988 resultados para Multimodal Exercise Programme


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Background and Objectives: This pilot project assessed the acceptability of a mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise programme following breast cancer treatment, and the impact on presence of lymphoedema, fitness, body composition, fatigue, mood and quality of life. Methods: Ten women completed the programme and measures of fitness (submaximal ergometer test), body composition (bio-electrical impedance), lympoedema (bio-electrical impedance and arm circumferences), fatigue (revised Piper Fatigue Scale), mood (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), quality of life (FACT-B) and general well-being, at baseline, completion of the programme, and 6-week and 3-month follow-up. Results: Participation in the programme caused no adverse effect on the presence of lymphoedema. There was a trend towards reduction in fatigue and improved quality of life across the testing phases. Women rated the programme extremely favourably, citing benefits of the support of other women, trained guidance, and the opportunity to experience different types of exercise. Conclusions: A mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise program in a group format is acceptable to women following breast cancer treatment, with the potential to reduce fatigue and improve quality of life, without exacerbating or precipitating lymphoedema. This pilot work needs to be confirmed in larger randomised studies. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This study examined effects of 12 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on eating behaviour, food cravings and weekly energy intake and expenditure in inactive men. Eleven healthy men (mean ± SD: age, 26 ± 5 years; body mass index, 24.6 ± 3.8 kg/m2; maximum oxygen uptake, 43.1 ± 7.4 mL/kg/min) completed the 12-week supervised exercise programme. Body composition, health markers (e.g. blood pressure), eating behaviour, food cravings and weekly energy intake and expenditure were assessed before and after the exercise intervention. There were no intervention effects on weekly free-living energy intake (p=0.326, d=-0.12) and expenditure (p=0.799, d=0.04), or uncontrolled eating and emotional eating scores (p>0.05). However, there was a trend with a medium effect size (p=0.058, d=0.68) for cognitive restraint to be greater after the exercise intervention. Total food cravings (p=0.009, d=-1.19) and specific cravings of high-fat foods (p=0.023, d=-0.90), fast-food fats (p=0.009, d=-0.71) and carbohydrates/starches (p=0.009, d=-0.56) decreased from baseline to 12 weeks. Moreover, there was a trend with a large effect size for cravings of sweets (p=0.052, d=-0.86) to be lower after the exercise intervention. In summary, 12 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise reduced food cravings and increased cognitive restraint, however, these were not accompanied by changes in other eating behaviours and weekly energy intake and expenditure. The results indicate the importance of exercising for health improvements even when reductions in body mass are modest.


