989 resultados para Light polarization


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A model for refractive index of stratified dielectric substrate was presented according to inhomogeneous coatings theories. The substrate was divided into surface layer, subsurface layer and bulk layer along the normal direction of its surface. The former two layers were equivalent to inhomogeneous coatings. Theoretical deduction was executed by employing the characteristic matrix method of optical coatings, and one mathematical calculation example was presented. The results indicate that reflectance, reflective phase shift and phase difference of polarized light deviate from ideal conditions. It shows that substrate microdefects can induce volume scattering and change propagation characteristic of light both in coatings and substrate. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Polarization-insensitivity is achieved in a reflective spatial light modulator by laying a quarter-wave plate (QWP) at the incident wavelength directly over the mirror pixels of a silicon backplane, and forming a nematle Fréedrickcz cell over the QWP to modulate the reflected phase. To achieve the highest drive voltage from the available silicon process, a switched voltage common front electrode design is described, with variable amplitude square wave drive to the pixels to maintain constant root-mean-square drive and minimize phase fluctuations during the dc balance refresh cycle. The silicon has been fabricated and liquid-crystal-on-silicon cells both with and without the QWP assembled; applications include optically transparent switches for optical networks, beam steering for add-drop multiplexers for wavelength-division- multiplexing telecommunications, television multicast, and holographic projection.


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We present the design and the simulation of an ultracompact high efficiency polarization beam splitter (PBS) based on the properties of the light waves propagating in straight waveguide and composite structure photonic crystal. The splitting properties of the PBS are numerically simulated and analyzed by using the plane wave expansion (PWE) method and finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. The PBS consists of three parts, namely, input waveguide, beam structure and output waveguide. It is shown that a high efficiency and a large separating angle for TE mode and TM mode can be achieved. Owing to these excellent features, including small size and high rate, the PBS makes a promising candidate in the future photonic integrated circuits.


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In this paper a compact polarization beam splitter based on a deformed photonic crystal directional coupler is designed and simulated. The transverse-electric (TE) guided mode and transverse-magnetic (TM) guided mode are split due to different guiding mechanisms. The effect of the shape deformation of the air holes on the coupler is studied. It discovered that the coupling strength of the coupled waveguides is strongly enhanced by introducing elliptical airholes, which reduce the device length to less than 18.5 mu m. A finite-difference time-domain simulation is performed to evaluate the performance of the device, and the extinction ratios for both TE and TM polarized light are higher than 20 dB.


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Six-period 4 nm GaN/10 nm AlxGa1-xN superlattices with different Al mole fractions x were prepared on (0001) sapphire substrates by low-temperature metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The linear electro-optic (Pockels) effect was studied by a polarization-maintaining fiber-optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer system with an incident light wavelength of 1.55 mu m. The measured electro-optic coefficients, gamma(13)=5.60 +/- 0.18 pm/V, gamma(33)=19.24 +/- 1.21 pm/V (for sample 1, x=0.3), and gamma(13)=3.09 +/- 0.48 pm/V, gamma(33)=8.94 +/- 0.36 pm/V (for sample 2, x=0.1), respectively, are about ten times larger than those of GaN bulk material. The enhancement effect in GaN/AlxGa1-xN superlattice can be attributed to the large built-in field at the interfaces, depending on the mole fraction of Al. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Straight single-line defect optical waveguides in photonic crystal slabs are designed by the plane wave expansion method and fabricated into silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer by 248-nm deep UV lithography. We present an efficient way to measure the light transmission spectrum of the photonic crystal waveguide (PhC WG) at given polarization states. By employing the Mueller/Stokes method, we measure and analyse the light propagation properties of the PhC WG at different polarized states. It is shown that experimental results are in agreement with the simulation results of the three-dimensional finite-difference-time-domain method.


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Optical films containing the genetic variant bacteriorhodopsin BR-D96N were experimentally studied in view of their properties as media for holographic storage. Different polarization recording schemes were tested and compared. The influence of the polarization states of the recording and readout waves on the retrieved diffractive image's intensity and its signal-to-noise ratio were analyzed. The experimental results showed that, compared with the other tested polarization relations during holographic recording, the discrimination between the polarization states of diffracted and scattered light is optimized with orthogonal circular polarization of the recording beams, and thus a high signal-to-noise ratio and a high diffraction efficiency are obtained. Using a He-Ne laser (633 nm, 3 mW) for recording and readout, a spatial light modulator as a data input element, and a 2D-CCD sensor for data capture in a Fourier-transform holographic setup, a storage density of 2 x 10(8) bits/cm(2) was obtained on a 60 x 42 mu m(2) area in the BR-D96N film. The readout of encoded binary data was possible with a zero-error rate at the tested storage density. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We investigate the photoinduced anisotropy of a photochromic material of pyrrylfulgide/PMMA films. It is proven that when the film is illuminated with a linear polarization light, an optical axis that has the same polarization as the excitation light could be induced in the film. A matrix of light spots with different polarizations is recorded on the pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film. When reading out with non-polarization light, the matrix of light spots shows no information of patterns. However, when reading out with different linear polarization lights, different patterns could be observed. The experiment confirms that the pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film could be used to record two different polarization patterns in a matrix of spots. This property may be applied in camouflage technology.


