925 resultados para Mobile-Learning


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Adult illiteracy rates are alarmingly high worldwide. The portability, affordability, and ease of use of mobile (or handheld) devices offer a realistic opportunity to provide novel, context-sensitive literacy resources to adults with limited literacy skills. To this end, we developed the concept of ALEX – a mobile Adult Literacy support application for EXperiential learning (Lumsden et al., 2005). On the basis of a medium-fidelity prototype of this application, we conducted an evaluation of ALEX using participants from our in tended user group. This evaluation had two goals: (a) to assess the usefulness of the ALEX concept and the usability of its current design; and (b) to reflect on the appropriateness of our evaluation process given the literacy-related needs of our participants. This paper outlines our approach to this evaluation as well as the results we obtained and our reflections on the process.


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Human-computer interaction is a growing field of study in which researchers and professionals aim to understand and evaluate the impact of new technologies on human behavior. With the integration of smart phones, tablets, and other portable devices into everyday life, there is a greater need to understand the influence of such technology on the human experience. Emerging Perspectives on the Design, Use, and Evaluation of Mobile and Handheld Devices is an authoritative reference source consisting of the latest scholarly research and theories from international experts and professionals on the topic of human-computer interaction with mobile devices. Featuring a comprehensive collection of chapters on critical topics in this dynamic field, this publication is an essential reference source for researchers, educators, students, and practitioners interested in the use of mobile and handheld devices and their impact on individuals and society as a whole. This publication features timely, research-based chapters pertaining to topics in the design and evaluation of smart devices including, but not limited to, app stores, category-based interfaces, gamified mobility applications, mobile interaction, mobile learning, pervasive multimodal applications, smartphone interaction, and social media use.


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Acknowledgements Sincere thanks are due to all who have contributed to this study, which was funded in part by the Local Authority. The Head Teacher and Local Authority Officer have been instrumental in encouraging and supporting the research and the teachers and pupils at the school, along with several local authority support staff, have contributed directly. Colleagues from the University of Aberdeen, including Prof Do Coyle, Dr Yvonne Bain, and Phil Marston, helped to guide the project and provided useful feedback.


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Acknowledgements Sincere thanks are due to all who have contributed to this study, which was funded in part by the Local Authority. The Head Teacher and Local Authority Officer have been instrumental in encouraging and supporting the research and the teachers and pupils at the school, along with several local authority support staff, have contributed directly. Colleagues from the University of Aberdeen, including Prof Do Coyle, Dr Yvonne Bain, and Phil Marston, helped to guide the project and provided useful feedback.


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The emerging technologies have expanded a new dimension of self – ‘technoself’ driven by socio-technical innovations and taken an important step forward in pervasive learning. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) research has increasingly focused on emergent technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) for augmented learning, mobile learning, and game-based learning in order to improve self-motivation and self-engagement of the learners in enriched multimodal learning environments. These researches take advantage of technological innovations in hardware and software across different platforms and devices including tablets, phoneblets and even game consoles and their increasing popularity for pervasive learning with the significant development of personalization processes which place the student at the center of the learning process. In particular, augmented reality (AR) research has matured to a level to facilitate augmented learning, which is defined as an on-demand learning technique where the learning environment adapts to the needs and inputs from learners. In this paper we firstly study the role of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which is one of the most influential theories applied in TEL on how learners come to accept and use a new technology. Then we present the design methodology of the technoself approach for pervasive learning and introduce technoself enhanced learning as a novel pedagogical model to improve student engagement by shaping personal learning focus and setting. Furthermore we describe the design and development of an AR-based interactive digital interpretation system for augmented learning and discuss key features. By incorporating mobiles, game simulation, voice recognition, and multimodal interaction through Augmented Reality, the learning contents can be geared toward learner's needs and learners can stimulate discovery and gain greater understanding. The system demonstrates that Augmented Reality can provide rich contextual learning environment and contents tailored for individuals. Augment learning via AR can bridge this gap between the theoretical learning and practical learning, and focus on how the real and virtual can be combined together to fulfill different learning objectives, requirements, and even environments. Finally, we validate and evaluate the AR-based technoself enhanced learning approach to enhancing the student motivation and engagement in the learning process through experimental learning practices. It shows that Augmented Reality is well aligned with constructive learning strategies, as learners can control their own learning and manipulate objects that are not real in augmented environment to derive and acquire understanding and knowledge in a broad diversity of learning practices including constructive activities and analytical activities.


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This study examined how students leveraged different types of knowledge resources on an outdoor learning trail. We positioned the learning trail as an integral part of the curriculum with a pre- and post-trail phase to scaffold and to support students’ meaning-making process. The study was conducted with two classes of secondary two students. We coded two groups’ discourse to examine the use of knowledge resource types in the meaning-making process in an outdoor learning setting: contextual resource, new conceptual resource, prior knowledge resource, as well as the relationship among these knowledge resource types. Next, we also examined environmental interaction and integration in the students’ use of these knowledge resource types. Analysis showed that contextual resources are chiefly instrumental in fostering students’ capacity to harness new conceptual resource and to activate prior knowledge resource in interacting with and integrating the outdoor learning environment in the meaning-making process.