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Hintergrund: Die koronare Herzkrankheit (KHK) ist eine häufige und potenziell tödliche Erkrankung mit einer Lebenszeitprävalenz von über 20%. Allein in Deutschland wird die Zahl der durch die ischämische Herzerkrankung und des akuten Myokardinfarkts jährlich verursachten Todesfälle auf etwa 140.000 geschätzt. Ein Zusammenhang eng mit dem Lebensstil verbundener Risikofaktoren mit Auftreten und Prognose der KHK ist nachgewiesen. Durch Maßnahmen der nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärprävention wird versucht, diese Risikofaktoren positiv zu verändern sowie die KHK im Gegensatz zu palliativen interventionellen Therapiestrategien kausal zu behandeln. Zur Wirksamkeit der nichtmedikamentösen sekundärpräventiven Maßnahmen liegt eine ganze Reihe von Einzelstudien und -untersuchungen vor, eine systematische Analyse, die die Evidenz aller hauptsächlich angewandten Sekundärpräventionsstrategien zusammenfasst, fehlt unseres Wissens nach bislang jedoch. Auch eine Auswertung vorhandener Studien zur Kosten-Effektivität der Maßnahmen ist hierbei zu integieren. Fragestellung: Ziel dieses HTA-Berichts (HTA=Health Technology Assessment) ist die Erstellung einer umfassenden Übersicht der aktuellen Literatur zu nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärpräventionsmaßnahmen in der Behandlung der KHK, um diese Maßnahmen und deren Komponenten bezüglich ihrer medizinischen Wirksamkeit sowie Wirtschaftlichkeit zu beurteilen. Weiterhin sollen die ethischen, sozialen und rechtlichen Aspekte der nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärprävention und die Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse auf den deutschen Versorgungsalltag untersucht werden. Methodik: Relevante Publikationen werden über eine strukturierte und hochsensitive Datenbankrecherche sowie mittels Handrecherche identifiziert. Die Literaturrecherche wird in vier Einzelsuchen zu medizinischen, gesundheitsökonomischen, ethischen und juristischen Themen am 18.09.2008 durchgeführt und erstreckt sich über die vergangenen fünf Jahre. Die methodische Qualität der Publikationen wird von jeweils zwei unabhängigen Gutachtern unter Beachtung von Kriterien der evidenzbasierten Medizin (EbM) systematisch geprüft. Ergebnisse: Von insgesamt 9.074 Treffern erfüllen 43 medizinische Publikationen die Selektionskriterien, mit einem Nachbeobachtungszeitraum zwischen zwölf und 120 Monaten. Insgesamt ist die Studienqualität zufriedenstellend, allerdings berichtet nur ca. die Hälfte der Studien differenziert die Gesamtmortalität, während die übrigen Studien andere Outcomemaße verwenden. Die Wirksamkeit einzelner Sekundärpräventionsmaßnahmen stellt sich als sehr heterogen dar. Insgesamt kann langfristig eine Reduktion der kardialen sowie der Gesamtmortalität und der Häufigkeit kardialer Ereignisse sowie eine Erhöhung der Lebensqualität beobachtet werden. Vor allem für trainingsbasierte und multimodale Interventionen ist eine effektive Reduktion der Mortalität zu beobachten, während psychosoziale Interventionen besonders in Bezug auf eine Erhöhung der Lebensqualität effektiv zu sein scheinen. Für die ökonomischen Auswertungen werden 26 Publikationen identifiziert, die von ihrer Themenstellung und Studienart dem hier betrachteten Kontext zugeordnet werden können. Insgesamt kann festgestellt werden, dass sich die Studienlage zur multimodalen Rehabilitation sowohl bezüglich ihrer Menge als auch Qualität der Analysen besser darstellt, als dies für Evaluationen von Einzelmaßnahmen beobachtet werden kann. Die internationale Literatur bestätigt den multimodalen Ansätzen dabei zwar ein gutes Verhältnis von Kosten und Effektivität, untersucht jedoch nahezu ausschließlich ambulante oder häuslichbasierte Maßnahmen. Die Auswertung der Studien, die einzelne sich mit präventiven Maßnahmen in Hinblick auf ihre Kosten-Effektivität beschäftigen, ergibt lediglich positive Tendenzen für Interventionen der Raucherentwöhnung und des körperlichen Trainings. Im Hinblick auf psychosoziale Maßnahmen sowie auch die Ernährungsumstellung können aufgrund der unzureichenden Studienlage jedoch keine Aussagen über die Kosten-Effektivität getroffen werden. Insgesamt werden im Rahmen der Betrachtung sozialer Aspekte der nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärprävention elf Publikationen einbezogen. Die relativ neuen Studien bestätigen, dass Patienten mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status insgesamt schlechtere Ausgangsbedingungen und demnach einen spezifischen Bedarf an rehabilitativer Unterstützung haben. Gleichzeitig sind sich die Forscher jedoch uneinig, ob gerade diese Patientengruppe relativ häufiger oder seltener an den Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen teilnimmt. Bezüglich der Barrieren, die Patienten von der Teilnahme an den präventiven Maßnahmen abhalten, werden psychologische Faktoren, physische Einschränkungen aber auch gesellschaftliche und systemisch-orientierte Einflüsse genannt. Diskussion: Nichtmedikamentöse Sekundärpräventionsmaßnahmen sind sicher und in der Lage eine Reduktion der Mortalität sowie der Häufigkeit kardialer Ereignisse zu erzielen sowie die Lebensqualität zu erhöhen. Da nur wenige der methodisch verlässlichen Studien Teilnehmer über einen längeren Zeitraum von mindestens 60 Monaten nachverfolgen, müssen Aussagen über die Nachhaltigkeit als limitiert angesehen werden. Verlässliche Angaben in Bezug auf relevante Patientensubgruppen lassen sich nur sehr eingeschränkt machen ebenso wie im Hinblick auf die vergleichende Beurteilung verschiedener Maßnahmen der Sekundärprävention, da diese von eingeschlossenen Studien nur unzureichend erforscht wurden. Zukünftige methodisch verlässliche Studien sind notwendig, um diese Fragestellungen zu untersuchen und zu beantworten. Bezogen auf die Kosten-Effektivität nichtmedikamentöser sekundärpräventiver Maßnahmen kann aus den internationalen Studien eine insgesamt positive Aussage zusammengefasst werden. Einschränkungen dieser resultieren jedoch zum einen aus den Besonderheiten des deutschen Systems der stationären Rehabilitationsangebote, zum anderen aus den qualitativ mangelhaften Evaluationen der Einzelmaßnahmen. Studien mit dem Ziel der Bewertung der Kosten-Effektivität stationärer Rehabilitationsangebote sind ebenso erforderlich wie auch qualitativ hochwertige Untersuchungen einzeln erbrachter Präventionsmaßnahmen. Aus sozialer Perspektive sollte insbesondere untersucht werden, welche Patientengruppe aus welchen Gründen von einer Teilnahme an Rehabilitations- bzw. präventiven Maßnahmen absieht und wie diesen Argumenten begegnet werden könnte. Schlussfolgerung: Nichtmedikamentöse sekundärpräventive Maßnahmen sind in der Lage eine Reduktion der Mortalität und der Häufigkeit kardialer Ereignisse zu erzielen sowie die Lebensqualität zu erhöhen. Eine Stärkung des Stellenwerts nichtmedikamentöser Maßnahmen der Sekundärprävention erscheint vor diesem Hintergrund notwendig. Auch kann für einige Interventionen ein angemessenes Verhältnis von Effektivität und Kosten angenommen werden. Es besteht allerdings nach wie vor erheblicher Forschungsbedarf bezüglich der Wirksamkeitsbeurteilung nichtmedikamentöser Maßnahmen der Sekundärprävention in wichtigen Patientensubgruppen und der Effizienz zahlreicher angebotener Programme. Darüber hinaus ist weitere Forschung notwendig, um die Nachhaltigkeit der Maßnahmen und Gründe für die Nichtinanspruchnahme detailliert zu untersuchen. Vor allem gilt es jedoch den Versorgungsalltag in Deutschland, wie er sich für Ärzte, Patienten und weitere Akteure des Gesundheitswesens darstellt, zu untersuchen und den heutigen Stellenwert nichtmedikamentöser Maßnahmen aufzuzeigen.


