975 resultados para Mood states


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: Impairments in facial emotion recognition (PER) have been reported in bipolar disorder (BD) during all mood states. FER has been the focus of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies evaluating differential activation of limbic regions. Recently, the alpha 1-C subunit of the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (CACNA1C) gene has been described as a risk gene for BD and its Met allele found to increase CACNA1C mRNA expression. In healthy controls, the CACNA1C risk (Met) allele has been reported to increase limbic system activation during emotional stimuli and also to impact on cognitive function. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of CACNA1C genotype on FER scores and limbic system morphology in subjects with BD and healthy controls. Material and methods: Thirty-nine euthymic BD I subjects and 40 healthy controls were submitted to a PER recognition test battery and genotyped for CACNA1C. Subjects were also examined with a 3D 3-Tesla structural imaging protocol. Results: The CACNA1C risk allele for BD was associated to FER impairment in BD, while in controls nothing was observed. The CACNA1C genotype did not impact on amygdala or hippocampus volume neither in BD nor controls. Limitations: Sample size. Conclusion: The present findings suggest that a polymorphism in calcium channels interferes FER phenotype exclusively in BD and doesn't interfere on limbic structures morphology. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare aerobic function [anaerobic threshold (%_VVO2-AT), respiratory compensation point (%_VVO2-RCP) and peak oxygen uptake (_VVO2peak)] between physically active patients with HIV/AIDS and matched controls and to examine associations between disease status, poor muscle strength, depression (as estimated by the profile of mood states questionnaire) and the aerobic performance of patients. METHODS: Progressive treadmill test data for %_VVO2-AT (V-slope method), RCP and (_VVO2peak) were compared between 39 male patients with HIV/AIDS (age 40.6¡1.4 years) and 28 male controls (age 44.4¡2.1 years) drawn from the same community and matched for habitual physical activity. Within-patient data were also examined in relation to CD4+ counts (nadir and current data) and peak isokinetic knee torque. RESULTS: AT, RCP and (_VVO2peak) values were generally similar for patients and controls.Within the patient sample, binary classification suggested that AT, RCP and (_VVO2peak) values were not associated with either the nadir or current CD4+ count, but treadmill test variables were positively associated with peak isokinetic knee torque. CONCLUSION: The aerobic performance of physically active patients with HIV/AIDS is generally well conserved. Nevertheless, poor muscle strength is observed in some HIV/AIDS patients, which is associated with lower anaerobic power and (_VVO2peak), suggesting the possibility of enhancing the aerobic performance of patients with weak muscles through appropriate muscle-strengthening activities.


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According to the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, positive emotions broaden while negative emotions narrow thought-action repertoires. These processes reflect changes in attentional scope, which is the focus of this research. The present study tested the hypothesis that participants in negative mood would be better able to focus on a target figure and separate it from its context in a perceptual task, and would also be better able to focus on the task amid a distracting environment than participants in a positive mood. An undergraduate sample of 77 participants watched video clips selected to induce either fear or amusement, and completed an Embedded Figures Test either in a quiet setting or in a noisy setting. A higher-order ANOVA revealed that Mood had a marginally significant effect on task performance, F(1, 73) = 3.94, p = .051, and that Distraction, F(1, 72) = 4.61, p = .035 and the Mood x Distraction interaction, F(1, 73) = 9.12, p = .003 did significantly affect task performance. However, contrary to the hypothesis, the effect of the distraction manipulation was greater for participants in a negative mood than it was for participants in a positive mood. The author suggests future directions to clarify the relationship between emotions, attentional scope, and susceptibility to environmental distraction.


