978 resultados para Modalidade deôntica


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O presente trabalho, resultante de pesquisa documental e de campo, subsidiada pela abordagem qualitativa, teve por objetivos identificar e analisar a proposta metodológica de formação profissional por competências realizada pelo SENAI- PA, considerando suas especificidades, ideologias, objetivos latentes, e sua dimensão política, uma vez que esta instituição apresenta a referida proposta como alternativa para elevar o nível de formação e qualificação profissional, formar cidadãos criativos e empreendedores para atender às demandas do setor industrial. A investigação iniciou a partir de uma pesquisa exploratória e revisão bibliográfica de fundamentação teórica sobre a temática, permitindo a compreensão do objeto de estudo, além de respaldar a definição do problema de pesquisa. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de informações contidas no site institucional do SENAI, de pesquisas e obras que tratam da formação profissional ofertada por esta instituição. Para a realização desta investigação foi feito primeiramente um estudo dos referenciais teóricos, sobretudo, das teorias pedagógicas que têm pautado o desenvolvimento da prática pedagógica no contexto educacional brasileiro, como também, das teorias pedagógicas e econômicas que têm fundamentado a prática pedagógica de educação profissional. À luz destes referenciais, e com base nos procedimentos da análise dos conteúdos, examinamos os dados a partir dos seguintes eixos temáticos: objetivos, avaliação conteúdos, métodos e técnicas de ensino, relação teoria e prática, forma e conteúdo. Utilizamos ainda as categorias de análise obtidas a partir dos dados coletados: aprendizagem significativa, prática pedagógica eficaz, formar para o trabalho e para cidadania. A pesquisa possibilitou identificar o utilitarismo no processo de ensino, cuja manifestação ocorre no desenrolar das práticas pedagógicas, através da relação dicotômica entre teoria e prática, caracterizando, desta forma, a proposta metodológica de ensino desta instituição. Verificamos que a atual metodologia de ensino fundamentada na pedagogia das competências, se constitui no aperfeiçoamento da antiga metodologia utilizada por esta instituição, uma vez que ambas estão alicerçadas no Condutivismo, Pragmatismo, Funcionalismo, e no Construtivismo. Este aperfeiçoamento vincula-se à investigação prévia das competências a serem adquiridas pelo trabalhador, à caracterização do perfil dos cursos pelas competências exigidas pelo mercado, à estreita relação dos elementos constitutivos da prática pedagógica - conteúdos, métodos e técnicas de ensino e a avaliação da aprendizagem - aos ditames mercadológicos. Constatamos ainda que este aperfeiçoamento promove a continuidade de uma formação orientada pelos preceitos e exigências do mercado, caracterizando uma formação profissional para o trabalho e para cidadania.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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As diferentes relações entre tempo e aspecto, de um lado, e tempo e modalidade, de outro, são analisadas quanto à dêixis, para posterior análise do valor modal do tempo futuro. Ressalta-se o caráter dêitico-temporal da situação canónica da enunciação, ou ponto-zero do tempo, que o falante pode usar para identificar um dos possíveis estados-de-mundo e ao qual pode relacionar outros estados-de-mundo por meio de tempo e da modalidade.


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O presente artigo discute a relação entre leitura e produção de textos e apresenta uma modalidade de ensino de redação em termos da integração do uso diário da língua.


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Este trabalho objetiva analisar os mecanismos segmentais de expressão da modalidade epistêmica, sustentando a hipótese de que o grau de comprometimento do falante pode ser avaliado em correspondência com o nível da organização estrutural da frase em que o modâlizador atua.


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Este artigo sugere, a partir de análise da operação de modalização, comum às diversas línguas, trabalho prático com texto, visando ao aprimoramento do ensino de leitura em língua inglesa.


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Neste trabalho, baseado nos princípios da Análise do Discurso francesa, seguindo especialmente o pensamento de Maingueneau (1998), analisamos a modalidade na literatura de auto-ajuda, o que nos permitiu verificar que a manifestação da certeza é um dos traços semânticos desse discurso.


