947 resultados para Lung adenocarcinoma
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Die Funktion der Th 17-Zelllinie im Lungenkarzinom wurde noch nicht vollständig verstanden. In dieser Studie wurde darüber berichtet, dass die Expression der Th17-Zellmarker (RORA, RORC2, IL-17A) in den Lungen der Patienten mit Adenokarzinom erhöht ist, und diese mit dem Transkriptionsfaktor der regulatorischen T-Zellen FOXP 3 positiv korrelieren, was auf eine Beziehung dieser Zelltypen deutet. Außerdem hat man auch herausgefunden, dass IL-17A mit T-bet Trankriptionsfaktor in den Patienten entgegengesetzt korreliert. Die Blockade in einem Mausmodell für Lungen-Adenokarzinom resultierte die Reduktion von Tumorbefall in der Lunge, lokale Expansion der IFNg produzierenden CD4+ T-Effektorzellen und Reduktion der CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatorischen T-Zellen. Untersuchungen in T-bet(-/-) Mäusen zeigten, dass die antikarzinogenen Wirkungen der antiIL-17A-Behandlung T-bet Transkriptionsfaktor benötigen, um sowohl die FOXP3 regulatorischen T-Zellen als auch die Th17-Zellen in vivo zu supprimieren. Dementsprechend hat man herausgefunden, dass der Th17-Pfad beim Fehlen des T-bet Transkriptionsfaktors durch Hochregulierung des IL-23 Rezeptors in CD4+ T-Zellen stimuliert wurde. Bemerkenswert, dass der IL-17 Rezeptor hauptsächlich auf den CD4+CD62Lhigh naiven T-Zellen exprimiert wird und sowohl auf den CD4+T-bet+ Th1- als auch auf den CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Treg -Zellen im Tumor fehlt. Dieses resultiert den Verlust der Kontrolle der IL-17 auf Th1 und Treg-Zellentwicklung. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Blockade des IL-17A eine mögliche klinische Behandlung darstellt, weil sie die IFNg produzierenden Th1 Zellen unterstützt und die CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatorischen T Zellen in Lungen Karzinom reduziert.
Mutations in the TP53 gene are very common in human cancers, and are associated with poor clinical outcome. Transgenic mouse models lacking the Trp53 gene or that express mutant Trp53 transgenes produce tumours with malignant features in many organs. We previously showed the transcriptome of a p53-deficient mouse skin carcinoma model to be similar to those of human cancers with TP53 mutations and associated with poor clinical outcomes. This report shows that much of the 682-gene signature of this murine skin carcinoma transcriptome is also present in breast and lung cancer mouse models in which p53 is inhibited. Further, we report validated gene-expression-based tests for predicting the clinical outcome of human breast and lung adenocarcinoma. It was found that human patients with cancer could be stratified based on the similarity of their transcriptome with the mouse skin carcinoma 682-gene signature. The results also provide new targets for the treatment of p53-defective tumours.
Metastasis is the ultimate life-threatening stage of cancer. The lack of accurate model systems thwarted studies of the metastatic cell’s basic biology. To follow continuously the succeeding stages of metastatic colony growth, we heritably labeled cells from the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line ANIP 973 with green fluorescent protein (GFP) by transfection with GFP cDNA. Labeled cells were then injected intravenously into nude mice, where, by 7 days, they formed brilliantly fluorescing metastatic colonies on mouse lung [Chishima, T., Miyagi, Y., Wang, X., Yang, M., Tan, Y., Shimada, H., Moossa, A. R. & Hoffman, R. M. (1997) Clin. Exp. Metastasis 15, 547–552]. The seeded lung tissue was then excised and incubated in the three-dimensional sponge-gel-matrix-supported histoculture that maintained the critical features of progressive in vivo tumor colonization while allowing continuous access for measurement and manipulation. Tumor progression was continuously visualized by GFP fluorescence in the same individual cultures over a 52-day period, during which the tumors spread throughout the lung. Histoculture tumor colonization was selective for lung cancer cells to grow on lung tissue, because no growth occurred on histocultured mouse liver tissue, which was also observed in vivo. The ability to support selective organ colonization in histoculture and visualize tumor progression by GFP fluorescence allows the in vitro study of the governing processes of metastasis [Kuo, T.-H., Kubota, T., Watanbe, M., Furukawa, T., Teramoto, T., Ishibiki, K., Kitajima, M., Moossa, A. R., Penman, S. & Hoffman, R. M. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 12085–12089]. The results presented here provide significant, new opportunities to understand and to develop treatments that prevent and possibly reverse metastasis.