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Comunicação publicada nas atas do 3º Encontro sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning – EJML 2016, Universidade de Coimbra, 8 de maio de 2016


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Este artigo procura contribuir para a compreensão das implicações, dificuldades e benefícios da integração e utilização de equipamentos móveis e de recursos digitais no ensino-aprendizagem. Após uma breve contextualização sobre o mobile learning e os projetos-piloto desenvolvidos em Portugal, apresenta-se o projeto Tek.escolaglobal da Escolaglobal®, um estabelecimento de ensino privado com cerca de 600 alunos, no concelho de Santa Maria da Feira. Descreve-se, primeiro, o processo de incorporação de tablets e notebooks em todos os níveis escolares, mais concretamente, em todas as turmas do pré- escolar ao 10.º ano, e analisa-se, depois, a utilização de videoaulas, produzidas pelos docentes, numa lógica de flipped classroom. Os indicadores obtidos permitem fazer um balanço positivo do projeto, embora seja necessário criar estratégias que melhorem o envolvimento do aluno e do professor com os recursos móveis e digitais.


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Nesta comunicação pretende-se dar a conhecer um projeto cujo desenvolvimento está em fase de arranque. Este projeto resultará num jogo em 3D com vários cenários sobre quatro das emoções básicas: alegria, tristeza, medo e raiva. Estando na fase conceptual, este póster centra-se sobretudo nas dinâmicas de aprendizagem associadas ao jogo, na sua narrativa (história e personagens) e na sua estrutura.


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A vulgarização do uso de dispositivos móveis promoveu a proliferação de aplicações dos mais diversos âmbitos para estes dispositivos não sendo a área clínica uma excepção. Tanto a nível profissional, como a nível de ensino, as tecnologias móveis foram já há muito adoptadas nesta área para as mais diversas finalidades. O trabalho aqui apresentado pretende essencialmente provar a real importância desempenhada pelo mobile learning no contexto da aprendizagem clínica. Mais do que implementar um simples recurso educativo, pretendeu-se conceber um sistema integrado que respondesse a todas as necessidades do aluno quer durante o estudo nas suas diversas fases e locais, como também no próprio serviço hospitalar onde se encontre a desempenhar funções como interno da especialidade. Após uma exaustiva análise das aplicações móveis relevantes da área médica, verificou-se a inexistência de uma ferramenta integradora de vários módulos de aprendizagem com um custo comportável para a maioria dos alunos. Desta forma, idealizou-se uma aplicação capaz de superar esta lacuna que será detalhada ao longo desta tese. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho contou-se com a preciosa colaboração dos possíveis utilizadores finais desta ferramenta uma vez que a escolha dos módulos a integrar foi essencialmente baseada nas suas opiniões. Ainda no âmbito desta tese, encontra-se a avaliação do protótipo por parte dos alunos. Esta avaliação pretende validar a efectiva importância de uma ferramenta desta natureza para um aluno de medicina assim como o impacto que o protótipo teve na sua opinião acerca do conceito de mobile learning na aprendizagem clínica. Com vista a uma futura implementação de um recurso educativo deste âmbito, foram também recolhidos os pontos negativos e positivos mais relevantes para o aluno. Em suma, este trabalho valida a importância do papel que as aplicações de aprendizagem para dispositivos móveis podem desempenhar para um aluno de medicina tanto nos seus locais de estudo, como no serviço onde se possa encontrar.


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This paper presents practical experiences using Open educational Resources (OER) for basic and elementary education (K12), educational research and research training on two inter-institutional projects with the collaboration of thirteen higher education institutions and with the support of the Corporación de Universidades para el Desarrollo del Internet (CUDI) and by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) of Mexico and hosted by the Tecnológico de Monterrey. The first initiative is titled "Knowledge Hub for K-12 Education" with the main goal of enrich a catalog of Open Educational Resources for basic and elementary education (K-12) for Mexico and Spanish speaking countries in Latin-America. The main goal of the second initiative is to build a collection of Open Educational Resources for Mobile Learning to address the issue of educational research and research training.


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Durante años, muchas instituciones y universidades han comenzado a experimentar con los dispositivos móviles en el aprendizaje a través de diferentes proyectos como parte de su metodología de aprendizaje. La experiencia adquirida con el empleo de estrategias y enfoques en la educación a distancia puede facilitar la conceptualización del aprendizaje móvil, así como el desarrollo de aplicaciones para este nuevo medio de aprendizaje. Los dispositivos móviles abren además nuevos caminos para el aprendizaje y una nueva generación para la educación a distancia, y los investigadores conocen estos nuevos caminos para el aprendizaje y oportunidades de llegar a un público más amplio. Este trabajo, muestra los resultados de un grupo de discusión que se llevó a cabo entre 20 estudiantes de licenciatura con el fin de explorar las percepciones, y en general todo aquello que afecta a la interpretación subjetiva de los individuos y su interacción con un fenómeno social como el aprendizaje móvil.


