104 resultados para NANOCAPSULES


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In this study was developed a new nano drug delivery system (NDDS) based on association of biodegradable surfactants with biocompatible magnetic fluid of maguemita citrate derivative. This formulation consists in a magnetic emulsion with nanostructured colloidal particles. Preliminary in vitro experiments showed that the formulation presents a great potential for synergic application in the topical release of photosensitizer drug (PS) and excellent target tissue properties in the photodynamic therapy (PDT) combined with hyperthermia (HPT) protocols. The physical chemistry characterization and in vitro assays were carried out by Zn(II) Phtalocyanine (ZnPc) photosensitizer incorporated into NDDS in the absence and the presence of magnetic fluid, showed good results and high biocompatibility. In vitro experiments were accomplished by tape-stripping protocols for quanti. cation of drug association with different skin tissue layers. This technique is a classical method for analyses of drug release in stratum corneum and epidermis+ dermis skin layers. The NDDS formulations were applied directly in pig skin (tissue model) fixed in the cell`s Franz device with receptor medium container with a PBS/EtOH 20% solution (10mM, pH 7.4) at 37 degrees C. After 12 h of topical administration stratum corneum was removed from fifty tapes and the ZnPc retained was evaluated by solvent extraction in dimetil-sulphoxide under ultrasonic bath. These results indicated that magnetic nanoemulsion (MNE) increase the drug release on the deeper skin layers when compared with classical formulation in the absence of magnetic particles. This could be related with the increase of biocompatibility of NDDS due to the great affinity for the polar extracelullar matrix in the skin and also for the increase in the drug partition inside of corneocites wall. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study a magnetic nanoemulsion (MNE) was developed from a mixture of two components, namely biodegradable surfactants and biocompatible citrate-coated cobalt ferrite-based magnetic fluid, for entrapment of Zn(II)-Phthalocyanine (ZnPc), the latter a classical photosensitizer (PS) species used in photodynamic therapy (PDT) procedures. The sample`s stability was evaluated as a function of time using photocorrelation spectroscopy (PCS) for determination of the average hydrodynamic diameter, diameter dispersion and zeta potential. The ZnPc-loaded magneto nanoemulstion (ZnPc/MNE) formulation was evaluated in vitro assays to access the phototoxicity and the effect of application of AC magnetic fields (magnetohyperthermia damage) after incubation with J774-A1 macrophages cells. Darkness toxicity, phototoxicity and AC magnetic field exposures revealed an enhancement response for combined photodynamic and magnetohyperthermia (MHT) processes, indicating the presence of the synergic effect.


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Room-temperature measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of Bovine Serum Albumin-based nanocapsules (50 to 300 nm in size) loaded with different amounts of maghemite nanoparticles (7.6 nm average diameter) have been carried out in this study The field (H) dependence of the imaginary peak susceptibility (f(P)) of the nanocomposite samples was investigated in the range of 0 to 4 kOe. From the analysis of the f(P) x H curves the concentration (N) dependence of the effective maghemite magnetocrystalline energy barrier (E) was obtained. Analysis of the E x N data was performed using a modified Morup-Tronc [Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3278 (1994)] model, from which a huge contribution from the magnetocrystalline surface anisotropy was observed.


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Analytical and bioanalytical methods of high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) were developed and validated for the determination of chloroaluminum phthalocyanine in different formulations of polymeric nanocapsules, plasma and livers of mice. Plasma and homogenized liver samples were extracted with ethyl acetate, and zinc phthalocyanine was used as internal standard. The results indicated that the methods were linear and selective for all matrices studied. Analysis of accuracy and precision showed adequate values, with variations lower than 10% in biological samples and lower than 2% in analytical samples. The recoveries were as high as 96% and 99% in the plasma and livers, respectively. The quantification limit of the analytical method was 1.12 ng/ml, and the limits of quantification of the bioanalytical method were 15 ng/ml and 75 ng/g for plasma and liver samples, respectively. The bioanalytical method developed was sensitive in the ranges of 15-100 ng/ml in plasma and 75-500 ng/g in liver samples and was applied to studies of biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of AlClPc. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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UV-VIS-Spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric methods have been developed and validated allowing the quantification of chloroaluminum phthalocyanine (CIAIPc) in nanocarriers. In order to validate the methods, the linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, accuracy, and selectivity were examined according to USP 30 and ICH guidelines. Linearities range were found between 0.50-3.00 mu g.mL(-1) (Y=0.3829 X [CIAIPc, mu g.mL(-1)] + 0.0126; r=0.9992) for spectrophotometry, and 0.05-1.00 mu g.mL(-1) (Y=2.24 x 10(6) X [CIAIPc, mu g.L(-1)] + 9.74 x 10(4); r=0.9978) for spectrofluorimetry. In addition, ANOVA and Lack-of-fit tests demonstrated that the regression equations were statistically significant (p<0.05), and the resulting linear model is fully adequate for both analytical methods. The LOD values were 0.09 and 0.01 mu g.mL(-1), while the LOCI were 0.27 and 0.04 mu g.mL(-1) for spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric methods, respectively. Repeatability and intermediate precision for proposed methods showed relative standard deviation (RSD) between 0.58% to 4.80%. The percent recovery ranged from 98.9% to 102.7% for spectrophotometric analyses and from 94.2% to 101.2% for spectrofluorimetry. No interferences from common excipients were detected and both methods were considered specific. Therefore, the methods are accurate, precise, specific, and reproducible and hence can be applied for quantification of CIAIPc in nanoemulsions (NE) and nanocapsules (NC).


