162 resultados para MEK
Aberrant activation of Notch and Ras pathways has been detected in breast cancers. A synergy between these two pathways has also been shown in breast cell transformation in culture. Yet, the clinical relevance of Notch-Ras cooperation in breast cancer progression remains unexplored. In this study, we show that coordinate hyperactivation of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways in breast cancer patient specimens, as assessed by IHC for cleaved Notch1 and pErk1/2, respectively, correlated with early relapse to vital organs and poor overall survival. Interestingly, majority of such Notch1 (high)Erk(high) cases encompassed the highly aggressive triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC), and were enriched in stem cell markers. We further show that combinatorial inhibition of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways, using a novel mAb against Notch1 and a MEK inhibitor, respectively, led to a significant reduction in proliferation and survival of breast cancer cells compared with individual inhibition. Combined inhibition also abrogated sphere-forming potential, and depleted the putative cancer stem-like cell subpopulation. Most importantly, combinatorial inhibition of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways completely blocked tumor growth in a panel of breast cancer xenografts, including the TNBCs. Thus, our study identifies coordinate hyperactivation of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways as novel biomarkers for poor breast cancer outcome. Furthermore, based on our preclinical data, we propose combinatorial targeting of these two pathways as a treatment strategy for highly aggressive breast cancers, particularly the TNBCs that currently lack any targeted therapeutic module. (C) 2014 AACR.
201 p. : gráf.
207 p.
240 p. + anexos
Sphingolipids are major constituents of biological membranes of eukaryotic cells. Many studies have shown that sphingomyelin (SM) is a major phospholipid in cell bilayers and is mainly localized to the plasma membrane of cells, where it serves both as a building block for cell architecture and as a precursor of bioactive sphingolipids. In particular, upregulation of (C-type) sphingomyelinases will produce ceramide, which regulates many physiological functions including apoptosis, senescence, or cell differentiation. Interestingly, the venom of some arthropodes including spiders of the genus Loxosceles, or the toxins of some bacteria such as Corynebacterium tuberculosis, or Vibrio damsela possess high levels of D-type sphingomyelinase (SMase D). This enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of SM to yield ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P), which promotes cell growth and survival and is a potent pro-inflammatory agent in different cell types. In particular, C1P stimulates cytosolic phospholipase A2 leading to arachidonic acid release and the subsequent formation of eicosanoids, actions that are all associated to the promotion of inflammation. In addition, C1P potently stimulates macrophage migration, which has also been associated to inflammatory responses. Interestingly, this action required the interaction of C1P with a specific plasma membrane receptor, whereas accumulation of intracellular C1P failed to stimulate chemotaxis. The C1P receptor is coupled to Gi proteins and activates of the PI3K/Akt and MEK/ERK1-2 pathways upon ligation with C1P. The proposed review will address novel aspects on the control of inflammatory responses by C1P and will highlight the molecular mechanisms whereby C1P exerts these actions.
Copolímeros à base de estireno e anidrido maleico (SMA) são materiais sintéticos comercialmente disponíveis, obtidos pela reação dos dois monômeros citados em diferentes proporções, resultando em materiais versáteis, e disponíveis em diferentes graus de massas e porcentagens molares de anidrido maleico. São considerados polímeros funcionais devido à reatividade do grupamento anidrido maleico presente na cadeia polimérica. Por este motivo, esses materiais possuem vasta gama de aplicações, e elevada importância em diversas áreas, principalmente por terem baixa toxicidade, boa resistência térmica e boa estabilidade dimensional. Dessa forma, para melhor aplicação desses copolímeros, é muito importante o conhecimento dos parâmetros relativos ao seu comportamento em solução. A viscosimetria, em especial, é um método simples, útil e apropriado para fornecer essas informações. Os parâmetros viscosimétricos podem ser matematicamente calculados por extrapolação gráfica, entretanto