The possible relationship of selenium to immunological function which has been suggested for decades was investigated in studies on selenium metabolism in human T cells. One of the major 75Se-labeled selenoproteins detected was purified to homogeneity and shown to be a homodimer of 55-kDa subunits. Each subunit contained about 1 FAD and at least 0.74 Se. This protein proved to be thioredoxin reductase (TR) on the basis of its catalytic activities, cross-reactivity with anti-rat liver TR antibodies, and sequence identities of several tryptic peptides with the published deduced sequence of human placental TR. Physicochemical characteristics of T-cell TR were similar to those of a selenocysteine (Secys)-containing TR recently isolated from human lung adenocarcinoma cells. The sequence of a 12-residue 75Se-labeled tryptic peptide from T-cell TR was identical with a C-terminal-deduced sequence of human placental TR except that Secys was present in the position corresponding to TGA, previously thought to be the termination codon, and this was followed by Gly-499, the actual C-terminal amino acid. The presence of the unusual conserved Cys-Secys-Gly sequence at the C terminus of TR in addition to the redox active cysteines of the Cys-Val-Asn-Val-Gly-Cys motif in the FAD-binding region may account for the peroxidase activity and the relatively low substrate specificity of mammalian TRs. The finding that T-cell TR is a selenoenzyme that contains Se in a conserved C-terminal region provides another example of the role of selenium in a major antioxidant enzyme system (i.e., thioredoxin-thioredoxin reductase), in addition to the well-known glutathione peroxidase enzyme system.
Nanomedicine is a new branch of medicine, based on the potentiality and intrinsic properties of nanomaterials. Indeed, the nanomaterials ( i.e. the materials with nano and under micron size) can be suitable to different applications in biomedicine. The nanostructures can be used by taking advantage of their properties (for example superparamagnetic nanoparticles) or functionalized to deliver the drug in a specific target, thanks the ability to cross biological barriers. The size and the shape of 1D-nanostructures (nanotubes and nanowires) have an important role on the cell fate: their morphology plays a key role on the interaction between nanostructure and the biological system. For this reason the 1D nanostructure are interesting for their ability to mime the biological system. An implantable material or device must therefore integrate with the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM), a complex network of proteins with structural and signaling properties. Innovative techniques allow the generation of complex surface patterns that can resemble the structure of the ECM, such as 1D nanostructures. NWs based on cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC), either bare (3C-SiC NWs) or surrounded by an amorphous shell (3C-SiC/SiO2 core/shell NWs), and silicon oxycarbide nanowires (SiOxCy NWs) can meet the chemical, mechanical and electrical requirements for tissue engineering and have a strong potential to pave the way for the development of a novel generation of implantable nano-devices. Silicon oxycarbide shows promising physical and chemical properties as elastic modulus, bending strength and hardness, chemical durability superior to conventional silicate glasses in aggressive environments and high temperature stability up to 1300 °C. Moreover, it can easily be engineered through functionalization and decoration with macro-molecules and nanoparticles. Silicon carbide has been extensively studied for applications in harsh conditions, as chemical environment, high electric field and high and low temperature, owing to its high hardness, high thermal conductivity, chemical inertness and high electron mobility. Also, its cubic polytype (3C) is highly biocompatible and hemocompatible, and some prototypes of biomedical applications and biomedical devices have been already realized starting from 3C-SiC thin films. Cubic SiC-based NWs can be used as a biomimetic biomaterial, providing a robust and novel biocompatible biological interface . We cultured in vitro A549 human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cells and L929 murine fibroblast cells over core/shell SiC/SiO2, SiOxCy and bare 3C-SiC nanowire platforms, and analysed the cytotoxicity, by indirect and direct contact tests, the cell adhesion, and the cell proliferation. These studies showed that all the nanowires are biocompatible according to ISO 10993 standards. We evaluated the blood compatibility through the interaction of the nanowires with platelet rich plasma. The adhesion and activation of platelets on the nanowire bundles, assessed via SEM imaging and soluble P-selectin quantification, indicated that a higher platelet activation is induced by the core/shell structures compared to the bare ones. Further, platelet activation is higher with 3C-SiC/SiO2 NWs and SiOxCyNWs, which therefore appear suitable in view of possible tissue regeneration. On the contrary, bare 3C-SiC NWs show a lower platelet activation and are therefore promising in view of implantable bioelectronics devices, as cardiovascular implantable devices. The NWs properties are suitable to allow the design of a novel subretinal Micro Device (MD). This devices is based on Si NWs and PEDOT:PSS, though the well know principle of the hybrid ordered bulk heterojunction (OBHJ). The aim is to develop a device based on a well-established photovoltaic technology and to adapt this know-how to the prosthetic field. The hybrid OBHJ allows to form a radial p–n junction on a nanowire/organic structure. In addition, the nanowires increase the light absorption by means of light scattering effects: a nanowires based p-n junction increases the light absorption up to the 80%, as previously demonstrated, overcoming the Shockley-Queisser limit of 30 % of a bulk p-n junction. Another interesting employment of these NWs is to design of a SiC based epicardial-interacting patch based on teflon that include SiC nanowires. . Such contact patch can bridge the electric conduction across the cardiac infarct as nanowires can ‘sense’ the direction of the wavefront propagation on the survival cardiac tissue and transmit it to the downstream surivived regions without discontinuity. The SiC NWs are tested in terms of toxicology, biocompatibility and conductance among cardiomyocytes and myofibroblasts.