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The layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition method was used to build up alternating layers (five) of different polyelectrolyte solutions (alginate, zein-carvacrol nanocapsules, chitosan and chitosan-carvacrol emulsions) on an aminolysed/charged polyethylene terephthalate (A/C PET) film. These nanolaminated films were characterised by contact angle measurements and through the determination of water vapour (WVTR) and oxygen (O2TR) transmission rates. The effect of active nanolaminated films against the Alternaria sp. and Rhizopus stolonifer was also evaluated. This procedure allowed developing optically transparent nanolaminated films with tuneable water vapour and gas properties and antifungal activity. The water and oxygen transmission rate values for the multilayer films were lower than those previously reported for the neat alginate or chitosan films. The presence of carvacrol and zein nanocapsules significantly decreased the water transmission rate (up to 40 %) of the nanolaminated films. However, the O2TR behaved differently and was only improved (up to 45 %) when carvacrol was encapsulated, i.e. nanolaminated films prepared by alternating alginate with nanocapsules of zein-carvacrol layers showed better oxygen barrier properties than those prepared as an emulsion of chitosan and carvacrol. These films containing zein-carvacrol nanocapsules also showed the highest antifungal activity (30 %), which did not significantly differ from those obtained with the highest amount of carvacrol, probably due to the controlled release of the active agent (carvacrol) from the zein-carvacrol nanocapsules. Thus, this work shows that nanolaminated films prepared with alternating layers of alginate and zein-carvacrol nanocapsules can be considered to improve the shelf-life of foodstuffs.


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En aquest treball s’ha estudiat el comportament de compostos antimalàrics com els fàrmacs i els polímers en diferents situacions. Una de les barreres que ha estat identificada com a principal obstacle per a una millora de l’eficàcia dels compostos antimalàrics, és la limitació en la quantitat de fàrmac que pot ser encapsulada dins un liposoma, i que depèn de la seva solubilitat en medi aquós. Amb la inspiració de la descripció d’un nou tipus de nanocàpsules amb aplicacions oncològiques capaces d’encapsular grans quantitats de fàrmacs (protocells, Ashley et al., 2011). Els constructes formats per liposomes amb un nucli d’òxid de silici altament porós capaç de contenir el fàrmac, s’anomenen “protocells”, que en comparació als liposomes, tenen una major selectivitat i estabilitat, i permeten alliberar altes concentracions de droga directament al citosol de les cèl·lules cancerígenes. Aquest estudi es basa en la fabricació d’aquests nous nanovectors que continguin fàrmacs antimalàrics i té com a objectiu futur dirigir-los a eritròcits infectats per malària (pRBCs). Una altra part del treball és l’estudi de la distribució del polímer ISA-FITC en Anopheles atroparvus. Sabent que els polímers han estat utilitzats com a transportadors antimalàrics, es va pensar en l’opció d’eliminar el paràsit a dins del mateix mosquit, com una alternativa a tots el estudis realitzats fins ara centrats en les etapes d’infecció de l’hoste. Per aquest motiu es va idear l’experiment pensant en aquest polímer amb la intenció final de veure la seva localització en un mosquit Anopheles lliure del paràsit. OBJECTIUS: Determinació de la capacitat encapsuladora de tres tipus de nanopartícules, fabricades amb el mateix material però amb característiques de mida i càrrega diferents, incubant-les amb cinc fàrmacs antimalàrics. El blau de metilè, la primaquina, la cloroquina, la quinina i la curcumina, cadascun d’ells amb característiques de pH, solubilitat i estructura diferents. Alguns d’ells són fàrmacs que no s’han emprat en altres estudis degut a la seva toxicitat o elevada inespecificitat (la qual es pretén reduir un cop encapsulats en protocells). Construcció de “protocells” un cop determinada la millor nanopartícula encapsuladora i fàrmac candidat i determinació de la concentració de fàrmac que podien contenir, i el ritme d’alliberament d’aquest en PBS (simulant les condicions fisiològiques dels pRBCs). Estudi de la localització del polímer antimalàric ISA-FITC en l’anatomia del mosquit Anopheles Atroparvus. PROCEDIMENTS: Mètodes espectrofotomètrics Microscopia Cryo-electrònica de transmissió Microscopia confocal de fluorescència


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Polymeric nanoparticle systems such as nanocapsules and nanospheres present potential applications for the administration of therapeutic molecules. The physico-chemical characteristics of nanoparticle suspensions are important pre-requisites of the success of any dosage form development. The purpose of this review is to present the state of the art regarding the physico-chemical characterization of these drug carriers, in terms of the particle size distribution, the morphology, the polymer molecular weight, the surface charge, the drug content and the in vitro drug release profiles. Part of the review is devoted to the description of the techniques to improve the stability of colloidal systems.


