974 resultados para Ligands.


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Whereas interactions between the TCRalpha beta and self MHC:peptide complexes are clearly required for positive selection of mature CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells during intrathymic development, the role of self or foreign ligands in maintaining the peripheral T cell repertoire is still controversial. In this report we have utilized keratin 14-beta2-microglobulin (K14-beta2m)-transgenic mice expressing beta2m-associated ligands exclusively on thymic cortical epithelial cells to address the possible influence of TCR:ligand interactions in peripheral CD8(+) T cell homeostasis. Our data indicate that CD8(+) T cells in peripheral lymphoid tissues are present in normal numbers in the absence of self MHC class I:peptide ligands. Surprisingly, however, steady state homeostasis of CD8(+) T cells in the intestinal epithelium is severely affected by the absence of beta2m-associated ligands. Indeed TCRalpha beta(+) IEL subsets expressing CD8alpha beta or CD8alpha alpha are both dramatically reduced in K14-beta2m mice, suggesting that the development, survival or expansion of CD8(+) IEL depends upon interaction of the TCR with MHC class I:peptide or other beta2m-associated ligands elsewhere than on thymic cortical epithelium. Collectively, our data reveal an unexpected difference in the regulation of CD8(+) T cell homeostasis by beta2m-associated ligands in the intestine as compared to peripheral lymphoid organs.


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Invariant Valpha14 (Valpha14i) NKT cells are a murine CD1d-dependent regulatory T cell subset characterized by a Valpha14-Jalpha18 rearrangement and expression of mostly Vbeta8.2 and Vbeta7. Whereas the TCR Vbeta domain influences the binding avidity of the Valpha14i TCR for CD1d-alpha-galactosylceramide complexes, with Vbeta8.2 conferring higher avidity binding than Vbeta7, a possible impact of the TCR Vbeta domain on Valpha14i NKT cell selection by endogenous ligands has not been studied. In this study, we show that thymic selection of Vbeta7(+), but not Vbeta8.2(+), Valpha14i NKT cells is favored in situations where endogenous ligand concentration or TCRalpha-chain avidity are suboptimal. Furthermore, thymic Vbeta7(+) Valpha14i NKT cells were preferentially selected in vitro in response to CD1d-dependent presentation of endogenous ligands or exogenously added self ligand isoglobotrihexosylceramide. Collectively, our data demonstrate that the TCR Vbeta domain influences the selection of Valpha14i NKT cells by endogenous ligands, presumably because Vbeta7 confers higher avidity binding.


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Improving the binding affinity and/or stability of peptide ligands often requires testing of large numbers of variants to identify beneficial mutations. Herein we propose a type of mutation that promises a high success rate. In a bicyclic peptide inhibitor of the cancer-related protease urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), we observed a glycine residue that has a positive ϕ dihedral angle when bound to the target. We hypothesized that replacing it with a D-amino acid, which favors positive ϕ angles, could enhance the binding affinity and/or proteolytic resistance. Mutation of this specific glycine to D-serine in the bicyclic peptide indeed improved inhibitory activity (1.75-fold) and stability (fourfold). X-ray-structure analysis of the inhibitors in complex with uPA showed that the peptide backbone conformation was conserved. Analysis of known cyclic peptide ligands showed that glycine is one of the most frequent amino acids, and that glycines with positive ϕ angles are found in many protein-bound peptides. These results suggest that the glycine-to-D-amino acid mutagenesis strategy could be broadly applied.


