957 resultados para Late early triassic


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Although it is important to determine whether there exist sedimentary strata older than the Upper Permian in the northern Qiantang area in Tibet, there has been no report of such old strata in this area. During the geological mapping of the Mayigangri area, we discovered strata that contain the bivalves Eoschizodus roemeri (Beushausen), E. minor (Beushausen) , E. infiatus (Roemer), Actinodesma (Actinodesma) cf . maneiforme Sandberger, A . (Actindesma) cf . vespertilio Maurer, and the brachiopod Huananochonetes subquadratus Sun & Chen. These fossils indicate a late Early Devonian age (Emsian) , thus the strata represent the first discovered Lower Devonian rocks in northen Qiangtang, confirming the existence of strata older than the Upper Permian. A new stratigraphic term, the Pingshagou Formation , is introduced. The new data provide constraints on the tectonic, palaeogeographic, and palaeobiogeographic history of the north Qiangtang area in the Early Devonian.


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The correlation between the fusulinid-based Tethyan and the conodont-based international timescales of the Permian System has become one of themost disputed issues among the Permian community during the past two decades. In this paper,we document a conodont fauna consisting of four species including Sweetognathus guizhouensis, Pseudohindeodus augustus, Hindeodus permicus and a new genus Meiognathus pustulus from the lower part of a large exotic limestone block at Hatahoko in the Nyukawa area, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan, which all suggest aKungurian age. The Kungurian age indicated by the conodonts is consistent with the age of the associated brachiopods, but conflicts with the Murgabian age indicated by the associated fusulinids including Cancellina nipponica, Neoschwagerina simplex, Neofusulinella praecursor etc. This co-occurrence of Kungurian conodonts and Murgabian fusulinids in central Japan suggests that previously unrecognized temporal distributions of some key fusulinid or conodont elements need to be clarified and that the intensively-disputed correlation problem between theKungurian containing theMurgabian fusulinids at the Luodian section in Guizhou, South China with the strata containing the ammonoid Waagenoceras in Oman and Sicily was caused by artificial conodont taxonomic discrepancies. The Luodian section in South China could serve as a key reference section for the correlation of the Kungurian Stage (late Early Permian) between the Tethyan and international timescales. 


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The Paraná Basin is a Western Gondwanan cratonic basin that is better defined as the Paraná depositional site, since it has a diverse history as a basin. Sedimentation started in the Ordovician-Silurian, followed by extensive marine Devonian deposition. A Late Paleozoic/ Triassic facies cycle wedge was clearly built during Pangean time. The Early Cretaceous was characterized by extensive basaltic lava flows immediately before the break-up of Pangea. Following these rifting and drifting processes, the basin's structural framework was totally rebuilt, generating new depositional sites in the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary. Based on more recent data, at least two different basins may be defined during the evolution of what was once considered a unique basin. Nevertheless, even if considered as a single basin, the sedimentary pile of the Paraná Basin has considerable economic potential, until now exploited only rudimentarily, except for its groundwater resources. Aggregates, limestones, clays, industrial sands, gems, dimension stones, hydrocarbons, coal, peat, and uranium are some of the potential mineral resources of this basin. Copyright © 1997 by V. H. Winston & Son, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Shallow-water larger foraminifers have been recovered at two drill sites on the eastern Maldive Ridge. Despite the poor recovery in Hole 715A, a rather diversified larger benthic foraminifer assemblage allowed us to date the initiation of a carbonate platform, resting on volcanic basement, as late early Eocene. Several age-diagnostic species belonging to the genera Alveolina, Nummulites, Orbitolites, and Discocyclina have been identified. The assemblages may be attributable to the upper part of the Nummulites burdigalensis cantabricus Zone and/or to the lower part of the Nummulites campesinus Zone and to the Alveolina dainellii (upper part) and/or to the A. violae (lower part) zones. The carbonate platform had a very short life (a few hundred thousand years) and rapidly sank below the euphotic zone, as testified by the occurrence of several species of planktonic foraminifers associated with redeposited reef-derived skeletal debris, especially discocyclinids, in the upper part of the sequence. Among the planktonic foraminifers, the presence of Planorotalites palmeri, which has a range confined to the lower portion of the late early Eocene Zone P9, implies that the platform was drowned before the end of the early Eocene. At Hole 714A, the occurrence of several shallow-water foraminifer genera, such as Nummulites (N. fabianii gr.), Discocyclina, Fabiania, Heterostegina, and Operculina (O. gomezi), in pebbles derived from turbidite beds interbedded within late Oligocene pelagic sediments, allows us to suggest that a carbonate platform, possibly reduced in size, was still growing in the Maldive Ridge area after the late early Eocene time. The erosional event, responsible for the redeposition of middle to late Eocene reef-derived skeletal debris, is apparently coeval with the global sea-level fall recorded in late Oligocene Zone P22.


