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SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films, produced by the polymeric precursor method, were crystallized at low temperature using a domestic microwave oven. A SiC susceptor were used to absorb the microwave energy and rapidly transfer the heat to the film. Low microwave power and short time have been used. The films thus obtained are crack-free, well-adhered, and fully crystallized, even when treated at 600 degreesC for 10 min. The microstructure displayed a polycrystalline nature with an elongate grain size comparable to the films obtained by the conventional treatment. The dielectric constant values are 240, 159 and 67, for the films treated at 600 degreesC, 650 degreesC and 700 degreesC, respectively, when the films are placed directly on the SiC susceptor. Electrical measurements revealed that the increase of the temperature treatment to 700 degreesC causes a complete loss of ferroelectricity due to degradation of the bottom interface. A 4 nun-ceramic wool put between the susceptor and the substrate minimizes the interface degradation leading to a dielectric constant, a dielectric loss, and a remnant polarization (2P(r)) of 181 muC/cm(2), 0.032 muC/cm(2), and 12.8 muC/cm(2), respectively, for a film treated at 750 degreesC for 20 min. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ferroelectric PbTiO3 thin films were successfully prepared on a Pt(111)Ti/SiO2/Si(100) substrate for the first time by spin coating, using the polymeric precursor method. X-ray diffraction patterns of the films indicate that they are polycrystalline in nature. This method allows low temperature (500 degrees C) synthesis and high electrical properties. The multilayer PbTiO3 thin films were granular in structure with a grain size of approximately 110-120 nm. A 380-nm-thick film was obtained by carrying out four cycles of the spin-coating/heating process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) analyses showed the surface of these thin films to be smooth, dense and crack-free with low surface roughness (=3.4 nm). At room temperature and at a frequency of 100 kHz, the dielectric constant and the dissipation factor were, respectively, 570 and 0.016. The C-V characteristics of perovskite thin film prepared at low temperature show normal ferrolectric behavior. The remanent polarization and coercive field for the films deposited were 13.62 mu C/cm(2) and 121.43 kV/cm, respectively. The high electrical property values are attributed to the excellent microstrutural quality and chemical homogeneity of thin films obtained by the polymeric precursor method. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. S.A. All rights reserved.


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High-quality (Pb, La)TiO3 ferroelectric thin films were successfully prepared on a Pt(111)/Ti/SiO2/Si(100) substrate for the first time by spin coating, using the polymeric precursor method. The X-ray diffraction patterns show that the films are polycrystalline in nature. This method allows for low temperature (500 degrees C) synthesis, a high quality microstructure and superior dielectric properties. The effects on the microstructure and electrical properties were studied by changing the La content. The films annealed at 500 degreesC have a single perovskite phase with only a tetragonal or pseudocubic structure. As the La content is increased, the dielectric constant of PLT thin films increases from 570 up to 1138 at room temperature. The C-V and P-E characteristics of perovskite thin films prepared at a low temperature show normal ferroelectric behavior, representing the ferroelectric switching property. The remanent polarization and coercive field of the films deposited decreased due to the transformation from the ferroelectric to the paraelectric phase with an increased La content. (C) 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Sr0.5Ba0.5Bi2Nb2O 9 ceramic was prepared by a conventional solid state reaction method and studied using X-ray powder diffraction and dielectric measurements. At room temperature, an orthorhombic structure was confirmed and their parameters were obtained using the Rietveld method. Dielectric properties were studied in a broad range of temperatures and frequencies. Typical relaxor behaviour was observed with strong dispersion of the complex relative dielectric permittivity. The temperature of the maximum dielectric constant Tm decreases with increasing frequency, and shifts towards higher temperature side. The activation energy Ea≈0·194±0·03 eV and freezing temperature Ta≈371±2 K values were found using the Vogel-Fulcher relationship. Conduction process in the material may be due to the hopping of charge carriers at low temperatures and small polarons and/or singly ionised oxygen vacancies at higher temperatures. © 2010 Maney Publishing.