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Purpose/Objective: The family of histone deacetylases comprises 18 members in mammals, among which seven sirtuins (SIRT1-7). Sirtuins are NADP-dependent enzymes that have been involved in the control of cell metabolism, proliferation and survival. The expression pattern of sirtuins and their influence on host response to microbial infection remain largely unknown. The aim of the study was to analyze the expression of SIRT1-7 and to address the effects of SIRT1/2 inhibition on innate immune responses in vitro and in vivo.. Materials and methods: in vitro: Bone marrow (BM), BM-derived macrophages (BMDMs) and dendritic cells (BMDCs) and RAW 264.7 and J774.1 macrophage cell lines were stimulated for 0, 2, 6 and 18 h with LPS, Pam3CSK4 and CpG ODN. SIRT1-7 mRNA was quantified by real time-PCR. TNF was measured by ELISA. In vivo: BALB/c mice were challenged with LPS (350 lg i.p.) with or without a SIRT1/2 inhibitor. Blood and organs were collected after 0, 1, 4, 8 and 24 h to quantify SIRT1-7 and TNF. Mortality was assessed daily. Results: Bone marrow, macrophages and DCs express, in order of abundance, SIRT2 > > SIRT1, SIRT3 and SIRT6 > SIRT4, SIRT5 and SIRT7. Microbial products decrease the expression of all sirtuins except SIRT6 in a time dependent manner in BMDMs (0_24 h). SIRT2 is the most expressed sirtuin also in the liver, kidney (together with SIRT3) and spleen. Upon LPS challenge, SIRT1, SIRT3, SIRT4 and SIRT7 mRNA levels decrease in the liver (from 4 h to 24 h), whereas SIRT1-7 mRNA levels decrease within 1 h in both kidney and spleen. Pharmacological inhibition of SIRT1/2 decreases TNF production by macrophages stimulated with LPS, Pam3CSK4 and CpG ODN (n = 6; P < 0.001). In agreement, prophylactic treatment with a SIRT1/2 inhibitor decreases TNF production (n = 8; P = 0.04) and increases survival (n = 13, P = 0.03) of mice challenged with LPS. Conclusions: Sirtuins are expressed in innate immune cells. Inhibition of SIRT1/2 activity decreases cytokine production by macrophages and protects from endotoxemia, suggesting that sirtuin inhibitors may represent novel adjunctive therapy for treating inflammatory disorders such as sepsis.


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The membrane-bound form of Fas ligand (FasL) signals apoptosis in target cells through engagement of the death receptor Fas, whereas the proteolytically processed, soluble form of FasL does not induce cell death. However, soluble FasL can be rendered active upon cross-linking. Since the minimal extent of oligomerization of FasL that exerts cytotoxicity is unknown, we engineered hexameric proteins containing two trimers of FasL within the same molecule. This was achieved by fusing FasL to the Fc portion of immunoglobulin G1 or to the collagen domain of ACRP30/adiponectin. Trimeric FasL and hexameric FasL both bound to Fas, but only the hexameric forms were highly cytotoxic and competent to signal apoptosis via formation of a death-inducing signaling complex. Three sequential early events in Fas-mediated apoptosis could be dissected, namely, receptor binding, receptor activation, and recruitment of intracellular signaling molecules, each of which occurred independently of the subsequent one. These results demonstrate that the limited oligomerization of FasL, and most likely of some other tumor necrosis factor family ligands such as CD40L, is required for triggering of the signaling pathways.


