977 resultados para Molybdenum Disilicide
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Die biologische Stickstofffixierung durch Molybdän-haltige Nitrogenasen sowie die Erforschung des zugrundeliegenden komplexen Mechanismus (N2-Aktivierung an Metall-Zentren, 6-fache Protonierung und Reduktion, N–N Bindungsspaltung unter Bildung von Ammoniak) ist von erheblichem Interesse. Insbesondere Molybdän-Komplexe wurden bereits erfolgreich als Modellverbindungen für die Untersuchung elementarer Einzelschritte der N2-Aktivierung eingesetzt. Durch die Verwendung von Triamidoamin-Liganden ist es Schrock et al. sogar gelungen mehrere Katalysezyklen zu durchlaufen und einen Mechanismus zu formulieren. Trotz der sterisch anspruchsvollen Substituenten in den Schrock-Komplexen ist die Umsatzrate dieses homogenen Katalysators, aufgrund Komplex-Deaktivierung infolge intermolekularer Reaktionen wie Dimerisierung und Disproportionierung, limitiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden einige dieser Herausforderungen angegangen und die aktiven Spezies auf einer Festphase immobilisiert, um intermolekulare Reaktionen durch räumliche Isolierung der Komplexe zu unterdrücken.rnEin Polymer-verankertes Analogon des Schrock Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes wurde auf einem neuen Reaktionsweg synthetisiert. Dieser beinhaltet nur einen einzigen Reaktionsschritt, um die funktionelle Gruppe „MoN“ einzuführen. Protonierung des immobilisierten Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes LMoVIN (L = Polymer-verankerter Triamidoamin-Ligand) mit 2,6-Lutidinium liefert den entsprechenden Imido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplex. Durch anschließende Ein-Elektronen-Reduktion mit Cobaltocen wird der Polymer-angebundene Imido-Molybdän(V)-Komplex erhalten, bewiesen durch EPR-Spektroskopie (g1,2,3 = 1.989, 1.929, 1.902). Durch die Immobilisierung und die effektive räumliche Separation der Reaktionszentren auf der Festphase werden bimolekulare Nebenreaktionen, die oft in homogenen Systemen auftreten, unterdrückt. Dies ermöglicht zum ersten Mal die Darstellung des Imido-Molybdän(V)-Intermediates des Schrock-Zyklus.rnEPR-Spektren des als Spin-Label eingeführten immobilisierten Nitrato-Kupfer(II)-Komplexes wurden unter verschiedenen Bedingungen (Lösungsmittel, Temperatur) aufgenommen, wobei sich eine starke Abhängigkeit zwischen der Zugänglichkeit und Reaktivität der immobilisierten Reaktionszentren und der Art des Lösungsmittels zeigte. Somit wurde die Reaktivität von LMoVIN gegenüber Protonen und Elektronen, welches zur Bildung von NH3 führt, unter Verwendung verschiedener Lösungsmittel untersucht und optimiert. Innerhalb des kugelförmigen Polymers verläuft die Protonierung und Reduktion von LMoVIN stufenweise. Aktive Zentren, die sich an der „äußeren Schale“ des Polymers befinden, sind gut zugänglich und reagieren schnell nach H+/e− Zugabe. Aktive Zentren im „Inneren des Polymers“ hingegen sind schlechter zugänglich und zeigen langsame diffusions-kontrollierte Reaktionen, wobei drei H+/e− Schritte gefolgt von einer Ligandenaustausch-Reaktion erforderlich sind, um NH3 freizusetzen: LMoVIN LMoVNH LMoIVNH2 LMoIIINH3 und anschließender Ligandenaustausch führt zur Freisetzung von NH3.rnIn einem weiteren Projekt wurde der Bis(ddpd)-Kupfer(II)-Komplex EPR-spektroskopisch in Hinblick auf Jahn−Teller-Verzerrung und -Dynamik untersucht. Dabei wurden die EPR-Spektren bei variabler Temperatur (70−293 K) aufgenommen. Im Festkörperspektrum bei T < 100 K erscheint der Kupfer(II)-Komplex als gestreckter Oktaeder, wohingegen das EPR-Spektrum bei höheren Temperaturen g-Werte aufzeigt, die einer pseudo-gestauchten oktaedrischen Kupfer(II)-Spezies zuzuordnen sind. Diese Tatsache wird einem intramolekularen dynamischen Jahn−Teller Phänomen zugeschrieben, welcher bei 100 K eingefroren wird.
