Average compositions and analyses range for clinopyroxene, olivines, orthopyroxene, and spinel from the MARK area at DSDP Site 45-395A, and ODP Site 153-920

Autoria(s): Ghose, Indraneel; Cannat, Mathilde; Seyler, Monique

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 23.179655 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -45.307627 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 22.755800 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -46.081700 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 23.338700 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -45.017300 * DATE/TIME START: 1975-12-09T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1993-12-21T02:00:00




Mineral compositions of residual peridotites collected at various locations in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane transform (MARK area) are consistent with generally smaller degrees of melting in the mantle near the large offset Kane transform than near the other, small offset, axial discontinuities in the area. We propose that this transform fault effect is due to along-axis variations in the final depth of melting in the subaxial mantle, reflecting the colder thermal regime of the ridge near the Kane transform. Calculations made with a passive mantle flow regime suggest that these along-axis variations in the final depth of melting would not produce the full range of crustal thickness variations observed in the MARK area seismic record. It is therefore likely that the transform fault effect in the MARK area is combined with other mechanisms capable of producing crustal thickness variations, such as along-axis melt migration, the trapping of part of the magma in a cold mantle root beneath the ridge, or active mantle upwelling.


application/zip, 11 datasets









Average compositions and analyses range for spinel and reconstructed modal analyses of serpentinized peridotites from the MARK area (URI: ftp://rock.geosociety.org/pub/reposit/1996/9672.pdf)


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Ghose, Indraneel; Cannat, Mathilde; Seyler, Monique (1996): Transform fault effect on mantle melting in the MARK area (Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane transform). Geology, 24(12), 1139-1142, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1996)024<1139:TFEOMM>2.3.CO;2

Palavras-Chave #153-920B; 153-920D; 45-395A; Al2O3; Al2O3 std dev; Aluminium oxide; Aluminium oxide, standard deviation; Calcium oxide; Calcium oxide, standard deviation; CaO; CaO std dev; Chromium(III) oxide; Chromium(III) oxide, standard deviation; Cr2O3; Cr2O3 std dev; Deep Sea Drilling Project; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; FeO; FeO std dev; Glomar Challenger; Iron oxide, FeO; Iron oxide, FeO, standard deviation; Joides Resolution; Leg153; Leg45; Magnesium oxide; Magnesium oxide, standard deviation; Manganese oxide; Manganese oxide, standard deviation; max; mean; MgO; MgO std dev; min; MnO; MnO std dev; Na2O; Na2O std dev; Nickel oxide; Nickel oxide, standard deviation; NiO; NiO std dev; NOBS; North Atlantic Ocean; Number of observations; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; of sum; Sample code/label; Silicon dioxide; Silicon dioxide, standard deviation; SiO2; SiO2 std dev; Sodium oxide; Sodium oxide, standard deviation; Standard deviation; Std dev; Sum; TiO2; TiO2 std dev; Titanium oxide; Titanium oxide, standard deviation