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For microwave applications, including mobile and satellite communications, ceramic resonators should have a high dielectric constant, low dielectric losses, and high frequency stability. In this sense, TiO2-ZrO 2 ceramics have been investigated as a function of sintering behavior, phase composition, and microstructure. The ceramics were densified reaching a value of about 86% of theoretical density at 1400°C sintering temperature. The ceramics are prepared by mixing raw materials with the following TiO2-ZrO2 weight % ratio: 100 to 0, 90 to 10, and 80 to 20, respectively. The measured dielectric constants are between 79 and 88 values, while the quality factor due to dielectric losses are between 2820 and 5170. These results point out the influence of Ti/Zr ratio on controlling the dielectric properties. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.


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Composite materials made of epoxy resin and barium titanate (BT) electrospun nanostructured fibers were prepared. BT fibers were synthesized from a sol based on barium acetate, titanium isopropoxide, and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone). The fibers were heat-treated at different temperatures and characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Raman spectroscopy. Mats of BT fibers heat-treated at 800 C were embedded in epoxy resin into suitable molds. The composites were characterized by SEM, and dielectric measurements were performed by means of dielectric spectroscopy. The dielectric permittivity and dielectric modulus of epoxy resin/BT-fiber composites were measured for two types of samples: with the electrodes parallel and perpendicular to the BT fiber layers. Interestingly, composite samples with electrodes perpendicular to the fiber layers and a BT content as low as 2 vol % led to dielectric permittivities three times higher than that of pure epoxy resin. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Ferroelectric strontium barium niobate solid solutions had received great attention due to their excellent pyroelectric, electrooptic and photorefractive properties. Furthermore, they usually also present very interesting phase transition characteristics. In this work, polycrystalline single phase Sr 0.75 Ba 0.25 Nb 2 O 6 thin films were prepared by a hybrid chemical method and deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO 2 /Si substrates. The temperature dependence of dielectric constant was measured at different frequencies and bias field levels. The presence of two dielectric dispersion regions with relaxor characteristics was observed at distinct temperature ranges, corresponding to the ferro-paraelectric and to a structural phase transition at low temperatures, respectively. A specific dielectric dispersion region, associated with an incommensurate superstructure frequently observed in bulk samples, was not observed in this films probably due to their small grain sizes. © 2002 Taylor & Francis.


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Multilayered nanocomposite films (thickness 50-90 nm) of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (np-CoFe2O4, 18 nm) were deposited on top of interdigitated microelectrodes by the layer-by-layer technique in order to study their dielectric properties. For that purpose, two different types of nanocomposite films were prepared by assembling np-CoFe2O4 either with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy thiophene):poly(styrene sulfonic acid) or with polyaniline and sulfonated lignin. Despite the different film architectures, the morphology of both was dominated by densely-packed layers of nanoparticles surrounded by polyelectrolytes. The dominant effect of np-CoFe2O4 was also observed after impedance spectroscopy measurements, which revealed that dielectric behavior of the nanocomposites was largely influenced by the charge transport across nanoparticle-polyelectrolyte interfaces. For example, nanocomposites containing np-CoFe2O4 exhibited a single low-frequency relaxation process, with time constants exceeding 15 ms. At 1 kHz, the dielectric constant and the dissipation factor (tan ᵟ) of these nanocomposites were 15 and 0.15, respectively. These values are substantially inferior to those reported for pressed pellets made exclusively of similar nanoparticles. Impedance data were further fitted with equivalent circuit models from which individual contributions of particle's bulk and interfaces to the charge transport within the nanocomposites could be evaluated. The present study evidences that such nanocomposites display a dielectric behavior dissimilar from that exhibited by their individual counterparts much likely due to enlarged nanoparticle- polyelectrolyte interfaces.


