999 resultados para Mineral compositions


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We have performed quantitative X-ray diffraction (qXRD) analysis of 157 grab or core-top samples from the western Nordic Seas between (WNS) ~57°-75°N and 5° to 45° W. The RockJock Vs6 analysis includes non-clay (20) and clay (10) mineral species in the <2 mm size fraction that sum to 100 weight %. The data matrix was reduced to 9 and 6 variables respectively by excluding minerals with low weight% and by grouping into larger groups, such as the alkali and plagioclase feldspars. Because of its potential dual origins calcite was placed outside of the sum. We initially hypothesized that a combination of regional bedrock outcrops and transport associated with drift-ice, meltwater plumes, and bottom currents would result in 6 clusters defined by "similar" mineral compositions. The hypothesis was tested by use of a fuzzy k-mean clustering algorithm and key minerals were identified by step-wise Discriminant Function Analysis. Key minerals in defining the clusters include quartz, pyroxene, muscovite, and amphibole. With 5 clusters, 87.5% of the observations are correctly classified. The geographic distributions of the five k-mean clusters compares reasonably well with the original hypothesis. The close spatial relationship between bedrock geology and discrete cluster membership stresses the importance of this variable at both the WNS-scale and at a more local scale in NE Greenland.


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Microprobe mineral compositions of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, chrome spinel, ilmenite, and titanomagnetite are presented for 7 samples from 4 flows of hawaiite and one flow of tholeiitic basalt from Hole 430A at Ojin Seamount, 4 samples from 3 flows of alkalic basalt from Hole 432A at Nintoku Seamount, and 29 samples from 2 flows of alkalic basalt and 24 flows of tholeiitic basalt from Holes 433A, 433B, and 433C at Suiko Seamount. The four hawaiite flows from Hole 430A on Ojin Seamount have nearly identical mineralogy. The plagioclase phenocrysts and calculated equilibrium olivine appear to have crystallized at about 1175°C; the groundmass plagioclase crystallized from about 1135° to 1010°C; and the Fe-Ti oxides equilibrated at temperatures from 1000°C to 720°C under oxygen fugacities of 10**-11 to 10**-17. The single tholeiitic flow contains glomerocrysts of plagioclase (An80 to An65) and clinopyroxene (Wo43En46Fsn to Wo42En45Fs13). The plagioclase phenocrysts give calculated temperatures as high as 1400°C, indicating that they were not equilibrated with a magma having the bulk rock composition. The plagioclase groundmass crystallized at 1120° to 1070°C, and the Fe-Ti oxides equilibrated at 1070° to 930°C under oxygen fugacities of 10**-10 to 10**-12. Using mineral compositions of Hawaiian basalts as a guide, we infer that the hawaiite flows were erupted during the post-caldera alkalic eruptive stage and the tholeiite was erupted during the shield-building or caldera collapse stage. The three alkalic basalt flows from Hole 432A on Nintoku Seamount have similar mineralogy, although Flow Units 1 and 2 contain much more abundant plagioclase phenocrysts. The groundmass plagioclase crystallized at temperatures between 1175° and 1000°C. The olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts do not appear to be in equilibrium with the enclosing magmas. The mineral compositions suggest that these samples are intermediate between alkalic basalt and hawaiite; they probably erupted during the post-caldera alkalic stage of eruption. The two analyzed alkalic basalt flows are the two youngest flows recovered at Holes 433A, 433B, and 433C. Flow Unit 1 contains abundant sector-zoned clinopyroxene, and Flow Unit 2 contains rare kink-banded olivine xenocrysts. The plagioclase phenocrysts yield calculated temperatures of 1440° to 1250°C, indicating that they are probably not cognate. Calculated-equilibrium olivine indicates crystallization of olivine at about 1170°C. The Fe-Ti oxides equilibrated at temperatures of 1140° to 870°C under oxygen fugacities of 10**-9 to 10**-14. The groundmass plagioclase crystallized at temperatures of 1178° to 1035 °C. The mineral compositions indicate that these alkalic basalts erupted during the post-caldera alkalic eruptive stage. The 24 analyzed tholeiitic basalts are subdivided on the basis of phenocryst abundances into olivine tholeiites, plagioclase tholeiites, and tholeiites. The crystallization sequence appears to have been chrome spinel, olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene as phenocryst phases, followed by and overlapping with groundmass crystallization of plagioclase (1180° to 920°C), clinopyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxides (1140° to 670°C). At least three flows contain pigeonite. The mineral compositions indicate that all the samples from Flow Unit 4 downward are tholeiitic basalts, although Flow Unit 64 has mineral compositions transitional to those in alkalic basalts.


