205 resultados para Manto litosférico subcontinental


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Se estudia la asociación Rubo ulmifolii-Tametum communis, zarzal que constituye la orla espinosa de los bosques climáticos eutrofos del País Vasco cantábrico (robledales, fresnedas). Para distinguir el manto de los encinares cantábricos relictos (Lauro-Quercetum ilicis) se describe una nueva subasociación Rubo-Tametum rosetosum sempervirentis.


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The authors propose a new phyiosociologic interpretation of Juniperas comniunis subsp. hemisphaerica and Juniperus sabina shrublands in the Djurdjura. They make up two new associations: the Cynosuro balansae-Juniperetun, hemisphaericae and the Daphno oleoidis-Juniperetum sabinae, belonging to the new alliance Lonicero kabylicae-Juniperion hemisphaericae included in the order Querco Cedretalia atlanticae. The ecologic and biogeograpbic value of these communities is analized in a Westem-mediterrancan context as well as their dynamic importance. On this mountain, they correspond to ihe preforested level of cedar forests. For this reason, an attempt to inlerprel Kabylian cedar forests as a whole was made they belong to the new association Senecio perralderlani-Cedretum atlanticae. A diachronic evaluation of changes in native plant communities over a 30 year period is made, in particular as related to the creation of several local structures to protect natural resources.


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The island of São Jorge (38º 45’ 24’’ N - 28º 20’ 44’’W and 38º 33’ 00’’ N - 27º 44’ 32’’ W) is one of the nine islands of the Azores Archipelago that is rooted in the Azores Plateau, a wide and complex region which encompasses the triple junction between the American, Eurasia and Nubia plates. São Jorge Island has grown by fissural volcanic activity along fractures with the regional WNW-ESE trend, unveiling the importance of the regional tectonics during volcanic activity. The combination of the volcanostratigraphy (Forjaz & Fernandes, 1975; and Madeira, 1998) with geochronological data evidences that the island developed during two main volcanic phases. The first subaerial phase that occurred between 1.32 and 1.21 Ma ago (Hildenbrand et al. 2008) is recorded on the lava sequence forming the cliff at Fajã de São João, while the second phase started at 757 ka ago, is still active, and edified the rest of the island. This second phase edified the east side of the island that corresponds to Topo Volcanic Complex, in the period between 757 and 543 ka ago, while the west side named Rosais Volcanic Complex, started at 368 ka ago (Hildenbrand et al. 2008) and was still active at 117 ka ago. After the onset of Rosais, volcanic activity migrates to the center of São Jorge edifying Manadas Volcanic Complex. The volcanism on São Jorge is dominantly alkaline, with a narrow lithological composition ranging between the basanites/tefrites through the basaltic trachyandesites, in spite of this the two volcanic phases show distinct mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical characteristics that should be related with different petrogenetic conditions and growth rates of the island. Abstract viii During the first volcanic phase, growth rates are faster (≈3.4 m/ka), the lavas are slightly less alkaline and plagioclase-richer, pointing to the existence of a relative shallow and dynamic magma chamber where fractional crystallization associated with gravitational segregation and accumulation processes, produced the lavas of Fajã de São João sequence. The average growth rates during the second volcanic phase are lower (≈1.9 m/ka) and the lavas are mainly alkaline sodic, with a mineralogy composed by olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase and oxide phenocrysts, in a crystalline groundmass. The lavas are characterized by enrichment in incompatible trace element and light REE, but show differences for close-spaced lavas that unveil, in some cases, slight different degrees of fertilization of the mantle source along the island. These differences might also result from higher degrees of partial melting, as observed in the early stages of Topo and Rosais volcanic complexes, of a mantle source with residual garnet and amphibole, and/or from changing melting conditions of the mantle source as pressure. The subtle geochemical differences of the lavas contrast with the isotopic signatures, obtained from Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes, that São Jorge Island volcanism exhibit along its volcanic complexes. The lavas from Topo Volcanic Complex and from the submarine flank, i.e. the lavas located east of Ribeira Seca Fault, sample a mantle source with similar isotopic signature that, in terms of lead, overlaps Terceira Island. The lavas from Rosais and Manadas volcanic complexes, the western lavas, sample a mantle source that becomes progressively more distinct towards the west end of the island and that, in terms of lead isotopes, trends towards the isotopic composition of Faial Island. The two isotopic signatures of São Jorge, observed from the combination of lead isotopes with the other three systems, seem to result from the mixing of three distinct end-members. These end-members are (1) the common component related with the Azores Plateau and the MAR, (2) the eastern component with a FOZO signature and possibly related with the Azores plume located beneath Terceira, and (3) the western component, similar to Faial, where the lithosphere could have been entrained by an ancient magmatic liquid, isolated for a period longer than 2Ga. The two trends observed in the island reinforce the idea of small-scale mantle heterogeneities beneath the Azores region, as it has been proposed to explain the isotopic diversity observed in the Archipelago.