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Water held in the unsaturated zone is important for agriculture and construction and is replenished by infiltrating rainwater. Monitoring the soil water content of clay soils using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has not been researched, as clay soils cause attenuation of GPR signal. In this study, GPR common-midpoint soundings (CMPs) are used in the clayey soils of the Miller Run floodplain to monitor changes in the soil water content (SWC) before and after rainfall events. GPR accomplishes this task because increases in water content will increase the dielectric constant of the subsurface material, and decrease the velocity of the GPR wave. Using an empirical relationship between dielectric constant and SWC, the Topp relation, we are able to calculate a SWC from these velocity measurements. Non-invasive electromagnetics, resistivity, and seismic were performed, and from these surveys, the layering at the field site was delineated. EM characterized the horizontal variation of the soil, allowing us to target the most clay rich area. At the CMP location, resistivity indicates the vertical structure of the subsurface consists of a 40 cm thick layer with a resistivity of 100 ohm*m. Between 40 cm and 1.5 m is a layer with a resistivity of 40 ohm*m. The thickness estimates were confirmed with invasive auger and trenching methods away from the CMP location. GPR CMPs were collected relative to a July 2013 and September 2013 storm. The velocity observations from the CMPs had a precision of +/- 0.001 m/ns as assessed by repeat analysis. In the case of both storms, the GPR data showed the expected relationship between the rainstorms and calculated SWC, with the SWC increasing sharply after the rainstorm and decreasing as time passed. We compared these data to auger core samples collected at the same time as the CMPs were taken, and the volumetric analysis of the cores confirmed the trend seen in the GPR, with SWC values between 3 and 5 percent lower than the GPR estimates. Our data shows that we can, with good precision, monitor changes in the SWC of conductive soils in response to rainfall events, despite the attenuation induced by the clay.


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Energy crisis and worldwide environmental problem make hydrogen a prospective energy carrier. However, storage and transportation of hydrogen in large quantities at small volume is currently not practical. Lots of materials and devices have been developed for storage hydrogen, but to today none is able to meet the DOE targets. Activated carbon has been found to be a good hydrogen adsorbent due to its high surface area. However, the weak van der Waals force between hydrogen and the adsorbent has limited the adsorption capacity. Previous studies have found that enhanced adsorption can be obtained with applied electric field. Stronger interaction between the polarized hydrogen and the charged sorbents under high voltage is considered as the reason. This study was initiated to investigate if the adsorption can be further enhanced when the activated carbon particles are separated with a dielectric coating. Dielectric TiO2 nanoparticles were first utilized. Hydrogen adsorption measurements on the TiO2-coated carbon materials, with or without an external electric field, were made. The results showed that the adsorption capacity enhancement increased with the increasing amount of TiO2 nanoparticles with an applied electric field. Since the hydrogen adsorption capacity on TiO2 particles is very low and there is no hydrogen adsorption enhancement on TiO2 particles alone when electric field is applied, the effect of dielectric coating is demonstrated. Another set of experiments investigated the behavior of hydrogen adsorption over TiO2-coated activated carbon under various electric potentials. The results revealed that the hydrogen adsorption first increased and then decreased with the increase of electric field. The improved storage was due to a stronger interaction between charged carbon surface and polarized hydrogen molecule caused by field induced polarization of TiO2 coating. When the electric field was sufficient to cause considerable ionization of hydrogen, the decrease of hydrogen adsorption occurred. The current leak detected at 3000 V was a sign of ionization of hydrogen. Experiments were also carried out to examine the hydrogen adsorption performances over activated carbon separated by other dielectric materials, MgO, ZnO and BaTiO3, respectively. For the samples partitioned with MgO and ZnO, the measurements with and without an electric field indicated negligible differences. Electric field enhanced adsorption has been observed on the activated carbon separated with BaTiO3, a material with unusually high dielectric constant. Corresponding computational calculations using Density Functional Theory have been performed on hydrogen interaction with charged TiO2 molecule as well as TiO2 molecule, coronene and TiO2-doped coronene in the presence of an electric field. The simulated results were consistent with the observations from experiments, further confirming the proposed hypotheses.