Silver nanoparticles are widely used for many applications. In this study silver nanoparticles have been tested for their toxic effect on fibroblasts (NIH-3T3), on a human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cell line (A-549), on PC-12-cells, a rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cell line, and on HEP-G2-cells, a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line. The viability of the cells cultivated with different concentrations of silver was determined by the MTT assay, a photometric method to determine cell metabolism. Dose-response curves were extrapolated and IC50, total lethal concentration (TLC), and no observable adverse effect concentration (NOAEC) values were calculated for each cell line. As another approach, ECIS (electric-cell-substrate-impedance-sensing) an automated method to monitor cellular behavior in real-time was applied to observe cells cultivated with silver nanoparticles. To identify the type of cell death the membrane integrity was analyzed by measurements of the lactate dehydrogenase releases and by determination of the caspase 3/7 activity. To ensure that the cytotoxic effect of silver nanoparticles is not traced back to the presence of Ag+ ions in the suspension, an Ag+ salt (AgNO3) has been examined at the same concentration of Ag+ present in the silver nanoparticle suspension that is assuming that the Ag particles are completely available as Ag+ ions.
Purpose: To evaluate the cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of four different solvent extracts obtained from the aerial parts of Galega officinalis L Methods: The hexane, DCM, methanol and water extracts of G. officinalis were successively obtained by soxhlet extraction method. The cytotoxic activity of the extracts was assessed against human lung carcinoma (A-549), human colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29), human brain glioblastoma (U-87), and colon adenocarcinoma (DLD-1) by Resazurine test. The antioxidant activity of extracts were determined by Folin-Ciocalteau, oxygen radical absorbing capacity (ORAC), and 2’.7’-dichlorofluorescin-diacetate (DCFH-DA) cell-based assay while their anti-inflammatory activity was determined by nitric oxide (NO) assay. Results: DCM extract showed strong cytotoxic activity against lung adenocarcinoma and brain glioblastoma cell lines, with IC50 (concentration inhibiting 50 % of cell growth) values of 11 ± 0.4 and 16 ± 3 μg/mL, respectively. The hexane extract showed moderate anticancer activity against the same cell lines (59 ± 13 and 63 ± 16 μg/mL, respectively). DCM extract also showed significant anti-inflammatory activity, inhibiting NO release by 86.7 % at 40 μg/mL in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - stimulated murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. Of all test extracts, the methanol extract of G. officinalis showed the highest antioxidant activity with 2.33 ± 0.09 μmol Trolox/mg , 7.10 ± 0.9 g tannic acid equivalent (TAE), and IC50 of 44 ± 4 μg/mL. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that DCM extract may possess anticancer effect against lung adenocarcinoma and brain glioblastoma, as well as serve as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Purpose: To investigate whether Citrus sudachi harvested at two stages of maturity can induce toxicity in a cell-specific manner and to determine the possible mechanisms of Citrus sudachi-induced cytotoxic responses in two types of cancer cells (human lung adenocarcinoma A549 and hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells) and two normal cell lines (lung 16HBE140- and liver CHANG cells). Methods: 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and annexin V/propidium iodidle assay were used to test the antiproliferative activity and apoptosis of methanol extract of Citrus sudachi, respectively. Griess reaction and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were carried out to evaluate nitric oxide (NO•) production and the mRNA levels of inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP). Results: Citrus sudachi exerted cytotoxicity in a time-dependent manner in cancer cells which increased with increase in maturity but did not affect normal cells. Citrus sudachi was found to induce accumulation of cells in the sub-G1 cell cycle phase, fragmentation of DNA and cell death with characteristics of apoptosis, in both types of cancer cells. Moreover, Citrus sudachi upregulated cellular NO• produced by activation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), while it suppressed the levels of IAP mRNA in both types of cancer cells. Conclusion: The results obtained suggest that Citrus sudachi induces apoptosis in A549 and HepG2 cells, which may be mediated by NO•. There is need for further studies on the role of Citrus sudachi in cancer treatment.
