928 resultados para Mammalian cell lines


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Loss of cell-cell adhesion in carcinoma cells may be an important step in the acquisition of an invasive, metastatic phenotype. We have examined the expression of the epithelial-specific cell adhesion molecule uvomorulin (E-cadherin, cell-CAM 120/80, L-CAM) in human breast cancer cell lines. We find that fibroblastoid, highly invasive, vimentin-expressing breast cancer cell lines do not express uvomorulin. Of the more epithelial-appearing, less invasive, keratin-expressing breast cancer cell lines, some express uvomorulin, and some do not. We examined the morphologies of the cell lines in the reconstituted basement membrane matrix Matrigel and measured the ability of the cells to traverse a Matrigel-coated filter as in vitro models for detachment of carcinoma cells from neighboring cells and invasion through basement membrane into surrounding tissue. Colonies of uvomorulin-positive cells have a characteristic fused appearance in Matrigel, whereas uvomorulin-negative cells appear detached. Cells which are uvomorulin negative and vimentin positive have a stellate morphology in Matrigel. We show that uvomorulin is responsible for the fused colony morphology in Matrigel since treatment of uvomorulin-positive MCF-7 cells with an antibody to uvomorulin caused the cells to detach from one another but did not induce invasiveness in these cells, as measured by their ability to cross a Matrigel-coated polycarbonate filter in a modified Boyden chamber assay. Two uvomorulin-negative, vimentin-negative cell lines are also not highly invasive as measured by this assay. We suggest that loss of uvomorulin-mediated cell-cell adhesion may be one of many changes involved in the progression of a carcinoma cell to an invasive phenotype.


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Lack of estrogen receptor (ER) and presence of vimentin (VIM) associate with poor prognosis in human breast cancer. We have explored the relationships between ER, VIM, and invasiveness in human breast cancer cell lines. In the matrigel outgrowth assay, ER+/VIM- (MCF-7, T47D, ZR-75-1), and ER-/VIM- (MDA-MB-468, SK-Br-3) cell lines were uninvasive, while ER-/VIM+ (BT549, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435, MDA-MB-436, Hs578T) lines formed invasive, penetrating colonies. Similarly, ER-/VIM+ cell lines were significantly more invasive than either the ER+/VIM- or ER-/VIM- cell lines in the Boyden chamber chemoinvasion assay. Invasive activity in nude mice was only seen with ER-/ VIM+ cell lines MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435 and MDA-MB-436. Hs578T cells (ER-/VIM+) showed hematogenous dissemination to the lungs in one of five mice, but lacked local invasion. The ER-/VIM+ MCF-7ADR subline was significantly more active than the MCF-7 cells in vitro, but resembled the wild-type MCF-7 parent in in vivo activity. Data from these cell lines suggest that human breast cancer progression results first in the loss of ER, and subsequently in VIM acquisition, the latter being associated with increased metastatic potential through enhanced invasiveness. The MCF-7ADR data provide evidence that this transition can occur in human breast cancer cells. Vimentin expression may provide useful insights into mechanisms of invasion and/or breast cancer cell progression.


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In the present study, we examined a panel of human breast cancer cell lines with regard to their expression of CD44 and ability to bind and degrade hyaluronan. The cell lines expressed varying amounts of different molecular weight forms of CD44 (85-200 kDa) and, in general, those that expressed the greatest amounts of CD44 were the most invasive as judged by in vitro assays. In addition, the ability to bind and degrade hyaluronan was restricted to the cell lines expressing high levels of CD44, and both these functions were blocked by an antibody to CD44 (Hermes-1). Moreover, the rate of [3H]hyaluronan degradation was highly correlated with the amount of CD44 (r = 0.951, P < 0.0001), as well as with the invasive potential of the cells. Scatchard analysis of the [3H]hyaluronan binding of these cells revealed the existence of significant differences in both their binding capacity and their dissociation constant. To determine the source of this deviation, the different molecular weight forms of CD44 were partially separated by gel filtration chromatography. In all cell lines, the 85 kDa form was able to bind hyaluronan, although with different affinities. In contrast, not all of the high molecular weight forms of CD44 had this ability. These results illustrate the diversity of CD44 molecules in invasive tumor cells, and suggest that one of their major functions is to degrade hyaluronan.


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In vitro invasion and in vivo metastasis assays were performed with a panel of MCF-7 cells transfected with isogenic constructs of mutated ras(H) genes. Both increased levels of ras(H) expression and ras(H) oncogene activation increased activity of derivative cell lines in in vitro invasion assays. In vivo formation of spontaneous metastases was assessed after intradermal inoculation of MCF-7 cells in the vicinity of the mammary fat pads of ovariectomized nude mice. No metastases were seen in the absence of estradiol treatment of the mice. With estradiol supplementation of the mice both the ras(H)-transfected and control transfected cell lines gave a higher incidence of metastases than parental MCF-7 cells. Prolonged treatment of mice with exogenous estradiol (60 days vs. 21 days) resulted in more frequent metastases to liver and lung at the end of the 90-day observation period. In contrast to activated ras(H)-gene enhancement of metastatic capacity of rodent fibroblast and epithelial cell lines, there was no correlation of ras(H) expression with in vivo metastatic capacity of a human mammary carcinoma cell line.


