897 resultados para Laparoscopia Assistida
A hipótese mais bem aceita atualmente para explicar a genética complexa da estenoespermocarpia, observada na videira, indica que a expressão deste fenótipo é controlada por três genes recessivos, independentemente herdados e controlados por um gene regulador dominante (sdI). Em estudo anterior, Lahogue et al. (1998) identificaram um marcador RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) ligado ao gene sdI e utilizaram-no para desenvolver um SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) co-dominante denominado SCC8, que pode distinguir, em uma progênie, indivíduos com semente como também selecionar indivíduos apirênicos. Neste trabalho, são apresentados resultados da avaliação do potencial de aplicação do marcador molecular SCAR SCC8 para seleção assistida do caráter da apirenia no melhoramento de uvas de mesa sem sementes. A utilização deste marcador na seleção assistida para apirenia em uvas de mesa mostrou-se viável, e as conseqüências da sua utilização no programa de melhoramento da Embrapa Uva e Vinho são discutidas.
A cultura da aceroleira despertou um grande interesse do mercado consumidor, tendo em vista o alto teor de vitamina C (ácido ascórbico), que varia entre 1.325 a 2.250 mg por 100 mL de suco. Com a expansão da cultura, surgiram problemas fitossanitários, entre os quais a infecção das raízes da aceroleira por nematóides. Os produtos químicos utilizados no controle dos nematóides são agressivos ao meio ambiente, e a seleção de genótipos resistentes e tolerantes constitui-se na melhor alternativa para a solução do problema. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação com 18 genótipos de aceroleira, com o objetivo de encontrar genótipos resistentes e tolerantes a Meloidogyne incognita raça 2 assistida por marcadores isoenzimáticos, para indicar plantas destinadas a porta-enxerto. A avaliação foi realizada 60 dias após a inoculação mediante análise das variáveis: número de ovos por planta e por grama de raiz, índice de galhas e massa de ovos, biomassa fresca relativa do sistema radicular e biomassa fresca relativa da parte aérea. Os resultados permitiram identificar o genótipo 023-CMF como menos suscetível, e os genótipos 027-CMF e 035-CMF, como mais suscetíveis. Estudos realizados através da eletroforese isoenzimática com os sistemas α esterase, fosfatase ácida e peroxidase, 20; 40 e 60 dias após a inoculação com ovos de M. incognita raça 2, possibilitaram relacionar a expressão de proteínas com a suscetibilidade. Os genótipos mais próximos geneticamente, com índice de similaridade 0,941, foram 027-CMF e 026-CMF, 046-CMF e 026-CMF, e 041-CMF e 026-CMF. O menor índice de similaridade genética (0,115) foi observado entre os genótipos 002-SPE e 036-CMF.
OBJETIVO: A biópsia vácuo-assistida é a forma percutânea de biópsia de microcalcificações que obtém a menor taxa de subestimação, porém, seu custo é alto, havendo interesse em se conseguir formas mais baratas de biópsia vácuo-assistida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar um dispositivo portátil de biópsia vácuo-assistida que apresenta custo menor. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram biopsiadas 35 pacientes que apresentavam agrupamentos de microcalcificações BI-RADS® 4 ou 5. Foram testados a representatividade dos fragmentos colhidos, as dificuldades na reintrodução da cânula e o número de ciclos de colheita. RESULTADOS: Houve obtenção de calcificações representativas em todas as pacientes. Não houve discordância anatomorradiológica, dificuldade na reintrodução da cânula ou complicações graves. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados permitem concluir que o sistema apresenta boa eficácia na obtenção das amostras e com relação de custo-benefício favorável em relação a outros sistemas para a biópsia de microcalcificações, achados em concordância com outras publicações da literatura.
La traducció assistida per ordinador és una competència necessària per als futurs traductors. Els programes de traducció assistida més utilitzats en l’actualitat comparteixen la base teòrica però, a nivell pràctic, presenten característiques diferents. En aquest article, tractem les diferents opcions de programari utilitzades en el Grau en Traducció i Interpretació i en el Màster en Traducció Especialitzada de la Universitat de Vic. També mostrem dos programes de suport per a la didàctica de la traducció assistida.