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BACKGROUND: Intradialytic exercise programmes are important because of the deterioration in physical function that occurs in people receiving haemodialysis. Unfortunately, exercise programmes are rarely sustained in haemodialysis clinics. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of a sustainable resistance exercise programme on the physical function of people receiving haemodialysis. METHODS: A total of 171 participants from 15 community satellite haemodialysis clinics performed progressive resistance training using resistance elastic bands in a seated position during the first hour of haemodialysis treatment. We used a stepped-wedge design of three groups, each containing five randomly allocated cluster units allocated to an intervention of 12, 24 or 36 weeks. The primary outcome measure was objective physical function measured by the 30-s sit-to-stand (STS) test, the 8-foot timed up and go (TUG) test and the four-square step test. Secondary outcome measures included quality of life, involvement in community activity, blood pressure and self-reported falls. RESULTS: Exercise training led to significant improvements in physical function as measured by STS and TUG. There was a significant average downward change (β = -1.59, P < 0.01) before the intervention and a significant upward change after the intervention (β = 0.38, P < 0.01) for the 30-s STS with a similar pattern noted for the TUG. CONCLUSION: Intradialytic resistance training can improve the physical function of people receiving dialysis.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical practice guidelines globally recommend lifestyle modification including diet and exercise training as first-line treatment for obesity. The clinical benefits of exercise training in adults with obesity is well-documented; however, there is no strong evidence for the effectiveness of exercise training for weight loss in class II and class III obesity. The purpose of the randomised controlled trial described in this protocol article is to examine the effect of exercise training, in addition to a very low energy diet (VLED), in clinically severe obese women for changes in body composition, physical function, quality of life, and markers of cardiometabolic risk.