a geração dos dados experimentais é mais demorada. Em contrapartida, é possível que a determinação experimental seja feita de forma mais rápida, por um único ponto, procedimento esse que desperta tanto o interesse acadêmico quanto o industrial. Neste trabalho, foram empregados os dois métodos de cálculo, utilizando solventes puros, misturas de solventes e três amostras de copolímeros à base de SMA. As determinações foram conduzidas a 40C. Os copolímeros utilizados possuiam teores de anidrido maleico de 50%, 45% e 40%, sendo os dois últimos esterificados com butil-metil-éster e sec-butil-metil-éster, respectivamente. Os solventes utilizados foram: N-metil-pirrolidona (NMP), tetrahidrofurano (THF) e suas respectivas misturas 1:1 com metil-etil-cetona (MEK), ou seja, (NMP:MEK) e THF:MEK, sendo a MEK um não solvente para o copolímero não esterificado. As equações utilizadas para extrapolação gráfica foram as de Huggins, Kraemer e Schulz-Blaschke. As equações empregadas em um único ponto foram as de Solomon-Ciuta, Deb-Chanterjee e novamente Schulz-Blaschke. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados e avaliou-se a possibilidade da utilização do método mais rápido, por um único ponto, para os sistemas estudados através dos desvios percentuais tendo como padrão os resultados da equação de Huggins. A equação de Deb-Chanterjee foi a mais adequada aos sistemas em NMP, que foi também o melhor solvente para as amostras. Os resultados obtidos na mistura NMP:MEK sugeriram que a viscosimetria pode ter sido um método sensível às pequenas diferenças estruturais entre os grupos pendentes nas amostras esterificadas. Paralelamente, realizou-se análises de espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), análise termogravimétrica (TGA) e ensaios dinâmico-mecânicos (DMA) para a caracterização estrutural e térmica das amostras. Somente os resultados obtidos a partir de DMA indicaram diferenças entre as amostras esterificadas
O câncer colorretal (CCR) é o terceiro tipo de câncer mais incidente no mundo para o sexo masculino, o segundo para o sexo feminino e a radioterapia é um dos tratamentos de primeira linha no combate a este tipo de câncer. Durante a progressão do CCR as células sofrem alterações morfogenéticas, sendo a desorganização do complexo juncional apical (CJA) um dos eventos iniciais desse processo. As junções oclusivas (JTs) são um dos principais componentes da CJA e desempenham papel importante no controle do fluxo paracelular, na determinação da polaridade celular e na transdução de sinais relacionados com a progressão tumoral. As claudinas são proteínas transmembrana, constituintes das JTs e cumprem um importante papel no controle desses eventos. Alterações na expressão das claudinas são observadas em tumores de diferentes órgãos e têm sido relacionadas com a progressão tumoral. No entanto os mecanismos que regulam essas alterações e sua consequência na progressão do CCR são poucos conhecidos. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da superexpressão da claudina-3 na radiorresposta de células CCR. Nossos resultados mostraram que a superexpressão de claudina-3 minimiza alterações morfológicas causadas pela radiação, causa diminuição da resistência elétrica transepitelial e não tem efeito na permeabilidade a macromoléculas após a irradiação. Além disso, observamos que a superexpressão de claudina-3 aumenta o potencial proliferativo das células e que esta característica torna as células mais sensíveis a radiação. Porém quando avaliamos eventos celulares relacionados a progressão tumoral observamos que apesar da radiação diminuir a capacidade migratória das progênies, as células que superexpressam claudina-3 apresentam migração mais elevada. Além disso, verificamos que a superexpressão de claudina-3 diminui a invasão e a capacidade de formação de colônias frente ao tratamento com a radiação. Em seguida fomos avaliar o efeito da inibição das vias de proliferação (MEK/ERK) e sobrevivência (PI3K-Akt) na resposta das células que superexpressam claudina-3 frente a radiação. Observamos que a inibição de MEK é capaz de sensibilizar as células que superexpressam claudina-3 à radiação no ensaio de proliferação celular, no entanto a inibição de MEK e PI3K antes da exposição à radiação é capaz aumentar a migração e a capacidade de formação de colônias de células que superexpressam claudina-3 contribuindo para o aumento do potencial maligno. Em conjunto nossos resultados mostram que a superexpressão de claudina-3 contribui para um fenótipo mais maligno, no entanto frente ao tratamento com a radiação é capaz de sensibilizar as células.
Dewetting of polymethyl methacrylate on the patterned elastomer substrate by solvent vapor treatment
The dewetting evolution process of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) film on the flat and prepatterned polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrates (with square microwells) by the saturated solvent of methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) treatment has been investigated at room temperature by the optical microscope (OM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). The final dewetting on the flat PDMS substrate led to polygonal liquid droplets, similar to that by temperature annealing. However, on the patterned PDMS substrate, depending on the microwells' structure of PDMS substrate and defect positions that initiated the rupture and dewetting of PMMA, two different kinds of dewetting phenomena, one initiated around the edge of the microwells and another initiated outside the microwells, were observed. The forming mechanism of these two different dewetting phenomena has been discussed. The microwells were filled with liquid droplets of PMMA after dewetting due to the formation of fingers caused by the pinning of the three-phase-line at the edge of the microwells and their rupture.
Using a low angle laser light scattering photometer, the second virial coefficients (A2) of both cyclic and linear polystyrene were determined in cyclohexane, toluene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) solutions. From the data obtained in cyclohexane solution the theta-temperature of cyclic polystyrene was determined to be 30-degrees-C. In toluene solution A2 of cyclic polystyrene is smaller than that of linear polystyrene with the same molecular weight, but in MEK the values are similar.
Stress is the most important factor in the vulnerability to depression and other behavioral disorders, but the mechanisms that stress signals are transferred into depression are far from understanding. To date, the neurotransmitters, neurotrophins and signal pathway have been concerned in the topic focusing on the pathophysiology of depression, but there are still many puzzles. Increasing evidence has indicated that the alteration in neuronal plasticity is the “trace” of stress-induced damages. The extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase(ERK)-cyclic-AMP-responsive element(CRE)-binding protein(CREB)signal pathway is a powerful intracellular signal transduction pathway participating in neuronal plasticity which is involved in higher brain cognitive functions such as learning and memory. However, so far, little is known about the role of the ERK-CREB signal pathway in response to stress and emotional modulations. Thus the aim of the study was to systematically investigate the role of the ERK-CEB signal pathway in depressive-like behaviors induced by stress. Depression animal models, antidepressant agent treatment and disruption of signal pathway in specific brain regions were applied. In the present study, three experiment sessions were designed to make sure whether the ERK-CREB signal pathway was indeed one of pathophysiological mechanisms of depressive-like behaviors induced by stress. In experiment one, two different stress animal models were applied, chronic forced swim stress and chronic empty water bottle stress. After stress, all animals were tested behaviorally using open-field, elevated-plus maze and saccharine preference test, and brain samples were processed for determination of ERK, P-ERK, CREB and P-CREB using western blot. The relationships between the proteins of ERK, P-ERK, CREB and P-CREB in the brain and the behavioral variables were also analyzed. In experiment two, rats were treated with antidepressant agent fluoxetine once a day for 21 consecutive days, then the brain levels of ERK, P-ERK, CREB and P-CREB was determined, the depressive-like behaviors were also examined. In experiment three, mitogen activated extracellular-signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor U0126 was administrated to inhabit the activation of ERK in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex respectively, then behavioral measurements and protein detection were conducted. The main results of the study were as the following: (1) Chronic forced swim stress induced animals to suffer depression and disrupted the ERK-CREB signal pathway in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. There were significant correlations between P-ERK2, P-CREB and multiple variables of depressive-like behaviors. (2) Chronic empty water bottle stress did not induce depressive-like behaviors. Such stress decreased the brain level of P-ERK2 in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, but the level of P-CREB in the hippocampus was increased. (3) The antidepressant agent fluoxetine relieved depressive-like behaviors and increased the activities of the ERK-CREB signal pathway in stressed animals. (4) Animals treated with U0126 injection into hippocampus showed decreased activities of the ERK-CREB signal pathway in the hippocampus, and suffered depression comorbid with anxiety. (5) Animals treated with U0126 injection into prefrontal cortex showed decreased activities of the ERK-CREB signal pathway in the prefrontal cortex, and exhibited depressive-like behaviors. In conclusion, The ERK-CREB signal pathway in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex was involved in stress responses and significantly correlated with depressive-like behaviors; The ERK-CREB signal pathway in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex participated in the mechanism that fluoxetine reversed stress-induced behavioral disorders, and might be the target pathway of the therapeutic action of antidepressants; The disruption of the ERK-CREB signal pathway in the hippocampus or prefrontal cortex led to depressive-like behaviors in animals, suggesting that disruption of ERK-CREB pathway in the hippocampus or prefrontal cortex was involved in the pathophysiology of depression, and might be at least one of the mechanisms of depression induced by stress.
Judith E. Humphries, Leah Elizondo and Timothy P. Yoshino (2001). Protein kinase C regulation of cell spreading in the molluscan Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research, 1540(3), 243-252. Sponsorship: National Institutes of Health AI 15503 RAE2008
Using both confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and biochemical approaches, we have examined the role of beta-arrestins in the activation and targeting of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) following stimulation of angiotensin II type 1a receptors (AT1aR). In HEK-293 cells expressing hemagglutinin-tagged AT1aR, angiotensin stimulation triggered beta-arrestin-2 binding to the receptor and internalization of AT1aR-beta-arrestin complexes. Using red fluorescent protein-tagged ERK2 to track the subcellular distribution of ERK2, we found that angiotensin treatment caused the redistribution of activated ERK2 into endosomal vesicles that also contained AT1aR-beta-arrestin complexes. This targeting of ERK2 reflects the formation of multiprotein complexes containing AT1aR, beta-arrestin-2, and the component kinases of the ERK cascade, cRaf-1, MEK1, and ERK2. Myc-tagged cRaf-1, MEK1, and green fluorescent protein-tagged ERK2 coprecipitated with Flag-tagged beta-arrestin-2 from transfected COS-7 cells. Coprecipitation of cRaf-1 with beta-arrestin-2 was independent of MEK1 and ERK2, whereas the coprecipitation of MEK1 and ERK2 with beta-arrestin-2 was significantly enhanced in the presence of overexpressed cRaf-1, suggesting that binding of cRaf-1 to beta-arrestin facilitates the assembly of a cRaf-1, MEK1, ERK2 complex. The phosphorylation of ERK2 in beta-arrestin complexes was markedly enhanced by coexpression of cRaf-1, and this effect is blocked by expression of a catalytically inactive dominant inhibitory mutant of MEK1. Stimulation with angiotensin increased the binding of both cRaf-1 and ERK2 to beta-arrestin-2, and the association of beta-arrestin-2, cRaf-1, and ERK2 with AT1aR. These data suggest that beta-arrestins function both as scaffolds to enhance cRaf-1 and MEK-dependent activation of ERK2, and as targeting proteins that direct activated ERK to specific subcellular locations.
The proto-oncogene Ras undergoes a series of post-translational modifications at its carboxyl-terminal CAAX motif that are essential for its proper membrane localization and function. One step in this process is the cleavage of the CAAX motif by the enzyme Ras-converting enzyme 1 (RCE1). Here we show that the deubiquitinating enzyme USP17 negatively regulates the activity of RCE1. We demonstrate that USP17 expression blocks Ras membrane localization and activation, thereby inhibiting phosphorylation of the downstream kinases MEK and ERK. Furthermore, we show that this effect is caused by the loss of RCE1 catalytic activity as a result of its deubiquitination by USP17. We also show that USP17 and RCE1 co-localize at the endoplasmic reticulum and that USP17 cannot block proliferation or Ras membrane localization in RCE1 null cells. These studies demonstrate that USP17 modulates Ras processing and activation, at least in part, by regulating RCE1 activity.
The proto-oncogenic Ras isoforms (H, N, and K) have a C-terminal CAAX motif and undergo the same post-translational processing steps, although they traffic to the plasma membrane through different routes. Previously, we have shown that overexpression of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP17 inhibits H-Ras localization to the plasma membrane. Now we report that whereas H-Ras and N-Ras were unable to localize to the plasma membrane in the presence of USP17, K-Ras4b localization was unaffected. EGF stimulation was unable to induce N-Ras membrane localization in USP17-expressing cells. In addition, N-Ras activity and downstream signaling through the MAPK MEK/ERK and PI3K/JNK pathways were blunted. However, we still detected abundant N-Ras localization at the ER and Golgi in USP17-expressing cells. Collectively, our data showed that the deubiquitinating enzyme USP17 blocks EGF-induced N-Ras membrane trafficking and activation, but left K-Ras unaffected.