276 resultados para Malla de sombreado


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El Municipio de Itagüí en los últimos años ha sufrido un crecimiento elevado en la circulación de vehículos, especialmente los comerciales debido a que es una ciudad industrial y comercial en donde se ubican importantes fábricas a nivel regional y nacional. El incremento del parque automotor ha acelerado el deterioro de la malla vial de Itagüí, por lo cual el trabajo de grado se enfoca en realizar un estudio en el cual se hace una análisis técnico y económico sobre la utilización de mezclas asfálticas convencionales las cuales son las que actualmente se está instalando en Itagüí, y las mezclas asfálticas modificadas con polímeros que es una nueva alternativa que se está impulsando en el país, para emplearlas en la rehabilitación de pavimentos con altos niveles de tránsito. El análisis se enfoca en identificar mediante la recopilación de información bibliográfica, visitas de campo y ensayos de laboratorio, el comportamiento de las mezclas asfálticas en lo que se refiere al ahuellamiento, fatiga y envejecimiento; y con estos datos realizar una proyección del análisis del ciclo de vida del pavimento a 20 años para evaluar los costos de rehabilitación y mantenimiento de un pavimento para identificar cual es la mezcla asfáltica que brinda un valor más alto en la relación beneficio/costo para ser empleado para las condiciones actuales de Itagüí.


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Tesis (Ingeniero Eléctrico). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Programa de Ingeniería Eléctrica, 2014


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El piojo del tomate (Halticus sp.) y la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) son los principales agentes de daño, causantes de problemas fitosanitarios severos para los productores de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum, L), bajo condiciones de casa malla. Esta plaga provoca importantes pérdidas económicas, disminuyendo así los rendimientos al afectar la calidad de los frutos lo cual incide en mayores costos de producción. En base a esta problemática en el CEVAT (Centro de Experimentación y Validación de Tecnologías), UNA, se realizó un estudio en el período comprendido entre los meses de Septiembre 2015 a Enero 2016, con el objetivo de evaluar insecticidas biológico, botánico y químico contra el piojo del tomate y mosca blanca. Los productos evaluados fueron: Engeo, Madero Negro y Metarhizium anisopliae. Las variables evaluadas fueron: número de Halticus sp por planta, incidencia del daño por Halticus sp por planta, numero de mosca blanca por planta, incidencia del daño de virosis por planta, severidad del daño de virosis por planta. De los tratamientos evaluados, el menor promedio de piojo del tomate por planta lo presentó el tratamiento Engeo y de igual manera en mosca blanca, seguido de madero negro. El menor porcentaje de incidencia y severidad lo presentó el tratamiento Engeo en comparación con los demás tratamientos evaluados. El análisis económico realizado determinó que los tratamientos que presentaron los mejores rendimientos fueron Engeo con 18,156.25 kg/ha, seguido por Madero Negro con 16,891 kg/ha y Metarhizium anisopliae que obtuvo 14,797 kg/ha. Engeo presentó el mayor beneficio neto con 16,642.92 US$/ha, seguido por Madero Negro con 15,240.86 US$/ha. En el análisis de la tasa de retorno marginal resultó que el tratamiento Madero Negro es el que obtuvo la mejor tasa de retorno marginal con 6,307.36 % es decir 63.07 US$ por cada dólar invertido.


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The nanoindentation technique has been employed to relate the mechanical properties of saccharin single crystals with their internal structure. Indentations were performed on (100) and (011) faces to assess the mechanical anisotropy. The load-displacement (P-h) curves indicate significant differences in the nature of the plastic deformation on the two faces. The P-h curves obtained on the (011) plane are smooth, reflecting homogeneous plasticity. However, displacement bursts (pop-ins) are observed in the P-h curves obtained on the (100) plane suggesting a discrete deformation mechanism. Marginal differences exist in the hardness and modulus on the two faces that may, in part, be rationalized, although one notes that saccharin has a largely three-dimensional close-packed structure. The structural origins of the fundamentally different deformation mechanisms on (100) and (011) are discussed in terms of the dimensionality of the hydrogen bonding networks. Down the (100) planes, the saccharin dimers are stacked and are stabilized by nonspecific van der Wants interactions mostly between aromatic rings. However, down the (011) planes, the molecules are stabilized by more directional and cross-linked C-H ... O hydrogen bonds. This anisotropy in crystal packing and interactions is reflected in the mechanical behavior on these faces. The displacements associated with the pop-ins were found to he integral multiples oldie molecule separation distances. Nanoindentation offers an opportunity to compare experimentally, and in a quantitative way, the various intermolecular interactions that fire present in a molecular crystal.


