1000 resultados para Marc, Ausiàs, ca. 1397-1459 -- Crítica textual
El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es situar a Jacinto Bejarano Galavis y Nidos (1748-1828) y sus Sentimientos patrióticos (1791) en el lugar que justamente merecen en la historia de la literatura española del siglo XVIII. Estamos, sin lugar a duda, ante uno de los textos fundamentales de esa centuria, una de las claves imprescindibles de Azorín y uno de los puntales de la literatura regeneracionista española. De los avatares de esta obra me daba cuenta el profesor Gómez Moreno en la carta con que acompañaba un regalo que resultó ser este precioso libro. Me consta que los dos volúmenes de que consta la obra de Bejarano, bien conservados y elegantemente encuadernados, los había adquirido en la magnífica librería madrileña de Luis Bardón Mesa. Releer aquellas líneas me resulta especialmente grato porque creo haber cumplido con el encargo de mi querido maestro: En 1944, Dolores Franco, quien en vida fuera mujer de Julián Marías, publicó una bella antología de textos dispuesta a modo de ensayo, La preocupación de España en su literatura. Antología (con prólogo de Azorín, y conviene no perder de vista este dato); en 1960, salía a la calle la versión final, España como preocupación. Antología. Aunque inicialmente el libro se apoya en Cervantes, Quevedo y Saavedra Fajardo, su autora percibió pronto que el punto de partida real se hallaba en la literatura de ideas del siglo XVIII, con Forner, Jovellanos, Feijoo o Cadalso. A la larga serie de autores que se duelen de España y se esfuerzan en señalar sus males pertenece Jacinto Bejarano Galavís y Nidos, un simple curita de pueblo (concretamente de Riofrío, Ávila), como dice el título del libro, Sentimientos patrióticos o conversaciones christianas que un cura de aldea verdadero amigo del país inspira a sus feligreses. Se tienen los coloquios al fuego de la chimenea en las noches de hibierno. Los interlocutores son el cura, cirujano, sacristán, procurador y el tío Cacharro, Madrid, 1791. De este autor y de este título se acordaba mucho tiempo después el propio Julián Marías en relación con Azorín y con el ensayo-antología de su añorada esposa...
The present work submitted as a PhD thesis has the aim of studying from a philological point of view, the Latin text Consolatoria super obitu inclyti principis Hispaniarum Iohannis, written by the Castilian canon Alfonso Ortiz, who lived in the late 15th century in the time of the Catholic Monarchs (Isabel and Fernando), on the death of Prince John, first and only son of the sovereigns. The core of this work is the critical edition (the first complete edition ever made) on the comparison of two extant manuscripts (S and St), the second having the Spanish self-translation of the first. On the basis of this critical text we study the literary references as well as its structure and the literary genre to which it may be ascribed and, besides, we point out some features of the language used therein (Latin), the scope and characteristics of the self-translation and other style and rhetorical topics (e.g. the use of rhythmic clausulae at the end of sentences). Several appendices are added to complete and improve the text-study From that study it may be concluded that although the work follows a long time proven tradition based on medieval religious Ideas, the author, nonetheless, continuously shows within the text that he is willing to adapt that tradition into the new tunes of early Renaissance, not only by means of language and style features, but also through matter nuances that made it clear that life/death concepts were gradually shifting from the medieval times to the ideas of the new epoch. As the value of human life was rising, it needed a more attentive, profound and meticulous consolation through both conceptual and rhetorical arguments...