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Phanerozoic granitoids are widespread in the Korean Peninsula and form a part of the East Asian Cordilleran-type granitoid belt extending from southeastern China to Far East Russia. Here we present SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical and Nd isotopic compositions of Late Paleozoic to Early Jurassic granitoid plutons in the northern Gyeongsang basin, southeastern Korea; namely the Jangsari, Yeongdeok, Yeonghae, and Satkatbong plutons. The granite and associated gabbroic rocks from the Jangsari pluton were coeval and respectively dated at 257.3 ± 2.0 Ma and 255.7 ± 1.4 Ma. This result represents the first finding of a Late Paleozoic pluton in South Korea. Three granite samples from the Yeongdeok pluton yielded a slightly younger age span ranging from 252.9 ± 2.5 Ma to 246.7 ± 2.1 Ma. Two diorite samples from the Yeonghae pluton gave much younger ages of 195.1 ± 1.9 Ma and 196.3 ± 1.6 Ma. An Early Jurassic age of 192.4 ± 1.6 Ma was also obtained from a diorite sample from the Satkatbong pluton. The mineral assemblage and Al2O3/(Na2O + K2O) versus Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O) relationship indicate that all the analyzed plutons are subduction zone granitoids. Enrichments in large-ion-lithophile-elements and depletions in high-field-strength-elements of these plutons are also concordant with geochemical characteristics typical for the subduction zone magma. The presence of Late Permian to Early Triassic arc system is in contrast with the conventional idea that the arc magmatism along the continental margin of the Korean Peninsula has commenced from Early Jurassic after the termination of Triassic collisional orogenesis. The epsilon-Nd(t) values of the granitoid plutons are consistently positive (2.4-4.6), suggesting that crustal residence time of the basement beneath the Gyeongsang basin is relatively short. Moreover, the reevaluation of previously-published data reveals that geochemical compositions of the Yeongdeok pluton are compatible with those of high-silica adakites; La/Yb = 37.5-114.6, Sr/Y = 138.2-214.0, SiO2 = 62.9-72.0 wt. %, Al2O3 = 15.5-17.0 wt. %, Sr = 562-1173 ppm, MgO = 0.4-1.6 wt. %, Y = 3-6 ppm, Yb = 0.18-0.45 ppm, and Eu/Eu* = 0.92-1.31. The occurrence of adakites in southeastern Korea, and presumably in the Hida belt of central-western Japan, is indicative of a hot subduction regime developing at least partly along the East Asian continental margin during the Permian-Triassic transition period.