METHODS/DESIGN: Sixty women, aged 18-50 years with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 34.9 kg.m(2) and at least one obesity-related co-morbidity, will be recruited for this 12-month study. Participants will be randomised to either exercise plus energy restriction (n = 30), or energy restriction alone (n = 30). All participants will follow an energy-restricted individualised diet incorporating a VLED component. The exercise intervention group will also receive exercise by supervised aerobic and resistance training and a home-based exercise programme totalling 300 minutes per week. Primary outcome measures include body composition and aerobic fitness. Secondary outcome measures include: physical function, cardiometabolic risk factors, quality of life, physical activity, and mental health. All outcome measures will be conducted at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months.

DISCUSSION: Previous research demonstrates various health benefits of including exercise training as part of a healthy lifestyle at all BMI ranges. Although clinical practice guidelines recommend exercise training as part of first-line treatment for overweight and obesity, there are few studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of exercise in class II and class III obesity. The study aims to determine whether the addition of exercise training to a VLED provides more favourable improvements in body composition, physical function, quality of life, and markers of cardiometabolic risk for women with clinically severe obesity, compared to VLED alone.


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Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos de um programa de exercício multimodal sobre o funcionamento cognitivo e aptidão física funcional em pessoas idosas institucionalizadas. Método: Os participantes foram selecionados por conveniência entre os utentes de duas instituições de apoio a pessoas idosas. O grupo inicial foi constituído por um total de 21 pessoas de ambos os sexos (77-92 anos). Inicialmente, foi garantido um “período de controlo” de 4 semanas, em que os participantes mantiveram as suas atividades de vida quotidianas normais. Posteriormente, todos os idosos integraram um programa de exercício multimodal durante 8 semanas. Para estudar os efeitos da intervenção foram recolhidos dados em 3 momentos distintos: previamente ao período de controlo, após o período de controlo e no final do programa de intervenção. Foram efetuados testes físicos/motores, cognitivos e de dupla-tarefa (motor-cognitivo). Durante as sessões de exercício, alternaram-se períodos constituídos por tarefas motoras com períodos em que as tarefas motoras implicavam uma mobilização simultânea de recursos cognitivos. Resultados: A análise estatística dos dados recolhidos nos três momentos de avaliação, revelou efeitos positivos da intervenção ao nível da atenção, tempo de reação, força muscular, agilidade e capacidade cardiorrespiratória. Nos testes realizados em dupla-tarefa, foram encontradas melhorias no teste timed up and go, mas não se verificaram melhorias no teste de tempo de reação. A análise estatística dos dados recolhidos nos três momentos de avaliação, revelou efeitos positivos (p<0.05). da intervenção ao nível da atenção, tempo de reação, força muscular, agilidade e capacidade cardiorrespiratória. Nos testes realizados em dupla-tarefa, foram encontradas melhorias no teste timed up and go (p<0.05), mas não se verificaram melhorias no teste de tempo de reação. Conclusões: Um programa de exercícios multimodal induz melhorias no funcionamento cognitivo e motor de pessoas idosas institucionalizadas. É aconselhada a divulgação deste tipo de intervenção para pessoas idosas institucionalizadas; Effects of a Multimodal Exercise Program for Elderly Institutionalized Abstract: Objective: To investigate wthe effects of a multimodal exercise program on cognitive functioning and physical fitness of institutionalized elderly. Method: Participants were selected by convenience among two nursing home residents. Twenty-one people (77-92 years old) of both genders participated. During the first 4 weeks (control period), participants were not engaged in the exercise program and continue with their normal daily life activities. After the control period, the group was engaged in a multimodal exercise program for 8 weeks (2 times per week). To study the effects of a multimodal exercise program, data were collected at three different times: prior to the control period, after the control period, and at the end of the intervention. Several motor tests (physical fitness), cognitive tests and dual-tasks (motor-cognitive) were performed. The exercise sessions alternated between periods of motor taks and periods with motor plus cognitive tasks performed simultaneously. Results: The analysis of the data collected in the three moments of evaluation, show positive effects of the exercise program in cognitive dimensions (information processing speed and attention) and functional physical fitness components (muscle resistance, cardiorespiratory fitness and dynamic balance). In tests carried out in dual-task conditions, the exercise program promoted improvements in the timed up and go test (with mental calculations). Statistical analysis of the data collected at the three evaluation moments revealed positive effects (p <0.05). Of attention intervention, reaction time, muscle strength, agility and cardiorespiratory capacity. In the double-task tests, improvements were found in the timed up and go test (p <0.05), but there were no improvements in the reaction time test. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that a multimodal exercise program can improve cognitive functioning and physical fitness in institutionalized older people. Thus, this type of intervention should be promoted among nursing home residents.


