85 resultados para Motorcyclists.


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Objective The objective of this study was to determine the roadside prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving among drivers and riders in northern Ghana. The study also verifies motorists’ perception on their own alcohol use and knowledge of legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit of Ghana. Method With the assistance of police, the systematic random sampling was used to collect data at roadblocks using a cross-sectional study design. Breathalyzers were used to screen whether motorists had detectable alcohol in their breath and a follow-up breath tests conducted to measure the actual breath alcohol levels among positive participants. Results In all, 9.7% of the 789 participants had detectable alcohol among whom 6% exceeded the legal (BAC) limit of 0.08%. The prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving/riding was highest among cyclists (10% of all cyclists breath tested) followed by truck drivers 9% and motorcyclists (7% of all motorcyclists breath tested). The occurrence of a positive BAC among cyclists was about 8 times higher, (OR=7.73; p<0.001) and 2 times higher, among motorcyclists (OR=2.30; p=0.039) compared with private car drivers. The likelihood for detecting a positive BAC among male motorists/riders was higher than females (OR=1.67; p=0.354). The odds for detecting a positive BAC among weekend motorists/riders was significantly higher than weekdays (OR=2.62; p=0.001). Conclusion Alcohol-impaired driving/riding in Ghana is high by international standards. In order to attenuate the harmful effects of alcohol misuse such as alcohol-impaired driving/riding, there is the need to educate road users about how much alcohol they can consume and stay below the legal limit. The police should also initiate random breath testing to instil the deterrence of detection, certainty of apprehension and punishment, and severity and celerity of punishment among drink-driving motorists and riders.


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The reliance on police data for the counting of road crash injuries can be problematic, as it is well known that not all road crash injuries are reported to police which under-estimates the overall burden of road crash injuries. The aim of this study was to use multiple linked data sources to estimate the extent of under-reporting of road crash injuries to police in the Australian state of Queensland. Data from the Queensland Road Crash Database (QRCD), the Queensland Hospital Admitted Patients Data Collection (QHAPDC), Emergency Department Information System (EDIS), and the Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit (QISU) for the year 2009 were linked. The completeness of road crash cases reported to police was examined via discordance rates between the police data (QRCD) and the hospital data collections. In addition, the potential bias of this discordance (under-reporting) was assessed based on gender, age, road user group, and regional location. Results showed that the level of under-reporting varied depending on the data set with which the police data was compared. When all hospital data collections are examined together the estimated population of road crash injuries was approximately 28,000, with around two-thirds not linking to any record in the police data. The results also showed that the under-reporting was more likely for motorcyclists, cyclists, males, young people, and injuries occurring in Remote and Inner Regional areas. These results have important implications for road safety research and policy in terms of: prioritising funding and resources; targeting road safety interventions into areas of higher risk; and estimating the burden of road crash injuries.


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Motorcyclists were involved in 6.4% of all police-reported crashes and 12.5% of all fatal crashes in Queensland during 2004-2011. Of these crashes, 43% were single-vehicle (SV) and 57% were multi-vehicle (MV). The overall reduction in motorcycle crashes in this period masked different trends: single-vehicle crashes increased while MV motorcycle crashes decreased. However, little research has been undertaken to understand the similarities and differences between SV and MV motorcycle crashes in Queensland and the factors underlying these diverging trends. The descriptive analyses and regression model developed here confirm international research findings regarding the greater role of road infrastructure factors in SV crashes. In particular, road geometric factors such as horizontal and vertical alignment and road surface factors such as sealed/unsealed and wet/dry were more important in SV than MV crashes.