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Mineral compositions of residual peridotites collected at various locations in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane transform (MARK area) are consistent with generally smaller degrees of melting in the mantle near the large offset Kane transform than near the other, small offset, axial discontinuities in the area. We propose that this transform fault effect is due to along-axis variations in the final depth of melting in the subaxial mantle, reflecting the colder thermal regime of the ridge near the Kane transform. Calculations made with a passive mantle flow regime suggest that these along-axis variations in the final depth of melting would not produce the full range of crustal thickness variations observed in the MARK area seismic record. It is therefore likely that the transform fault effect in the MARK area is combined with other mechanisms capable of producing crustal thickness variations, such as along-axis melt migration, the trapping of part of the magma in a cold mantle root beneath the ridge, or active mantle upwelling.


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The chemical compositions of olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, and spinel in lavas collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 187 in the Australian Antarctic Discordance, Southeast Indian Ridge (41°-46°S, 126°-135°E) were analyzed, and modeling of the theoretical equilibrium petrogenetic conditions between olivine and melt was conducted. The cores of larger olivine phenocrysts, particularly in the isotopic Indian-type mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB), are not equilibrated with melt compositions and are considered to be xenocrystic. Larger plagioclase phenocrysts with compositionally reversed zonation are also xenocrystic. The compositions of primary magma were calculated using a "maximum olivine fractionation" model for primitive MORB that should fractionate only olivine. Olivine compositions equilibrated with calculated primary magma and compositions of calculated primary magma suggest that (1) isotopic Pacific-type MORB is more fractionated than Indian-type MORB, (2) Pacific-type MORB was produced by higher degrees of partial melting than Indian-type MORB, and (3) primary magma for Indian-type MORB was segregated from mantle at 10 kbar (~30 km depth), whereas that for Pacific-type MORB was segregated at 15 kbar (~45 km depth).


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The high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic rocks known as blueschists have long been considered to form in subduction zones, where the descent of a relatively cold slab leads to the occurrence of unusually low temperatures at mantle pressures. Until now, however, the link between blueschist-facies rocks and subduction zones has been indirect, relying on a spatial association of blueschists with old subduction complexes, and estimates of the geothermal gradients likely to exist in subduction zones. Here we strengthen this link, by reporting the discovery of blueschist-facies minerals (lawsonite, aragonite, sodic pyroxene and blue amphibole) in clasts from a serpentinite seamount in the forearc of the active Mariana subduction zone. The metamorphic conditions estimated from the mineral compositions are 150-250 °C and 5-6 kbar (16-20 km depth). The rocks must have been entrained in rising serpentine mud diapirs, and extruded from mud volcanoes onto the sea floor. Further study of these rocks may provide new insight into the tectonics of trench-forearc systems, and in particular, the processes by which blueschist-facies clasts come to be associated with forearc sediments in ancient subduction complexes.


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A study was made of mineral composition of sand- and silt-sized fractions of recent clastic (riftogenic) sediments and solidified deposits collected from the bottom of the Romanche Trench during the first voyage of R/V Akademik Kurchatov. Similarity between mineral compositions of sediments and bedrocks (ultrabasites, gabbroids, diabases) was established. This similarity is a basis for considering the mineral complex of the deposits that have been derived from the bedrocks of the trench slopes, and have formed due to their submarine denudation accompanied by tectonic crushing. The same mineral composition was found in pieces of older consolidated deposits; this suggests that conditions of sedimentation similar to those at recent times have existed for a long time in the Romanche Trench.