Alfonso de Cartagena (1385-1456), possibly the most representative figure of the courtly, political and cultural dimension built around Juan II, was the third son of the famous convert Pablo de Santa Maria, Burgos’ rabbi and, later on, bishop of that same town. He started his career as governor of Cartagena’s cathedral, afterwards he was named dean of Santiago and Segovia, canon of Burgos and, after his father’s death, bishop of Burgos. Alternatively, he played a vital role in Castile’s national and international politics, as an ambassador in Portugal’s court, at Basel’s council and before Poland’s and Germany’s kings. His work, written both in Latin and Romance, either as an historian, treatise writer, theologist or translator, is quite broad; his literary connections were strong either with Italian humanists or with those who were fond of the language arts from Spain. The first part of this Thesis seeks to provide a wide enough perspective of the author, for which we place the emphasis on the most distinctive aspects of his life. Therefore, we divided the introduction in three sections: a biographical overview, his work and, last, a study on the Memoriale uirtutum itself. Thus, regarding the first aspect, we focus on the course of his life (§1.1), where we can highlight his university education, which isn’t restricted to his training as a jurist, but we also observe that his mental vitality takes him to develop certain inquisitiveness for Moral Philosophy or Latin, which leads him to study Grammar and Rhetoric; this would allow the influence of studia humanitatis to emerge, although he never got to learn the Greek language, as we can deduce from the epistolary confrontation between him and Leonardo Bruni. We also focus on the significance of his Jewish past, upon the defence of the converts during the massacre experienced in the XVth century (§1.2), and on his presence at Basel’s council (§1.3). Despite the fact that his work as a diplomat begins during the missions in Portugal as an emissary of king Juan II, he will get recognition owing to his legation in Basel, not only among the European ecclesiastics, but also among the scholars from Italy; the importance of Basel’s council in Cartagena’s life goes beyond his official work there, either as defending the Castilian interests, or as an active member of the purely conciliar functions, since it also had a huge impact in his intellectual growth. During this time period, Cartagena establishes a friendship with Pizzolpaso, Bishop of Milan, writer, humanist, and friend of Leonardo Bruni. As a result of this type of relationship with men of such high cultural standard, he re-awakens the study of the Classical antiquity among his contemporaries, developing a huge interest in the Greco-Roman masterpieces, which will bring him closely to the highly-regarded Spanish humanists of the XVIth century...
Grounded on Raymond Williams‘s definition of knowable community as a cultural tool to analyse literary texts, the essay reads the texts D.H.Lawrence wrote while travelling in the Mediterranean (Twilight in Italy, Sea and Sardinia and Etruscan Places) as knowable communities, bringing to the discussion the wide importance of literature not only as an object for aesthetic or textual readings, but also as a signifying practice which tells stories of culture. Departing from some considerations regarding the historical development of the relationship between literature and culture, the essay analyses the ways D. H. Lawrence constructed maps of meaning, where the readers, in a dynamic relation with the texts, apprehend experiences, structures and feelings; putting into perspective Williams‘s theory of culture as a whole way of life, it also analyses the ways the author communicates and organizes these experiences, creating a space of communication and operating at different levels of reality: on the one hand, the reality of the whole way of Italian life, and, on the other hand, the reality of the reader who aspires to make sense and to create an interpretative context where all the information is put, and, also, the reality of the writer in the poetic act of writing. To read these travel writings as knowable communities is to understand them as a form that invents a community with no other existence but that of the literary text. The cultural construction we find in these texts is the result of the selection, and interpretation done by D.H.Lawrence, as well as the product of the author‘s enunciative positions, and of his epistemological and ontological filigrees of existence, structured by the conditions of possibility. In the rearticulation of the text, of the writer and of the reader, in a dynamic and shared process of discursive alliances, we understand that Lawrence tells stories of the Mediterranean through his literary art.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Edição de Texto
