60 resultados para Microblogging


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The phenomenon of the World Wide Web, the Internet, has revolutionized the way we live in a contemporary relevance. The relationships among people have changed since the media also changed: the cyberspace has been established as an important vehicle of communication in which different languages, cultures and peoples coexist. Within the virtual space there are several fica possibilities for communication, interaction, fun, knowledge etc. Everything happens extremely quickly. An interesting example of that are blogs that, to survive virtuality, require constant updating. It has become interesting to notice the factor of personal expressiveness taking a new shape in the context of network, before being seen in elements such as diaries, poetry, artistic production or debate. The chances and, thus, the need to find people to interact and to share interests has taken a gigantic proportion, and, in this way, sources of audiovisual and reading activities are always in vogue, being shared every second. Blogging can be about different subjects, but what is perceived on all blogs is the strong trace of written text is always presented. Twitter has established itself as a microblogging network for the expression of dynamism, information sharing and interaction. Thus, it was interesting to approach the manner language is expressed in these microblogs thinking about the way that literary discourse is constructed when is seen, on quotations, in the context of this social network: Twitter. Being able to attest the great increase on the occurrences of quotes from different literary genres, it was useful to pay attention to this fact. In Brazil, Twitter has thousands of users, fans and readers, that rewrite and quote authors. The number of quotations is so abundant that it has popularized several Brazilian writers, such as: Clarice Lispector and Caio Fernando Abreu; authors that are frequetenly quoted. So, we made usage of semiotic studies of the French line. In...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Il problema relativo alla predizione, la ricerca di pattern predittivi all‘interno dei dati, è stato studiato ampiamente. Molte metodologie robuste ed efficienti sono state sviluppate, procedimenti che si basano sull‘analisi di informazioni numeriche strutturate. Quella testuale, d‘altro canto, è una tipologia di informazione fortemente destrutturata. Quindi, una immediata conclusione, porterebbe a pensare che per l‘analisi predittiva su dati testuali sia necessario sviluppare metodi completamente diversi da quelli ben noti dalle tecniche di data mining. Un problema di predizione può essere risolto utilizzando invece gli stessi metodi : dati testuali e documenti possono essere trasformati in valori numerici, considerando per esempio l‘assenza o la presenza di termini, rendendo di fatto possibile una utilizzazione efficiente delle tecniche già sviluppate. Il text mining abilita la congiunzione di concetti da campi di applicazione estremamente eterogenei. Con l‘immensa quantità di dati testuali presenti, basti pensare, sul World Wide Web, ed in continua crescita a causa dell‘utilizzo pervasivo di smartphones e computers, i campi di applicazione delle analisi di tipo testuale divengono innumerevoli. L‘avvento e la diffusione dei social networks e della pratica di micro blogging abilita le persone alla condivisione di opinioni e stati d‘animo, creando un corpus testuale di dimensioni incalcolabili aggiornato giornalmente. Le nuove tecniche di Sentiment Analysis, o Opinion Mining, si occupano di analizzare lo stato emotivo o la tipologia di opinione espressa all‘interno di un documento testuale. Esse sono discipline attraverso le quali, per esempio, estrarre indicatori dello stato d‘animo di un individuo, oppure di un insieme di individui, creando una rappresentazione dello stato emotivo sociale. L‘andamento dello stato emotivo sociale può condizionare macroscopicamente l‘evolvere di eventi globali? Studi in campo di Economia e Finanza Comportamentale assicurano un legame fra stato emotivo, capacità nel prendere decisioni ed indicatori economici. Grazie alle tecniche disponibili ed alla mole di dati testuali continuamente aggiornati riguardanti lo stato d‘animo di milioni di individui diviene possibile analizzare tali correlazioni. In questo studio viene costruito un sistema per la previsione delle variazioni di indici di borsa, basandosi su dati testuali estratti dalla piattaforma di microblogging Twitter, sotto forma di tweets pubblici; tale sistema include tecniche di miglioramento della previsione basate sullo studio di similarità dei testi, categorizzandone il contributo effettivo alla previsione.