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Rationale, aims and objectives: Patient preference for interventions aimed at preventing in-hospital falls has not previously been investigated. This study aims to contrast the amount patients are willing to pay to prevent falls through six intervention approaches. ----- ----- Methods: This was a cross-sectional willingness-to-pay (WTP), contingent valuation survey conducted among hospital inpatients (n = 125) during their first week on a geriatric rehabilitation unit in Queensland, Australia. Contingent valuation scenarios were constructed for six falls prevention interventions: a falls consultation, an exercise programme, a face-to-face education programme, a booklet and video education programme, hip protectors and a targeted, multifactorial intervention programme. The benefit to participants in terms of reduction in risk of falls was held constant (30% risk reduction) within each scenario. ----- ----- Results: Participants valued the targeted, multifactorial intervention programme the highest [mean WTP (95% CI): $(AUD)268 ($240, $296)], followed by the falls consultation [$215 ($196, $234)], exercise [$174 ($156, $191)], face-to-face education [$164 ($146, $182)], hip protector [$74 ($62, $87)] and booklet and video education interventions [$68 ($57, $80)]. A ‘cost of provision’ bias was identified, which adversely affected the valuation of the booklet and video education intervention. ----- ----- Conclusion: There may be considerable indirect and intangible costs associated with interventions to prevent falls in hospitals that can substantially affect patient preferences. These costs could substantially influence the ability of these interventions to generate a net benefit in a cost–benefit analysis.


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Background There is little scientific evidence to support the usual practice of providing outpatient rehabilitation to patients undergoing total knee replacement surgery (TKR) immediately after discharge from the orthopaedic ward. It is hypothesised that the lack of clinical benefit is due to the low exercise intensity tolerated at this time, with patients still recovering from the effects of major orthopaedic surgery. The aim of the proposed clinical trial is to investigate the clinical and cost effectiveness of a novel rehabilitation strategy, consisting of an initial home exercise programme followed, approximately six weeks later, by higher intensity outpatient exercise classes. Methods/Design In this multicentre randomised controlled trial, 600 patients undergoing primary TKR will be recruited at the orthopaedic pre-admission clinic of 10 large public and private hospitals in Australia. There will be no change to the medical or rehabilitative care usually provided while the participant is admitted to the orthopaedic ward. After TKR, but prior to discharge from the orthopaedic ward, participants will be randomised to either the novel rehabilitation strategy or usual rehabilitative care as provided by the hospital or recommended by the orthopaedic surgeon. Outcomes assessments will be conducted at baseline (pre-admission clinic) and at 6 weeks, 6 months and 12 months following randomisation. The primary outcomes will be self-reported knee pain and physical function. Secondary outcomes include quality of life and objective measures of physical performance. Health economic data (health sector and community service utilisation, loss of productivity) will be recorded prospectively by participants in a patient diary. This patient cohort will also be followed-up annually for five years for knee pain, physical function and the need or actual incidence of further joint replacement surgery. Discussion The results of this pragmatic clinical trial can be directly implemented into clinical practice. If beneficial, the novel rehabilitation strategy of utilising outpatient exercise classes during a later rehabilitation phase would provide a feasible and potentially cost-effective intervention to optimise the physical well-being of the large number of people undergoing TKR.


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This thesis investigated biopsychological factors involved in successfully resisting overconsumption in an environment promoting obesity, and differences between individuals who were and were not able to resist overconsumption. Results showed that self control was a key factor in successful resistance, whereas sensitivity to food reward was associated with overconsumption susceptibility. Reduced self control may be a consequence as well as a cause of obesity, and may not recover following weight loss. Self control was not enhanced through an exercise programme that aimed to ameliorate brain fitness through improved cardiovascular fitness.