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Formal specification is vital to the development of distributed real-time systems as these systems are inherently complex and safety-critical. It is widely acknowledged that formal specification and automatic analysis of specifications can significantly increase system reliability. Although a number of specification techniques for real-time systems have been reported in the literature, most of these formalisms do not adequately address to the constraints that the aspects of 'distribution' and 'real-time' impose on specifications. Further, an automatic verification tool is necessary to reduce human errors in the reasoning process. In this regard, this paper is an attempt towards the development of a novel executable specification language for distributed real-time systems. First, we give a precise characterization of the syntax and semantics of DL. Subsequently, we discuss the problems of model checking, automatic verification of satisfiability of DL specifications, and testing conformance of event traces with DL specifications. Effective solutions to these problems are presented as extensions to the classical first-order tableau algorithm. The use of the proposed framework is illustrated by specifying a sample problem.


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The December 2011 release of a draft United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance concerning regulatory classification of pharmaceutical cocrystals of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) addressed two matters of topical interest to the crystal engineering and pharmaceutical science communities: (1) a proposed definition of cocrystals; (2) a proposed classification of pharmaceutical cocrystals as dissociable ``API-excipient'' molecular complexes. The Indo U.S. Bilateral Meeting sponsored by the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum titled The Evolving Role of Solid State Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Science was held in Manesar near Delhi, India, from February 2-4, 2012. A session of the meeting was devoted to discussion of the FDA guidance draft. The debate generated strong consensus on the need to define cocrystals more broadly and to classify them like salts. It was also concluded that the diversity of API crystal forms makes it difficult to classify solid forms into three categories that are mutually exclusive. This perspective summarizes the discussion in the Indo-U.S. Bilateral Meeting and includes contributions from researchers who were not participants in the meeting.


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In solid-state mechanochromic luminescence (ML) materials, it remains a challenge to establish the origin of fluorescence color changes upon mechanical action and to determine why only some fluorophores exhibit ML behavior. The study of mechanical properties by nanoindentation, followed by ML experiments on green- and cyan-emitting polymorphs of difluoroboron avobenzone reveals that upon smearing, the plastically deformable cyan form shows a prominent color change to yellow, while in the harder green form the redshifted emission is barely detectable. Crystal structure analysis reveals the presence of slip planes in the softer cyan form that can facilitate the formation of recoverable and low energy defects in the structure. Hence, the cyan form exhibits prominent and reversible ML behavior. This suggests a potential design strategy for efficient ML materials.


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Although weak interactions, such as C-H center dot center dot center dot O and pi-stacking, are generally considered to be insignificant, it is their reorganization that holds the key for many a solid-state phenomenon, such as phase transitions, plastic deformation, elastic flexibility, and mechanochromic luminescence in solid-state fluorophores. Despite this, the role of weak interactions in these dynamic phenomena is poorly understood. In this study, we investigate two co-crystal polymorphs of caffeine:4-chloro-3-nitrobenzoic acid, which have close structural similarity (2D layered structures), but surprisingly show distinct mechanical behavior. Form I is brittle, but shows shear-induced phase instability and, upon grinding, converts to Form II, which is soft and plastically shearable. This observation is in contrast to those reported in earlier studies on aspirin, wherein the metastable drug forms are softer and convert to stable and harder forms upon stressing To establish a molecular level understanding, have investigated the two co-crystal polymorphs I and II by single crystal X-ray diffraction, nanoindentation to quantify mechanical properties, and theoretical calculations. The lower hardness (from nanoindentation) and smooth potential surfaces (from theoretical studies) for shearing of layers in Form II allowed us to rationalize the role of stronger intralayer (sp(2))C-H center dot center dot center dot O and nonspecific interlayer pi-stacking interactions in the structure of II. Although the Form I also possesses the same type of interactions, its strength is clearly opposite, that is, weaker intralayer (sp(3))C-H center dot center dot center dot O and specific interlayer pi-stacking interactions. Hence, Form I is harder than Form IL Theoretical calculations and indentation on (111) of Form I suggested the low resistance of this face to mechanical stress; thus, Form I converts to II upon mechanical action. Hence, our approach demonstrates the usefulness of multiple techniques for establishing the role of weak noncovalent interactions in solid-state dynamic phenomena, such as stress induced phase transformation, and hence is important in the context of solid-state pharmaceutical chemistry and crystal engineering.