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The Analytical Electron Microscope (AEM), with which secondary X-ray emission from a thin (<150nm), electron-transparent material is measured, has rapidly become a versatile instrument for qualitative and quantitative elemental analyses of many materials, including minerals. With due regard for sources of error in experimental procedures, it is possible to obtain high spatial resolution (~20nm diameter) and precise elemental analyses (~3% to 5% relative) from many silicate minerals. In addition, by utilizing the orientational dependence of X-ray emission for certain multi-substituted crystal structures, site occupancies for individual elements within a unit cell can be determined though with lower spatial resolution. The relative ease with which many of these compositional data may be obtained depends in part on the nature of the sample, but, in general, is comparable to other solid state analytical techniques such as X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis. However, the improvement in spatial resolution obtained with the AEM (up to two orders of magnitude in analysis diameter) significantly enhances interpretation of fine-grained assemblages in many terrestrial or extraterrestrial rocks.


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The paper presents data on petrology, bulk rock and mineral compositions, and textural classification of the Middle Jurassic Jericho kimberlite (Slave craton, Canada). The kimberlite was emplaced as three steep-sided pipes in granite that was overlain by limestones and minor soft sediments. The pipes are infilled with hypabyssal and pyroclastic kimberlites and connected to a satellite pipe by a dyke. The Jericho kimberlite is classified as a Group Ia, lacking groundmass tetraferriphlogopite and containing monticellite pseudomorphs. The kimberlite formed, during several consecutive emplacement events of compositionally different batches of kimberlite magma. Core-logging and thin-section observations identified at least two phases of hypabyssal kimberlites and three phases of pyroclastic kimberlites. Hypabyssal kimberlites intruded as a main dyke (HK1) and as late small-volume aphanitic and vesicular dykes. Massive pyroclastic kimberlite (MPK1) predominantly filled the northern and southern lobes of the pipe and formed from magma different from the HK1 magma. The MPK1 magma crystallized Ti-, Fe-, and Cr-rich phlogopite without rims of barian phlogopite, and clinopyroxene and spinel without atoll structures. MPK1 textures, superficially reminiscent of tuffisitic kimberlite, are caused by pervasive contamination by granite xenoliths. The next explosive events filled the central lobe with two varieties of pyroclastic kimberlite: (1) massive and (2) weakly bedded, normally graded pyroclastic kimberlite. The geology of the Jericho pipe differs from the geology of South African or the Prairie kimberlites, but may resemble Lac de Gras pipes, in which deeper erosion removed upper fades of resedimented kimberlites.