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Introdução: A lombalgia crónica assume uma elevada prevalência e graves repercussões a nível socioeconómico, sendo inúmeras as abordagens terapêuticas para o seu tratamento e prevenção. Existindo forte evidência da eficácia dos exercícios terapêuticos no seu tratamento, importa saber quais os mais efetivos. Objectivos: Comparar a efetividade de dois programas de exercício terapêutico na endurance do tronco, no controlo lombo-pélvico, na perceção de dor lombar e fadiga, na funcionalidade e na qualidade de vida em mulheres com lombalgia crónica não especifica, cuidadoras de idosos. Métodos: 24 mulheres foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos de 8. Durante 6 semanas, um grupo serviu de controlo (GC) e os outros dois grupos realizaram um programa de exercícios: Pilates Clínico (GP) ou exercícios segundo McGill (GM), com os outcomes medidos em ternos de endurance de tronco pelos testes de McGill, controlo lombo-pélvico pelos testes Active Straight Leg Raise e teste de controlo lombo-pélvico segundo McGill, dor lombar pela Numerical Rating Scale, fadiga pela escala de Borg, funcionalidade através do Questionário de Incapacidade de Roland Morris e qualidade de vida através do Questionário de Estado de Saúde (SF36-V2). Resultados: Relativamente à endurance, verificaram-se diferenças entre grupos no rácio flexores/extensores (p=0,005), e no rácio lateroflexores à esquerda/extensores (p=0,027), sendo que o GP apresentou um rácio estatisticamente inferior ao GC em ambos. Não existiram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os 3 grupos no controlo lombo-pélvico, perceção de dor, fadiga e funcionalidade, apesar das melhorias observadas intra-grupos. Relativamente à qualidade de vida, a dimensão saúde em geral aumentou significativamente no GP (p=0,020) e a função social no GM (p=0,045). Conclusão: A implementação dos programas de exercício Pilates Clínico e Exercícios segundo McGill numa amostra de cuidadoras de idosos com lombalgia crónica não especifica, parece ter um efeito positivo quando comparados com os do grupo de controlo sobre a endurance do tronco, controlo lombo-pélvico, perceção de dor lombar e fadiga, funcionalidade e qualidade de vida.


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Antecedentes. La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es la segunda enfermedad neurodegenerativa más común en el mundo, la cual afecta el componente físico, psicológico y social de los individuos que la padecen. Numerosos estudios han abordado los beneficios de diferentes programas de ejercicio, llegando a ser una estrategia no-farmacológica efectiva para aminorar el deterioro funcional de los pacientes con EP. Objetivo. Determinar los efectos de las diferentes modalidades de ejercicio físico en los principales desenlaces clínicos en pacientes con EP. Métodos. Se consultaron las bases de datos MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, CENTRAL y PEDro desde febrero de 1990 hasta febrero de 2014 para identificar Ensayos Clínicos Aleatorizados (ECA) publicados. Además, se examinaron las listas de referencias de otras revisiones y de estudios identificados. La extracción de datos se realizó por dos autores independientes. Se empleó un modelo de efectos aleatorios en presencia de heterogeneidad estadística (I2>50%). El sesgo de publicación fue evaluado mediante el gráfico de embudo. Resultados: Un total de 18 estudios fueron incluidos. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las intervenciones con ejercicio y las siguientes medidas de resultado, severidad de los síntomas motores (MDS-UPDRS) DME 1.44, IC 95% [-2.09 a -0.78] (p<0.001) I2= 87,9% y el equilibrio DME 0,52 IC 95% [0,30 a 0,74] (p<0.001) I2= 85,6%. En el análisis de subgrupos en la modalidad de ejercicio aeróbico, en MDS-UPDRS DME -1,28, IC 95% [-1,98 a -0,59] (p<0.001), 3 calidad de vida DME -1,91 IC 95% [-2,76 a -1,07] (p<0.001), equilibrio DME 0,54 IC 95% [0,31 a 0,77] (p<0.001), 10-m WT DME 0,15 IC 95% [0,06 a 0,25] (p<0.001) y Vo2 máximo DME -1,09 IC 95% [-1,31 a -0,88] (p=0.001), 6MWT DME 40,46 IC 95% [11,28 a 69,65] (p=0.007). Conclusiones: El ejercicio aeróbico produjo mejoras significativas en MDS UPDRS, equilibrio, calidad de vida, 10-m WT y y Vo2 máximo; mientras que el ejercicio combinado mejoró la fuerza.