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In recent years, Twitter has become one of the most important microblogging services of the Web 2.0. Among the possible uses it allows, it can be employed for communicating and broadcasting information in real time. The goal of this research is to analyze the task of automatic tweet generation from a text summarization perspective in the context of the journalism genre. To achieve this, different state-of-the-art summarizers are selected and employed for producing multi-lingual tweets in two languages (English and Spanish). A wide experimental framework is proposed, comprising the creation of a new corpus, the generation of the automatic tweets, and their assessment through a quantitative and a qualitative evaluation, where informativeness, indicativeness and interest are key criteria that should be ensured in the proposed context. From the results obtained, it was observed that although the original tweets were considered as model tweets with respect to their informativeness, they were not among the most interesting ones from a human viewpoint. Therefore, relying only on these tweets may not be the ideal way to communicate news through Twitter, especially if a more personalized and catchy way of reporting news wants to be performed. In contrast, we showed that recent text summarization techniques may be more appropriate, reflecting a balance between indicativeness and interest, even if their content was different from the tweets delivered by the news providers.


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Entre las múltiples posibilidades que nos ofrecen los distintos servicios de redes sociales y microblogging, algunos objetivos fundamentales para su uso didáctico pueden ser el fomento de la lectura y el desarrollo de la competencia lectoliteraria. Contrariamente a lo que muchas voces plantean, que las ven como una distracción frente a la lectura tradicional, las redes sociales son un espacio de conversación y lectura donde, con dinámicas adecuadas, se puede trabajar la comprensión lectora desde muy distintas perspectivas, siendo un espacio central de lo que se ha definido como LIJ 2.0 (Literatura y Lectura Infantil y Juvenil en la Web Social).


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Soil and rock mechanics are disciplines with a strong conceptual and methodological basis. Initially, when engineering students study these subjects, they have to understand new theoretical phenomena, which are explained through mathematical and/or physical laws (e.g. consolidation process, water flow through a porous media). In addition to the study of these phenomena, students have to learn how to carry out estimations of soil and rock parameters in laboratories according to standard tests. Nowadays, information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide a unique opportunity to improve the learning process of students studying the aforementioned subjects. In this paper, we describe our experience of the incorporation of ICTs into the classical teaching-learning process of soil and rock mechanics and explain in detail how we have successfully developed various initiatives which, in summary, are: (a) implementation of an online social networking and microblogging service (using Twitter) for gradually sending key concepts to students throughout the semester (gradual learning); (b) detailed online virtual laboratory tests for a delocalized development of lab practices (self-learning); (c) integration of different complementary learning resources (e.g. videos, free software, technical regulations, etc.) using an open webpage. The complementary use to the classical teaching-learning process of these ICT resources has been highly satisfactory for students, who have positively evaluated this new approach.


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Dentro del desarrollo de nuevos conceptos pedagógicos como las Tecnologías del Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento (TAC) y el Mobile Learning han aparecido algunos aspectos principales como la Lectura Social y la LIJ 2.0 fundamentales para la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura en entornos digitales. Entre las múltiples posibilidades que nos ofrecen los distintos servicios de redes sociales y microblogging, algunos objetivos para su uso didáctico pueden ser el fomento de la lectura y el desarrollo de la competencia lectoliteraria. Las redes sociales pueden ser un espacio de conversación y lectura donde, con dinámicas adecuadas, se trabaje la comprensión lectora desde muy distintas perspectivas. En el siguiente trabajo se hará una revisión de las distintas herramientas, desde los espacios más generalistas como Facebook o los clubes de lectura a través de servicios como Twitter, hasta llegar a aplicaciones y redes sociales específicas centradas en la literatura, como Aldiko, Wattpad, Ibooks, Anobii, Goodreads o Entrelectores, haciendo una descripción de las distintas posibilidades para la formación del alumnado y la promoción de la lectura.