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We propose a new biostratigraphic scheme comprising the Eucyrtidium spinosum, Eucyrtidium antiquum (new), Lychnocanoma conica (emended), Clinorhabdus robusta (emended) and Stylosphaera radiosa (emended) Zones, in ascending order, in Eocene to Oligocene sediments drilled on Maud Rise in Southern Atlantic Ocean (Site 689, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 113). The bases of these zones are defined by the lowermost occurrences of E. spinosum, E. antiquum, L. conica, C. robusta and the uppermost occurrence of Axoprunum irregularis (?), respectively. From correlation to the magnetostratigraphic data, the E. spinosum, E. antiquum, L. conica, C. robusta and S. radiosa Zones are assigned to the late middle Eocene through late Eocene (Subchrons C17n2 to C13r), earliest Oligocene (C13n to C11n), late early Oligocene (C11n to C10n2), early late Oligocene (C10n1 to C8r) and latest Oligocene (C8r to C7An), respectively. The four boundary datum levels and supplementary datum levels such as the lowermost occurrences of A. irregularis (?), Dicolocapsa microcephala and Lithomelissa challengerae may be recognized in other ODP sites in the Southern Ocean. The first occurrence of E. antiquum approximates the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in Southern Ocean but the last occurrences of many species such as Periphaena decora, D. microcephala and the Lithomelissa sphaerocephalis group are commonly diachronous between high latitude sites. Two new species, Theocyrtis (?) triapenna and Spirocyrtis parvaturris, are described.


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A virtually complete composite history of Cenozoic pelagic sedimentation was recovered from ODP Sites 738 (62°43' S) and 744 (61°35' S), drilled during Leg 119 on the Kerguelen Plateau. An excellent magnetobiochronologic record was obtained from upper Eocene through Holocene sediments at Site 744, and an expanded lower Paleocene through lower Oligocene sequence was cored at Hole 738. Analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of over 125 planktonic foraminifer taxa from these sites reveals changes in species composition that were strongly influenced by the climatic evolution of Antarctic water masses. Early Paleocene planktonic foraminifer assemblages are nearly identical in species composition to coeval assemblages from low and middle latitude sites, showing the same patterns of post-extinction recovery and taxonomic radiation. Biogeographic isolation, revealed by the absence of tropical keeled species, became apparent by late early Paleocene time. Diversity increased near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary when keeled morozovellids immigrated to the Kerguelen Plateau. Greatest diversity (23 species) was achieved by early Eocene time, corresponding to a Cenozoic warming maximum that has been recognized in lower Eocene deep sea and terrestrial sediments worldwide. A gradual decline in diversity from the late early through middle Eocene, primarily due to the disappearance of acarininids, parallels the record of cooling paleotemperatures in Southern Ocean surface waters. Chiloguembelina-dominated assemblages appeared in the late middle Eocene and persisted through the early Oligocene as Antarctic surface waters became thermally isolated. Late Eocene and early Oligocene assemblages exhibit considerably lower diversity than the older Eocene faunas, and were dominated by chiloguembelinids, subbotinids, and catapsydracids during a time of pronounced climatic cooling and development of continental glaciation on East Antarctica. The small foraminifer Globigerinit? juvenilis replaced chiloguembelinids as the dominant taxon during the late Oligocene. Diversity increased slightly toward the end of the late Oligocene with new appearances of several tenuitellid, globoturborotalitid, and globigerinid species. The trend toward diminishing planktonic foraminifer diversity was renewed during the late early Miocene as siliceous productivity increased in the Antarctic surface waters, culminating with the reduction to nearly monospecific assemblages of Neogloboqu?drin? p?chyderm? that occur in Pliocene-Holocene biosiliceous sediments. An Antarctic Paleogene zonal scheme previously devised for ODP Sites 689 and 690 in the Weddell Sea is used to biostratigraphically subdivide the Kerguelen Plateau sequence. The definition of one Antarctic Paleogene biozone is modified in the present study to facilitate correlation within the southern high latitudes. The ages of 13 late Eoceneearly Miocene datum events are calibrated based on a magnetobiochronologic age model developed for Site 744.