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BACKGROUND: Although affective instability is an essential criterion for borderline personality disorder (BPD), it has rarely been reported as an outcome criterion. To date, most of the studies assessing state affective instability in BPD using paper-pencil diaries did not find indications of this characteristic, whereas in others studies, the findings were conflicting. Furthermore, the pattern of instability that characterizes BPD has not yet been identified. METHOD: We assessed the affective states of 50 female patients with BPD and 50 female healthy controls (HC) during 24 hours of their everyday life using electronic diaries. RESULTS: In contrast to previous paper-and-pencil diary studies, heightened affective instability for both emotional valence and distress was clearly exhibited in the BPD group but not in the HC group. Inconsistencies in previous papers can be explained by the methods used to calculate instability (see Appendix). In additional, we were able to identify a group-specific pattern of instability in the BPD group characterized by sudden large decreases from positive mood states. Furthermore, 48% of the declines from a very positive mood state in BPD were so large that they reached a negative mood state. This was the case in only 9% of the HC group, suggesting that BPD patients, on average, take less time to fluctuate from a very positive mood state to a negative mood state. CONCLUSION: Future ambulatory monitoring studies will be useful in clarifying which events lead to the reported, sudden decrease in positive mood in BPD patients.


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Investigated the interaction between induced mood states and selective learning among 28 college students. Ss were asked to behave as if they were happy or depressed while learning a list of words with neutral, positive, and negative affective valence. Results document the mood congruity effect. This effect was stronger among Ss who predicted the relationship between mood and word valence than among Ss who were unaware of this relationship.


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O Transtorno Bipolar (TB) tipo I é uma doença caracterizada por episódios de mania e depressão recorrentes com importante prejuízo do funcionamento global e comprometimento das funções cognitivas. Além disso, sabe-se que o número de episódios de humor patológico ao longo da vida pode também influenciar o funcionamento cognitivo destes sujeitos. Neste cenário, ocorreu a necessidade de se investigar marcadores genéticos para disfunção cognitiva no TB com o objetivo de estudar este fenômeno. Dentre os potenciais genes responsáveis por influenciar a cognição destacam-se os polimorfismos funcionais do fator neurotrófico derivado do cérebro (BDNF), da catecol-O-metiltransferase (COMT), da apolipoproteína-E (APOE) e do canal de cálcio de baixa voltagem subunidade 1-C (CACNA1C). Sabe-se, também, que no TB os marcadores de estresse oxidativo estão aumentados durante todas as fases da doença, entretanto, não é claro qual impacto destes na disfunção cognitiva de indivíduos com TB. O objetivo dessa tese foi avaliar o desempenho cognitivo de pacientes jovens com bipolaridade tipo I e sua associação com o genótipo de BDNF, COMT, APOE e CACNA1C e também com os níveis plasmáticos de oxidação da guanosina (8-OHdG) e citosina (5-Mec) durante os episódios de humor, eutimia e em controles. Para investigar essa associação foram incluídos 116 pacientes (79 em episódio de humor patológico e 37 eutímicos) com diagnóstico de TB tipo I (DSMIV-TR); 97 controles saudáveis foram submetidos à avaliação neuropsicológica e coleta de sangue para extração de DNA visando genotipagem para BDNF (rs6265), COMT (rs4680; rs165599), APOE (rs429358 e rs7412), CACNA1C (rs1006737), 8-OhdG e 5-Mec. A análise dos dados obtidos revelou que pacientes portadores do genótipo Met/Met rs4680/rs165599 do COMT apresentam comprometimento cognitivo mais grave (função executiva, fluência verbal, memória e inteligência) comparado ao genótipo Val/Met ou Val/Val durante episódios maníacos ou mistos. Na mesma direção destes resultados, verificou-se que pacientes portadores do alelo Met rs4680 do COMT apresentam comprometimento do reconhecimento de emoções faciais em episódios de mania e depressão. Nenhum efeito do COMT foi observado em controles. O alelo de risco Met do CACNA1C se associou a um pior comprometimento executivo independente dos sintomas maníacos ou depressivos no TB, porém nenhum efeito se observou nos controles. O alelo Met do BDNF rs6265 ou a presença do alelo 4 da APOE não representa um fator que identifique um grupo com desempenho cognitivo diferenciado durante as fases do TB ou em controles. Sujeitos com TB apresentaram níveis mais elevados de 8-OHdG e tais níveis eram diretamente proporcionais ao número de episódios maníacos ao longo da vida, sugerindo um papel dos episódios hiperdopaminérgicos na oxidação das bases de DNA. Concluiu-se que a genotipagem para COMT e CACNA1C em pacientes com TB pode identificar um grupo de pacientes associados a pior disfunção cognitiva durante as fases maníacas e mistas do TB. Tal dado pode ser um indicador do envolvimento do sistema dopaminérgico e dos canais de cálcio de baixa voltagem na fisiopatologia da disfunção cognitiva no TB e deve ser explorado em outros estudos