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Aggressive driving has been shown to be related to increased crash risk for car driving. However, less is known about aggressive behaviour and motorcycle riding and whether there are differences in on-road aggression as a function of vehicle type. If such differences exist, these could relate to differences in perceptions of relative vulnerability associated with characteristics of the type of vehicle such as level of protection and performance. Specifically, the relative lack of protection offered by motorcycles may cause riders to feel more vulnerable and therefore to be less aggressive when they are riding compared to when they are driving. This study examined differences in self-reported aggression as a function of two vehicle types: passenger cars and motorcycles. Respondents (n = 247) were all motorcyclists who also drove a car. Results were that scores for the composite driving aggression scale were significantly higher than on the composite riding aggression scale. Regression analyses identified different patterns of predictors for driving aggression from those for riding aggression. Safety attitudes followed by thrill seeking tendencies were the strongest predictors for driving aggression, with more positive safety attitudes being protective while greater thrill seeking was associated with greater self-reported aggressive driving behaviour. For riding aggression, thrill seeking was the strongest predictor (positive relationship), followed by self-rated skill, such that higher self rated skill was protective against riding aggression. Participants who scored at the 85th percentile or above for the aggressive driving and aggressive riding indices had significantly higher scores on thrill seeking, greater intentions to engage in future risk taking, and lower safety attitude scores than other participants. In addition participants with the highest aggressive driving scores also had higher levels of self-reported past traffic offences than other participants. Collectively, these findings suggest that people are less likely to act aggressively when riding a motorcycle than when driving a car, and that those who are the most aggressive drivers are different from those who are the most aggressive riders. However, aggressive riders and drivers appear to present a risk to themselves and others on road. Importantly, the underlying influences for aggressive riding or driving that were identified in this study may be amenable to education and training interventions.


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Learner and first year probationary motorcyclists are over-represented in traffic accidents, being involved about four times as often as full motorcycle licence holders in relation to their numbers. In an attempt to reduce this over-involvement, the Victorian Government amended the law in 1979 to restrict learner and first year probationary motorcyclists to motorcycles with engine capacities of less than 260 cc. This paper reports an evaluation which showed that casualty rates for learner and first year probationers began to decrease from mid 1979 and continued to do so until the end of 1980. A further analysis indicated that compared to full licence holder casualties, learner permit casualties were about 40% less than expected while first year probationary casualties were about 39% lower.


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In multi-vehicle motorcycle crashes, the motorcycle rider is less likely to be at-fault but more commonly severely injured than the other road user. Therefore, not surprisingly, crashes in which motorcycle riders are at-fault and particularly the injuries to the other road users in these crashes have received little research attention. This paper aims to address this gap in the literature by investigating the factors influencing the severity of injury to other road users in motorcyclist-at-fault crashes. Five years of data from Queensland, Australia, were obtained from a database of claims against the compulsory third party (CTP) injury insurance of the at-fault motorcyclists. Analysis of the data using an ordered probit model shows higher injury severity for crashes involving young (under 25) and older (60+) at-fault motorcyclists. Among the not at-fault road users, the young, old, and males were found to be more severely injured than others. Injuries to vehicle occupants were less severe than those to pillions. Crashes that occurred between vehicles traveling in opposite directions resulted in more severe injuries than those involving vehicles traveling in the same direction. While most existing studies have analyzed police reported crash data, this study used CTP insurance data. Comparison of results indicates the potential of using CTP insurance data as an alternative to police reported crash data for gaining a better understanding of risk factors for motorcycle crashes and injury severity.


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[EU]Ondorengo lanean ingeniaritzaren eremuan aurkitzen den eginkizunik garrantzitsuenetako bat egingo da: material berri bat karakterizatu. Hau da, errealitatean ikusten duguna era matematiko batean idatzi, edo beste era batean esanda, modelo matematiko bat lortu. Jorratuko den materiala kautxu birziklatua izango da, pneumatiko zaharretatik abiatuz egiten dena. Material honek, besteak beste, hurrengo abantailak ditu: produzitzeko erraza (beraz, prezio ekonomikoak, lehengaiak hondakin solidoak direla ikusita) eta inpakturako erantzun ona. Kautxu hau, beste erabileren artean, segurtasun-errailetan erabiltzen da, moto-gidariak ebaketetatik babesteko. Modelo matematikoa edo konstitutiboa lortzeko, lege hiperelastiko eta biskoelastikoetatik abiatuz, portaera bisko-hiperelastikorako lege bat proposatuko da. Lege hau deformazio handietarako eta deformazio abiadura handietarako aplikatu egingo da. Honen oinarria aurreko urteetan eskola honetako beste ikasleek eginiko gradu eta karrera amaierako lanak izango dira. Behin hau izanda, elementu finituetako software baten bidez simulatuko da, eta emaitza numerikoak esperimentalekin alderatuko dira. Honen bidez, modeloa hobetu ahal izango dugu, zehaztasun gehiago lortzeko asmoz.