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The Yangla copper deposit, situated in the middle section of Jinshajiang tectonic belt between Zhongza-Zhongdian block and Changdu-Simao block, is a representative and giant copper deposit that has been discovered in Jinshajiang-Lancangjiang-Nujiang region in recent years. There are coupled relationship between Yangla granodiorite and copper mineralization in the Yangla copper deposit. Five molybdenite samples yielded a well-constrained 187Re-187Os isochron age of 233.3±3 Ma, the metallogenesis is therefore slightly younger than the crystallization age of the granodiorite. S, Pb isotopic compositions of the Yangla copper deposit indicate that the ore-forming materials were derived from the mixture of upper crust and mantle, also with the magmatic contributions. In the late Early Permian, the Jinshajiang Oceanic plate was subducted to the west, resulting in the formation of a series of gently dipping thrust faults in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt, meanwhile, accompanied magmatic activities. In the early Late Triassic, which was a time of transition from collision-related compression to extension in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt, the thrust faults were tensional; it would have been a favorable environment for forming ore fluids. The ascending magma provided a channel for the ore-forming fluid from the mantle wedge. After the magma arrived at the base of the early-stage Yangla granodiorite, the platy granodiorite at the base of the body would have shielded the late-stage magma from the fluid. The magma would have cooled slowly, and some of the ore-forming fluid in the magma would have entered the gently dipping thrust faults near the Yangla granodiorite, resulting in mineralization.


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In contrast to the adjacent parts of the Transantarctic Mountains, the Mesozoic macrofossil record of north Victoria Land remains poorly documented. During the Ninth German Antarctic North Victoria Land Expedition (GANOVEX IX 2005/2006) twelve fossil sites in southern north Victoria Land were discovered and sampled. Fossils from the Triassic to Early Jurassic Section Peak Formation were collected from Archambault Ridge, Anderton Glacier, Skinner Ridge, Timber Peak, Vulcan Hills, Runaway Hills, Section Peak and Shafer Peak. These localities have yielded abundant fossil wood and compressions of horsetails, ferns, and seed ferns. In addition, several beetle elytra were found at Timber Peak. Fossil localities of the overlying Shafer Peak Formation and Exposure Hill-type deposits occur at Shafer Peak and in the Mount Carson area, and have yielded various trace fossils, permineralized wood, leaf compressions, and conchostracans. Two newly discovered fossil sites are associated with the late Early Jurassic Kirkpatrick lava flows. Upright-standing tree trunks have been recorded at Suture Bench, and highly fossiliferous sedimentary interbeds occur at the southwestern end of the Mesa Range. Of special interest is the exquisite fossil preservation at some of the sites. Compression fossils from Timber Peak and Shafer Peak contain well-preserved cuticles, which is very rare in the Antarctic. An Early Jurassic permineralized deposit at Mount Carson contains structurally preserved ferns. Furthermore, the arthropod fossils from sedimentary interbeds at the Mesa Range are preserved in minute detail, including antennae and limb spines of a blattid insect.


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A well-preserved, diverse sporomorph flora of over 60 species has been found in Cores 120-750B-12W through -14R from the Southern Kerguelen Plateau. Analysis of the flora indicates that the terrestrial sediments overlaying the basaltic basement are late Early Cretaceous in age. Ranges of the sporomorphs in other parts of Gondwana and the morphology and paucity of angiosperm pollen grains confine the age of this section to the early to possibly early middle Albian. The Albian palynomorph assemblages in Hole 750B are composed primarily of fern spores and podocarpaceous pollen, and show most similarity to those from southern Australia. Changes in the flora through time reflect the successional vegetation changes on barren volcanic islands, beginning with high percentages of colonizing ferns and maturing into conifer (podocarp) forests. The flora shows some signs of endemism, which may be a result of the isolated position of the Kerguelen Islands during the Early Cretaceous. This endemism is expressed by high percentages of a distinctive monosulcate pollen species Ashmoripollis woodywisei n.sp. of pteridosperm or cycadophytean origin, and by a thick-walled, monosulcate angiosperm pollen species of the genus Clavatipollenites. The climatic conditions were probably cool to temperate (mean annual temperature approximately 7°-12°C) and humid (annual rainfall >1000 mm), analogous to modern Podocarpus-dominated forests in New Zealand and in South American mountain regions.