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A paradigm shift from hard to flexible, organic-based optoelectronics requires fast and reversible mechanical response from actuating materials that are used for conversion of heat or light into mechanical motion. As the limits in the response times of polymer-based actuating materials are reached, which are inherent to the less-than-optimal coupling between the light/heat and mechanical energy in them, 1 a conceptually new approach to mechanical actuation is required to leapfrog the performance of organic actuators. Herein, we explore single crystals of 1,2,4,5-tetrabromobenzene (TBB) as actuating elements and establish relations between their kinematic profile and mechanical properties. Centimeter-size acicular crystals of TBB are the only naturally twinned crystals out of about a dozen known materials that exhibit the thermosalient effect-an extremely rare and visually impressive crystal locomotion. When taken over a phase transition, crystals of this material store mechanical strain and are rapidly self-actuated to sudden jumps to release the internal strain, leaping up to several centimeters. To establish the structural basis for this colossal crystal motility, we investigated the mechanical profile of the crystals from macroscale, in response to externally induced deformation under microscope, to nanoscale, by using nanoindentation. Kinematic analysis based on high-speed recordings of over 200 twinned TBB crystals exposed to directional or nondirectional heating unraveled that the crystal locomotion is a kinematically complex phenomenon that includes at least six kinematic effects. The nanoscale tests confirm the highly elastic nature, with an elastic deformation recovery (60%) that is far superior to those of molecular crystals reported earlier. This property appears to be critical for accumulation of stress required for crystal jumping. Twinned crystals of TBB exposed to moderate directional heating behave as all-organic analogue of a bimetallic `strip, where the lattice misfit between the two crystal components drives reveriible deformation of the crystal.


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Quantitative evaluation of the mechanical behavior of molecular materials by a nanoindentation technique has gained prominence recently. However, all the reported data have been on room-temperature properties despite many interesting phenomena observed in them with variations in temperature. In this paper, we report the results of nanoindentation experiments conducted as a function of temperature, T, between 283 and 343 K, on the major faces of three organic crystals: saccharin, sulfathiazole (form 2), and L-alanine, which are distinct in terms of the number and strength of intermolecular interactions in them. Results show that elastic modulus, E, and hardness, H, decrease markedly with increasing T. While E decreases linearly with T, the variations in H with T are not so, and were observed to drop by similar to 50% over the range of T investigated. The slope of the linear fits to E vs T for the organic crystals was found to be around 1, which is considerably higher than the values of 0.3-0.5 reported in the literature for metallic, ionic, and covalently bonded crystalline materials. Possible implications of the observed remarkable changes in H for pharmaceutical manufacturing are highlighted.


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The structure and mechanical properties of crystalline materials of three boron difluoride dibenzoylmethane (BF(2)dbm) derivatives were investigated to examine the correlation, if any, among mechanochromic luminescence (ML) behaviour, solid-state structure, and the mechanical behaviour of single crystals. Qualitative mechanical deformation tests show that the crystals of BF(2)dbm(Bu-t)(2) can be bent permanently, whereas those of BF(2)dbm(OMe)(2) exhibit an inhomogeneous shearing mode of deformation, and finally BF(2)dbmOMe crystals are brittle. Quantitative mechanical analysis by nanoindentation on the major facets of the crystals shows that BF(2)dbm(Bu-t)(2) is soft and compliant with low values of elastic modulus, E, and hardness, H, confirming its superior suceptibility for plastic deformation, which is attributed to the presence of a multitude of slip systems in the crystal structure. In contrast, both BF(2)dbm(OMe)(2) and BF(2)dbmOMe are considerably stiffer and harder with comparable E and H, which are rationalized through analysis of the structural attributes such as the intermolecular interactions, slip systems and their relative orientation with respect to the indentation direction. As expected from the qualitative mechanical behaviour, prominent ML was observed in BF(2)dbm(Bu-t)(2), whereas BF(2)dbm(OMe)(2) exhibits only a moderate ML and BF(2)dbmOMe shows no detectable ML, all examined under identical conditions. These results confirm that the extent of ML in crystalline organic solid-state fluorophore materials can be correlated positively with the extent of plasticity (low recovery). In turn, they offer opportunities to design new and improved efficient ML materials using crystal engineering principles.