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The Bruneau–Jarbidge eruptive center of the central Snake River Plain in southern Idaho, USA produced multiple rhyolite lava flows with volumes of <10 km³ to 200 km³ each from ~11.2 to 8.1 Ma, most of which follow its climactic phase of large-volume explosive volcanism, represented by the Cougar Point Tuff, from 12.7 to 10.5 Ma. These lavas represent the waning stages of silicic volcanism at a major eruptive center of the Yellowstone hotspot track. Here we provide pyroxene compositions and thermometry results from several lavas that demonstrate that the demise of the silicic volcanic system was characterized by sustained, high pre-eruptive magma temperatures (mostly ≥950 °C) prior to the onset of exclusively basaltic volcanism at the eruptive center. Pyroxenes display a variety of textures in single samples, including solitary euhedral crystals as well as glomerocrysts, crystal clots and annealed microgranular inclusions of pyroxene ±magnetite± plagioclase. Pigeonite and augite crystals are unzoned, and there are no detectable differences in major and minor element compositions according to textural variety — mineral compositions in the microgranular inclusions and crystal clots are identical to those of phenocrysts in the host lavas. In contrast to members of the preceding Cougar Point Tuff that host polymodal glass and mineral populations, pyroxene compositions in each of the lavas are characterized by single rather than multiple discrete compositional modes. Collectively, the lavas reproduce and extend the range of Fe–Mg pyroxene compositional modes observed in the Cougar Point Tuff to more Mg-rich varieties. The compositionally homogeneous populations of pyroxene in each of the lavas, as well as the lack of core-to-rim zonation in individual crystals suggest that individual eruptions each were fed by compositionally homogeneous magma reservoirs, and similarities with the Cougar Point Tuff suggest consanguinity of such reservoirs to those that supplied the polymodal Cougar Point Tuff. Pyroxene thermometry results obtained using QUILF equilibria yield pre-eruptive magma temperatures of 905 to 980 °C, and individual modes consistently record higher Ca content and higher temperatures than pyroxenes with equivalent Fe–Mg ratios in the preceding Cougar Point Tuff. As is the case with the Cougar Point Tuff, evidence for up-temperature zonation within single crystals that would be consistent with recycling of sub- or near-solidus material from antecedent magma reservoirs by rapid reheating is extremely rare. Also, the absence of intra-crystal zonation, particularly at crystal rims, is not easily reconciled with cannibalization of caldera fill that subsided into pre-eruptive reservoirs. The textural, compositional and thermometric results rather are consistent with minor re-equilibration to higher temperatures of the unerupted crystalline residue from the explosive phase of volcanism, or perhaps with newly generated magmas from source materials very similar to those for the Cougar Point Tuff. Collectively, the data suggest that most of the pyroxene compositional diversity that is represented by the tuffs and lavas was produced early in the history of the eruptive center and that compositions across this range were preserved or duplicated through much of its lifetime. Mineral compositions and thermometry of the multiple lavas suggest that unerupted magmas residual to the explosive phase of volcanism may have been stored at sustained, high temperatures subsequent to the explosive phase of volcanism. If so, such persistent high temperatures and large eruptive magma volumes likewise require an abundant and persistent supply of basalt magmas to the lower and/or mid-crust, consistent with the tectonic setting of a continental hotspot.


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Sanukitoid series intrusions can be found throughout the Archean Karelian Province of the Fennoscandian shield. All sanukitoids share the same controversial elemental characteristics: they have high content of incompatible elements such as K, Ba, and Sr as well as high content of the compatible elements Mg, Cr, and Ni, and high Mg#. This composition is explained by an enriched mantle wedge origin in a Neoarchean subduction setting. This study concentrates on sanukitoid intrusions and tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite series (TTGs) from Finnish part of the Karelian Province. The collected rock samples have been studied in the field and under microscope as well as for their whole-rock (including isotopes) and mineral compositions. The new data together with previously published analyses help us to better understand the petrogenesis, tectonic setting and reworking of the Archean rock units. TTGs from the Karelian Province form a voluminous series of granitoids and reworked migmatites. This study divides TTG series into two subgroups based on their elemental composition: low-HREE (heavy rare earth element) TTGs and high-HREE TTGs indicating pressure differences in their source. Sanukitoid series is a minor, divergent group of intrusions. These intrusions are variable sized, and the texture varies from even-grained to K-feldspar porphyritic. The elemental composition differentiates sanukitoids from more voluminous TTG groups, the SiO2 in sanukitoids varies to include series of gabbro, diorite, and granodiorite. U Pb age determinations from sanukitoid series show temporally limited emplacement between ~ 2745 2715 Ma after the main crust forming period in the area. Hafnium, neodymium, common lead, and oxygene isotopes indicate well homogenized characteristics. Recycled crust has made a variable, yet minor, contribution to sanukitoids, as evidenced by oxygene isotopes and inherited zircon cores. A proposed tectonic setting for the formation of the sanukitoid series is slab breakoff of oceanic lithosphere in subduction setting, with sanukitoids deriving from an enriched mantle wedge. The proposed setting explains some of the peculiar features of sanukitoids, such as their temporally limited occurrence and controversial elemental composition. Sanukitoids would occur after cessation of the regional growth of Archean crust, and they could be derived from mantle wedge previously enriched by melts and fluids from oceanic crust and sediments. A subsequent event during the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian orogeny at ~1.9 Ga affected the appearance and microstructures of the rocks as well as caused redistribution of lead between minerals and whole rock. However, the deformation was not able to obliterate the original geochemical characteristics of these sanukitoids.