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A partir do entendimento das novas possibilidades sociais permitidas pela Internet, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a sociabilidade em redes sociais virtuais a partir do desenvolvimento do capital social entre os membros integrantes destas redes. Buscamos compreender as motivações que possibilitam que as relações sociais sejam construídas e mantidas no e a partir do espaço virtual determinando os fatores que tornam tais relações materializadas no espaço offline. Para tal, realizamos um estudo de caso de uma rede social constituída por motociclistas, o site Tornadeiros. Logramos apreender, o contexto de interação entre os membros desta rede e de que modo o fortalecimento do capital social é propulsor do deslocamento das relações no ambiente virtual para o espaço urbano, determinando a sedimentação de vínculos afetivos entre os indivíduos, inicialmente previstos como banais e efêmeros, dado a lacuna espaço-temporal existente entre estes atores. Para explorar estas dimensões iniciamos o trabalho etnográfico no ciberespaço e posteriormente no espaço urbano. A etnografia no ciberespaço consistiu na aplicação de um questionário online para determinar o perfil dos membros da rede social e na compilação de todo conteúdo de postagens disponível na memória coletiva do site. Os dados compilados foram tratados posteriormente para determinar a topologia da rede de interações entre os membros. Deste material, selecionamos 17 discursos para estudo, articulando a análise dos discursos com as observações produzidas pelo grafo da rede de interações do site. Finalmente, no segundo momento etnográfico, nós confrontamos os resultados com as entrevistas presenciais, tornando possível perceber o estabelecimento e manutenção das relações sociais a partir do capital social desenvolvido nesta rede.


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We assessed whether policies designed to safeguard young motorcyclists would be effective given shifts in ownership toward high-powered motorcycles.
We investigated population-wide motor vehicle driver and motorcyclist casualties (excluding passengers) recorded in Britain between 2002 and 2009. To adjust for exposure and measure individual risk, we used the estimated number of trips of motorcyclists and drivers, which had been collected as part of a national travel survey.
Motorcyclists were 76 times more likely to be killed than were drivers for every trip. Older motorcyclist age-strongly linked to experience, skill set, and riding behavior-did not abate the risks of high-powered motorcycles. Older motorcyclists made more trips on high-powered motorcycles.
Tighter engine size restrictions would help reduce the use of high-powered motorcycles. Policymakers should introduce health warnings on the risks of high-powered motorcycles and the benefits of safety equipment.


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Background. China has made tremendous progress in its economic development in the past two decades. Accompanying this economic development has been an evident shift in the modes of transport, from walking and cycling to the use of motorcycles and, increasingly, four-wheel vehicles. Such changes are likely to have also produced changes in the patterns and numbers of road traffic injuries, including increases in motorcycle injuries. However, such changes have not been well documented. The work described in this paper sought, therefore, to document the changes in motorcycle ownership, motorcyclist mortality and injury rates in China since 1987.
Methods. National traffic ownership and injury data from 1987 to 2001 were obtained from the National Bureau for Traffic Administration. Additionally, traffic ownership and injury records from 1997 to 2001 were collected from local police offices from 20 counties in Guangxi Region. Population data were obtained from the national and county statistics bureaus. Motorcycle ownership, fatality and injury trends over time were calculated.
Results. Nationally, motorcycles accounted for 23.4% of all registered motor vehicles in 1987, increasing to 63.2% in 2001. Motorcyclist fatalities and injuries increased 5.5-fold and 9.3-fold, respectively, between 1987 and 2001. In 1987, 7.5% of all traffic fatalities and 8.8% of all traffic injuries were sustained by motorcyclists, with the corresponding proportions increasing to 18.9% and 22.8%, respectively, in 2001. The changing proportions of both traffic fatalities and injuries sustained by motorcyclists were positively correlated with the change in the proportion of motorcycles among all motor vehicles. In the 20 counties in Guangxi, motorcyclist fatality and injury rates also increased between 1997 and 2001. Moreover, these rates were considerably higher than the national rates.
Conclusions. Motorcyclist injury in China is a serious public health problem. Motorcyclist fatalities and injuries are likely to continue to increase unless appropriate intervention programmes are implemented.


