dos conceitos de Espinosa utilizados nas obras desses autores, o que envolveu destacar as relações que os próprios cientistas reconhecem ter com o pensamento do filósofo e também encontrar outras relações legítimas, não indicadas pelos autores. O resultado dessa etapa inicial foi a reunião das reflexões em torno de dois temas: 1. a teoria do conatus e 2. a teoria mente-corpo espinosista. O exame consistiu também na discussão sobre o modo como esses conceitos são utilizados por Espinosa e pela detecção de suas novas significações no contexto das pesquisas de Damásio e Atlan. Além disso, foi realizado um exame crítico dessas apropriações pela investigação de perdas e reduções no pensamento do filósofo. As aproximações empreendidas pelos autores à teoria mente-corpo espinosista nem sempre são consistentes, ou por falta de evidências que as justifiquem, como no caso de Atlan, ou pela adoção de uma perspectiva metafísica monista distinta da de Espinosa, como no caso de Damásio. Mas, com relação à noção de conatus, as assimilações são melhor sucedidas. O esforço de perseverar no ser pode ser traduzido adequadamente como o ímpeto que rege os mecanismos homeostáticos que governam a vida ou a força responsável pela auto-organização dos sistemas naturais.


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Comunicación a congreso (póster): 11th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference EUROBIC 11. 12-16 September, 2012 - Granada (Spain)


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Poster presentado en el congreso: Third International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (3-7 March 2013, Sorrento, Italy)


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Comunicacion a congreso: Póster presentado en VIII Reunión Científica de Bioinorgánica – Bioburgos 2013 (Burgos, 7 al 10 de julio de 2013)


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In the past, agricultural researchers tended to ignore the fisheries factor in global food and nutritional security. However, the role of fish is becoming critical as a result of changes in fisheries regimes, income distribution, demand and increasing international trade. Fish has become the fastest growing food commodity in international trade and this is raising concern for the supply of fish for poorer people. As a result, the impact of international trade regimes on fish supply and demand, and the consequences on the availability of fish for developing countries need to be studied. Policies aimed at increasing export earnings are in conflict with those aimed at increasing food security in third world countries. Fisheries policy research will need to focus on three primary areas which have an impact on the marginal and poorer communities of developing countries: increased international demand for low-value fish on the supply of poorer countries; improved aquaculture technologies and productivity on poorer and marginal farmers; and land and water allocation policy on productivity, food security and sustainability across farm, fishery and related sectors. The key to local food security is in the integration of agriculture, aquaculture and natural resources but an important focus on fisheries policy research will be to look at the linkages between societal, economic and natural systems in order to develop adequate and flexible solutions to achieve sustainable use of aquatic resources systems.


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Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) support one of the most economically important f isheries of the Pacific Northwest and it is essential for sustainable management that age estimation procedures be validated for these species. Atmospheric testing of thermonuclear devices during the 1950s and 1960s created a global radiocarbon (14C) signal in the ocean environment that scientists have identified as a useful tracer and chronological marker in natural systems. In this study, we first demonstrated that fewer samples are necessary for age validation using the bomb-generated 14C signal by emphasizing the utility of the time-specific marker created by the initial rise of bomb-14C. Second, the bomb-generated 14C signal retained in fish otoliths was used to validate the age and age estimation method of the quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in the waters of southeast Alaska. Radiocarbon values from the first year’s growth of quillback rockfish otoliths were plotted against estimated birth year to produce a 14C time series spanning 1950 to 1985. The initial rise in bomb-14C from prebomb levels (~ –90‰) occurred in 1959 [±1 year] and 14C levels rose relatively rapidly to peak Δ14C values in 1967 (+105.4‰) and subsequently declined through the end of the time series in 1985 (+15.4‰). The agreement between the year of initial rise of 14C levels from the quillback rockfish time series and the chronology determined for the waters of southeast Alaska from yelloweye rockfish (S. ruberrimus) otoliths validated the aging method for the quillback rockfish. The concordance of the entire quillback rockfish 14C time series with the yelloweye rockfish time series demonstrated the effectiveness of this age validation technique, confirmed the longevity of the quillback rockfish up to a minimum of 43 years, and strongly confirms higher age estimates of up


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The effects of gradual climate change (ie, multi-decadal) on biological communities are not well understood for most natural systems, owing principally to the lack of quantitative observations in early studies. ... We resurveyed invertebrate species on an intertidal transect in central California, first established and surveyed in 1931, to assess shifts in community structure.


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The diversity indices can be used as a good measure for studying the effect of industrial pollution because industrial wastes and sewage almost always reduce the diversity of natural systems into which they are discharged. A measurement of diversity often provides a better index of pollution than a direct measurement of pollutants. The assessment of macrobenthos diversity with respect to diversity indices reflects the marine population and habitat disturbance, and also serves as an important indicator of environmental conditions. The present study was designed to investigate the diversity indices of selected macrobenthos at two ecologically distinct locations on the Karanja creek (District - Raigad), Maharashtra, west coast of India. Results on various diversity indices like Index of Frequency (F) or Importance Probability (Pi), Index of Dominance (c), Rarity Index (R), Shannon's Index of General Diversity (H¹) Margaf’s Richness Index (R sub(1)) and Evenness Index (e) did not vary significantly. This demonstrates that at present, Karanja creek harbours varied forms of macrobenthic community showing no effect of human disturbance, but in future, measures must be taken for the protection and conservation of macrobenthic community of the creek.


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Traditionally, in robotics, artificial intelligence and neuroscience, there has been a focus on the study of the control or the neural system itself. Recently there has been an increasing interest in the notion of embodiment not only in robotics and artificial intelligence, but also in the neurosciences, psychology and philosophy. In this paper, we introduce the notion of morphological computation, and demonstrate how it can be exploited on the one hand for designing intelligent, adaptive robotic systems, and on the other hand for understanding natural systems. While embodiment has often been used in its trivial meaning, i.e. "intelligence requires a body", the concept has deeper and more important implications, concerned with the relation between physical and information (neural, control) processes. Morphological computation is about connecting body, brain and environment. A number of case studies are presented to illustrate the concept. We conclude with some speculations about potential lessons for neuroscience and robotics. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Global biodiversity is eroding at an alarming rate, through a combination of anthropogenic disturbance and environmental change. Ecological communities are bewildering in their complexity. Experimental ecologists strive to understand the mechanisms that drive the stability and structure of these complex communities in a bid to inform nature conservation and management. Two fields of research have had high profile success at developing theories related to these stabilising structures and testing them through controlled experimentation. Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning (BEF) research has explored the likely consequences of biodiversity loss on the functioning of natural systems and the provision of important ecosystem services. Empirical tests of BEF theory often consist of simplified laboratory and field experiments, carried out on subsets of ecological communities. Such experiments often overlook key information relating to patterns of interactions, important relationships, and fundamental ecosystem properties. The study of multi-species predator-prey interactions has also contributed much to our understanding of how complex systems are structured, particularly through the importance of indirect effects and predator suppression of prey populations. A growing number of studies describe these complex interactions in detailed food webs, which encompass all the interactions in a community. This has led to recent calls for an integration of BEF research with the comprehensive study of food web properties and patterns, to help elucidate the mechanisms that allow complex communities to persist in nature. This thesis adopts such an approach, through experimentation at Lough Hyne marine reserve, in southwest Ireland. Complex communities were allowed to develop naturally in exclusion cages, with only the diversity of top trophic levels controlled. Species removals were carried out and the resulting changes to predator-prey interactions, ecosystem functioning, food web properties, and stability were studied in detail. The findings of these experiments contribute greatly to our understanding of the stability and structure of complex natural communities.