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Kiinnostus mobiiliteknologiaa kohtion tällä hetkellä suuri ja erilaisten mobiililaitteiden ja tekniikoiden nopea kehitys on herättänyt kiinnostuksen myös mobiilioppimiseen. Diplomityössä esitetään mitä mobiililaitteita, langattomia tiedonsiirtotekniikoitaja mobiilipalveluita on tällä hetkellä käytettävissä opiskelun, opetuksen ja oppimisen avuksi. Työssä tutkitaan mitä mobiilioppiminen merkitsee käytännössä ja tuodaan esille mobiilioppimisen mahdollisuuksia ja ongelmia sekä ihmisten suhtautumista verkko- ja mobiilioppimiseen. Lisäksi työssä tutustutaan käytännön esimerkein siihen, miten laitteita on mahdollista käyttää hyväksi opiskelussa ja opetuksessa sekä tutkitaan mobiilioppimisen nykytilannetta ja pohditaan sentulevaisuutta. Mobiilit teknologiat tarjoavat parhaassa tapauksessa ajasta ja paikasta riippumattoman oppimisen lisäksi monia muita uusia mahdollisuuksia. Erilaisia mobiililaitteita, ja langattomia tekniikoita on jo tällä hetkellä paljon käytettävissä, mutta niiden käyttö koulutuksessa on kuitenkin vielä varsin harvinaista, sillä mobiilioppimiseen liittyy vielä paljon varsinkinkäytettävyyteen ja sopivien laitteiden puutteeseen liittyviä ongelmia.


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Pariisissa 17.-21.2.2014 järjestettiin Unescon kansainvälinen konferenssi Mobile Learning Week.


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L’innovation pédagogique pour elle-même s’avère parfois discutable, mais elle se justifie quand les enseignants se heurtent aux difficultés d’apprentissage de leurs étudiants. En particulier, certaines notions de physique sont réputées difficiles à appréhender par les étudiants, comme c’est le cas pour l’effet photoélectrique qui n’est pas souvent compris par les étudiants au niveau collégial. Cette recherche tente de déterminer si, dans le cadre d’un cours de physique, la simulation de l’effet photoélectrique et l’utilisation des dispositifs mobiles et en situation de collaboration favorisent une évolution des conceptions des étudiants au sujet de la lumière. Nous avons ainsi procédé à l’élaboration d’un scénario d’apprentissage collaboratif intégrant une simulation de l’effet photoélectrique sur un ordinateur de poche. La conception du scénario a d’abord été influencée par notre vision socioconstructiviste de l’apprentissage. Nous avons effectué deux études préliminaires afin de compléter notre scénario d’apprentissage et valider la plateforme MobileSim et l’interface du simulateur, que nous avons utilisées dans notre expérimentation : la première avec des ordinateurs de bureau et la seconde avec des ordinateurs de poche. Nous avons fait suivre à deux groupes d’étudiants deux cours différents, l’un portant sur une approche traditionnelle d’enseignement, l’autre basé sur le scénario d’apprentissage collaboratif élaboré. Nous leur avons fait passer un test évaluant l’évolution conceptuelle sur la nature de la lumière et sur le phénomène de l’effet photoélectrique et concepts connexes, à deux reprises : la première avant que les étudiants ne s’investissent dans le cours et la seconde après la réalisation des expérimentations. Nos résultats aux prétest et post-test sont complétés par des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées avec tous les étudiants, par des enregistrements vidéo et par des traces récupérées des fichiers logs ou sur papier. Les étudiants du groupe expérimental ont obtenu de très bons résultats au post-test par rapport à ceux du groupe contrôle. Nous avons enregistré un gain moyen d’apprentissage qualifié de niveau modéré selon Hake (1998). Les résultats des entrevues ont permis de repérer quelques difficultés conceptuelles d’apprentissage chez les étudiants. L’analyse des données recueillies des enregistrements des séquences vidéo, des questionnaires et des traces récupérées nous a permis de mieux comprendre le processus d’apprentissage collaboratif et nous a dévoilé que le nombre et la durée des interactions entre les étudiants sont fortement corrélés avec le gain d’apprentissage. Ce projet de recherche est d’abord une réussite sur le plan de la conception d’un scénario d’apprentissage relatif à un phénomène aussi complexe que l’effet photoélectrique, tout en respectant de nombreux critères (collaboration, simulation, dispositifs mobiles) qui nous paraissaient extrêmement utopiques de réunir dans une situation d’apprentissage en classe. Ce scénario pourra être adapté pour l’apprentissage d’autres notions de la physique et pourra être considéré pour la conception des environnements collaboratifs d’apprentissage mobile innovants, centrés sur les besoins des apprenants et intégrant les technologies au bon moment et pour la bonne activité.