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Existing approaches of social influence analysis usually focus on how to develop effective algorithms to quantize users' influence scores. They rarely consider a person's expertise levels which are arguably important to influence measures. In this paper, we propose a computational approach to measuring the correlation between expertise and social media influence, and we take a new perspective to understand social media influence by incorporating expertise into influence analysis. We carefully constructed a large dataset of 13,684 Chinese celebrities from Sina Weibo (literally 'Sina microblogging'). We found that there is a strong correlation between expertise levels and social media influence scores. In addition, different expertise levels showed influence variation patterns: high-expertise celebrities have stronger influence on the 'audience' in their expertise domains.


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Product recommender systems are often deployed by e-commerce websites to improve user experience and increase sales. However, recommendation is limited by the product information hosted in those e-commerce sites and is only triggered when users are performing e-commerce activities. In this paper, we develop a novel product recommender system called METIS, a MErchanT Intelligence recommender System, which detects users' purchase intents from their microblogs in near real-time and makes product recommendation based on matching the users' demographic information extracted from their public profiles with product demographics learned from microblogs and online reviews. METIS distinguishes itself from traditional product recommender systems in the following aspects: 1) METIS was developed based on a microblogging service platform. As such, it is not limited by the information available in any specific e-commerce website. In addition, METIS is able to track users' purchase intents in near real-time and make recommendations accordingly. 2) In METIS, product recommendation is framed as a learning to rank problem. Users' characteristics extracted from their public profiles in microblogs and products' demographics learned from both online product reviews and microblogs are fed into learning to rank algorithms for product recommendation. We have evaluated our system in a large dataset crawled from Sina Weibo. The experimental results have verified the feasibility and effectiveness of our system. We have also made a demo version of our system publicly available and have implemented a live system which allows registered users to receive recommendations in real time. © 2014 ACM.


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Social media influence analysis, sometimes also called authority detection, aims to rank users based on their influence scores in social media. Existing approaches of social influence analysis usually focus on how to develop effective algorithms to quantize users’ influence scores. They rarely consider a person’s expertise levels which are arguably important to influence measures. In this paper, we propose a computational approach to measuring the correlation between expertise and social media influence, and we take a new perspective to understand social media influence by incorporating expertise into influence analysis. We carefully constructed a large dataset of 13,684 Chinese celebrities from Sina Weibo (literally ”Sina microblogging”). We found that there is a strong correlation between expertise levels and social media influence scores. Our analysis gave a good explanation of the phenomenon of “top across-domain influencers”. In addition, different expertise levels showed influence variation patterns: e.g., (1) high-expertise celebrities have stronger influence on the “audience” in their expertise domains; (2) expertise seems to be more important than relevance and participation for social media influence; (3) the audiences of top expertise celebrities are more likely to forward tweets on topics outside the expertise domains from high-expertise celebrities.


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Spamming has been a widespread problem for social networks. In recent years there is an increasing interest in the analysis of anti-spamming for microblogs, such as Twitter. In this paper we present a systematic research on the analysis of spamming in Sina Weibo platform, which is currently a dominant microblogging service provider in China. Our research objectives are to understand the specific spamming behaviors in Sina Weibo and find approaches to identify and block spammers in Sina Weibo based on spamming behavior classifiers. To start with the analysis of spamming behaviors we devise several effective methods to collect a large set of spammer samples, including uses of proactive honeypots and crawlers, keywords based searching and buying spammer samples directly from online merchants. We processed the database associated with these spammer samples and interestingly we found three representative spamming behaviors: Aggressive advertising, repeated duplicate reposting and aggressive following. We extract various features and compare the behaviors of spammers and legitimate users with regard to these features. It is found that spamming behaviors and normal behaviors have distinct characteristics. Based on these findings we design an automatic online spammer identification system. Through tests with real data it is demonstrated that the system can effectively detect the spamming behaviors and identify spammers in Sina Weibo.


