939 resultados para Leucemia Mielóide Crônica


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in the chronic phase were not given first-line imatinib treatment until 2008. Therefore, there was a long period of time between diagnosis and the initiation of imatinib therapy for many patients. This study aims to compare the major molecular remission (MMR) rates of early versus late imatinib therapy in chronic phase CML patients. METHODS: Between May 2002 and November 2007, 44 patients with chronic phase CML were treated with second-line imatinib therapy at the Hematology Unit of the Ophir Loyola Hospital (Belém, Pará, Brazil). BCR-ABL transcript levels were measured at approximately six-month intervals using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: The early treatment group presented a 60% probability of achieving MMR, while the probability for those patients who received late treatment was 40%. The probability of either not achieving MMR within one year of the initiation of imatinib therapy or losing MMR was higher in patients who received late treatment (79%), compared with patients who received early treatment (21%, odds ratio=5.75, P=0.012). The probability of maintaining MMR at 30 months of treatment was 80% in the early treatment group and 44% in the late treatment group (P=0.0005). CONCLUSIONS: For CML patients in the chronic phase who were treated with second-line imatinib therapy, the probability of achieving and maintaining MMR was higher in patients who received early treatment compared with those patients for whom the time interval between diagnosis and initiation of imatinib therapy was longer than one year.


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INTRODUÇÃO: As síndromes linfoproliferativas formam um grupo heterogêneo de neoplasias malignas com diferentes comportamentos clínicos, fatores patológicos e características epidemiológicas e podem ter seu diagnóstico geral com base na morfologia das células linfoides observadas no sangue periférico. OBJETIVO: Testar a factibilidade diagnóstica do método de imunofenotipagem por citometria de fluxo para síndromes linfoproliferativas a partir da definição de um painel mínimo de anticorpos. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Participaram 47 pacientes para diagnóstico diferencial dos subtipos de síndromes infoproliferativas por citometria de fluxo, no período de julho de 2008 a julho de 2010, atendidos na Fundação HEMOPA. RESULTADOS: A mediana de idade dos pacientes foi de 68 anos, não houve diferença estatística entre os sexos e o subtipo de síndromes linfoproliferativas mais frequente foi a leucemia linfoide crônica/linfoma linfocítico de pequenas células B. CONCLUSÃO: O método de imunofenotipagem por citometria de fluxo, ao lado da morfologia, de amostras de sangue periférico mostrou-se uma metodologia auxiliar, segura, rápida, factível e não invasiva para o diagnóstico de síndromes linfoproliferativas crônicas a partir do painel de anticorpos sugerido.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: The leukemias are the most common malignancy in children and adolescents. With the improvement in outcomes, there is a need to consider the morbidity to generate the protocols used in children under treatment. Aim: To evaluate pulmonary function in children with acute leukemia. Method: This study is an observational cross sectional. We evaluated 34 children distributed in groups A and B. Group A comprised 17 children with acute leukemia in the maintenance phase of chemotherapy treatment and group B with 17 healthy students from the public in the city of Natal / RN, matched for gender, age and height. The thoracic mobility was evaluated by thoracic expansion in the axillary and xiphoid levels. Spirometry was measured using a spirometer Microloop Viasys ® following the rules of the ATS and ERS. Maximal respiratory pressures were measured with digital manometer MVD300 (Globalmed ®). The maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) were measured from residual volume and total lung capacity, respectively. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 17.0 software assigning the significance level of 5%. Descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. T'student test was used to compare unpaired values found in group A with group B values, as well as with the reference values used. To compare the respiratory coefficients in the axillary level with the xiphoid in each group, we used paired testing t student. Results: Group A was significantly decreased thoracic mobility and MIP compared to group B, and MIP compared to baseline. There was no significant difference between spirometric data from both groups and the values of group A with the reference values Mallozi (1995). There was no significant difference between the MIP and MEP values and lower limits of reference proposed by Borja (2011). Conclusion: Children with acute leukemia, myeloid or lymphoid, during maintenance phase of chemotherapy treatment have reduced thoracic mobility and MIP. However, to date, completion of clinical treatment, the spirometric variables and the strength of the expiratory muscles appear to remain preserved in children between five and ten years


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Resumen: El valor estético de la Crónica de tres reyes siempre ha sido puesto en entredicho a raíz de su estilo neutro que contrasta con el de otras obras del género, como ser las crónicas de Alfonso X y las de Pero López de Ayala. El presente trabajo se encarga de estudiar los procedimientos narrativos a través de los cuales algunos de sus personajes son confi gurados en función de asignar a la trama de los acontecimientos un determinado sentido político que se distancia de otras versiones de los hechos que circulaban en el período, como por ejemplo la "Historia hasta 1288 dialogada".


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Resumen: La realidad manuscrita del texto medieval implica asumir la problemática en torno al concepto de texto con el que habrá de trabajar el editor al pretender establecer el texto crítico de una obra determinada. Las diferentes concepciones en torno a dicha ontología textual influyen en el tipo particular de trabajo ecdótico que se pretenda realizar. El artículo pretende, a partir del caso de la edición de la Crónica de Sancho IV, proponer un modelo de edición que contemple las variantes que la obra fue manifestando a lo largo de su tradición con el objetivo de dar cuenta de la naturaleza mutable del texto medieval en función de su intencionalidad política.


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En este volumen XVIII del Anuario Argentino de Derecho Canónico se publica la crónica que refleja la actividad académica de la Facultad de Derecho Canónico “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo” durante el año 2012, tal como se ha hecho en forma ininterrumpida desde el volumen II de 1995. El ciclo lectivo comenzó con una misa concelebrada por profesores y alumnos en la sede del edificio “Santa María” del campus universitario de Puerto Madero. A continuación, en el salón de usos múltiples del edificio Santa María, se llevó a cabo la tradicional lectio brevis que estuvo a cargo del Pbro. dr. Ariel David Busso, quien se refirió a “El derecho y el tiempo”.


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El artículo intenta estudiar, tanto en el Poema de Alfonso Onceno como en la Gran Crónica de Alfonso XI, cómo el dispositivo discursivo legendario se utiliza con un fin propagandístico de la figura del rey, pues se destina principalmente a exaltarlo no sólo en cuanto a su triunfo en la sumisión de los nobles levantiscos sino también a su éxito en las campañas militares contra los musulmanes.


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