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Based on the concept that horses have balanced symmetry between its anatomical regions, the aim of this study was to introduce a method of assessing the balance of equines through body proportions. Altogether twelve linear measurements, using metric tape, were measured in 234 horses Quarter Horses for evidence of barrel racing. From these measurements were built nine body proportions, each one given by the ratio of two specific measures, and the effects of sex, weight, age and degree of blood on the balance were evaluated. To check the significance tests we used the F statistic, considering P<0.05. It was found that the linear measurements ML2, ML3 and ML5 were mainly responsible for the disproportionality of the horses evaluated. The effect of sex was significant (P<0.05) for four proportions (R1, R3, R4 and R9) and females were more distant from the concept of balance than males.


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This paper presents a proposal for the teaching of cataloguing, emphasizing the problem-solving methodology. The proposal was designed for the distance-based continuing education of the professional cataloguer. It takes into account the challenges inherent to the development of interactive and inter-disciplinary tasks, as well as the development of directed self-education and critical consciousness of that professional, inasmuch as he becomes an active subject, manager of his/her own education.


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Recent years have seen a movement toward school inclusion of children with special educational needs. In Brazil, there is the formulation of laws guaranteeing rights for disabled people, giving you free access to regular classroom complemented by specialized educational services. In the case of students with deafness, the Federal Decree No. 5626 of 2005, recommends that schools offer the Brazilian sign language as language support, and should take into classrooms, an interpreter. In this study we conducted a mapping of the educational situation of students with hearing loss of 35 municipalities. There was a mode of education in which deaf students are enrolled, and also the municipalities have organized the specialized educational services for such students. Data were collected through interviews with managers of 35 municipalities. The results showed that the vast majority of municipalities participating in the study opted for the enrollment of deaf students in regular class. Only a few municipalities managers reported the existence of classes and enrollment in special schools or even the existence of deaf students out of schools. It also found that all municipalities have organized the specialized educational services, like additional offering in the resource rooms. We conclude that despite the existing difficulties, the Brazilian municipalities are gradually adjusting to the prospect of inclusive education. Continuing education courses should be offered in order to prepare more teachers to work with diversity.


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This research aims to investigate the possible causes for the dropout of participants under instruction in distance courses. Data gathered from the Specialization Course in Specialized Educational Support Services - SES, sponsored by the Department for Continuing Education, Literacy and Diversity of the Ministry of Education - SECAD / MEC - and the Open University of Brazil – OUB, will be analyzed. The objective of the course is to graduate teachers who work in classrooms equipped with multifunctional resources in regular schools to give specialized educational support for students with special educational needs marked by disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities/highly gifted students. In order to analyze dropout data in the first semester of the ongoing course, a sample of 1349 participants enrolled in the distance course was considered; 216 of these had their enrollment cancelled on request or because they stopped accessing the Virtual Learning Environment - VLE / Teleduc Platform showing no interest in the course. However, the information below aims to present and discuss only the tabulated data of the 98 participants who requested to have their enrollment officially cancelled by submitting the online dropout term. The findings showed the main reasons for dropping out were personal problems, lack of time to commit to an ongoing distance course, difficulty using ICT and the tools available in the VLE. The research also highlighted the importance of developing digital inclusion initiatives as well as on-site supporting poles as a way to soften the barriers of technological accessibility and the dropout rate in this kind of courses.


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The inclusive education policy implemented by state and municipal educational systems of Brazil, contemplates that students with hearing loss can study in regular education classes. In this context, the use and knowledge of the Brazilian sign language is essential. Therefore, in 2009, an extension course of Libras of 120 hours in distance mode was developed in partnership with the FFC / UNESP, funded by the Program for Continuing Education of Teachers, the SEESP - MEC for Brazilian public school teachers. In the presence of this reality, this research sought to examine the course content, the evaluation of teachers about it and also verify the impression of teachers on a course offered in distance mode. We analyzed: the course design, the scientific report and the evaluation sheets filled in by pupils. It was found that the course had three modules: introduction to distance education; theoretical reflection on the use of Libras in inclusive education, practical activities and the use of Libras. 548 public school teachers linked to 19 departments and/ or boards of education in various regions of Brazil participated in the study. The analysis showed that teachers evaluated the course satisfactorily, pointing out that they favored the interaction with deaf students. Regarding the use of the modality of distance learning, the teacher students had difficulties with the Internet, which hampered access to the materials. However, the teachers considered distance learning interesting, because they learned to tinker with previously unknown tools, and had the opportunity to hone their technology skills.