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The metastatic process requires changes in tumor cell adhesion properties, cell motility and remodeling of the extracellular matrix. The erbB2 proto-oncogene is overexpressed in approximately 30% of breast cancers and is a major prognostic parameter when present in invasive disease. A ligand for the erbB2 receptor has not yet been identified but it can be activated by heterodimerization with heregulin (HRG)-stimulated erbB3 and erbB4 receptors. The HRGs are a family of polypeptide growth factors that have been shown to play a role in embryogenesis, tumor formation, growth and differentiation of breast cancer cells. The erbB3 and erbB4 receptors are involved in transregulation of erbB2 signaling. The work presented here suggests biological roles for HRG including regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and induction of motility and invasion in breast cancer cells. HRG-expressing breast cancer cell lines are characterized by low erbB receptor levels and a high invasive and metastatic index, while those which overexpress erbB2 demonstrate minimal invasive potential in vitro and are non-tumorigenic in vivo. Treatment of the highly tumorigenic and metastatic HRG-expressing breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 with an HRG-neutralizing antibody significantly inhibited proliferation in culture and motility in the Boyden chamber assay. Addition of exogenous HRG to non-invasive erbB2 overexpressing cells (SKBr-3) at low concentrations induced formation of pseudopodia, enhanced phagocytic activity and increased chemomigration and invasion in the Boyden chamber assay. The specificity of the chemomigration response to HRG is demonstrated by inhibition with the anti-HRG neutralizing antibody. These results suggest that either HRG can act as an autocrine or paracrine ligand to promote the invasive behavior of breast cancer cells in vitro or thus may enhance the metastatic process in vivo.


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Laminin has been shown to promote the malignant phenotype and the expression of certain laminin receptors has been correlated with the malignant character of the tumors. Here new cell lines were isolated from a human colon cancer cell line (LCC-C1) based on their adhesiveness to laminin. The laminin-adherent subclone formed large tumors in nude mice, whereas the laminin-nonadherent subclone failed to form sizable tumors. Only the laminin-adherent subclone adhered to laminin and invaded through Matrigel-coated filters. The adhesive and invasive ability of the cells was almost completely blocked by low concentrations (1.0 μg/ml) of anti-β1 integrin antibody. The amounts of total cellular β1 integrin protein were similar in the two subclones when compared by Western blot, and the mRNA levels also did not differ. The localization of β1 integrin laminin receptor varied in the two subclones; the laminin-adherent subclone showed a linear distribution along the cell-cell junctions, while the laminin-nonadherent subclone did not stain between the cells. Using laminin-Sepharose affinity chromatography, more β1 integrin was obtained from the laminin-adherent subclone. These findings suggest that alterations in the affinity of β1 integrin for laminin and in its membrane distribution might be involved in the increased tumorigenicity observed in colon cancer cells.


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We review here the recently emerging relationship between epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and breast cancer stem cells (BCSC), and provide analyses of published data on human breast cancer cell lines, supporting their utility as a model for the EMT/BCSC state. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling of these cell lines has confirmed the existence of a subgroup with mesenchymal tendencies and enhanced invasive properties ('Basal B'/Mesenchymal), distinct from subgroups with either predominantly luminal ('Luminal') or mixed basal/luminal ('Basal A') features (Neve et al. Cancer Cell, 2006). A literature-derived EMT gene signature has shown specific enrichment within the Basal B subgroup of cell lines, consistent with their over-expression of various EMT transcriptional drivers. Basal B cell lines are found to resemble BCSC, being CD44highCD24low. Moreover, gene products that distinguish Basal B from Basal A and Luminal cell lines (Basal B Discriminators) showed close concordance with those that define BCSC isolated from clinical material, as reported by Shipitsin et al. (Cancer Cell, 2007). CD24 mRNA levels varied across Basal B cell lines, correlating with other Basal B Discriminators. Many gene products correlating with CD24 status in Basal B cell lines were also differentially expressed in isolated BCSC. These findings confirm and extend the importance of the cellular product of the EMT with Basal B cell lines, and illustrate the value of analysing these cell lines for new leads that may improve breast cancer outcomes. Gene products specific to Basal B cell lines may serve as tools for the detection, quantification, and analysis of BCSC/EMT attributes.