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Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le modèle cognitif basé sur les interprétations (Groupe de recherche sur la cognition dans le trouble obsessionnel compulsif [OCCWG], 1997, 2001, 2003, 2005) représente le modèle psychologique de l’étiologie et du maintien du TOC le plus étudié au plan empirique. Cependant, peu de recherches ont porté sur les deux postulats importants du modèle touchant respectivement le développement des croyances liées à l’obsessionnalité et la contribution des états affectifs au maintien des interprétations et des croyances (réactivité cognitive). L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à la validation empirique de ces postulats. Fondé sur un devis corrélationnel dans un échantillon de participants mixte (participants troubles obsessionnels-compulsifs et participants non cliniques), le premier article étudie les liens entre les expériences de l’enfance et la présence de croyances obsessionnelles chez l’adulte. Deux modèles alternatifs sont comparés qui représentent d’une part un lien spécifique, et d’autre part un lien non spécifique entre les expériences de l’enfance et les croyances obsessionnelles adultes. Les résultats suggèrent la présence à la fois de relations spécifiques et non spécifiques entre les expériences de l’enfance et les croyances adultes. Les expériences de l’enfance et les domaines de croyance obsessionnels qui montrent des liens spécifiques sont ceux relatifs à la responsabilité, à la perception du danger, et au perfectionnisme. En contrepartie, les expériences de l’enfance relatives à la perception de danger et dans une moindre mesure la sociotropie, apparaissent étroitement liés à la plupart des domaines de croyances adultes (intolérance à l’incertitude, surestimation du danger, importance et contrôle des pensées). Dans la seconde étude, nous nous intéressons à la mesure et l’analyse longitudinales de la réactivité cognitive telle qu’elle s’exprime dans l’environnement naturel de huit participants troubles obsessionnels-compulsifs de type ruminateur. Par le biais de huit protocoles à cas uniques intensifs, l’analyse de contingence entre les scores quotidiens d’humeur (4 états émotionnels cotés par participant) et d’interprétations (une interprétation idiographique des intrusions par participant) permet d’établir une mesure de l’importance de la réactivité cognitive chez chaque participant. Ces résultats sont ensuite analysés du point de vue des postulats principaux de deux modèles spécifiques de la réactivité cognitive (modèle de l’Infusion de l’affect [Forgas, 2008] et modèle de l’Humeur comme intrant [Meeten & Davey, 2011]. Ainsi, les analyses intra-individuelles répétées trans-comportements) et interindividuelles (trans-participants) permettent d’illustrer le rôle proximal déterminant des stratégies de traitement de l’information (traitement systématique; traitement superficiel; traitement altéré) employées par les participants. En résumé, les résultats obtenus dans ces deux études fournissent des données utiles à la poursuite de la validation du modèle des interprétations du TOC. Dans la première étude, l’identification de liens spécifiques entre les EE et les croyances obsessionnelles soutient la séquence étiologique postulée, alors que l’identification de liens non spécifiques suggère que d’autres trajectoires étiologiques peuvent être pertinentes. Dans la seconde étude, l’analyse longitudinale et naturaliste des covariations humeur – interprétations se révèle d’abord féconde à identifier les phénomènes de réactivité cognitive postulés dans le modèle des interprétations. Ensuite, en conformité aux modèles intégrés de la réactivité cognitive, l’analyse des liens entre cette réactivité et les stratégies privilégiées de neutralisation des participants permet d’identifier le rôle clé des différentes stratégies de traitement de l’information dans la réactivité cognitive.


