63 resultados para Maslow


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Unidade 6. Duração: 20min.


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Using the motivograma and interviews the degree of motivation of the survey participants was defined as satisfactory. On one hand there is satisfaction with the physiological needs, self-esteem and self confidence, on the other there is high dissatisfaction with the association and self-realization, justifying the request for strengthening the membership and performance improvements in the research area. Linking up security and association with the other ones group protection sentiments and work environment dependence sentiments prevail. It was concluded that: (1) Those satisfied ones declare that they are safe, protected and with good self-esteem doing their teaching work. The ones dissatisfied with the non-group belonging demonstrate dissatisfaction with the self-realization and expose their difficulties with social ties and the lack of integration in the teaching work. (3) The degree of motivation satisfactory is related to the satisfaction of basic needs, located in the first steps of Maslow's hierarchy. Accepting that the changes in higher education require motivated behaviors, the question arises: how can the motivation in teaching work be possible if the majority of organizations do not find a way to deal with the person of the Professor? Finally, the context of work is predominant in the provision of job satisfaction in teaching.


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Eine zunehmende Anzahl von Artikeln in Publikumszeitschriften und Journalen rückt die direkte Herstellung von Bauteilen und Figuren immer mehr in das Bewusstsein einer breiten Öffentlichkeit. Leider ergibt sich nur selten ein einigermaßen vollständiges Bild davon, wie und in welchen Lebensbereichen diese Techniken unseren Alltag verändern werden. Das liegt auch daran, dass die meisten Artikel sehr technisch geprägt sind und sich nur punktuell auf Beispiele stützen. Dieser Beitrag geht von den Bedürfnissen der Menschen aus, wie sie z.B. in der Maslow’schen Bedürfnispyramide strukturiert dargestellt sind und unterstreicht dadurch, dass 3D Printing (oder Additive Manufacturing resp. Rapid Prototyping) bereits alle Lebensbereiche erfasst hat und im Begriff ist, viele davon zu revolutionieren.


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Eine zunehmende Anzahl von Artikeln in Publikumszeitschriften und Journalen rückt die direkte Herstellung von Bauteilen und Figuren immer mehr in das Bewusstsein einer breiten Öffentlichkeit. Leider ergibt sich nur selten ein einigermaßen vollständiges Bild davon, wie und in welchen Lebensbereichen diese Techniken unseren Alltag verändern werden. Das liegt auch daran, dass die meisten Artikel sehr technisch geprägt sind und sich nur punktuell auf Beispiele stützen. Dieser Beitrag geht von den Bedürfnissen der Menschen aus, wie sie z.B. in der Maslow’schen Bedürfnispyramide strukturiert dargestellt sind und unterstreicht dadurch, dass 3D Printing (oder Additive Manufacturing resp. Rapid Prototyping) bereits alle Lebensbereiche erfasst hat und im Begriff ist, viele davon zu revolutionieren.


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos religiosos islâmicos e as implicações das relações de gênero no islam sobre a assistência de saúde às mulheres muçulmanas, e através disto, discutir a importância do conhecimento prévio do islamismo pelos profissionais de saúde para propor uma assistência de saúde congruente a estas mulheres, tendo por referência a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher. Esta pesquisa tem abordagem qualitativa, com o desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo e aplicação de um roteiro de perguntas semi-estruturado, com questões relacionadas ao islamismo e à saúde das mulheres. Ao todo, foram entrevistadas dez pessoas, sendo estas: quatro mulheres revertidas ao islam, três mulheres de família muçulmana, dois sheiks e uma assistente social. As entrevistas foram realizadas no Centro de Divulgação do Islam para a América Latina e o Caribe (CDIAL) e na Assembléia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica na América Latina (WAMY).