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Las Universidades han tenido que adaptarse a los nuevos modelos de comunicación surgidos en la época de Internet. Dentro de estos nuevos paradigmas las redes sociales han irrumpido y Twitter se ha establecido como una de las más importantes. El objetivo de esta investigación es demostrar que existe una relación entre la presencia online de una Universidad, definida por la cantidad de información disponible en Internet, y su cuenta en Twitter. Para ello se analizó la relación entre la presencia online y los perfiles oficiales de las cinco universidades del País Vasco y Navarra. Los resultados demostraron la existencia de una correlación significativa entre la presencia online de las instituciones y el número de seguidores de sus respectivas cuentas. En segundo lugar, esta investigación se planteó si Twitter puede servir para potenciar la presencia online de una Universidad. Es por eso que se formuló una segunda hipótesis que buscaba analizar si tener varias cuentas en Twitter aumentaría la presencia online de las Universidades. Los hallazgos para esta segunda hipótesis demostraron una correlación muy significativa entre tener varios perfiles en Twitter y la presencia online de las Universidades. Así queda demostrada la importancia de la presencia online para las cuentas de Twitter y la relevancia de Twitter a la hora de potenciar la presencia online de los centros.


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La educación es el pilar fundamental de los sistemas de aprendizaje en la sociedad moderna. Numerosos estudios alrededor del mundo se centran en buscar nuevas alternativas para complementar los sistemas educativos con experiencias cada vez más amenas e interactivas para los alumnos, con el objetivo de mantener su interés y a la vez facilitar el trabajo de los docentes. Para ello se utilizan y desarrollan técnicas cada vez más innovadoras que han demostrado resultados positivos en la formación académica de las nuevas generaciones. Las Microanotaciones son una herramienta que, orientada a entornos educativos, ofrecen la oportunidad de expresar en pocos caracteres una idea. La Gamificación busca convertir el aprendizaje en un juego, basándose en el reconocimiento del progreso usando premios (trofeo y medallas) por la realización de acciones concretas que demuestren los conocimientos y formación adquiridos. Ambas técnicas han demostrado su fiabilidad y alto potencial para la formación académica como herramientas de aprendizaje pero trabajándose por separado en diferentes plataformas e investigaciones. Se considera que Microblogging y Gamificación podrían ser herramientas fusionables para ofrecer servicios de formación e interacción académica, asegurando que se dará el servicio dentro de parámetros aceptables de desempeño.


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El objetivo central de esta tesis es analizar cómo ha sido la comunicación política de la administración de Gustavo Petro entre 2012 y 2014, determinando el nivel de democratización presente en esta. Desde sus inicios, la alcaldía de Gustavo Petro mostro una gran preocupación por el ámbito de comunicación, sin embargo, como se puede ver en el plan de desarrollo, le apunta a una comunicación participativa en donde la ciudadanía haga parte de la construcción, diseño e implementación de los programas de gobierno. Por lo tanto se parte de la hipótesis de que la comunicación política durante esta administración ha sido democrática en tanto que ha permitido hacer partícipe a la ciudadanía de su propio desarrollo, a través del dialogo constante. Lo anterior será visto desde una perspectiva teórica sobre la comunicación política democrática, para lo cual las variables direccionalidad y centralidad serán claves.


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The present study seeks to weave together reflections on the role of the school in the development of activities of digital literacy. We consider, principally, the relation to the relevance of the critical use of social networks, and we chose, in this article, an analysis of Twitter. Twitter is a mixture of social networking and microblogging and, apparently, is made up of bits of several genres like news story, leaflet, advertising, citation, which were modified to suit the needs of communication found in social networking. The research is justified owing to the importance of relating an ascendant genre with the concept of multi-modality and with school practice. The objective of the study is to verify how the school can utilize twitter in activities of developing digital literacy. Dionysius (2011), Bazerman (2007), Street (2014), Soares (2004) and Buzato (2009) are the principal theoretical referents of this study. First, we define literacy and digital literacy so that, secondly, by means of an analysis of tweets collected on February 22, 2014, we can verify what literacies are used in twitter. We verified that this genre offers several possibilities for the development of literacies and teaching of genres integrated to new social demands. The school has a social responsibility with the citizens it is forming and, therefore, it should deliver to everyone tools to act and interact in the real world and therefore critical work with digital literacy is essential.  KEYWORDS: Digital literacy. Teaching. Twitter.