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La mosca blanca (B. tabaci) y los geminivirus que transmiten, se han convertido en un severo problema fitosanitario y socioeconómico para los productores de chiltoma (Capsicum annum L.) del municipio de Tisma, Masaya. Este complejo ha provocado grandes e importantes perdidas económicas al reducir los rendimientos, disminuir la calidad y aumentar los costos de producción de la chiltoma. Ante tal situación, en este municipio se evaluaron cuatro alternativas (tratamientos) de protección físicas y químicas de semilleros de chiltoma. Las alternativas evaluadas fueron: Semillero de chiltoma en bandejas bajo condiciones de Microinvernadero, semillero de chiltoma en bancos protegidos con malla organdí o antivirus (microtúnel), semillero de chiltoma en bancos tratado con aceite de Nim, semilleros de chiltoma en bandejas tratado con Gaucho y Confidor. Este estudio se realizó en el periodo comprendido entre los meses de mayo a noviembre del 2006. El tratamiento Microinvernadero presentó las poblaciones más bajas de mosca blanca por planta, y con respecto a la variable incidencia y severidad de virosis, los tratamientos Microinvernadero y Microtúnel, presentaron los menores porcentajes de incidencia y sev eridad de virosis. De acuerdo al análisis económico realizado en este estudio, se encontró que el tratamiento Microtúnel presentó el mayor rendimiento, mayores costos variables y mayor beneficio neto en comparación con los otros tratamientos.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar alternativas de protección físicas y químicas de semilleros de tomate, se llevó acabo un ensayo en el municipio de Tisma, Masaya; en el periodo comprendido entre mayo y septiembre del año 2007. El experimento se estableció semiestructurado, debido a que no se llevo acabo en una estación experimenta y además estuvo al cuidado del productor, ya que el enfoque del proyecto fue participativo, por tal razón las parcelas que se compararon fueron: Semillero de tomate en era protegidos con Nim®, Semillero de tomate en bandejas protegido con Gaucho®-confidor®, semillero de tomate en era protegidos con malla antivirus (Microtúnel) y semilleros de tomate en bandejas protegido bajo la tecnología de Microinvernadero. Se hicieron muestreos semanales de mosca blanca y además se muestreo la incidencia y severidad de virosis transmitida por este insecto a los 45 y 60 días después del transplante; a las variables evaluadas (Mosca blanca/pta, porcentaje de incidencia y severidad) se les hizo un análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) (PROC GLM en SAS) seguido de un análisis de comparación de medias por Tukey (SAS instituto, 1990); de acuerdo a este análisis realizado, la alternativa que presentó las menores poblaciones de mosca blanca fue el Microtúnel, seguido de forma ascendente por Nim, Gaucho-confidor y Microinvernadero. Con respecto a la incidencia y severidad de la virosis transmitida por mosca blanca los tratamientos que presentaron los porcentajes más bajos fueron los tratamientos de Microinvernadero y Microtúnel. La fase de campo finalizó con la recolección de datos para luego realizar una estimación de cosecha en todos los tratamientos, determinándose que el tratamiento Microinvernadero obtuvo los mayores rendimientos. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis económico basado en un presupuesto parcial en el cual, el tratamiento Microinvernadero presentó, el segundo mayor costo variable pero a la vez el mayor beneficio neto en comparación con los otros tratamientos. Además, los tratamientos que fueron no dominados (Microinvernadero y Gaucho-confidor) se les determinó la Tasa de Retorno Marginal, concluyéndose así, que el microinvernadero fue la tecnología mas rentable; por tal razón, es la alternativa que en este estudio se puede recomendar para los productores de este municipio.