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Background: Motorcycle crash victims form a high proportion of those killed or injured in road traffic accidents. Injuries to the head, following motorcycle crashes, are a common cause of severe morbidity and mortality. It seems intuitive that helmets should protect against head injuries but it has been argued that motorcycle helmet use decreases rider vision and increases neck injuries. This review will collate the 'current available evidence on helmets and their impact on mortality, and head, face and neck injuries following motorcycle crashes.

Objectives: To quantify the effectiveness of wearing a motorcycle helmet in reducing mortality and head and neck injury following motorcycle crashes.

Search strategy: Databases including the Cochrane Injuries Group Specialised Register, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library issue 1,2003), MEDLINE (January 1966 to February 2003), EMBASE (January 1985 to February 2003), CINAHL (January 1982 to February 2003), IRRD (International Road Research Documentation), TRANSDOC, TRIS (Transport Research Information Service), ATRI (Australian Transport Index) (1976 to Feb 2003), Science Citation Index were searched for relevant articles. Web sites of traffic and road accident research bodies including government agencies were also searched. Reference lists from topic reviews, identified studies and bibliographies were examined for relevant articles.

Selection criteria: We considered for inclusion studies that investigated a population of motorcycle riders who had crashed, examining helmet use as an intervention and with outcomes that included one or more of the following: death, head, neck or facial injury. Studies included any that compared an intervention and control group and, therefore, included any randomised controlled trials, non-randomised controlled trials, cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies. Ecological and case series studies were excluded.

Data collection and analysis: Two reviewers independently screened reference lists for eligible articles. Two reviewers independently assessed articles for inclusion criteria. Data were abstracted by two independent reviewers using a standard abstraction form.

Main results: Fifty-three observational studies were identified of varying quality. Despite methodological differences there was a remarkable consistency in results, particularly for mortality and head injury outcomes. Motorcycle helmets appear to reduce the risk of mortality although, due to heterogeneity in study design, an overall estimate of effect was not calculated. There was some evidence that the effect of helmets on mortality is modified by speed. Motorcycle helmets were found to reduce the risk of head injury and from five well-conducted studies the risk reduction is estimated to be 72% (OR 0.28, 95%CI 0.23,0.35). Insufficient evidence was found to estimate the effect of motorcycle helmets compared with no helmet on facial or neck injuries. However, studies of poorer quality suggest that helmets have no effect on the risk of neck injuries and are protective for facial injury. There was insufficient evidence to demonstrate whether differences in helmet type confer more or less advantage in injury reduction.

Motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of mortality and head injury in motorcycle riders who crash, although the former effect may be modified by other crash factors such as speed. Further well-conducted research is required to determine the effects of helmets and different helmet types on mortalIty, head, neck and facial injuries. However, the findings suggest that global efforts to reduce road traffic injuries may be facilitated by increasing helmet use by motorcyclists.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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This article intends to deal with an ordinary link it does on education and type of work what can be achieved. In two studies we conducted, one with the motorcyclists of Assis, in the state Sao Paulo - under the theoretical and methodological Psychodynamics of Work -, and another with the couriers in São Paulo - under a methodological framework ethnographic -, as we noted this relationship was used professionals to explain their connection and within these activities remain so poor and so dangerous for this group. This connection self cupabilization favors workers by their situation in the labor market and a difficult see no alternative to this reality. Intend to contribute to this discussion show a possible hypothesis as established this relationship (education / access to work) and show how the changes in the political context and economic environment and the world, contributed to the reduction of jobs, increasing the number precarious jobs and unemployment.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE