986 resultados para Macquarii Gray Testudines
Tonic immobility behavior (TI) is an innate response characterized by profound motor inhibition that is exhibited by prey when physical contact with a predator is prolonged and the situation inescapable. The periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) is intimately associated with the somatic and autonomic components of defensive reactions. This study investigated whether the TI response was able to recruit specific functional columns of the PAG by examining c-fos immunolocalization in guinea pigs. In the TI group, the innate response was invoked in animals through inversion and physical contention for at least 15 min. In the control group, the animals were physically manipulated only. Our results demonstrate that the defensive behavior of TI is capable of promoting the expression of Fos protein in different areas of the PAG, with higher levels of staining in the ventrolateral (vI) and lateral (I) columns. In addition, our results demonstrate increased Fos immunoreactivity (FOS-IR) in the dorsal raphe nucleus, the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the cuneiform nucleus and the superior colliculus. In contrast, there were no significant alterations in the number of FOS-IR cells in the inferior colliculus or the oculomotor nucleus. Analysis of the results suggests that neuronal activation after the TI response differs by functional column of the PAG. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pretestis laticaecum is described from the small intestine of the freshwater turtle Emydura krefftil. The new species can be distinguished from its congener P. australianus by the following characters; significantly smaller ovary, main lymph vessels reach anterior to posterior testis, genital atrium in mid-oesophageal region, small vitelline follicles clumped around the ovary and significantly larger caeca overlapping. The, position of this species and related genera in fish, the life cycle of P. australianus and the presence of P. laticaecum in turtles suggest that it is a relatively recent host capture.
Impulsivity based on Gray's [Gray, J. A. (1982) The neuropsychology of anxiety: an enquiry into the function of the septo-hippocampal system. New York: Oxford University Press: (1991). The neurophysiology of temperament. In J. Strelau & A. Angleitner. Explorations in temperament: international perspectives on theory and measurement. London. Plenum Press]. physiological model of personality was hypothesised to be more predictive of goal oriented criteria within the workplace than scales derived From Eysenck's [Eysenck. H.J. (1967). The biological basis of personality. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thompson.] physiological model of personality. Results confirmed the hypothesis and also showed that Gray's scale of Impulsivity was generally a better predictor than attributional style and interest in money. Results were interpreted as providing support for Gray's Behavioural Activation System which moderates response to reward. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Decision In the Matter of Gray highlights complications that advancing medical technology causes to the law - case concerns the issue of removal of semen from a deceased man - how the courts deal with matters concerning medical technology in the absence of specific legislation or established case law - legal and moral questions raised by the case.
Time-depth recorders were used to investigate the diving performance and behaviour of two bimodally respiring turtle species, Rheodytes leukops and Emydura niacquarii, known to have a high and low reliance on aquatic respiration, respectively. Significant differences in diving performance between R. leukops and E. macquarii were observed in the number of dives/day (39.3 +/- 5.38 vs 112.2 +/- 11.73 dives/day; mean +/- SE), mean dive length (33.1 +/- 7.33 min vs 9.6 +/- 2.26 min) and maximum dive length (623 +/- 104.74 min vs 67.1 +/- 8.14 min), respectively. Differences in diving performance between R. leukops and E macquarii are attributed to the species' reliance (or lack thereof) upon aquatic respiration. Rheodytes leukops displayed a weak bimodal pattern of increased surfacing frequency in the early morning (05:00-07:00) and late afternoon (14:00-18:00), while E. macquarii displayed a strong bimodal pattern of elevated surfacing frequency over similar time periods. Daily patterns of increased surfacing frequency for both species failed to correlate with fluctuating aquatic Po-2 levels or water temperature, and may instead be explained by the heightened activity levels of both species during twilight.