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Achilles and patellar tendinopathies affect a broad range of the population and are difficult conditions to manage clinically. The pathology is persistent in the chronic tendon and can be considered to be failed healing. The exact cause of tendinopathy pain is unclear but may be related to changes in neurovascular structures.

Rehabilitation for Achilles and patellar tendinopathies is based on an exercise programme that aims to improve muscle–tendon function and normalise the pelvic/lower limb kinetic chain. This incorporates a programme for restoring and improving muscle strength, endurance and power and retraining sport-specific function.

Rehabilitation may take a prolonged period of time, both the athlete and clinician must be patient and persistent to maximise results from an exercise-based treatment.


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Objective: To examine the relative effectiveness of ice therapy and/or pulsed electromagnetic field in reducing pain and swelling after the immobilization period following a distal radius fracture.Methods: A total of 83 subjects were randomly allocated to receive 30 minutes of either ice plus pulsed electromagnetic field (group A); ice plus sham pulsed electromagnetic field (group B); pulsed electromagnetic field alone (group C), or sham pulsed electromagnetic field treatment for 5 consecutive days (group D). All subjects received a standard home exercise programme. A visual analogue scale was used for recording pain; volumetric displacement for measuring the swelling of the forearm; and a hand-held goniometer for measuring the range of wrist motions before treatment on days 1, 3 and 5.Results: At day 5, a significantly greater cumulative reduction in the visual analogue scores as well as ulnar deviation range of motion was found in group A than the other 3 groups. For volumetric measurement and pronation, participants in group A performed better than subjects in group D but not those in group B.Conclusion: The addition of pulsed electromagnetic field to ice therapy produces better overall treatment outcomes than ice alone, or pulsed electromagnetic field alone in pain reduction and range of joint motion in ulnar deviation and flexion for a distal radius fracture after an immobilization period of 6 weeks.


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Objective. Patellar tendinopathy (PT) is a common and significant clinical condition for which there are few established interventions. One intervention that is currently being used clinically to manage PT symptoms is the introduction of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS). The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical efficacy of LIPUS in the management of PT symptoms.

Methods. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted. Volunteers with clinically and radiologically confirmed PT were randomly allocated to either an active-LIPUS (treatment) or inactive-LIPUS (placebo) group. LIPUS was self-administered by participants for 20 min/day, 7 days/week for 12 weeks. All participants also completed a daily, standardized eccentric exercise programme based on best practice. Primary outcomes were change in pain during the participant's most aggravating activity in the preceding week, measured on 10 cm visual analogue scales for both usual (VAS-U) and worst (VAS-W) tendon pain.

Results. Out of 156 individuals who volunteered, 37 met the eligibility criteria and were randomized to either active-LIPUS (n = 17) or inactive-LIPUS (n = 20). Using an intention-to-treat analysis, VAS-U and VAS-W for the entire cohort decreased by 1.6 ± 1.9 cm (P < 0.01) and 2.5 ± 2.4 cm (P < 0.01), respectively. There were no differences between the active- and inactive-LIPUS groups for change in VAS-U (–0.2 cm; 95% CI, –1.5, 1.1 cm) (P = 0.74) or VAS-W (–0.5 cm; 95% CI, –2.1, 1.1 cm) (P = 0.57). A per-protocol analysis provided similar results.

These findings suggest that LIPUS does not provide any additional benefit over and above placebo in the management of symptoms associated with PT.


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Purpose: To explore the positive and negative perceptions of participating in a strength- training programme for adults with cerebral palsy.

Method: Ten adults aged over 40 years with cerebral palsy participated in a group-based 10-week progressive resistance strength-training programme in a community gymnasium. After the programme, each participant was interviewed using an in-depth semi-structured format and the results coded thematically.

Results: Participants perceived that their strength, and ability to perform everyday activities had improved. However, the main benefit for participants was enjoyment and social interaction. The only negative perceptions related to fatigue, short-term muscle soreness and a feeling that they had not improved as much as they had expected.

Conclusions: Enjoyment, a factor that can promote adherence and sustainability, was a key benefit of this strength-training programme for adults with cerebral palsy that led to perceptions of increased strength and physical functioning. These findings suggest that exercise programmes for adults with cerebral palsy should be conducted in a group in the community, thereby promoting community inclusion. In addition, it is important to provide education to participants about the normal responses and expectations of an exercise programme.