873 resultados para Music -- Italy -- 16th century


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This paper by Carl Grodach demonstrates the careful unravelling of complexity, diversity, contestation and contradictions involved in the reconstruction of symbolic urban spaces after violent conflict, and the allied processes of cultural reinterpretation, political reconfiguration and material revaluation which accompany it. The paper analyses the reconstruction and redevelopment of the 16th-century historic centre of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, following the Bosnian Wars of 1992–1995. Reconstruction efforts centre around Stari Most, the 16th-century Ottoman bridge destroyed by Bosnian Croat military in 1993. In Mostar, both international and local organizations are in the process of reinterpreting Bosnia’s legacy of Ottoman city spaces. This research and analysis illuminates how such spaces can be central to contemporary projects to redefine group identities and conceptions of place. It provides insight into the ways various groups are attempting to reshape outside perceptions of the city—and Bosnia’s ethnic conflict—to articulate a new definition of local identity and ethnic relations and to remake a stable tourist economy through Mostar’s urban spaces.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula


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Resumen: Descripciones geográficas y etnológicas de las Indias en autores españoles del siglo XVI. Análisis de los escritos de Pedro Mártir de Anglería y Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo en los aspectos siguientes: idea de un Nuevo Mundo, crítica y rechazo de las ideas antiguas (mirabilia, monstruos), descripción de plantas y animales, aplicación a las sociedades indígenas de las nociones de “edad de oro” y “bondad natural”, análisis comparativo y valoración de las culturas indígenas en relación con la europea.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.


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Ponencia invitada presentada en las Terceras Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica / Euskara-Erromantze Linguistikaren III. Jardunaldiak (Bilbao, 2010)


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Presentado en las Jornadas Euskal testuen edizioa: gaurko ikuspegiak eta etorkizuneko ikuspegiak = Edición de textos vascos: perspectivas actuales, perspectivas futuras (Bilbo, 2008.11.11-12)


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[ES] A fin de garantizar el aprovechamiento deun recurso renovable como la madera, en un momento de retroceso forestal y escasez de materiales, los habitantes de la provincia de Guipúzcoa, ante lo exiguo de su territorio, arbitraron un sistema que permitió combinar las necesidades y demandas de actividades tan dispares como la ganadería, el consumo doméstico, la siderurgia o la construcción naval. El presente artículo pretende analizar el origen, desarrollo y desaparición de los trasmochos guiados y describir su técnica en el territorio guipuzcoano. A falta de mayores evidencias, parece que la técnica del trasmochado o desmochado guiado inició su andadura en la Baja Edad Media, aunque hasta las primeras décadas del siglo XVI no existen datos documentales de su utilización en territorio guipuzcoano. Su generalización en todo el territorio guipuzcoano no parece producirse definitivamente hasta finales del siglo XVII, aunque para entonces se venía aplicando en la costa y el sector oriental de la reclamaciones de las autoridades reales y territoriales, la obligación de dejar horca y pendón se encontró con la oposición de carboneros y ferrones, quienes trasmochaban los árboles pero sin guiarlos, perjudicando de ese modo a las autoridades e intereses de la Marina Real. Precisamente el incumplimiento de las ordenanzas fue lo que provocó la aparición de dos modelos, con usos diferenciados: trasmochos sin guiar y trasmochos guiados. A lo largo del siglo XIX dicha técnica se fue perdiendo, coincidiendo con la paulatina desaparición de la construcción naval en madera.


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[ES] De las menos estudiadas de su época y no siempre adecuadamente valorada, la pequeña obra Kalendrera (La Rochelle, 1571) es una de las escasas joyas que nos han legado las iglesias reformadas europeas del siglo XVI. Breve y aparentemente sencillo y sin artificio, esta Kalendrera o calendario calvinista dispuesto por Joanes Leizarraga se dibuja entreverado de datos diversos y de, a su vez,sutiles carencias de información que bien merecen la atención del lector. Al objeto de iniciar un análisis más exhaustivo de sus fuentes y motivaciones, el presente artículo se propone mostrar la problemática que, tanto desde la perspectiva ideológico-religiosa como desde la estrictamente cultural, concentra el trabajo del beskoiztarra. No es preciso añadir que, para ello, se necesita en primer término comenzar por profundizar en el funcionamiento y comprensión de los mecanismos mismos del Kalendrera.