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CONTEXTE: Les sélectines sont une famille de trois protéines qui règlent la capture et le roulement des leucocytes et qui initient la cascade d'adhésion. Elles contrôlent également la migration des leucocytes en réponse à un stimulus physiologique ou inflammatoire pour atteindre un organe cible. Le rôle des sélectines et des leurs ligands est bien connu dans l'adhésion des leucocytes normaux à l'endothélium; en revanche, la nature des ligands des sélectines exprimés par les cellules leucémiques et le myélome multiple est peu connue. La récente découverte que la E- et la P-sélectine sont exprimées par les cellules endothéliales et du stroma de la moelle osseuse, nous a incité à examiner leur rôle dans les interactions des cellules malignes avec leur environnement médullaire. RÉSULTATS: Les analyses ont été conduites sur les cellules du sang ou de la moelle osseuse prélevées à des patients atteints de leucémie aiguë ou de myélome multiple et sur des lignées cellulaires. Les ligands des sélectines qui ont été identifiés sur les blastes leucémiques ou les plasmocytes, sont « P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 » (PSGL-1), CD44, CD43 et l'endoglycan (EGC), ainsi que les saccharides fucosylés sLex et CLA. Nous avons vérifié dans des expériences d'adhésion cellulaire effectuées dans des conditions de flux que ces ligands sont fonctionnels, étant porteurs des sucres mentionnés, et qu'ils sont capables de supporter le roulement cellulaire dépendant des sélectines. De plus, nous avons montré que la liaison de ces ligands génère des signaux intracellulaires favorisant la prolifération et la survie des cellules de myélome. CONCLUSION. Les données présentées ici montrent que la E- et la P- sélectine du microenvironnement médullaire interagissent avec les cellules leucémiques et de myélome multiple, et que ces interactions activent des voies de signalisation contrôlant la prolifération et la survie cellulaire. Ces effets protecteurs sont impliqués dans la persistance de clones cellulaires malins résistant aux traitements et peuvent conduire à la récidive de la maladie. L'inhibition de ces interactions pourrait fournir de nouvelles options thérapeutiques pour le traitement de ces maladies de mauvais pronostic. - BACKGROUND: Selectins are a family of glycoproteins involved in the first steps of the adhesion cascade, tethering and rolling, during which leukocytes sense tissue specific signals and commit the cells to enter in a particular organ or inflammation site. While the role of selectins and their ligands is well established in supporting normal leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelium, our knowledge of selectin ligands in two hematological malignancies, acute leukemia and multiple myeloma, is incomplete. The recent discovery that E- and P- selectin are also expressed on bone marrow (BM) endothelial and stromal cells, prompted us to investigate a potential role in selectin-mediated interaction of malignant cells with its protective BM microenvironment. RESULTS. Using cells obtained from blood or BM of patients affected by acute myeloid or lymphoblastic leukemia, or multiple myeloma, as well as cell lines, we characterized the expression of selectin ligands on blasts and plasma cells and identified P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), CD44, CD43 and endoglycan (EGC), as well as sLex/CLA determinants. Rolling assays under flow conditions allowed us to verify that these ligands are functional, i.e. correctly glycosylated and able to support selectin-mediated rolling. Moreover, we demonstrated that these ligands trigger proliferation and pro-survival signals upon engagement on myeloma cells. CONCLUSIONS. Data presented here demonstrate that E- and P-selectin in the BM microenvironment interact with leukemia and myeloma cells, and suggest that they have an impact on proliferation and survival of malignant plasma cells. These protective effects may induce drug resistance in malignant clones, leading to disease relapse. Interfering with these interactions could provide new therapeutic options. - Le corps humain dépend du système immunitaire pour sa protection face aux agressions, notamment des bactéries ou des virus, ou face à une dysfonction de l'organisme. Ce système est composé de plusieurs types cellulaires, regroupés sous le nom de leucocytes, qui participent à son fonctionnement. Ces cellules se développent à partir d'une cellule souche hématopo'iétique commune qui réside dans la moelle osseuse. Comme c'est le cas dans les autres tissus, les cellules du système immunitaire peuvent aussi développer des cancers, appelés tumeurs hématopoïétiques ou tumeurs du sang. Bien que ces maladies puissent être traitées avec succès grâce à de fortes doses de chimiothérapies ou à d'autres moyens comme les greffes, les patients connaissent un fort taux de rechute. La raison de ces récidives est la survie d'une partie des cellules malignes dans la moelle osseuse, où elles reçoivent une protection au traitement par le biais de l'interaction avec d'autres cellules. Les sélectines (E-, P- et L-sélectine) régulent l'interaction des leucocytes avec l'endothélium (la paroi des vaisseaux sanguins), d'autres leucocytes et les plaquettes ; ces interactions surviennent quand les leucocytes atteignent un site d'inflammation ou un organe cible. Dans la moelle osseuse, la E- et la P-sélectine se trouvent sur les cellules de l'endothélium et sur les macrophages, qui sont d'autres leucocytes faisant partie du stroma de la moelle. Elles pourraient être impliquées dans la protection des cellules cancéreuses évoquée plus haut. Les molécules d'adhésion avec lesquelles les sélectines s'associent, autrement dit les ligands des sélectines, sont des glycoprotéines. Ces protéines ont besoin de sucres spécifiques pour acquérir une telle capacité d'adhésion. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié deux types de cellules extraites du sang et de la moelle osseuse des patients atteints d'une leucémie aiguë (les blastes) ou de myélome multiple (les plasmocytes), et leur capacité à se lier aux sélectines. Nous avons démontré une interaction entre ces cellules malignes et la E- et/ou la P-sélectine, à condition que les ligands soient correctement décorés. De plus, lors que les plasmocytes se lient aux sélectines, une cascade de signaux à l'intérieur des cellules stimule leur prolifération et leur survie. L'ensemble de ces résultats permet l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles de ces hémopathies de mauvais pronostic.