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An expanded and largely complete upper Paleocene to upper Eocene section was recovered from the pelagic cap overlying Allison Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 865 (18°26'N, 179°33'W; paleodepth 1300-1500 m). Reconstructions show that the site was within a few degrees of the equator during the Paleogene. Because no other Paleogene sections have been recovered in the Pacific Ocean at such a low latitude, Site 865 provides a unique record of equatorial Pacific paleoceanography. Detailed stable isotopic investigations were conducted on three planktonic foraminiferal taxa (species of Acarinina, Morozovella, and Subbotina). We studied benthic foraminiferal isotopes at much lower resolution on species of Cibicidoides and Lenticulina, Nuttallides truempyi and Gavelinella beccariiformis, because of their exceptional rarity. The d18O and d13C stratigraphies from Site 865 are generally similar to those derived from other Paleocene and Eocene sections. The planktonic foraminiferal records at Site 865, however, include significantly less short-term, single-sample variability than those from higher-latitude sites, indicating that this tropical, oligotrophic location had a comparatively stable water column structure with a deep mixed layer and less seasonal variability. Low-amplitude (0.1-0.8 per mil) oscillations on timescales of 250,000 to 300,000 years correlate between the d13C records of all planktonic taxa and may represent fluctuations in the mixing intensity of surface waters. Peak sea surface temperatures of 24°-25°C occurred in the earliest Eocene, followed by a rapid cooling of 3-6°C in the late early Eocene. Temperatures remained cool and stable through the middle Eocene. In the late Eocene, surface water temperatures decreased further. Vertical temperature gradients decreased dramatically in the late Paleocene and were relatively constant through much of the Eocene but increased markedly in the late Eocene. Intermediate waters warmed through the late Paleocene, reaching a maximum temperature of 10°C in the early Eocene. Cooling in the middle and late Eocene paralleled that of surface waters, with latest Eocene temperatures below 5°C. Extinction patterns of benthic foraminifera in the latest Paleocene were similar to those observed at other Pacific sites and were coeval with a short-term, very rapid negative excursion in d13C values in planktonic and benthic taxa as at other sites. During this excursion, benthic foraminiferal d18O values decreased markedly, indicating warming of 4 to 6°C for tropical intermediate waters, while planktonic taxa show slight warming (1°C) followed by 2°C of cooling. Convergence of d18O values of planktonic and benthic foraminifera suggests that thermal gradients in the water column in this tropical location collapsed during the excursion. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that equatorial Pacific surface waters were a potential source of warm, higher salinity waters which filled portions of the deep ocean in the latest Paleocene. Oxygen isotopic data indicate that equator to high southern latitude sea surface thermal gradients decreased to as little as 4°C at the peak of the excursion, suggesting some fundamental change in global heat transport.


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The Triassic rocks of Central England consist of three major stratigraphic units: Sherwood Sandstone Group, Mercia Mudstone Group, and Penarth Group. The lower part of the Sherwood Sandstone Group represented by the Kidderminster, Cannock Chase, and Polesworth Formations represents pebbly braided river deposits carried by a major fluvial system flowing to the North-Northwest. The upper part of the Sherwood Sandstone Group includes the Wildmoor and Bromsgrove Sandstone Formations, the deposits of a sandy alluvial system. The Mercia Mudstone Group represents quiet-water deposits of marginal palya type which were subjected to occasional marine flooding. The overlying Penarth Group represent shallow marine and lagoonal environment associated with the Rhaetian marine transgression. The mineralogy of the Triassic sandstones indicates that the main source was from medium to low rank metamorphic rocks with additional supplies from igneous and metamorphic rocks. The study of size-composition trends shows that the climate was semiarid in early Triassic time and became more humid later. The Triassic sandstones show a variety of diagenetic features typical of continental red beds; these include: 1. the dissolution of unstable ferromagnesian silicates, 2. the replacement of detrital grains by clay, 3. the pseudomorphism of biotite by haematite, and 4. the formation of a suite of authigenic minerals including quartz, illite, mixed-layer illite-montmorillonite, kaolinite, k-feldspar, haematite, titanium oxide and later carbonate cement. Palaeomagnetic studies of selected samples show that the magnetization is muticomponent with the various components being carried by different textural phases of haematite.