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Ed. por Antonio Manuel González Carrillo


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[ES] El presente artículo analiza el establecimiento de cónsules de naciones extranjeras en los puertos vascos, desde el siglo XVI hasta la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Y lo hace en un lapso de tiempo tan amplio, precisamente para poder valorar las cons­ tantes y diferencias producidas. Para ello se ha hecho uso de los fondos del Archivo General de Gipuzkoa, del Archivo Histórico de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, del Archivo General de Simancas y de la Sección de Consejos Suprimidos del Archi­ vo Histórico Nacional, así como de la abundante bibliografía existente. El estudio demuestra que durante el período de estudio hubo una oposición frontal al esta­ blecimiento de representación consular extranjera —más tajante en San Sebastián que en Bilbao—, por considerarse que era una erosión del orden foral. Sin embargo, existió un tratamiento diferenciado en función de la nación pretendiente y de su peso específico en la economía local.


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Historically, America's use and enjoyment of the oyster extend far back into prehistoric times. The Native Americans often utilized oysters, more intensively in some areas than in others, and, at least in some areas of the Caribbean and Pacific coast, the invading Spanish sought oysters as eagerly as they did gold-but for the pearls. That was the pearl oyster, Pinctada sp., and signs of its local overexploitation were recorded early in the 16th century. During the 1800's, use of the eastern oyster grew phenomenally and, for a time, it outranked beef as a source of protein in some parts of the nation. Social events grew up around it, as it became an important aspect of culture and myth. Eventually, research on the oyster began to blossom, and scientific literature on the various species likewise bloomed-to the extent that when the late Paul Galtsoff wrote his classic treatise "The American oyster Crassostrea virginica Gmelin" in 1954, he reported compiling an extensive bibliography of over 6,000 subject and author cards on oysters and related subjects which he deposited in the library of the Woods Hole Laboratory of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (now NMFS). That large report, volume 64 (480 pages) of the agency's Fishery Bulletin, was a bargain at $2.75, and it has been a standard reference ever since. But the research and the attendant literature have grown greatly since Galtsoff's work was published, and now that has been thoroughly updated.


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This joint chapter explores similarities and differences between two borderlands within the early modern ‘British’ state – the marches of Ireland and Wales. In some respects, the two regions were very different, most fundamentally because the Irish march remained militarised throughout the Tudor period, while Welsh society was markedly more peaceful. However, there was also much in common. In the later middle ages both marches were frontiers between the expanding Anglo-Normans and native Celtic society. The notion that the march separated ‘civility’ from ‘savagery’ was an enduring one: despite the efforts of the Tudors to impose centralisation and uniformity throughout its territories, there remained institutions, structures of power, and mentalities which ensured that both sets of marches were still in existence by the end of the 16th century. This chapter explores the reasons for the endurance of these borderlands, and indicates how political reforms of the 16th century caused the perception – and sometimes the very location – of the marches to alter.


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej


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The issue of ancestors has been controversial since the first encounters of Christianity with Shona religion. It remains a major theological problem that needs to be addressed within the mainline churches of Zimbabwe today. Instead of ignoring or dismissing the ancestor cult, which deeply influences the socio-political, religious, and economic lives of the Shona, churches in Zimbabwe should initiate a Christology that is based on it. Such a Christology would engage the critical day-to-day issues that make the Shona turn to their ancestors. Among these concerns are daily protection from misfortune, maintaining good health and increasing longevity, successful rainy seasons and food security, and responsible governance characterized by economic and political stability. Since the mid-16th century arrival of Jesuit missionaries in the Mutapa Kingdom, the Church has realized that many African Christians resorted to their ancestors in times of crisis. Although both Catholic and Protestant missionaries from the 1700s through the early 1900s fiercely attacked Shona traditional beliefs as superstitious and equated ancestors with evil spirits, the cult did not die. Social institutions, such as schools and hospitals provided by missionaries, failed to eliminate ancestral beliefs. Even in the 21st century, many Zimbabweans consult their ancestors. The Shona message to the church remains "Not without My Ancestors." This dissertation examines the significance of the ancestors to the Shona, and how selected denominations and new religious movements have interpreted and accommodated ancestral practices. Taking the missiological goal of "self-theologizing" as the framework, this dissertation proposes a "tripartite Christology" of "Jesus the Family Ancestor", "Jesus the Tribal Ancestor," and "Jesus the National Ancestor," which is based on the Shona "tripartite ancestrology." Familiar ecclesiological and liturgical language, idioms, and symbols are used to contribute to the wider Shona understanding of Jesus as the ancestor par excellence, in whom physical and spiritual needs-including those the ordinary ancestors fail to meet-are fulfilled.