My PhD research focused on the development of environmentally sustainable methods for peptide synthesis. The traditional and toxic solvents and bases used in solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) were replaced with eco-friendly alternatives to reduce the environmental impact. In particular, N-octylpyrrolidone was found to be an effective green solvent in combination with dimethyl carbonate, resulting in a 63-66% reduction in process mass intensity (PMI). In addition, a green base, DEAPA, was identified for Fmoc removal, which showed comparable results to piperidine, while being less regulated and toxic, and able to better control aspartimide-related side reactions. The study extended beyond SPPS to explore liquid-phase peptide synthesis (LPPS) and solution-phase peptide synthesis (SolPPS) using propylphosphonic anhydride (T3P®) as a coupling reagent. The developed green SolPPS using Cbz amino acids achieved exceptional efficiency, minimal racemisation and a PMI of 30 to introduce a single amino acid in the iterative process. This PMI value is the lowest ever reported for an oligopeptide synthesis protocol. This technique was extended to N-Boc amino acids in DCM, requiring aqueous workups and achieving 95% purity of Leu-Enkephalin. Finally, T3P® was found to be suitable for LPPS. An anchor, mimicking a resin, was used to allow precipitation or solubilisation of the growing anchored-peptide, depending on the polarity of the solvent used. Anisole and DCM resulted in a pentapeptide purity of over 95%. While at Oxford University, I synthesized a cleavable fragment that is sensitive to cathepsin B (CatB) and incorporated it into a cyclic antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) targeting the metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1). ASO demonstrated good stability in a simulated in vivo environment using human serum and high affinity with complementary RNA. The Cyclic-ASO was opened by CatB in optimal conditions. Experiments highlight therapeutic potential and a novel method for controlling cyclic oligonucleotide activity, potentially enhancing cellular uptake.
Background Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is overexpressed and hyperactivated in several human carcinomas, including lung cancer. We characterize and compare the anti-cancer effects of the FASN inhibitors C75 and (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in a lung cancer model. Methods We evaluated in vitro the effects of C75 and EGCG on fatty acid metabolism (FASN and CPT enzymes), cellular proliferation, apoptosis and cell signaling (EGFR, ERK1/2, AKT and mTOR) in human A549 lung carcinoma cells. In vivo, we evaluated their anti-tumour activity and their effect on body weight in a mice model of human adenocarcinoma xenograft. Results C75 and EGCG had comparable effects in blocking FASN activity (96,9% and 89,3% of inhibition, respectively). In contrast, EGCG had either no significant effect in CPT activity, the rate-limiting enzyme of fatty acid β-oxidation, while C75 stimulated CPT up to 130%. Treating lung cancer cells with EGCG or C75 induced apoptosis and affected EGFR-signaling. While EGCG abolished p-EGFR, p-AKT, p-ERK1/2 and p-mTOR, C75 was less active in decreasing the levels of EGFR and p-AKT. In vivo, EGCG and C75 blocked the growth of lung cancer xenografts but C75 treatment, not EGCG, caused a marked animal weight loss. Conclusions In lung cancer, inhibition of FASN using EGCG can be achieved without parallel stimulation of fatty acid oxidation and this effect is related mainly to EGFR signaling pathway. EGCG reduce the growth of adenocarcinoma human lung cancer xenografts without inducing body weight loss. Taken together, EGCG may be a candidate for future pre-clinical development.