Rheodytes leukops is a bimodally respiring turtle that extracts oxygen from the water chiefly via two enlarged cloacal bursae that are lined with multi-branching papillae. The diving performance of R. leukops was compared to that of Emydura macquarii, a turtle with a limited ability to acquire aquatic oxygen. The diving performance of the turtles was compared under aquatic anoxia (0 mmHg), hypoxia (80 mmHg) and normoxia (155 mmHg) at 15, 23, and 30degreesC. When averaged across all temperatures the dive duration of R. leukops more than doubled from 22.4 +/- 7.65 min under anoxia to 49.8 +/- 19.29 min under normoxic conditions. In contrast, aquatic oxygen level had no effect on the dive duration of E. macquarii. Dive times for both species were significantly longer at the cooler temperature, and the longest dive recorded for each species was 538 min and 166 min for R. leukops and E. macquarii, respectively. Both species displayed a pattern of many short dives punctuated by occasional long dives irrespective of temperature or oxygen regime. Rheodytes leukops, on average, spent significantly less time (42 +/- 2 sec) at the surface per surfacing event than did E. macquarii (106 +/- 20 sec); however, surface times for both species were not related to either water temperature or oxygen level.
The aim of this study was to determine how well Gray's model of personality [Gray, J.A. (1982). The neuropsychology of anxiety: an enquiry into the functions of the septo-hippocampal system. Oxfords: Oxford University Press, Gray, J.A. (1987). The psychology of fear and stress. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press], as measured by the Gray Wilson Personality Questionnaire (GWPQ), can provide a full description of personality as measured by the primary scales of the Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP) and the type scales of the short version or the EPQ-R. Factor analysis of the GWPQ the Anxiety and linpulsivity scales of the EPP and the Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) showed that the GWPQ seemed to measure general activation and inhibition factors, but not the finer features of Gray's theory. When the GWPQ scales were regressed against each scale of the EPP., it was round that they generally provide only a reasonable explanation of the EPP primary scales. It is concluded that the GWPQ measures general propel-ties of Gray's model, that the linpulsivity and Anxiety scales of the EPP also scent related to the GWPQ scales, and that Gray's model of personality provides only a partial explanation of personality in general. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We detected and mapped a dynamically spreading wave of gray matter loss in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The loss pattern was visualized in four dimensions as it spread over time from temporal and limbic cortices into frontal and occipital brain regions, sparing sensorimotor cortices. The shifting deficits were asymmetric (left hemisphere >right hemisphere) and correlated with progressively declining cognitive status ( p 15% loss). The maps distinguished different phases of AD and differentiated AD from normal aging. Local gray matter loss rates (5.3 +/- 2.3% per year in AD v 0.9 +/- 0.9% per year in controls) were faster in the left hemisphere ( p < 0.029) than the right. Transient barriers to disease progression appeared at limbic/frontal boundaries. This degenerative sequence, observed in vivo as it developed, provides the first quantitative, dynamic visualization of cortical atrophic rates in normal elderly populations and in those with dementia.
A escolha da obra The Picture of Dorian Gray para objecto de uma análise literária de pendor retórico-estilístico é, acima de tudo, fruto de um gosto muito pessoal. Partindo da leitura rigorosa da obra em questão, concentrámo-nos inicialmente no particular de forma a tentar chegar a características distintivas da produção literária de Wilde. Esta afigurou-se-nos como a melhor estratégia para atingir o objectivo que nos propúnhamos: reconhecer a existência de um padrão específico na escrita do autor e estabelecer a forma como esse padrão exemplifica uma determinada época literária. E assim foi possível descortinar que Oscar Wilde dá ao mundo um único romance onde são profundamente explorados os ideais da Arte recriada, da Beleza reabilitada e das suas Representações teatrais. The Picture of Dorian Gray abre vários precedentes literários, de entre os quais se destaca a coragem de assumir na forma os preceitos convencionados pelos estetas para a vida quotidiana. Os leitores conquistados por tais técnicas são recompensados com a sensação por vezes indefinível de terem apreciado o mais recôndito da alma humana.
A land tortoise from a new locality at Naia, Tondela, is described. It is to be reported either to an advanced form of the genus Hadrianus or to an archaic representative of Cheirogaster; it may be included in the comprehensive genus Geochelone s.l., excluding however Ergilemys and its descendants. There is a strong possibility in favour of Cheirogaster. Testudo must also be excluded. It is not possible to classify this specimen at species'level. Our specimen does agree best with Upper Eocene Testudinidae and with some Lower Oligocene ones. Its age is certainly not Upper Oligocene or later, nor Lower and Middle Eocene. This datation is not opposed to the age of the fossiliferous clays of Naia as supposed by correlation with another locality - Côja, about 30 km to the South - which yielded an assemblage of mammals whose Ludian (Upper Bartonian s.l.) age seems well established. Naia and Côja's fossil-bearing clays must be nearly synchronous; their origin is well in place among the phenomena related to the surrection of iberian Central Chain during paroxysmal phase of pyrenean orogenesis.