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Five different clones encoding thioredoxin homologues were isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA libraries. On the basis of the sequences they encode divergent proteins, but all belong to the cytoplasmic thioredoxins h previously described in higher plants. The five proteins obtained by overexpressing the coding sequences in Escherichia coli present typical thioredoxin activities (NADP(+)-malate dehydrogenase activation and reduction by Arabidopsis thioredoxin reductase) despite the presence of a variant active site, Trp-Cys-Pro-Pro-Cys, in three proteins in place of the canonical Trp-Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys sequence described for thioredoxins in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Southern blots show that each cDNA is encoded by a single gene but suggest the presence of additional related sequences in the Arabidopsis genome. This very complex diversity of thioredoxins h is probably common to all higher plants, since the Arabidopsis sequences appear to have diverged very early, at the beginning of plant speciation. This diversity allows the transduction of a redox signal into multiple pathways.


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The objective of this thesis is to understand the impact of satisfaction with innovative benefits on the intention to stay of the information and communications technology industry (ICT) workers. In order to investigate this question, a general research hypothesis was presented based on a literature review and on Blau’s social exchange theory (1964) and Maslow’s theory of needs (1943). The general research hypothesis states that satisfaction with innovative benefits increases intention to stay through time. The data used in this thesis were collected as part of a larger research on the relationships between compensation, training and skills development and attracting and retaining key employees. The longitudinal data come from an office located in Montreal of a major international company from the ICT sector. The study population consists of workers newly hired between April 1st, 2009 and September 30th, 2010. The results confirm the research hypothesis showing that satisfaction with innovative benefits increase intention to stay through time. Among the various innovative benefits studied, the results indicate that it is the satisfaction with the gym at work that best predicts intention to stay of workers. Other innovative benefits significantly related to intention to stay are the games library, the lounge, the medical clinic and the library in the workplace. Also, longitudinal analyses reveal that it is mainly the differences between the individual characteristics of the employees who best explain intention to stay than the differences across time of the same worker. This thesis concludes by discussing the best way for industrial relations managers to use the results in order to retain their employees. Then, the limits of the study and some directions for further research are also presented.


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The objective of this thesis is to understand the impact of satisfaction with innovative benefits on the intention to stay of the information and communications technology industry (ICT) workers. In order to investigate this question, a general research hypothesis was presented based on a literature review and on Blau’s social exchange theory (1964) and Maslow’s theory of needs (1943). The general research hypothesis states that satisfaction with innovative benefits increases intention to stay through time. The data used in this thesis were collected as part of a larger research on the relationships between compensation, training and skills development and attracting and retaining key employees. The longitudinal data come from an office located in Montreal of a major international company from the ICT sector. The study population consists of workers newly hired between April 1st, 2009 and September 30th, 2010. The results confirm the research hypothesis showing that satisfaction with innovative benefits increase intention to stay through time. Among the various innovative benefits studied, the results indicate that it is the satisfaction with the gym at work that best predicts intention to stay of workers. Other innovative benefits significantly related to intention to stay are the games library, the lounge, the medical clinic and the library in the workplace. Also, longitudinal analyses reveal that it is mainly the differences between the individual characteristics of the employees who best explain intention to stay than the differences across time of the same worker. This thesis concludes by discussing the best way for industrial relations managers to use the results in order to retain their employees. Then, the limits of the study and some directions for further research are also presented.


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This dissertation reports an investigation of the utility of two intervention programs to facilitate identity formation by way of exploration, one designed from an explicitly self-construction point of view and the other designed from an explicitly self-discovery point of view. The self-construction program was implemented using cognitive skills and orientations derived from Berzonsky (1989), Grotevant (1987), and Kurtines (1999). The self-discovery program was implemented using affective insight development strategies derived from Csikszentmihalyi (1990), Maslow (1968), and Waterman (1990). Three sets of measures were used: (a) cognitive identity measures, (b) affective identity measures, and (c) overall identity measures. Ninety undergraduates from Florida International University completed the intervention. Participants were assigned to one of three intervention conditions (Cognitive, Affective, and Control) and were pretested and posttested on cognitive, affective, and overall identity measures. Intervention strategies were introduced and discussed in the context of specific goals and choices that participants brought to group. Intervention results were then analyzed in terms of the effectiveness of the intervention conditions in promoting their respective developmental domains. The intervention was effective in promoting identity development in comparison to the control condition, with the cognitive condition facilitating cognitive competence and the affective condition facilitating affective insight. Results are discussed in the context of the constructivist and discovery perspectives, as well as in light of the broadened view of exploration offered in this paper. ^