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An analytic closed form for the second- order or fourth- order Markovian stochastic correlation of attosecond sum- frequency polarization beat ( ASPB) can be obtained in the extremely Doppler- broadened limit. The homodyne detected ASPB signal is shown to be particularly sensitive to the statistical properties of the Markovian stochastic light. fields with arbitrary bandwidth. The physical explanation for this is that the Gaussian- amplitude. field undergoes stronger intensity. fluctuations than a chaotic. field. On the other hand, the intensity ( amplitude). fluctuations of the Gaussian- amplitude. field or the chaotic. field are always much larger than the pure phase. fluctuations of the phase-diffusion field. The field correlation has weakly influence on the ASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. In contrast, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the ASPB signal shows resonant- nonresonant cross correlation, and the sensitivities of ASPB signal to three Markovian stochastic models increase as time delay is increased. A Doppler- free precision in the measurement of the energy- level sum can be achieved with an arbitrary bandwidth. The advantage of ASPB is that the ultrafast modulation period 900as can still be improved, because the energy- level interval between ground state and excited state can be widely separated.


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Based on the phase-conjugate polarization interference between two two-photon processes, we obtained an analytic closed form for the second-order or fourth-order Markovian stochastic correlation of the four-level attosecond sum-frequency polarization beat (FASPB) in the extremely Doppler-broadened limit. The homodyne-detected FASPB signal is shown to be particularly sensitive to the statistical properties of the Markovian stochastic light fields with arbitrary bandwidth. The different roles of the amplitude fluctuations and the phase fluctuations can be understood physically in the time-domain picture. The field correlation has a weak influence on the FASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. In contrast, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the FASPB signal shows resonant-nonresonant cross-correlation, and drastic difference for three Markovian stochastic fields. The maxima of the two two-photon signals are shifted from zero time delay to the opposite direction, and the signal exhibits damping oscillation when the laser frequency is off-resonant from the two-photon transition. A Doppler-free precision in the measurement of the energy-level sum can be achieved with an arbitrary bandwidth. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, it can be extended intrinsically to any sum frequency of energy levels.


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Based on the phase-conjugate polarization interference between two-pathway excitations, we obtained an analytic closed form for the second-order or fourth-order Markovian stochastic correlation of the V three-level sum-frequency polarization beat (SFPB) in attosecond scale. Novel interferometric oscillatory behavior is exposed in terms of radiation-radiation, radiation-matter, and matter-matter polarization beats. The phase-coherent control of the light beams in the SFPB is subtle. When the laser has broadband linewidth, the homodyne detected SFPB signal shows resonant-nonresonant cross correlation, a drastic difference for three Markovian stochastic fields, and the autocorrelation of the SFPB exhibits hybrid radiation-matter detuning terahertz damping oscillation. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, it can be extended intrinsically to any sum frequency of energy levels. It has been also found that the asymmetric behaviors of the polarization beat signals due to the unbalanced controllable dispersion effects between the two arms of interferometer do not affect the overall accuracy in case using the SFPB to measure the Doppler-free energy-level sum of two excited states.


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Photoinduced anisotropy of a photochromic pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film was investigated by using two linearly polarized beams. Excitation by linearly polarized light induces into the film an optical axis that has the same polarization as the excitation beam. This causes a change of the transmittance and of the polarization state of the detection beam. With a microscope a matrix of 4x4 light spots with different polarizations were recorded in the pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film. If readout with non-polarized light, the matrix of light spots show no information pattern. However, when readout with differently polarized lights, different patterns can be displayed. The experiment demonstrates that pyrrylfulgide/PMMA films can be used to hide two differently polarized patterns, which may be applied in camouflage technology. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Recording with both parallel and orthogonal linearly polarized lights, polarization holographic storage in genetic mutant BR-D96N film is reported with both transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry. Polarization properties of diffraction light and scattering light are discussed for two different cases, parallel polarization recording and orthogonal polarization recording. It shows that, compared with recording with parallel polarization lights, orthogonal polarization holography can separate the diffraction light from the scattering noise, therefore improving the signal-to-noise ratio. It also shows that, compared with reconstruction with reference light, reconstruction with phase conjugated wave of the reference light can improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed diffraction image, and also the wave-front aberration of the object light introduced by irregular phase object in the optical pass-way can also be corrected effectively, which ensures that the reconstructed diffraction image has a better fidelity. The preliminary angle-multiplexed volume holographic storage multiplexed by transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry is demonstrated in the BR-D96N film. Experiment shows that there is no cross-talk between the two pages of images except for some scattering noises.


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This letter presents the effective design of a tunable 80 Gbit/s wavelength converter with a simple configuration consisting of a single semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and an optical bandpass filter (OBPF). Based on both cross-gain and cross-phase modulation in SOA, the polarity-preserved, ultrafast wavelength conversion is achieved by appropriately filtering the blue-chirped spectral component of a probe light. Moreover, the experiments are carried out to investigate into the wavelength tunability and the maximum tuning range of the designed wavelength converter. Our results show that a wide wavelength conversion range of nearly 35 nm is achieved with 21-nm downconversion and 14-nm upconversion, which is substantially limited by the operation wavelength ranges of a tunable OBPF and a tunable continuous-wave laser in our experiment. We also exploited the dynamics characteristics of the wavelength converter with variable input powers and different injection current of SOA. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Photoinduced anisotropy in bacteriorhodopsin (BR) film is based on photoanisotropic selective bleaching of BR molecules under linearly polarized excitation light. It is modulated by the polarization orientation of the linearly polarized light. The anisotropic information recorded in the BR film is read by a circularly polarized light, which is in turn converted into an elliptical polarized light by the BR film. The rotation angle and the ellipticity of the elliptical polarized light are dependent on the polarization orientation of the linearly polarized excitation light. A phase-shifting interferometer based on the photoinduced anisotropy of BR film is presented theoretically and experimentally. Phase shift is controlled by the polarization orientation of the external excitation light, thus, the phase shift can be controlled without moving parts inside the interferometer, which contributes to the mechanical stability of the system.