A mammal (Anoplotherium cf. commune) and a land tortoise (Geochelone is. gen.] sp.) from the Ludian (Uppermost Eocene) locality of Côja have been identified. Age can be more accurately established now, from level 3 to level 5 in the Ludian stage, probably 4. Relationships between Côja's feldspathic sands, a correlative unit «Arenitos de Vale Furado», and the paroxysmal phase of pyrenean orogeny are confirmed.
v. 1, n. 1 Floriano-PI, Jan-Jun. 2014
Podocnemis expansa e P. unifilis são animais de vida longa, com uma demorada maturação sexual, o que influencia uma baixa taxa de substituição de indivíduos. Suas populações são caracterizadas por uma pequena mortalidade dos animais adultos, mas alta taxa de mortalidade de filhotes e embriões. Sendo a predação natural de ninhos e filhotes um dos fatores mais importantes do baixo sucesso de eclosão dessas espécies. No rio Javaés, os ovos e recém-eclodidos podem ser predados por uma grande diversidade de animais: dentre as aves, urubus (Coragyps atratus e Cathartes aura), carcará (Polyborus plancus), jaburu (Jabiru mycteria); lagartos (Tupinambis teguixin) e mamíferos de pequeno porte, coati (Nasua nasua) e cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous). Do total anual de desovas de P. unifilis em média 65,98% são predadas, sendo 41,68% de forma total e 24,30% parcialmente. Enquanto que apenas 5,31% das ninhadas de P. expansa são sempre parcialmente predadas. Dentre os predadores aquáticos existem diversos peixes, principalmente piranhas (Serrasalmus nattereri) e jacarés (Melanosuchus niger e Caimam crocodilus). Os predadores das fêmeas de P. unifilis são: jacaré-açu (Melanosuchus niger), onça-pintada (Panthera onca) e onça-parda (Puma concolor). Enquanto que as fêmeas de P. expansa em postura, somente são predadas por P. onca. As fêmeas de P. unifilis em postura são predadas num total médio de 3,93% anualmente, enquanto que para P. expansa a média anual é 5,66% das fêmeas.
O casco de Podocnemis expansa (tartaruga-da-amazônia) e Podocnemis unifilis (tracajá), os maiores quelônios de água doce da América do Sul, é uma estrutura única que diferencia esse grupo dos vertebrados atuais e está associado a alguns padrões comportamentais. O padrão dos escudos que compõem o casco dos quelônios é bastante uniforme, mas variações já foram descritas e analisadas para um grande número de espécies em todas as famílias existentes atualmente. Averiguou-se a incidência de irregularidades do padrão de escutelação no casco dessas espécies, durante os anos de 1999 a 2003 no rio Javaés, entorno do Parque Nacional do Araguaia e da Área de Proteção Ambiental Bananal/ Cantão, oeste do estado do Tocantins. P. expansa se apresenta como uma espécie mais suscetível à ocorrência de anormalidades no casco em relação a P. unifilis. Sendo que, dos 14.378 filhotes avaliados, (13,32 %) apresentavam irregularidades no padrão de escutelação enquanto que dos 1.329 filhotes de P. unifilis apenas (4,44 %). Em P. expansa, os defeitos ocorreram quase que em sua totalidade na carapaça (98,64 %) e em menor número (83,05 %) em P. unifilis.
The biology and ecology of South American turtles is still poorly known, particularly, for the Brazilian species. Laboratory studies are essential to understand the life cycles of aquatic turtles species and to help in formulating management plans for their conservation. As a contribution to the knowledge of Podocnemis erythrocephala species, we give a description of its species-typical behaviors, categorized as: maintenance, locomotion, feeding, agonistic and reproduction, based on captives observations of four pairs of turtles in an aquarium in Manaus, Brazil. Similarities and differences with the repertoires of other turtle species are discussed, concluding that turtles have much more complex adaptative strategies and social life than was believed.