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This paper explores the connection between leadership behaviors and employee engagement to build a proposed conceptual model. A conceptual link between employee needs (Herzberg, 1959; Maslow, 1970), emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1998), and transformational leadership (Bass, 1985) is discussed.


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Le manque de motivation des ressources humaines dans les secteurs public et para-public est un aspect qui se manifeste par un plus grand désintéressement noté au niveau du personnel. Dans une période économique difficile où la productivité et la créativité sont recherchées afin de conserver une compétitivité, la motivation du personnel devient un grand sujet d'intérêt pour les directions. Cet essai présente la gestion des ressources humaines en mettant en relation les principes et théories sur la motivation au travail, sur le développement de la personne au travail et sur les besoins des collèges. Dans un premier temps, le problème de la motivation du personnel dans les collèges est abordé. Un bref survol de la naissance des collèges et de leur évolution dans le domaine des ressources humaines est fait, pour terminer avec un constat de la démotivation du personnel. Par la suite, les questions de recherche sont formulées ainsi que les objectifs poursuivis. Dans le chapitre suivant, plusieurs théories sont présentées. La théorie des besoins de A. MASLOW et la théorie des facteurs de F. HERZBERG illustrent les facteurs de motivation. Deux théories développementales sont ensuite présentées: les étapes du cheminement professionnel de Donald E. SUPER et les stades de développement de carrière de D. RIVERIN-SIMARD. Et finalement ce chapitre présente une revue de la littérature et des théories sur la planification des ressources humaines et sur l'évaluation de rendement qui y est relié. En quatrième partie, les bases méthodologiques sont présentées et illustrées par une expérience faite dans un collège régional. Finalement, une dernière partie présente une analyse des résultats suivie de recommandations.


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La motivación es un factor determinante del desempeño individual, igual que lo son el esfuerzo, la capacidad y la experiencia. La importancia radica en que la administración debe conocer por qué unos empleados trabajan mejor que otros. El artículo se divide en cuatro partes, la primera es la revisión de las distintas teorías relacionadas con la motivación, teorías de proceso y sus aplicaciones con el propósito de definir las dimensiones y categorías en el análisis de las variables de la motivación. Entre los autores citados se pueden mencionar: Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, McClelland y Vroom. La segunda parte del artículo está orientada a determinar el grado de motivación y de productividad de las personas dedicadas al corte de la caña; sobre esta base se podrán explicar las causas de desmotivación, determinar el perfil motivacional, estándares e indicadores. La tercera parte muestra los resultados y conclusiones relacionados con la motivación, productividad y calidad. Finalmente, en la cuarta parte se da un conjunto de recomendaciones generales relacionado con programas orientados a satisfacer necesidades básicas, de segaridad, sociales, de estima y de autorrelación del cortero de caña. Si bien es cierto que el artículo hace referencia al cortero de caña (sector azucarero), es viable su aplicación a otros sectores.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.


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La presente investigación pretendió incorporar el uso intensivo de TIC en los procedimientos establecidos y necesarios en los procesos de generación, distribución y control de la energía, lo que se expresa en un manual para el sistema de gestión humana de la organización analizada. La investigación partió de un levantamiento de un estado del arte, continuó con la realización de un análisis de actitudes y aptitudes de los colaboradores, basado en propuestas teóricas y mejores prácticas existentes del medio, y, por último, concluyó con un manual de gestión humana en el que se indican las competencias en los diferentes perfiles de la organización para el uso de TIC y su aplicación, con el propósito de alinearse con las perspectivas y objetivos de la organización analizada al tener como base la perdurabilidad y la competitividad de la misma.