We report molybdenum isotope compositions and concentrations in water samples from a variety of river catchment profiles in order to investigate the influence of anthropogenic contamination, catchment geology, within-river precipitation, and seasonal river flow variations on riverine molybdenum. Our results show that the observed variations in δ98/95Mo from 0‰ to 1.9‰ are primarily controlled by catchment lithology, particularly by weathering of sulfates and sulfides. Erosion in catchments dominated by wet-based glaciers leads to very high dissolved molybdenum concentrations. In contrast, anthropogenic inputs affect neither the concentration nor the isotopic composition of dissolved molybdenum in the rivers studied here. Seasonal variations are also quite muted. The finding that catchment geology exerts the primary control on the delivery of molybdenum to seawater indicates that the flux and isotope composition of molybdenum to seawater has likely varied in the geologic past.
Here we present stable isotope data for vertical profiles of dissolved molybdenum of the modern euxinic water columns of the Black Sea and two deeps of the Baltic Sea. Dissolved molybdenum in all water samples is depleted in salinity-normalized concentration and enriched in the heavy isotope (δ98Mo values up to + 2.9‰) compared to previously published isotope data of sedimentary molybdenum from the same range of water depths. Furthermore, δ98Mo values of all water samples from the Black Sea and anoxic deeps of the Baltic Sea are heavier than open ocean water. The observed isotope fractionation between sediments and the anoxic water column of the Black Sea are in line with the model of thiomolybdates that scavenge to particles under reducing conditions. An extrapolation to a theoretical pure MoS42− solution indicates a fractionation constant between MoS42− and authigenic solid Mo of 0.5 ± 0.3‰. Measured waters with all thiomolybdates coexisting in various proportions show larger but non-linear fractionation. The best explanation for our field observations is Mo scavenging by the thiomolybdates, dominantly — but not exclusively — present in the form of MoS42−. The Mo isotopic compositions of samples from the sediments and anoxic water column of the Baltic Sea are in overall agreement with those of the Black Sea at intermediate depth and corresponding sulphide concentrations. The more dynamic changes of redox conditions in the Baltic deeps complicate the Black Sea-derived relationship between thiomolybdates and Mo isotopic composition. In particular, the occasional flushing/mixing, of the deep waters, affects the corresponding water column and sedimentary data. δ98Mo values of the upper oxic waters of both basins are higher than predicted by mixing models based on salinity variations. The results can be explained by non-conservative behaviour of Mo under suboxic to anoxic conditions in the shallow bottom parts of the basin, most pronounced on the NW shelf of the Black Sea.
