Early Albian palynoflora of ODP Hole 120-750B

Autoria(s): Mohr, Barbara AR; Gee, Carole T

LATITUDE: -57.592000 * LONGITUDE: 81.239500 * DATE/TIME START: 1988-04-20T05:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1988-04-23T04:00:00




A well-preserved, diverse sporomorph flora of over 60 species has been found in Cores 120-750B-12W through -14R from the Southern Kerguelen Plateau. Analysis of the flora indicates that the terrestrial sediments overlaying the basaltic basement are late Early Cretaceous in age. Ranges of the sporomorphs in other parts of Gondwana and the morphology and paucity of angiosperm pollen grains confine the age of this section to the early to possibly early middle Albian. The Albian palynomorph assemblages in Hole 750B are composed primarily of fern spores and podocarpaceous pollen, and show most similarity to those from southern Australia. Changes in the flora through time reflect the successional vegetation changes on barren volcanic islands, beginning with high percentages of colonizing ferns and maturing into conifer (podocarp) forests. The flora shows some signs of endemism, which may be a result of the isolated position of the Kerguelen Islands during the Early Cretaceous. This endemism is expressed by high percentages of a distinctive monosulcate pollen species Ashmoripollis woodywisei n.sp. of pteridosperm or cycadophytean origin, and by a thick-walled, monosulcate angiosperm pollen species of the genus Clavatipollenites. The climatic conditions were probably cool to temperate (mean annual temperature approximately 7°-12°C) and humid (annual rainfall >1000 mm), analogous to modern Podocarpus-dominated forests in New Zealand and in South American mountain regions.


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Supplement to: Mohr, Barbara AR; Gee, Carole T (1992): An early Albian palynoflora from the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean (Leg 120). In: Wise, SW; Schlich, R; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 120, 255-271, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.120.161.1992

Palavras-Chave #120-750B; Angiosperms; Ashmoripollis; B. limbata; B. robusta; Baculatisporites sp.; Balmeiopsis; Balmeiopsis limbata; Balmeiopsis robusta; C. australiensis; C. cooksonii; C. glebulentus; C. hughesii; C. mesozoica; Calamospora mesozoica; Camerozonosporites sp.; Cibotiumspora sp.; Cicatricosisporites australiensis; Cicatricosisporites hughesii; Cicatricosisporites sp.; Clavatipollenites hughesii; Concavissimisporites sp.; Contignisporites cooksonii; Contignisporites glebulentus; Corollina; Corollina sp.; Cyatheacidites sp.; Cyathidites; Cycadopites sp.; Densoisporites sp.; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Dinoflagellata; Dinoflagellate preservation; Dinofl preservation; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; F. canalis; F = frequent, C = common, R = rare; Foveosporites canalis; Gleicheniidites; Gleicheniidites sp.; I. intraverrucatus; I. triorticulosus; I. variegatus; Impardecispora triorticulosus; Interulobites intraverrucatus; Ischyosporites variegatus; Joides Resolution; Laevigatosporites; Laevigatosporites sp.; Leg120; M. antarcticus; Microcachrydites antarcticus; miospores, F = frequent, C = common, R = rare, B = barren; miospores, W = well, P = poorly; N. levidensis; N. truncata; Neoraistrickia levidensis; Neoraistrickia truncata; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; P. linearis; Perotrilites linearis; Podocarpidites sp.; Pollen, saccate; Pollen saccate; Polycingulatisporites sp.; Preserv; Preservation; Retitriletes sp.; Sample code/label; South Indian Ridge, South Indian Ocean; sp. 1; sp. A; Spores; Spores, trilete; Stereisporites sp.; T. subgranulatus; T. tuberculiformis; Trichotomosulcites subgranulatus; Tricolpopollenites sp.; trilete spores; Trilites tuberculiformis; V. signatus; Vallizonosporites sp.; Vitreisporites signatus; W = well, P = poorly