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Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le modèle cognitif basé sur les interprétations (Groupe de recherche sur la cognition dans le trouble obsessionnel compulsif [OCCWG], 1997, 2001, 2003, 2005) représente le modèle psychologique de l’étiologie et du maintien du TOC le plus étudié au plan empirique. Cependant, peu de recherches ont porté sur les deux postulats importants du modèle touchant respectivement le développement des croyances liées à l’obsessionnalité et la contribution des états affectifs au maintien des interprétations et des croyances (réactivité cognitive). L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à la validation empirique de ces postulats. Fondé sur un devis corrélationnel dans un échantillon de participants mixte (participants troubles obsessionnels-compulsifs et participants non cliniques), le premier article étudie les liens entre les expériences de l’enfance et la présence de croyances obsessionnelles chez l’adulte. Deux modèles alternatifs sont comparés qui représentent d’une part un lien spécifique, et d’autre part un lien non spécifique entre les expériences de l’enfance et les croyances obsessionnelles adultes. Les résultats suggèrent la présence à la fois de relations spécifiques et non spécifiques entre les expériences de l’enfance et les croyances adultes. Les expériences de l’enfance et les domaines de croyance obsessionnels qui montrent des liens spécifiques sont ceux relatifs à la responsabilité, à la perception du danger, et au perfectionnisme. En contrepartie, les expériences de l’enfance relatives à la perception de danger et dans une moindre mesure la sociotropie, apparaissent étroitement liés à la plupart des domaines de croyances adultes (intolérance à l’incertitude, surestimation du danger, importance et contrôle des pensées). Dans la seconde étude, nous nous intéressons à la mesure et l’analyse longitudinales de la réactivité cognitive telle qu’elle s’exprime dans l’environnement naturel de huit participants troubles obsessionnels-compulsifs de type ruminateur. Par le biais de huit protocoles à cas uniques intensifs, l’analyse de contingence entre les scores quotidiens d’humeur (4 états émotionnels cotés par participant) et d’interprétations (une interprétation idiographique des intrusions par participant) permet d’établir une mesure de l’importance de la réactivité cognitive chez chaque participant. Ces résultats sont ensuite analysés du point de vue des postulats principaux de deux modèles spécifiques de la réactivité cognitive (modèle de l’Infusion de l’affect [Forgas, 2008] et modèle de l’Humeur comme intrant [Meeten & Davey, 2011]. Ainsi, les analyses intra-individuelles répétées trans-comportements) et interindividuelles (trans-participants) permettent d’illustrer le rôle proximal déterminant des stratégies de traitement de l’information (traitement systématique; traitement superficiel; traitement altéré) employées par les participants. En résumé, les résultats obtenus dans ces deux études fournissent des données utiles à la poursuite de la validation du modèle des interprétations du TOC. Dans la première étude, l’identification de liens spécifiques entre les EE et les croyances obsessionnelles soutient la séquence étiologique postulée, alors que l’identification de liens non spécifiques suggère que d’autres trajectoires étiologiques peuvent être pertinentes. Dans la seconde étude, l’analyse longitudinale et naturaliste des covariations humeur – interprétations se révèle d’abord féconde à identifier les phénomènes de réactivité cognitive postulés dans le modèle des interprétations. Ensuite, en conformité aux modèles intégrés de la réactivité cognitive, l’analyse des liens entre cette réactivité et les stratégies privilégiées de neutralisation des participants permet d’identifier le rôle clé des différentes stratégies de traitement de l’information dans la réactivité cognitive.