We are interested in the syntheses of new complexes and in their characterization by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. Once we understand the structures, studies aimed at understanding uses of these complexes in the field of catalytic epoxidation using complexes soluble in water and syntheses of thin films (not assessed) were conducted. The syntheses, characterization and catalytic properties of a series of mononuclear, dinuclear and tetranuclear molybdenum and tungsten oxo complexes are described. The syntheses and structural characterization of two copper coordination polymers with 3,5-dihydroxylbenzoate ligand, and five paddlewheel shaped copper dendrimers coordinated with Fréchet-type dendrons are also detailed. The background of this dissertation is outlined in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 describes the syntheses, and characterization of two new mononuclear molybdenum(VI) and tungsten(VI) oxo complexes, MoO2Cl2(OPPh2CH2OH)2, and WO2Cl2(OPPh2CH2OH)2, bearing hydrophilic phosphine oxide ligand. The catalytic properties of these complexes for the epoxidation of cis-cyclooctene were also studied. Two new dinuclear molybdenum(VI) and tungsten(VI) oxo complexes Mo2O4Cl2[(HOCH2)PhPOO]2, and (CH3O)2(O)W(μ-O)(μ-O2PPh2)2W(O)(CH3O)2, bearing organophosphinate ligand are described in Chapter 3 and 4. Chapter 4 and 5 describes the syntheses and characterization of tetranuclear molybdenum(V) oxo complexes bearing various organophosphinate ligands. The catalytic abilities of these complexes for the epoxidation of cis-cyclooctene in the presence of hydrogen peroxide as oxidant were explored as well. Various spectroscopic methods, such as IR, UV-vis, and NMR are used to characterize the nature of these complexes. Crystal structures of compounds MoO2Cl2(OPPh2CH2OH)2, WO2Cl2(OPPh2CH2OH)2, Mo2O4Cl2[(HOCH2)PhPOO]2, (CH3O)2(O)W(μ-O)(μ-O2PPh2)2W(O)(CH3O)2, and Mo4(µ3-O)4(µ-O2PR2)4O4 (R=Ph, Me, ClCH2, o-C6H4(CH2)2) are also presented. The syntheses, and structural characterization of three copper(II) coordination polymers bearing 3,5-dihydroxybenzoate ligand are described in Chapter 6. Two copper(II) coordination polymers, [Cu2(3,5-dhb)2(pyridine)4]n, and [Cu2(3,5-dhb)4]n were afforded based on different amount of pyridine used in the reaction. The structures of these complexes are further built into 2D or 3D networks via inter or intra hydrogen bonds. The syntheses and structural characterization of the zinc(II) monomer, Zn(3,5-dhb)2(pyridine)2 is also described in this Chapter. Chapter 7 describes the syntheses, and characterization of five dendronized dicopper complexes bearing different generations of Fréchet-type dendrons. The structures of 3,5- bis(benzoyloxl)benzoic acid, 3,5-(PhCOO)2PhCOOH (G1), Cu2(3,5-dhb)4(THF)2, Cu2(G1)4(pyridine)2, and Cu2(G1)4(CH3OH)2 were characterized unambiguously by single X-ray diffraction. In addition, all compounds were characterized by FT-IR, UV-vis spectroscopy and elemental analyses.
We analysed the Mo isotope composition of a comprehensive series of molybdenite samples from the porphyry- type Questa deposit (NM, USA), as well as one rhyolite and one granite sample, directly associated with the Mo mineralization. The δ98Mo of the molybdenites ranges between −0.48‰ and +0.40‰, with a median at −0.05‰. The median Mo isotope composition increases from early magmatic (−0.29‰) to hydrothermal (−0.05‰) breccia mineralization (median bulk breccia = −0.17‰) to late stockwork veining (+0.22‰). Moreover, variations of up to 0.34‰ are found between different molybdenite crystals within an individual hand specimen. The rhyolite sample with 0.12 μg g−1 Mo has δ98Mo = −0.57‰ and is lighter than all molybde- nites from the Questa deposit, interpreted to represent the igneous leftover after aqueous ore fluid exsolution. We recognize three Mo isotope fractionation processes that occur between about 700 and 350 °C, affecting the Mo iso- tope composition of magmatic–hydrothermal molybdenites. Δ1Mo: Minerals preferentially incorporate light Mo isotopes during progressive fractional crystallization in subvolcanic magma reservoirs, leaving behind a melt enriched in heavy Mo isotopes. Δ2Mo: Magmatic–hydrothermal fluids preferentially incorporate heavy Mo iso- topes upon fluid exsolution. Δ3Mo: Light Mo isotopes get preferentially incorporated in molybdenite during crys- tallization from an aqueous fluid, leaving behind a hydrothermal fluid that gets heavier with progressive molybdenite crystallization. The sum of all three fractionation processes produces molybdenites that record heavier δ98Mo compositions than their source magmas. This implies that the mean δ98Mo of molybdenites published so far (~0.4‰) likely represents a maximum value for the Mo isotope composition of Phanerozoic igneous upper crust.