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Background: Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), the 72-kd type IV collagenase/gelatinase, by cancer cells has been implicated in metastasis through cancer cell invasion of basement membranes mediated by degradation of collagen IV. However, the abundance of this latent proenzyme in normal tissues and fluids suggests that MMP-2 proenzyme utilization is limited by its physiological activation rather than expression alone. We previously reported activation of this proenzyme by normal and malignant fibroblastoid cells cultured on collagen I (vitrogen) gels. Purpose: Our purposes in this study were 1) to determine whether MMP-2 activation is restricted to the more invasive human breast cancer cell lines and 2) to localize the activating mechanism. Methods: Zymography was used to monitor MMP-2 activation through detection of latent MMP-2 (72 kd) and mature species of smaller molecular weight (59 or 62 kd). Human breast cancer cell lines cultured on plastic, vitrogen, and other matrices were thus screened for MMP- 2 activation. Collagen I-cultured cells were exposed to cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, or to protease inhibitors to determine the nature of the MMP-2-activating mechanism. Triton X-114 (TX-114) detergent extracts from cells cultured on collagen I or plastic were incubated with latent MMP-2 and analyzed by zymography to localize the MMP-2 activator. Results: MMP-2 activation was only induced by collagen I culture in the more aggressive, highly invasive estrogen receptor-negative, vimentin-positive human breast cancer cell lines (Hs578T, MDA-MB-436, BT549, MDA-MB-231, MDA- MB-435, MCF-7(ADR)) and was independent of MMP-2 production. MMP-2 activation was detected in cells cultured on collagen I gels but not in those cultured on gelatin gels, Matrigel, or thin layers of collagen I or IV, gelatin, or fibronectin. Collagen-induced activation was specific for the enzyme species MMP-2, since MMP-9, the 92-kd type IV collagenase/gelatinase, was not activatable under similar conditions. MMP-2 activation was inhibited by cycloheximide and was sensitive to a metalloproteinase inhibitor but not to aspartyl, serine, or cysteinyl protease inhibitors. MMP-2 activation was detected in the hydrophobic, plasma membrane-enriched, TX-114 extracts from invasive collagen I-cultured cells. Conclusion: Collagen I-induced MMP-2 activation is restricted to highly invasive estrogen receptor-negative, vimentin-positive human breast cancer cell lines, is independent of MMP-2 production, and is associated with metastatic potential. Our findings are consistent with plasma membrane localization of the activator. Implications: The MMP-2 activation mechanism may represent a new target for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of human breast cancer.


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The baculovirus expression system using the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) has been extensively utilized for high-level expression of cloned foreign genes, driven by the strong viral promoters of polyhedrin (polh) and p10 encoding genes. A parallel system using Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV) is much less exploited because the choice and variety of BmNPV-based transfer vectors are limited. Using a transient expression assay, we have demonstrated here that the heterologous promoters of the very late genes polh and p10 from AcNPV function as efficiently in BmN cells as the BmNPV promoters. The location of the cloned foreign gene with respect to the promoter sequences was critical for achieving the highest levels of expression, following the order +35 > +1 > -3 > -8 nucleotides (nt) with respect to the polh or p10 start codons. We have successfully generated recombinant BmNPV harboring AcNPV promoters by homeologous recombination between AcNPV-based transfer vectors and BmNPV genomic DNA. Infection of BmN cell lines with recombinant BmNPV showed a temporal expression pattern, reaching very high levels in 60-72 h post infection. The recombinant BmNPV harboring the firefly luciferase-encoding gene under the control of AcNPV polh or p10 promoters, on infection of the silkworm larvae led to the synthesis of large quantities of luciferase. Such larvae emanated significant luminiscence instantaneously on administration of the substrate luciferin resulting in 'glowing silkworms'. The virus-infected larvae continued to glow for several hours and revealed the most abundant distribution of virus in the fat bodies. In larval expression also, the highest levels were achieved when the reporter gene was located at +35 nt of the polh.


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Objectives: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is a heterogeneous tumour type which necessitates multiple invitro models to attain an appreciation of its multiple subtypes. The phenomenon of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) isimportant to the development of a metastatic cancer cell phenotype being relevant to the ability of cancer cells to intravasate intovasculature and to invade tissues. The role of EMT in human papilloma virus (HPV) positive HNSCC is not well understood. Thispaper aims to characterize seven HNSCC cell lines (FaDu, SCC-25, SCC-15, CAL27, RPMI2650) including two new HPV-16positive HNSCC cell lines (UD-SCC2, 93-VU-147T) for their epithelial and mesenchymal properties. Materials and methods: A panel of HNSCC cell lines from multiple head and neck anatomical sites were profiled for basalexpression of epithelial and mesenchymal characteristics at mRNA, protein and functional levels (proliferative, migratory andinvasive properties). Furthermore, 3D spheroid forming capabilities were investigated. Results: We found that the HPV-16 positive cell line, in particular UD-SCC2 demonstrated a more invasive and mesenchymalphenotype at the molecular and functional levels suggesting HPV infection may mediate some of these cellular properties.Moreover, HPV-negative cell lines were not strictly epithelial presenting with a dynamic range of expression. Conclusions: This study presents the molecular and phenotypic diversity of HNSCC cell lines. It highlights the need formore studies in this field and a scoring system where HNSCC cell lines are ranked according to their respective epithelial andmesenchymal nature. This data will be useful to anyone modelling HNSCC behaviour, providing a molecular context which willenable them to decipher cell phenotypes and to develop therapies which block EMT progression.