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Objectives: The study of aggression and anger in competitive sport relies on accurate and economical measurement via observation, interview and questionnaire. Unfortunately, extant questionnaires have been criticised for having poor validity, are not sport specific, or reflect mood states rather than trait qualities. Therefore, a measure of trait anger and aggressiveness in competitive athletes was developed. Method: A list of statements representing aggressiveness and anger was generated and distributed to competitive athletes from diverse sports. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses were used to verify the theoretically predicted factor structure. Correlations with an extant measure of aggression and anger were used to ascertain concurrent validity. Discriminant validity was tested by comparing males with females, and aggressive with non-aggressive footballers. Results: A 12-item scale (Competitive Aggressiveness and Anger Scale, CAAS) consisting of two subscales was derived using principal component factor analysis with oblimin rotation. Confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modelling confirmed the overall structure. Test-retest correlation, construct and discriminant validities were good, supporting the utility of the scale as a measure of athlete trait aggressiveness and anger. Conclusions: The CAAS appears to be a useful measure of athletic anger and aggressiveness. Its brevity and ability to discriminate aggressive from non-aggressive athletes should prove useful for future research concerning aggressive behaviour in competitive athletes. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abnormalities in fronto-limbic-striatal white matter (WM) have been reported in bipolar disorder (BD), but results have been inconsistent across studies. Furthermore, there have been no detailed investigations as to whether acute mood states contribute to microstructural changes in WM tracts. In order to compare fiber density and structural integrity within WM tracts between BD depression and remission, whole-brain fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) were assessed in 37 bipolar I disorder (BD-I) patients (16 depressed and 21 remitted), and 26 healthy individuals with diffusion tensor imaging. Significantly decreased FA and increased MD in bilateral prefronto-limbic-striatal white matter and right inferior fronto-occipital, superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi were shown in all BD-I patients versus controls, as well as in depressed BD-I patients compared to both controls and remitted BD-I patients. Depressed BD-I patients also exhibited increased FA in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Remitted BD-I patients did not differ from controls in FA or MD. These findings suggest that BD-I depression may be associated with acute microstructural WM changes.


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During the last decades, it has been established that there is a relationship between major depression and activation of immune system. Nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) is the natural ligand of a Gi-protein coupled receptor named NOP, both compose the peptidergic system wich is involved in the regulation of mood states and inflammatory responses. Considering these actions, the present thesis aimed to investigate the consequences of blocking NOP signaling in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced sickness and depressive-like behaviors in mice. Systemic administration of LPS doses, that do not cause sepsis in mice, induce changes in their behaviors related with activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukins 6 (IL-6) and 1β (IL-1 β). At the time points of 2 to 6 h and 24 h after intraperitoneal injection, mice treated with LPS displayed, respectively, sickness and depressive-like behaviors. In the present work the administration of LPS 0.8 mg/kg (ip) significantly induced sickness signs in Swiss and CD-1 mice, such as weight loss, transient reduction in rectal temperature and decrease of food and water intake. Moreover at 24 h after LPS injection these same mice strains displayed significantly increased immobility time on the tail suspension test (TST) when compared with control mice, this alteration was not related with possible locomotion impairments as verified on the open field test. Treatment with Nortriptyline 30 mg/kg (ip, 60 min prior the TST) reduced the immobility time of control and LPS-treated mice and was used as standard antidepressant. The NOP receptor antagonist SB-612111 (10 mg/kg, ip), 30 min prior LPS, did not modify LPS-induced sickness signs and depressive-like behavior. However, when injected 24 h after LPS treatment, SB-612111 (ip, 30 min prior the TST) as well as the peptidergic NOP receptor antagonist UFP-101 (10 nmol/2μL, icv, 5 min prior the TST) significantly reversed the toxin effects. The protocol of LPS-induced depressive-like states was also tested in NOP receptor knockout mice (NOP(-/-)) and their respective wild types (NOP(+/+)). LPS evoked transient rectal temperature reduction in NOP(-/-) mice and loss of body weight, food and water intake reduction in both NOP(+/+) and NOP(-/-) mice. The consumption of water was significantly different due to the genotype. LPS injection induced transient changes in pro-inflammatory cytokines. At 6 h after LPS injection, serum levels of TNF-α were significantly increased in NOP(+/+) and NOP(-/-) mice, as the IL-6 levels were significantly increased just in NOP(+/+) serum. At 24 h after LPS treatment the pro-inflammatory cytokines had returned to the baseline levels in both genotypes. LPS treatment elicited depressive-like effects in NOP(+/+) but not in NOP(-/-) mice. The data obtained during the execution of this doctoral thesis reveal that pharmacological and genetic blockade of NOP signaling does not affect LPS evoked sickness signs while reversing depressive-like behavior. In conclusion, these results highlight the involvement of the peptidergic system N/OFQ - NOP receptor in the modulation of behaviors related to mood and activation of the immune system.