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The hallmark of oceanic anoxic event 1a (OAE1a) (early Aptian ~125 Ma) corresponds to worldwide deposition of black shales with total organic carbon (TOC) content > 2% and a δ13C positive excursion up to ~5‰. OAE1a has been related to large igneous province volcanism and dissociation of methane hydrates during the Lower Cretaceous. However, the occurrence of atypical, coeval and diachronous organic-rich deposits associated with OAE1a, which are also characterized by positive spikes of the δ 13C in epicontinental to restricted marine environments of the Tethys Ocean, indicates localized responses decoupled from complex global forcing factors. ^ The present research is a high-resolution, multiproxy approach to assess the paleoenvironmental conditions that led to enhanced carbon sequestration from the late Barremian to the middle Aptian in a restricted, Tethyan marginal basin prior to and during OAE1a. I studied the lower 240 m of the El Pui section, Organyà Basin, Spanish Pyrenees. The basin developed as the result of extensional tectonism linked to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. At the field scale the section consists of a sequence of alternating beds of cm – m-scale, medium-gray to grayish-black limestones and marlstones with TOC up to ~4%. ^ The results indicate that the lowest 85 m of the section, from latest Barremian -earliest Aptian, characterize a deepening phase of the basin concomitant with sustained riverine flux and intensified primary productivity. These changes induced a shift in the sedimentation pattern and decreased the oxygen levels in the water column through organic matter respiration and limited ventilation of the basin. ^ The upper 155 m comprising the earliest – late-early Aptian document the occurrence of OAE1a and its associated geochemical signatures (TOC up to 3% and a positive shift in δ13C of ~5‰). However, a low enrichment of redox-sensitive trace elements indicates that the basin did not achieve anoxic conditions. The results also suggest that a shallower-phase of the basin, coeval with platform progradation, may have increased ventilation of the basin at the same time that heightened sedimentation rates and additional input of organic matter from terrestrial sources increased the burial and preservation rate of TOC in the sediment.^


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Planktonic foraminifera from Pliocene - Early Quaternary sediments of ODP Hole 111-677A were studied in detail. It was shown that the majority of detected zonal taxa are reliable biostratigraphic reference points. Between 30 and 210 m in the core zones of planktonic foraminifera from PL1b to Pt1 (according to the W.A. Berggren scale) were distinguished. Changes of planktonic foraminifera complexes from sediments of Hole 111-677A are closely associated with climate-controlled development of surface water masses of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific during 4.6-0.65 million years ago. Sharp decrease in equatorial-tropical species about 3.4 million years ago correlated with cessation of surface water exchange between tropical regions of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans due to formation of the Central American isthmus. The paleotemperature method of M.S Barash was used for reconstructing surface temperatures. Maximum temperatures were reconstructed in late Early Pliocene (26.4°C) and in Late Pliocene (26.6°C) and minimum ones - in the beginning of Early Pliocene (18.4°C), in the middle of Late Pliocene (19.6°C). Cold events occurred: 4.6-4.3, 2.8-2.5, and 1.7-1.2 million years ago, and warm: 4.3, 4.18-3.4, 2.5-2.3, and 1 million years ago. In general, the middle of Early Pliocene, the middle of late Pliocene and early Pleistocene are characterized by cold-water conditions, and the end of Early and the end of Late Pliocene - by warm-water conditions.