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The common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, is a necto-benthic cephalopod that can live in coastal ecosystems, with high influence of anthropogenic pressures and thus be vulnerable to exposure to various types of contaminants. The cuttlefish is a species of great importance to the local economy of Aveiro, considering the global data of catches of this species in the Ria de Aveiro. However, studies on this species in Ria de Aveiro are scarce, so the present study aims to fill this information gap about the cuttlefish in the Ria de Aveiro. The cuttlefish enters Ria de Aveiro in the spring and summer to reproduce, returning to deeper waters in the winter. In terms of abundance, the eastern and center regions of the lagoon, closer to the sea, showed the highest values of abundance, while the northern and southern regions of the main channel had the lowest abundance. This fact may be related to abiotic factors, as well as depth, salinity and temperature. In the most southern point of the Ria de Aveiro (Areão) no cuttlefish was caught. This site had the lowest values of salinity and depth. The cuttlefish has an allometric the females being heavier than males to mantle lengths greater than 82.4 mm. Males reach sexual maturity first than females. In Ria de Aveiro in a generation of parents was found. The cuttlefish, presents itself as opportunistic predators, consuming a wide variety of prey from different taxa. The diet was similar in different sampling locations observing significant differences for the seasons. S. officinalis was captured at 10 sites in the Ria de Aveiro with different anthropogenic sources of contamination. Thus, levels of metals analyzed were similar at all sampling sites, with the exception of a restricted area, Laranjo, which showed higher values. The cuttlefish has the ability to accumulate metals in your body. The levels of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Hg found in the digestive gland and mantle reflect a differential accumulation of metals in the tissues. This accumulation is related to the type and function of tissue analyzed and the type of metal analysis (essential and non-essential). The metal concentrations in the digestive gland are higher than in the mantle, with the exception of mercury. This may be due to the high affinity of the mantle for the incorporation of methylmercury (MeHg), the most abundant form of mercury. The accumulation of metals can vary over a lifetime, depending on the metal. The concentrations of Zn, Cd and Hg increases throughout life, while Pb decreases and essential metals such as Fe and Cu remain constant. The data collected suggest that the cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) can be used as a bioindicator of environmental contamination for some metals.


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Los sucesos históricos y culturales en ambos lados del Atlántico durante el siglo XVI tuvieron un punto de confluencia en la representación simbólica del manto de Verónica en el teatro misionero y, poco después, en la legendaria tilma guadalupana. La versión en náhuatl del auto de La destruyción de Jerusalem, de origen valenciano, y la conocida historia aparicionista que tuvo lugar posteriormente adquieren un desarrollo elocuente y polisémico a lo largo de la Colonia, entreverándose con la hipótesis de la llegada a América del apóstol Santo Tomás. En estas tradiciones, la representación simbólica sirve para llenar lo que la ideología occidental consideraba una tabula rasa: la historia y la cultura propias del mundo americano. No obstante, la cultura prehispánica ha aportado sus propios contenidos significativos al manto o tilma maravillosa. Con sus propiedades curativas y su contenido cristiano, la tilma se convierte en un signo de identidad entre Europa y América. Para los europeos, prueba de verdadera fe, para los criollos, autoafirmación, y para los indios, permanencia del tiempo mítico.