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There is an increasing awareness of the therapeutic potential for combining immune-based therapies with chemotherapy in the treatment of malignant diseases, but few published studies evaluate possible cytotoxic synergies between chemotherapy and cytotoxic immune cells. Human Vα24 +/Vβ11+ NKT cells are being evaluated for use in cell-based immunotherapy of malignancy because of their immune regulatory functions and potent cytotoxic potential. In this study, we evaluated the cytotoxicity of combinations of chemotherapy and NKT cells to determine whether there is a potential to combine these treatment modalities for human cancer therapy. The cytotoxicity of NKT cells was tested against solid-tumor derived cell lines NCI-H358, DLD-1, HT-29, DU-145, TSU-Pr1 and MDA-MB231, with or without prior treatment of these target cells, with a range of chemotherapy agents. Low concentrations of chemotherapeutic agents led to sensitization of cell lines to NKT-mediated cytotoxicity, with the greatest effect being observed for prostate cancer cells. Synergistic cytotoxicity occurred in an NKT cell in a dose-dependent manner. Chemotherapy agents induced upregulation of cell surface TRAIL-R2 (DR5) and Fas (CD95) expression, increasing the capacity for NKT cells to recognize and kill via TRAIL- and FasL-mediated pathways. We conclude that administration of cytotoxic immune cells after chemotherapy may increase antitumor activities in comparison with the use of either treatment alone.


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Current translational and basic prostate cancer research is limited by the number of cell lines that truly reflect the spectrum of disease progression, with most commonly used cell lines being derived from metastatic lesions. There are essentially no prostate cancer cell lines derived from primary tumours or localised disease in wide use.


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Ewing sarcoma is an aggressive and poorly differentiated malignancy of bone and soft tissue. It primarily affects children, adolescents, and young adults, with a slight male predominance. It is characterized by a translocation between chromosomes 11 and 22 resulting in the EWSR1-FLI1fusion transcription factor. The aim of this study is to identify putative Ewing sarcoma target genes through an integrative analysis of three microarray data sets. Array comparative genomic hybridization is used to measure changes in DNA copy number, and analyzed to detect common chromosomal aberrations. mRNA and miRNA microarrays are used to measure expression of protein-coding and miRNA genes, and these results integrated with the copy number data. Chromosomal aberrations typically contain also bystanders in addition to the driving tumor suppressor and oncogenes, and integration with expression helps to identify the true targets. Correlation between expression of miRNAs and their predicted target mRNAs is also evaluated to assess the results of post-transcriptional miRNA regulation on mRNA levels. The highest frequencies of copy number gains were identified in chromosome 8, 1q, and X. Losses were most frequent in 9p21.3, which also showed an enrichment of copy number breakpoints relative to the rest of the genome. Copy number losses in 9p21.3 were found have a statistically significant effect on the expression of MTAP, but not on CDKN2A, which is a known tumor-suppressor in the same locus. MTAP was also down-regulated in the Ewing sarcoma cell lines compared to mesenchymal stem cells. Genes exhibiting elevated expression in association with copy number gains and up-regulation compared to the reference samples included DCAF7, ENO2, MTCP1, andSTK40. Differentially expressed miRNAs were detected by comparing Ewing sarcoma cell lines against mesenchymal stem cells. 21 up-regulated and 32 down-regulated miRNAs were identified, includingmiR-145, which has been previously linked to Ewing sarcoma. The EWSR1-FLI1 fusion gene represses miR-145, which in turn targets FLI1 forming a mutually repressive feedback loop. In addition higher expression linked to copy number gains and compared to mesenchymal stem cells, STK40 was also found to be a target of four different miRNAs that were all down-regulated in Ewing sarcoma cell lines compared to the reference samples. SLCO5A1 was identified as the only up-regulated gene within a frequently gained region in chromosome 8. This region was gained in over 90 % of the cell lines, and also with a higher frequency than the neighboring regions. In addition, SLCO5A1 was found to be a target of three miRNAs that were down-regulated compared to the mesenchymal stem cells.