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The determination of protein-protein interactions and their role in diverse pathophysiological processes is a promising approach to the identification of molecules of therapeutic potential. This paper describes the identification of peptidic CCR5 receptor ligands as potential drug leads against HIV-1 infection using in vitro evolution based on phage display. A phage-displayed peptide library was used to select for anti-CCR5 peptide. Further in vitro evolution of the peptide by exon shuffling was performed to identify peptides with optimized characteristics for CCR5 receptor. This peptide inhibited HIV coreceptor activity in a cell fusion assay with an IC50 of 5 microM. It did not exhibit either agonistic or antagonistic activity on CCR5 in the concentration range used. To our knowledge, this is a first report that describes the identification of peptide ligands specific to the CCR5 receptor from a phage-displayed library and the maturation of the selected peptide sequence by gene shuffling.


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The synthesis of three bidentate, hemilabile phosphine ligands, newly synthesized in the research group (TPOdiphos, DPPrPOdiphos and SODPdiphos), has been up-scaled and optimized. The ligand substitution reaction on Mo(CO)6 and W(CO)6 has been studied and the corresponding complexes fac-[MTPOdiphos(CO)3], fac-[MDPPrPOdiphos(CO)3], and fac-[MSODPdiphos(CO)3], (M= Mo, W) have been isolated in good yields and characterized by NMR, IR and HR MS. In the case of fac- [MoTPOdiphos(CO)3] the XRD crystal structure was resolved. The complexes were found to be octahedral, neutral molecules, with the metal in the zero oxidation state and the ligand adopting a facial P,P,O-coordination. The hard ligand atom (oxygen) is expected to exhibit special features the future applications of these novel ligands.