The seasonal dynamics of molybdenum (Mo) were studied in the water column of two tidal basins of the German Wadden Sea (Sylt-Rømø and Spiekeroog) between 2007 and 2011. In contrast to its conservative behaviour in the open ocean, both, losses of more than 50% of the usual concentration level of Mo in seawater and enrichments up to 20% were observed repeatedly in the water column of the study areas. During early summer, Mo removal by adsorption on algae-derived organic matter (e.g. after Phaeocystis blooms) is postulated to be a possible mechanism. Mo bound to organic aggregates is likely transferred to the surface sediment where microbial decomposition enriches Mo in the pore water. First δ98/95Mo data of the study area disclose residual Mo in the open water column being isotopically heavier than MOMo (Mean Ocean Molybdenum) during a negative Mo concentration anomaly, whereas suspended particulate matter shows distinctly lighter values. Based on field observations a Mo isotope enrichment factor of ε = −0.3‰ has been determined which was used to argue against sorption on metal oxide surfaces. It is suggested here that isotope fractionation is caused by biological activity and association to organic matter. Pelagic Mo concentration anomalies exceeding the theoretical salinity-based concentration level, on the other hand, cannot be explained by replenishment via North Sea waters alone and require a supply of excess Mo. Laboratory experiments with natural anoxic tidal flat sediments and modelled sediment displacement during storm events suggest fast and effective Mo release during the resuspension of anoxic sediments in oxic seawater as an important process for a recycling of sedimentary sulphide bound Mo into the water column.
Molybdenum isotopes are increasingly widely applied in Earth Sciences. They are primarily used to investigate the oxygenation of Earth's ocean and atmosphere. However, more and more fields of application are being developed, such as magmatic and hydrothermal processes, planetary sciences or the tracking of environmental pollution. Here, we present a proposal for a unifying presentation of Mo isotope ratios in the studies of mass-dependent isotope fractionation. We suggest that the δ98/95Mo of the NIST SRM 3134 be defined as +0.25‰. The rationale is that the vast majority of published data are presented relative to reference materials that are similar, but not identical, and that are all slightly lighter than NIST SRM 3134. Our proposed data presentation allows a direct first-order comparison of almost all old data with future work while referring to an international measurement standard. In particular, canonical δ98/95Mo values such as +2.3‰ for seawater and −0.7‰ for marine Fe–Mn precipitates can be kept for discussion. As recent publications show that the ocean molybdenum isotope signature is homogeneous, the IAPSO ocean water standard or any other open ocean water sample is suggested as a secondary measurement standard, with a defined δ98/95Mo value of +2.34 ± 0.10‰ (2s). Les isotopes du molybdène (Mo) sont de plus en plus largement utilisés dans les sciences de la Terre. Ils sont principalement utilisés pour étudier l'oxygénation de l'océan et de l'atmosphère de la Terre. Cependant, de plus en plus de domaines d'application sont en cours de développement, tels que ceux concernant les processus magmatiques et hydrothermaux, les sciences planétaires ou encore le suivi de la pollution environnementale. Ici, nous présentons une proposition de présentation unifiée des rapports isotopiques du Mo dans les études du fractionnement isotopique dépendant de la masse. Nous suggérons que le δ98/95Mo du NIST SRM 3134 soit définit comme étant égal à +0.25 ‰. La raison est que la grande majorité des données publiées sont présentés par rapport à des matériaux de référence qui sont similaires, mais pas identiques, et qui sont tous légèrement plus léger que le NIST SRM 3134. Notre proposition de présentation des données permet une comparaison directe au premier ordre de presque toutes les anciennes données avec les travaux futurs en se référant à un standard international. En particulier, les valeurs canoniques du δ98/95Mo comme celle de +2,3 ‰ pour l'eau de mer et de -0,7 ‰ pour les précipités de Fe-Mn marins peuvent être conservés pour la discussion. Comme les publications récentes montrent que la signature isotopique moyenne du molybdène de l'océan est homogène, le standard de l'eau océanique IAPSO ou tout autre échantillon d'eau provenant de l'océan ouvert sont proposé comme standards secondaires, avec une valeur définie du δ98/95 Mo de 2.34 ± 0.10 ‰ (2s).