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GaN based high electron mobility transistors have draw great attention due to its potential in high temperature, high power and high frequency applications [1, 2]. However, significant gate leakage current is still one of the issues which need to be solved to improve the performance and reliability of the devices [3]. Several research groups have contributed to solve this problem by using metal–oxide–semiconductor HEMTs (MOSHEMTs), with a thin dielectric layer, such as SiO2 [4], Al2O3 [5], HfO2 [6] and Gd2O3 [7] between the gate and the barrier layer on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. Gd2O3 has shown low interfacial density of states(Dit) with GaN and a high dielectric constant and low electrical leakage currents [8], thus is considered as a promising candidate for the gate dielectrics on GaN. MOS-HEMTs using Gd2O3 grown by electron-beam heating [7] or molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [8] on GaN or AlGan/GaN structure have been investigated, but further research is still needed in Gd2O3 based AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMTs.


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Single-phase Ba(Cd1/3Ta2/3)O-3 powder was produced using conventional solid state reaction methods. Ba(Cd1/3Ta2/3)O-3 ceramics with 2 wt % ZnO as sintering additive sintered at 1550 degreesC exhibited a dielectric constant of similar to32 and loss tangent of 5x10(-5) at 2 GHz. X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric measurements were used to characterize the structural and thermodynamic properties of the material. Ab initio electronic structure calculations were used to give insight into the unusual properties of Ba(Cd1/3Ta2/3)O-3, as well as a similar and more widely used material Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O-3. While both compounds have a hexagonal Bravais lattice, the P321 space group of Ba(Cd1/3Ta2/3)O-3 is reduced from P (3) under bar m1 of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O-3 as a result of a distortion of oxygen away from the symmetric position between the Ta and Cd ions. Both of the compounds have a conduction band minimum and valence band maximum composed of mostly weakly itinerant Ta 5d and Zn 3d/Cd 4d levels, respectively. The covalent nature of the directional d-electron bonding in these high-Z oxides plays an important role in producing a more rigid lattice with higher melting points and enhanced phonon energies, and is suggested to play an important role in producing materials with a high dielectric constant and low microwave loss. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Systematic low-temperature measurements of the thermal conductivity, specific heat, dielectric constant, and temperature-dependent ultrasound velocity have been made on a single piece of vitreous silica. These measurements were repeated after fast neutron irradiation of the material. It was found that the irradiation produced changes of the same relative magnitude in the low-temperature excess specific heat C , the thermal conductivity K, ex and the anomalous temperature dependence of the ultrasound velocity Deltav/v. A corresponding change in the temperature dependent dielectric constant was not observed. It is therefore likely that K and Deltav/v are determined by the same localized excitations responsible for C , but the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant may have a different, though possibly related, origin. Furthermore, a consistent account for the measured C , K, ex and Deltav/v of unirradiated silica is given by the tunneling-state model with a single, energy-dependent density of states. Changes in these three properties due to irradiation can be explained by altering only the density of tunneling states incorporated in the model.


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Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitors with titanium oxide (TiO(x)) dielectric layer, deposited with different oxygen partial pressure (30,35 and 40%) and annealed at 550, 750 and 1000 degrees C, were fabricated and characterized. Capacitance-voltage and current-voltage measurements were utilized to obtain, the effective dielectric constant, effective oxide thickness, leakage current density and interface quality. The obtained TiO(x) films present a dielectric constant varying from 40 to 170 and a leakage current density, for a gate voltage of - 1 V, as low as 1 nA/cm(2) for some of the structures, acceptable for MOS fabrication, indicating that this material is a viable high dielectric constant substitute for current ultra thin dielectric layers. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polyimide co-polymers have been prepared based on different diamines as co-monomers: a diamine without CN groups and a novel synthesized diamine with two CN groups prepared by polycondensation reaction followed by thermal cyclodehydration. Dielectric spectroscopy measurements were performed and the dielectric complex function, ac conductivity and electric modulus of the co-polymers were investigated as a function of CN group content in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 107 Hz at temperatures from 25 to 260 °C. For all samples and temperatures above 150ºC, the dielectric constant increases with increasing temperature due to increaseing conductivity. The α-relaxation is just detected for the sample without CN groups, being this relaxation overlapped by the electrical conductivity contributions in the remaining samples. For the copolymer samples and the polymer with CN groups an important Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars contribution is detected. The mechanisms responsible for the dielectric relaxation, conduction process and electric modulus response have been discussed as a function of the CN groups content present in the samples.