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The parameters which affect the degradation and stabilization of diclofenac in suspensions of nanocapsules and of the corresponding spray-dried powders were investigated. Formulations were subjected to 14 months of storage at room temperature. In addition, a study of the degradation of diclofenac was carried out by exposing the formulations or mixtures (drug and adjuvants) to UVC wavelengths. The presence of Epikuron 170® in a concentration higher than 3.06 mg/mL stabilizes the drug, avoiding its reduction or degradation. The degradation products were isolated, analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and identified as 2-(2',6'-dichlorophenyl)aminobenzyl alcohol and N-(2',6'-dichlorophenyl)anthranilylaldehyde.


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The influences of the spray-drying parameters and the type of nanoparticles (nanocapsules or nanospheres) on the characteristics of nanoparticle-coated diclofenac-loaded microparticles were investigated by using a factorial design 3². Gastrointestinal tolerance following oral administration in rats was evaluated. Formulations were selected considering the best yields, the best encapsulation efficiencies and the lowest water contents, presenting surfaces completely coated by nanostructures and a decrease in the surface areas in relation to the uncoated core. In vitro drug release demonstrated the influence of the nanoparticle-coating on the dissolution profiles of diclofenac. Nanocapsule-coated microparticles presented a protective effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.


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The influence of drug concentration, oil phase, and surfactants on the characteristics of dexamethasone-loaded nanocapsules was investigated. The best formulations were obtained at dexamethasone concentrations of 0.25 and 0.50 mg.mL-1 (encapsulation efficiency: 80-90%; mean size: 189-253 nm). The type of oil phase influenced only the stability of dexamethasone-loaded nanocapsules. The association of polysorbate 80 and sorbitan monooleate provided a more stable formulation. Sunflower oil and sorbitan sesquioleate used for the first time as oil phase and surfactant for nanocapsules, respectively, have allowed obtaining suspensions with low mean size and narrow size distribution.


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The aim of this work was to prepare and characterize spray-dried nanocapsule-coated microparticles obtained in one step, using indomethacin as a hydrophobic drug model and poly(e-caprolactone) or Eudragit® RS100, as polymers. Nanocapsule-coated microparticles showed micrometric mean sizes (10 - 15 µm) and a reduced surface area (75 - 85 m²g-1) compared to the raw material (214 m²g-1). Microparticles coated with Eudragit® RS100-nanocapsules showed a better control of the drug release. The release profiles fit to the monoexponetial model and to the Power Law. The mechanism of the indomethacin release from the microparticles is non-Fickian and depends on the particles desagglomeration.


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This work reports the development of polymeric nanocapsules containing lipoic acid prepared by interfacial deposition of poli(ε-caprolactona). The suspensions showed acid pH and encapsulation efficiencies from 77 to 90%. Zeta potential values were from -7.42 to -5.43 mV and particle sizes were lower than 340 nm with polidispersion lower than 0.3. The stability of nanocapsules within 28 days was evaluated in terms of pH, lipoic acid content, diameter, size distribution, zeta potential and measurements of relative light backscattering. The stability of formulations containing free lipoic acid was also evaluated. Nanoencapsulation drastically improved the physico-chemical stability of lipoic acid.


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In this paper we describe the preparation poly (L-lactide) (PLA) nanocapsules as a drug delivery system for the local anesthetic benzocaine. The characterization and in vitro release properties of the system were investigated. The characterization results showed a polydispersity index of 0.14, an average diameter of 190.1± 3 nm, zeta potential of -38.5 mV and an entrapment efficiency of 73%. The release profile of Benzocaine loaded in PLA nanocapsules showed a significant different behavior than that of the pure anesthetic in solution. This study is important to characterize a drug release system using benzocaine for application in pain treatment.


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of preparing nanocapsules and nanoemulsions using tea tree oil as oily phase aiming to protect its volatilization. The nanostructures presented nanometric mean size (160-220 nm) with a polydispersity index below 0.25 and negative zeta potential. The pH values were 6.43 ± 0.37 and 5.98 ± 0.00 for nanoemulsions and nanocapsules, respectively. The oil content after preparation was 96%. The inclusion of tea tree oil in nanocapsules showed higher protection against volatilization. The analysis of mean size and polydispersity index of formulations presented no significant alteration during the storage time.