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Tese de doutoramento, Geologia (Geoquímica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Dissertação de natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil de Engenharia Sanitária


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Dissertação de Natureza Científica elaborada no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Hidráulica no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC


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Samples of volcanic rocks from Alboran Island, the Alboran Sea floor and from the Gourougou volcanic centre in northern Morocco have been analyzed for major and trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopes to test current theories on the tectonic geodynamic evolution of the Alboran Sea. The Alboran Island samples are low-K tholeiitic basaltic andesites whose depleted contents of HFS elements (similar to0.5xN-MORB), especially Nb (similar to0.2xN-MORB), show marked geochemical parallels with volcanics from immature intra-oceanic arcs and back-arc basins. Several of the submarine samples have similar compositions, one showing low-Ca boninite affinity. Nd-143/Nd-144 ratios fall in the same range as many island-arc and back-arc basin samples, whereas Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (on leached samples) are somewhat more radiogenic. Our data point to active subduction taking place beneath the Alboran region in Miocene times, and imply the presence of an associated back-arc spreading centre. Our sea floor suite includes a few more evolved dacite and rhyolite samples with (Sr-87/Sr-86)(0) up to 0.717 that probably represent varying degrees of crustal melting. The shoshonite and high-K basaltic andesite lavas from Gourougou have comparable normalized incompatible-element enrichment diagrams and Ce/Y ratios to shoshonitic volcanics from oceanic island arcs, though they have less pronounced Nb deficits. They are much less LIL- and LREE-enriched than continental arc analogues and post-collisional shoshonites from Tibet. The magmas probably originated by melting in subcontinental lithospheric mantle that had experienced negligible subduction input. Sr-Nd isotope compositions point to significant crustal contamination which appears to account for the small Nb anomalies. The unmistakable supra-subduction zone (SSZ) signature shown by our Alboran basalts and basaltic andesite samples refutes geodynamic models that attribute all Neogene volcanism in the Alboran domain to decompression melting of upwelling asthenosphere arising from convective thinning of over-thickened lithosphere. Our data support recent models in which subsidence is caused by westward rollback of an eastward-dipping subduction zone beneath the westemmost Mediterranean. Moreover, severance of the lithosphere at the edges of the rolling-back slab provides opportunities for locally melting lithospheric mantle, providing a possible explanation for the shoshonitic volcanism seen in northern Morocco and more sporadically in SE Spain. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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El crucero se desarrolló en dos etapas, la primera en primavera 2010, de 4° a 11°25’S y la segunda en verano 2011, de 10°10’ a 17°23’S, entre 50 a 200 mn de la costa. La captura del recurso en la primera etapa fue 35.079,6 kg (25.669,1 kg de producción) y en la segunda 165.955,7 kg (123.229,5 kg de producción). La captura por unidad de esfuerzo por día de trabajo fluctuó de 2,9 a 4.292,6 kg/hora; 0,68 a 948,4 kg/línea; 0,07 a 99,8 kg/ línea*hora y 0,0017 a 2,4957 kg/pot*hora. La longitud del manto varió de 17 a 119 cm. Se registró hembras en estadio desovante III (51,5%), madurante II (21,6%); y machos en estadio evacuación III (85,1%) y virginales I (9,7%). Los grupos tróficos más importantes fueron: cefalópodos (% IRI= 66,4), crustáceos (% IRI= 23,7), peces (% IRI= 9,9). Las hembras presentaron: L∞ =111,233 cm LM, K=0,016, t0= 235 y los machos L∞ =99,718 cm LM, K=0,167 y t0=228,4; esta especie tiene una longevidad próxima o poco mayor a un año.