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Amoxicillin, a low-molecular-weight compound, is able to interact with dendritic cells inducing semi-maturation in vitro. Specific antigens and TLR ligands can synergistically interact with dendritic cells (DC), leading to complete maturation and more efficient T-cell stimulation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the synergistic effect of amoxicillin and the TLR2, 4 and 7/8 agonists (PAM, LPS and R848, respectively) in TLR expression, DC maturation and specific T-cell response in patients with delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions to amoxicillin. Monocyte-derived DC from 15 patients with DTH to amoxicillin and 15 controls were cultured with amoxicillin in the presence or absence of TLR2, 4 and 7/8 agonists (PAM, LPS and R848, respectively). We studied TLR1-9 gene expression by RT-qPCR, and DC maturation, lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production by flow cytometry. DC from both patients and controls expressed all TLRs except TLR9. The amoxicillin plus TLR2/4 or TLR7/8 ligands showed significant differences, mainly in patients: AX+PAM+LPS induced a decrease in TLR2 and AX+R848 in TLR2, 4, 7 and 8 mRNA levels. AX+PAM+LPS significantly increased the percentage of maturation in patients (75%) vs. controls (40%) (p=0.036) and T-cell proliferation (80.7% vs. 27.3% of cases; p=0.001). Moreover, the combinations AX+PAM+LPS and AX+R848 produced a significant increase in IL-12p70 during both DC maturation and T-cell proliferation. These results indicate that in amoxicillin-induced maculopapular exanthema, the presence of different TLR agonists could be critical for the induction of the innate and adaptive immune responses and this should be taken into account when evaluating allergic reactions to these drugs.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of British Columbia, Canadà, entre 2010 i 2012 La malaltia d'Alzheimer (MA) representa avui la forma més comuna de demència en la població envellida. Malgrat fa 100 anys que va ser descoberta, encara avui no existeix cap tractament preventiu i/o curatiu ni cap agent de diagnòstic que permeti valorar quantitativament l'evolució d'aquesta malaltia. L'objectiu en el que s'emmarca aquest treball és contribuir a aportar solucions al problema de la manca d'agents terapèutics i de diagnosi, unívocs i rigorosos, per a la MA. Des del camp de la química bioinorgànica és fàcil fixar-se en l'excessiva concentració d'ions Zn(II) i Cu(II) en els cervells de malalts de MA, plantejar-se la seva utilització com a dianes terapèutica i, en conseqüència, cercar agents quelants que evitin la formació de plaques senils o contribueixin a la seva dissolució. Si bé aquest va ser el punt de partida d’aquest projecte, els múltiples factors implicats en la patogènesi de la MA fan que el clàssic paradigma d’ ¨una molècula, una diana¨ limiti la capacitat de la molècula de combatre aquesta malaltia tan complexa. Per tant, un esforç considerable s’ha dedicat al disseny d’agentsmultifuncionals que combatin els múltiples factors que caracteritzen el desenvolupament de la MA. En el present treball s’han dissenyat agents multifuncionals inspirats en dos esquelets moleculars ben establers i coneguts en el camp de la química medicinal: la tioflavina-T (ThT) i la deferiprona (DFP). La utilització de tècniques in silico que inclouen càlculs farmacocinètics i modelatge molecular ha estat un procés cabdal per a l’avaluació dels millors candidats en base als següents requeriments: (a) compliment de determinades propietats farmacocinètiques que estableixin el seu possible ús com a fàrmac (b) hidrofobicitat adequada per travessar la BBB i (c) interacció amb el pèptid Aen solució.


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A series of new benzolactam derivatives was synthesized and the derivatives were evaluated for theiraffinities at the dopamine D1, D2, and D3 receptors. Some of these compounds showed high D2 and/orD3 affinity and selectivity over the D1 receptor. The SAR study of these compounds revealed structuralcharacteristics that decisively influenced their D2 and D3 affinities. Structural models of the complexesbetween some of the most representative compounds of this series and the D2 and D3 receptors wereobtained with the aim of rationalizing the observed experimental results. Moreover, selected compoundsshowed moderate binding affinity on 5-HT2A which could contribute to reducing the occurrence of extrapyramidalside effects as potential antipsychotics.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are essential in glucose and lipid metabolism and are implicated in metabolic disorders predisposing to atherosclerosis, such as diabetes and dyslipidemia. Conversely, antidiabetic glitazones and hypolipidemic fibrate drugs, known as PPARgamma and PPARalpha ligands, respectively, reduce the process of atherosclerotic lesion formation, which involves chronic immunoinflammatory processes. Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules, expressed on the surface of specialized cells, are directly involved in the activation of T lymphocytes and in the control of the immune response. Interestingly, expression of MHC-II has recently been observed in atherosclerotic plaques, and it can be induced by the proinflammatory cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in vascular cells. To explore a possible role for PPAR ligands in the regulation of the immune response, we investigated whether PPAR activation affects MHC-II expression in atheroma-associated cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that PPARgamma but not PPARalpha ligands act as inhibitors of IFN-gamma-induced MHC-II expression and thus as repressors of MHC-II-mediated T-cell activation. All different types of PPARgamma ligands tested inhibit MHC-II. This effect of PPARgamma ligands is due to a specific inhibition of promoter IV of CIITA and does not concern constitutive expression of MHC-II. Thus, the beneficial effects of antidiabetic PPARgamma activators on atherosclerotic plaque development may be partly explained by their repression of MHC-II expression and subsequent inhibition of T-lymphocyte activation.


