964 resultados para Mort -- Aspect symbolique


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Case study on how Reading College is taking a holistic approach to developing their digital strategy, focusing on good practice in teaching and learning and extending learning beyond the classroom walls.


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In this work, we measured 14 horizontal velocity profiles along the vertical direction of a rectangular microchannel with aspect ratio alpha = h/w = 0.35 (h is the height of the channel and w is the width of the channel) using microPIV at Re = 1.8 and 3.6. The experimental velocity profiles are compared with the full 3D theoretical solution, and also with a Poiseuille parabolic profile. It is shown that the experimental velocity profiles in the horizontal and vertical planes are in agreement with the theoretical profiles, except for the planes close to the wall. The discrepancies between the experimental data and 3D theoretical results in the center vertical plane are less than 3.6%. But the deviations between experimental data and Poiseuille's results approaches 5%. It indicates that 2D Poiseuille profile is no longer a perfect theoretical approximation since a = 0.35. The experiments also reveal that, very near the hydrophilic wall (z = 0.5-1 mu m), the measured velocities are significantly larger than the theoretical velocity based on the no-slip assumption. A proper discussion on some physical effects influencing the near wall velocity measurement is given.


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Fundamental studies of magnetic alignment of highly anisotropic mesostructures can enable the clean-room-free fabrication of flexible, array-based solar and electronic devices, in which preferential orientation of nano- or microwire-type objects is desired. In this study, ensembles of 100 micron long Si microwires with ferromagnetic Ni and Co coatings are oriented vertically in the presence of magnetic fields. The degree of vertical alignment and threshold field strength depend on geometric factors, such as microwire length and ferromagnetic coating thickness, as well as interfacial interactions, which are modulated by varying solvent and substrate surface chemistry. Microwire ensembles with vertical alignment over 97% within 10 degrees of normal, as measured by X-ray diffraction, are achieved over square cm scale areas and set into flexible polymer films. A force balance model has been developed as a predictive tool for magnetic alignment, incorporating magnetic torque and empirically derived surface adhesion parameters. As supported by these calculations, microwires are shown to detach from the surface and align vertically in the presence of magnetic fields on the order of 100 gauss. Microwires aligned in this manner are set into a polydimethylsiloxane film where they retain their vertical alignment after the field has been removed and can subsequently be used as a flexible solar absorber layer. Finally, these microwires arrays can be protected for use in electrochemical cells by the conformal deposition of a graphene layer.


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Apoiados nos ensinamentos de Sigmund Freud e de Jacques Lacan, partimos de um pressuposto: as obras concebidas por Clarice Lispector no intervalo de tempo entre 1964 e 1973 colocam em evidência a operação que inscreve o ser falante no campo da linguagem. Talvez por isso, nesse contexto, seja possível perceber a consolidação de uma mudança em seu estilo, considerando que, de acordo com uma determinada vertente da crítica literária, existem pelo menos dois ciclos estilísticos ao analisarmos o conjunto da obra da escritora. Esses dois ciclos são determinados quando se opera uma torção na voz narrativa, que se desloca da terceira para a primeira pessoa. Essa torção tem como marco o livro A Paixão Segundo G.H. e se consolida em 1973, com o livro Água Viva. Supomos que a mudança no estilo de Clarice Lispector corresponde à torção que engaja o ser falante nas vicissitudes do corpo, em sua origem. Assim, é por povoar o mundo dos afetos que a repercussão de determinadas leituras nos leva à seguinte constatação: haveria escritos cuja temporalidade remonta à suspensão da fantasia, motivo pelo qual se prestam a transmitir o real da experiência de uma primeira inscrição, por via do encontro entre leitor e texto. Tratar-se-iam de escritos cuja temporalidade remete ao instante em que a morte se inscreve nas malhas corporais, resultantes do que escapa ao simbólico, o real. Na intimidade do pulsional, tais práticas testemunham o momento em que a língua materna (Lalangue) faz marca no corpo, desembocando no tempo da inscrição do traço unário; o que permite ao sujeito falar, fazendo frente, por via de uma nomeação, à falta de um significante no campo do Outro, . No decorrer do presente trabalho, vimos que Lacan, ao entrelaçar saber inconsciente e poesia, assim o fez na tentativa de transmitir a fugacidade de um instante no qual o inconsciente aflora. Ao se colocar no lugar de agente da poesia, Lacan é levado a especificar a verdade como sendo poética, situando a poesia como fundamentalmente ligada ao seu estilo e à transmissibilidade da psicanálise. Com Clarice Lispector, algo se transmite. E foi com ela que retomamos importantes textos de Jacques Lacan sobre o tema da escrita, dentre os quais, a lição sobre Lituraterra e o seminário Le sinthome. Acompanhamos o seu percurso a respeito do traço unário, desde o seminário da identificação, deixando-nos interrogar sobre a potência de uma imagem que está para além do que é representável. Por isso, ao final de nosso trabalho, enfatizamos o estatuto de uma escrita que se produz por via de um ato que conjuga o traço unário ao objeto a em sua vertente olhar.


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280 p.


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The interaction between a high-pressure rotor and a downstream vane is dominated by vortex-blade interaction. Each rotor blade passing period two co-rotating vortex pairs, the tip-leakage and upper passage vortex and the lower passage and trailing shed vortex, impinge on, and are cut by, the vane leading edge. In addition to the streamwise vortex the tip-leakage flow also contains a large velocity deficit. This causes the interaction of the tip-leakage flow with a downstream vane to differ from typical vortex blade interaction. This paper investigates the effect these interaction mechanisms have on a downstream vane. The test geometry considered was a low aspect ratio second stage vane located within a S-shaped diffuser with large radius change mounted downstream of a shroudless high-pressure turbine stage. Experimental measurements were conducted at engine-representative Mach and Reynolds numbers, and data was acquired using a fast-response aerodynamic probe upstream and downstream of the vane. Time-resolved numerical simulations were undertaken with and without a rotor tip gap in order to investigate the relative magnitude of the interaction mechanisms. The presence of the upstream stage is shown to significantly change the structure of the secondary flow in the vane and to cause a small drop in its performance.


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Investigation on the seasonal distribution and abundance of various major taxa of phyto and zooplankton and the corresponding physico-chemical characteristics were carried out in four selected stations between the latitude 22°35.494N N-23°23.987 N and longitude 90°35.793 E- 90°49.061 E of the Meghna river system, Bangladesh. Drop count method was followed for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of both phyto- and zooplankton. A total of 41 phytoplankton genera belonging to 17 families and 13 zooplankton genera belonging to 11 families were recorded. Zooplankton growth cycle was noticeably less (3.0%) than the phytoplankton abundance almost throughout the study period. Quantity of plankton registered to increase chronologically from the upper to lower stretches of the river. During summer investigation the load of phytoplankton was recorded maximum (11,300-51,850 No/1). Ratio-wise quantitative difference between zoo- and phytoplankton in composition of the total standing crop fluctuated between 1.0:5.5 and 1:1037. Among the phytoplanktonic groups, Chlorophyceae was found to be dominating (95.0%) in all sampling stations. Protococcus, a single genus of Chlorophyceae played a unique role during summer, contributing the highest density of about 74.0%. The pattern of qualitative and quantitative difference of plankton standing crop in different sampling sites can be attributed to the existing physico-chemical characteristics, mainly water temperature, pH and hardness.