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The Neoarchean layered anorthositic complex at Sittampundi in southern India is known for its chromitite layers that are mostly associated with anorthosite (An(90-100)). The chromitites contain FeAl-rich chromites concentrated in layers between amphibole-rich layers with a dominant mineralogy of amphibole-spinel-plagiocase+/-sapphirine. The chromite-rich layers contain only amphibole and plagioclase. Mineral compositions illustrated by X-ray composition maps and profiles show subtle chemical differences. The chrome spinels are of refractory grade with Cr2O3 and Al2O3 contents varying between 34-40 wt.% and 23-28 wt.%. The chromite compositions are noticeably different from those in layered igneous intrusions of the Bushveld-Stillwater type. The existence of original highly calcic plagioclase, FeAl-rich chromite, and magmatic amphibole is consistent with derivation from a parental magma of hydrous tholeiitic composition that was most likely generated in a supra-subduction zone arc setting. In terms of mineralogy and field relations, the Sittampundi chromitites are remarkably similar to anorthosite-hosted chromitites in the Neoarchean Fiskensset anorthositic complex, Greenland. We propose that the Sittampundi chromitites formed by partial melting of unusually aluminous harzburgite in a hydrated mantle wedge above a subduction zone. This melting process produced hydrous, aluminous basalt, which fractionated at depth to give rise to a variety of high-alumina basalt compositions from which the anorthositic complex with its cumulate chromite-rich and amphibole-rich layers formed within the magma chamber of a supra-subduction zone arc. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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     Over the past two decades, magnetoclimatological studies of loess-paleosol sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) have made outstanding achievements, which greatly promote the understanding of East Asian paleomonsoon evolution, inland aridification of Asia, and past global climate changes. Loess magnetic properties of the CLP have been well studied. In contrast, loess magnetic properties from outside the CLP in China have not been fully understood. We have little knowledge about the magnetic properties of loess in the Ili Basin, an intermontane depression of the Tianshan (or Tien Shan) Mountains. Here, we present the results of rock magnetic measurements of the Ili loess including mass magnetic susceptibility (χ) and anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), high/low temperature dependence of susceptibility (TDS) and hysteresis, as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) for mineral analysis. Based on the comparison with loess-paleosol sequences in the CLP (hereafter referred to as the Chinese loess), we discuss the possible magnetic susceptibility enhancement mechanism of the Ili loess. The results show that 1) the total magnetic mineral concentration of the Ili loess is far lower than that of the Chinese loess, though they have similar magnetic mineral compositions. The ferrimagnetic minerals in the Ili loess are magnetite and maghemite, and the antiferromagnetic mineral is hematite; XRD analysis also identifies the presence of ilmenite. The ratio of maghemite is lower in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess, but the ratios of magnetite and hematite are higher in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess. 2) The granularity of magnetic minerals in the Ili loess, dominated by pseudo-single domain (PSD) and multi-domain (MD) grains, is generally much coarser than that of the Chinese loess. Ultrafine pedogenically-produced magnetic grains have a very limited contribution to the susceptibility enhancement. Rather, PSD and MD particles of magnetite and maghemite are the main contributors to the enhancement of susceptibility in the Ili loess. 3) The susceptibility enhancement mechanism for the Ili loess is complicated and superimposes both a wind velocity/vigor model (Alaskan or Siberian model) and the in situ ultrafine grain pedogenic model; the former might play an important role in the Ili loess. 4) Magnetic susceptibility enhancements of the Ili loess are related not only to the eolian input of the source area, but also to the local climate, landform, and geological background. Therefore, great care should be taken when reconstructing paleoclimate using magnetic susceptibility data from the Ili loess.