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In this study three chronicles from national newspapers (one generalist and two sport press) were analyzed. The chronicles belong to Spain’s soccer final of the King’s Cup in 2014. The aim of the study was to know if there was any influence on the readers’ perception of justice and consequently if this influence could cause a particular predisposition to participate in acts of protest. 462 university students participated. The results showed that different chronicles caused differences in the perception of justice depending on the chronicle read. However, a clear influence on the willingness to participate in acts of protest was not obtained. These results should make us think about the impact of sport press and its influence, and to be aware of the indirect responsibility of every sector on the antisocial behaviors generated by soccer in our country.


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Objective: To examine the effectiveness of an “Enhancing Positive Emotions Procedure” (EPEP) based on positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy in relieving distress at the time of adjuvant chemotherapy treatment in colorectal cancer patients (CRC). It is expected that EPEP will increase quality of life and positive affect in CRC patients during chemotherapy treatment intervention and at 1 month follow-up.Method: A group of 24 CRC patients received the EPEP procedure (intervention group), whereas another group of 20 CRC patients did not receive the EPEP (control group). Quality of life (EORTC-QLQC30), and mood (PANAS) were assessed in three moments: prior to enter the study (T1), at the end of the time required to apply the EPEP (T2, 6 weeks after T1), and, at follow-up (T3, one-month after T2). Patient’s assessments of the EPEP (improving in mood states, and significance of the attention received) were assessed with Lickert scales.Results: Insomnia was reduced in the intervention group. Treatment group had better scores on positive affect although there were no significantly differences between groups and over time. There was a trend to better scores at T2 and T3 for the intervention group on global health status, physical, role, and social functioning scales. Patients stated that positive mood was enhanced and that EPEP was an important resource.Conclusions: CRC patients receiving EPEP during chemotherapy believed that this intervention was important. Furthermore, EPEP seems to improve positive affect and quality of life. EPEP has potential benefits, and its implementation to CRC patients should be considered.


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Objective: To determine the expression of autistic and positive schizotypal traits in a large sample of adults with bipolar I disorder (BD-I), and the effect of co-occurring autistic and positive schizotypal traits on global functioning in BD-I. Method: Autistic and positive schizotypal traits were self-assessed in 797 individuals with BD-I recruited by the Bipolar Disorder Research Network. Differences in global functioning (rated using the Global Assessment Scale) during lifetime worst depressive and manic episodes (GASD and GASM respectively) were calculated in groups with high/low autistic and positive schizotypal traits. Regression analyses assessed the interactive effect of autistic and positive schizotypal traits on global functioning. Results: 47.2% (CI=43.7-50.7%) showed clinically significant levels of autistic traits, and 23.22% (95% CI=20.29-26.14) showed clinically significant levels of positive schizotypal traits. In the worst episode of mania, the high autistic, high positive schizotypal group had better global functioning compared to the other groups. Individual differences analyses showed that high levels of co-occurring traits were associated with better global functioning in both mood states. Limitations: Autistic and schizotypal traits were assessed using self-rated questionnaires. Conclusions: Expression of autistic and schizotypal traits in adults with BD-I is prevalent, and may be important to predict illness aetiology, prognosis, and diagnostic practices in this population. Future work should focus on replicating these findings in independent samples, and on the biological and/or psychosocial mechanisms underlying better global functioning in those who have high levels of both autistic and positive schizotypal traits.