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Fine mapping of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses against hepatitis C virus (HCV) is based on external loading of target cells with synthetic peptides which are either derived from prediction algorithms or from overlapping peptide libraries. These strategies do not address putative host and viral mechanisms which may alter processing as well as presentation of CTL epitopes. Therefore, the aim of this proof-of-concept study was to identify naturally processed HCV-derived major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I ligands. To this end, continuous human cell lines were engineered to inducibly express HCV proteins and to constitutively express high levels of functional HLA-A2. These cell lines were recognized in an HLA-A2-restricted manner by HCV-specific CTLs. Ligands eluted from HLA-A2 molecules isolated from large-scale cultures of these cell lines were separated by high performance liquid chromatography and further analyzed by electrospray ionization quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (MS)/tandem MS. These analyses allowed the identification of two HLA-A2-restricted epitopes derived from HCV nonstructural proteins (NS) 3 and 5B (NS3₁₄₀₆₋₁₄₁₅ and NS5B₂₅₉₄₋₂₆₀₂). In conclusion, we describe a general strategy that may be useful to investigate HCV pathogenesis and may contribute to the development of preventive and therapeutic vaccines in the future.


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The alpha1-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine stimulated phospholipase D (PLD) activity in Rat 1 fibroblasts transfected to express either the wild-type hamster alpha1B-adrenoceptor or a constitutively active mutant (CAM) form of this receptor. The EC50 for agonist stimulation of PLD activity was substantially lower at the CAM receptor than at the wild-type receptor as previously noted for phenylephrine stimulation of phosphoinositidase C activity. Sustained treatment of cells expressing the CAM alpha1B-adrenoceptor with phentolamine resulted in a marked up-regulation in levels of this receptor with half-maximal effects produced within 24 h and with an EC50 of approx. 40 nM. Such an up-regulation could be produced with a range of other ligands generally viewed as alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonists but equivalent treatment of cells expressing the wild-type alpha1B-adrenoceptor was unable to mimic these effects. After sustained treatment of the CAM alpha1B-adrenoceptor expressing cells with phentolamine, basal PLD activity was increased and phenylephrine was now able to stimulate PLD activity to greater levels than in vehicle-treated CAM alpha1B-adrenoceptor-expressing cells. The EC50 for phenylephrine stimulation of PLD activity was not altered, however, by phentolamine pretreatment and the associated up-regulation of the receptor. After phentolamine-induced up-regulation of basal PLD activity, a range of alpha1-antagonists were shown to possess the characteristics of inverse agonists of the CAM alpha1B-adrenoceptor as they were able to substantially decrease the elevated basal PLD activity.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear hormone receptors controlling the expression of genes involved in lipid homeostasis. PPARs activate gene transcription in response to a variety of compounds including hypolipidemic drugs as well as natural fatty acids. From the plethora of PPAR activators, Scatchard analysis of receptor-ligand interactions has thus far identified only four ligands. These are the chemotactic agent leukotriene B4 and the hypolipidemic drug Wy 14,643 for the alpha-subtype and a prostaglandin J2 metabolite and synthetic antidiabetic thiazolidinediones for the gamma-subtype. Based on the hypothesis that ligand binding to PPAR would induce interactions of the receptor with transcriptional coactivators, we have developed a novel ligand sensor assay, termed coactivator-dependent receptor ligand assay (CARLA). With CARLA we have screened several natural and synthetic candidate ligands and have identified naturally occurring fatty acids and metabolites as well as hypolipidemic drugs as bona fide ligands of the three PPAR subtypes from Xenopus laevis. Our results suggest that PPARs, by their ability to interact with a number of structurally diverse compounds, have acquired unique ligand-binding properties among the superfamily of nuclear receptors that are compatible with their biological activity.