Este relatório de estágio curricular, efectivado como parte conclusiva do Mestrado em Edição de Texto ministrado na FCSH-UNL, teve como objectivos de trabalho a organização, descrição e inventariação dos manuscritos do romance Alexandra Alpha que fazem parte do espólio de José Cardoso Pires. Foi realizado na BNP-ACPC sendo o projecto final a criação de entradas de registo do inventário. O presente relatório começa com uma introdução, estando posteriormente estruturado em quatro capítulos, ao longo dos quais se apresenta o trabalho realizado. O primeiro capítulo contém uma apresentação da instituição onde foi realizado o estágio assim como as bases teóricas em que assentou. O segundo capítulo introduz o autor e a obra trabalhada. No terceiro capítulo, é exposto todo o processo de organização, descrição e inventariação, e no quarto capítulo são apresentados os problemas que surgiram ao longo de todo o processo e as resoluções adoptadas para os mesmos. Inclui igualmente um último e quinto capítulo que consiste num exemplo de edição crítico-genética do romance. O relatório termina com uma conclusão sobre o trabalho realizado e os resultados obtidos. São ainda apresentados vários anexos com tabelas, quadros e exemplos ilustrativos de todo o trabalho realizado
Article sobre les al·lusions i anècdotes tradicionals que fa servir Lópe de Vega a les seves obres. Concretament es tracta un episodi del llibre El mejor alcalde, el rey
Si hi ha un període postmedieval similar al nostre d’avui en la història literària catalana en el qual els nostres escriptors -trencant radicalment amb una tradició ja obsoleta (com era la del cinc-cents en la seva major part)- es posen a l’alçada dels corrents literaris europeus, aquest és el període barroc (cf. Rossich 1984 ). El text que em proposo analitzar i comparar il·lustra perfectament aquesta circumstància
La història és una disciplina científica que opera en base a evidències del passat. Tot allò que s'ha produït en un altre temps (objectes, construccions, paisatges, conductes, costums) és susceptible de ser analitzat i interpretat de manera crítica per l'historiador. Qualsevol tipus de text confegit en un altre temps o a partir d'informacions d'un temps anterior, també esdevé, per definició, una evidència històrica, ja sigui una recepta de farmàcia, una novel·la, un informe tècnic o un llibre d'història. En aquest sentit, gairebé tots els textos són d'història. L'historiador no analitza el text de la mateixa manera que ho poden fer des d'altres disciplines; un text té interès en tant que subministra informació, i el mètode de treball de l'historiador és el que permet assolir-la. Els alumnes de primària i secundària s'han de formar en continguts factuals, conceptuals i en mètode. L'anàlisi d'un document amb la metodologia d l'historiador és una bona praxi per formar individus amb capacitat crítica.
Treball resultat d’un seguit de recerques paral·leles a l’estudi de l’obra filològica d’Antoni de Bastero, considerat avui el més important filòleg del segle XVIII, precursor dels estudis literaris i lingüístics moderns al nostre país
Entre finals del segle XIV i principis del XV es data la redacció del Manuscrit Mòdena, Biblioteca Estense, .M.5.24, un dels principals manuscrits del moment que han arribat als nostres dies, essent un element culminant pel que fa a penetració de l’art polifònic francès a la Itàlia d’inicis del ‘400. En ell es copien quatre peces de Guillaume de Machaut i l’únic poema de l’autor francès musicat per un altre compositor. En els treballs sobre el manuscrit molt sovint s’obvien aquestes quatre peces, i l’estudi sobre Machaut es fa quasi exclusivament des de les fonts franceses. Aquest treball pretén respondre, sobretot, a dues preguntes: Què ens poden explicar aquestes peces sobre el procés d’afrancesament de la música italiana? Què ens poden explicar sobre la difusió de l’obra de Machaut pel vell continent?
Treball resultat d’un seguit de recerques paral·leles a l’estudi de l’obra filològica d’Antoni de Bastero, considerat avui el més important filòleg del segle XVIII, precursor dels estudis literaris i lingüístics moderns al nostre país
Article sobre les al·lusions i anècdotes tradicionals que fa servir Lópe de Vega a les seves obres. Concretament es tracta un episodi del llibre El mejor alcalde, el rey
Presentació del Cancionero del Barón de Claret. Compilat durant el triomf de la mal dita “escola calderoniana”, demostra un interès molt gran per la poesia i el teatre de Lope, fins el punt que és d’aquest autor de qui es recullen més composicions