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Se presenta la memoria de un proyecto educativo que persigue el conocimiento del medio más cercano al alumnado de Educación Primaria y al profesorado del Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria Maestra Carmen Seudofeito en Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz. Se pretende desarrollar en el profesorado y alumnado un conocimiento directo y activo del entorno de Chiclana y la Bahía de Cádiz, con recursos que les permitan interpretar este entorno y generalizar lo aprendido a entornos más amplios. Los objetivos principales son: 1. Recopilar, restaurar, elaborar, mantener y editar recursos didácticos sobre el entorno de Chiclana y la Bahía de Cádiz, y en menor medida, de Andalucía. Estos recursos tiene cinco tipos de formato: un jardín botánico escolar, una maqueta en relieve 1:10000 del término de Chiclana, colecciones de diapositivas de elaboración propia, láminas murales, láminas personales. 2. Usar estos recursos con el alumnado, tanto en el centro como en visita de estudios. Valorar su utilidad y hacer las correcciones que correspondan. 3. Incorporar la informática en la elaboración, edición y exposición de estos recursos. El proceso consta de varias fases: se realizan cuidados sobre labores agrícolas para crear y mantener un jardín botánico; se actualiza la maqueta del relieve del término municipal de Chiclana y se completa el manto de arbolado de muchas de sus áreas; se realizan láminas murales con diseño propio sobre el barrio de La Banda, sobre el término municipal y sobre la Bahía de Cádiz; elaboración y actualización de láminas plastificadas cuyos temas fueron: el patio y sus plantas y animales, el patio y los ecosistemas del jardín botánico escolar, el barrio de La Banda, la ciudad de Chiclana, el acantilado, las dunas y la playa de la Barrosa, la Bahía de Cádiz; láminas dibujadas cuyos temas fueron: las lagunas chiclaneras, aves y plantas, los huertos, las salinas, la bahía, el acantilado, plantas del pinar de la Barrosa, planos del jardín botánico de San Fernando, planos de los parques urbanos de La Soledad y de la Huerta del Rosario, rutas al parque de Grazalema, rutas al parque de los Alcornocales; por último se realizan salidas a la naturaleza en autobús de un día hasta cuarto curso y de un día o más para el alumnado de quinto o sexto curso. Los resultados obtenidos fueron de aceptación en docentes del centro y del colegio vecino, pero no consiguió atraer a todo el profesorado al que estaba dirigido, este hecho nos hizo repensar el proyecto hacia la elaboración, no tanto de guías, sino de nuevos recursos para quien estuviera realmente interesado. Los materiales utilizados fueron: maderas, materiales para tareas agrícolas, transparencias, plastificados, pinturas, software informático, diapositivas, discos, disquetes, láminas y mapas de relieve.


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El artículo es un estudio realizado en la zona minera del valle de Ubaté, cuyo objetivo es determinar los factores de riesgo de carga física y postura forzada, relacionados con alteraciones osteomusculares en mineros. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal. 49 mineros son evaluados de acuerdo con el tipo de manto de las minas de carbón y con el puesto de trabajo. Para la valoración de las condiciones de salud de los trabajadores se diseñaron dos instrumentos de evaluación: el de historia clínica y laboral y el formato de registro de condiciones osteomusculares, los cuales fueron aplicados por un médico fisiatra. Para la valoración de la carga física y la postura se utilizó el método OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analysis System). Resultados: se encontraron alteraciones posturales relacionadas con los ejes vertebrales y la presencia de hombro caído, los cuales mostraron¡ una tendencia mayor en los trabajadores de minas con manto horizontal. Se encontró que la laxitud ligamentaria de rodillas se presenta con mayor tendencia en los trabajadores de minas de manto no horizontal. Conclusión: los desórdenes osteomusculares encontrados en la columna y el hombro, al parecer, se deben a la permanente postura de flexión de columna tanto cervical como lumbar, acompañado de esfuerzos para los movimientos de rotación y manipulación de pesos entre diez y veinte kilos. Es necesario profundizar en el estudio tanto epidemiológico como clínico de las alteraciones que presentan los mineros en las rodillas, ya que éstas han