The efficiency of a new procedure for the digestion of natural waters, based on a microwave-activated photochemical reactor was evaluated in this work. Fluorescence spectra showed a 99% reduction in the emission of a 40 mg L-1 humic acid solution after 15 min of UV irradiation. In the presence of H2O2, only 3 min were necessary to accomplish a reduction of almost 100% in the emission and 6 min to reduce the concentration of dissolved organic carbon by 95%. The copper recovery from synthetic samples containing commercial humic acid, from soil suspensions, as well as from natural waters varied between 91.5 and 106.6%. The digestion of dissolved and unfiltered samples was successfully accomplished in 6 and 12 min, respectively. No contaminations or sample losses were observed. Results of copper speciation in natural waters showed that this metal is predominantly bound to natural ligands. Only 3-6% of the total recoverable copper is present in the labile form.
The use of factorial design was evaluated for optimization of focused-microwave-assisted digestion of bean samples. Calcium, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn percentual recoveries were determined in digestates after focused-microwave-assisted digestion according to factorial design procedures. A cavity microwave digestion was carried out to certify the elemental compositions obtained. The accuracy was checked using a standard reference material, the NIST SRM 8433 - Corn Bran. Results are in agreement with certified values at the 95% confidence limit when the Student t-test was used. Volumes of nitric and sulfuric acid, temperature, and the interplay between HNO3 and H2SO4 initial volumes were significant variables according to P-values in the analysis of variance (ANOVA).
The mechanism and applications of the Fenton reaction assisted by iron-reducing phenolic compounds (IRPC) is reviewed. The presence of IRPC leads to the formation of a larger number of free radicals. The relationship between the redox potential and the IRPC structure is discussed. The effect of humic substances in the degradation of xenobiotics is also included, since these substances are able to reduce metallic ions. The natural occurrence of Fe3+/H2O2/IRPC in wood biodegradation processes, as well as their application is also discussed. The review concludes with the advantages of the Fe3+/H2O2/IRPC systems and some considerations for further process optimization and their applications at industrial levels.
The aim of the present work was to develop and optimize a method for determination of bioavailable phosphorus in samples of feces and fish feed using ultrasound extraction and subsequent quantification by visible spectrophotometry. Using as extractor solution HNO3 0.50 mol L-1, the great conditions of extraction established were: sample mass - 100 mg, samples granulometry - < 60 µm, sonification time - five cycles of 40 s and ultrasound potency - 136 W. The proposed method was applied in studies of digestibility of this nutrient in different feeds used in diets of juvenile of Nile tilapia.
This work presents the optimization of the microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of [Zn(BDC)(H2O)2]n . The reactions were carried out at the fixed temperature of 120 ºC for 10, 20, 30 and 40 min. Pure crystalline [Zn(BDC)(H2O)2]n was obtained in high yield (ca. 90%) with a reaction time of 10 min. The phase obtained and its purity was confirmed by Rietveld refinement, with a final value for Rwp/Rexp equal to 1.48. Increased reaction times (20, 30 and 40 min) favored the formation of unwanted by products, resulting in mixtures of several crystalline phases.
Microwave synthesis is considered a breakthrough in the field of chemistry due to its benefits over conventional heating methods. We describe, for the first time, the total synthesis of phenytoin adapted for a microwave reactor, proposed as an experiment for undergraduate courses. When carried out with microwaves, the synthetic route provided phenytoin in 6 min and 30 s, while for conventional heating the total time was 170 min. The experiment also involves rapid identification of compounds by TLC, ¹H NMR, FT-IR and melting points determination.
This work reports a practical case based on the use of microwave-assisted derivatization and GC-MS for the analysis of glucose. Using two different methods for derivatization, one reference compound and the calculated dipole moment, all the isomers of glucose were identified. Identification was corroborated for the assignment of structures using the mass spectra. With this work, students are expected to associate different types of information to solve the complex problem of the analysis of glucose.
A simple procedure for ultrasound-assisted extraction and colorimetric determination of iron in soil samples was developed. The iron concentration in the analyzed samples was determined by the colorimetric method and the results compared with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Fifteen soil samples were analyzed and the iron concentration results compared with those obtained by ICP-MS using microwave-assisted sample digestion. The proposed procedure showed good efficiency for iron extraction and the results obtained by colorimetric determination exhibited good agreement with ICP-MS. Moreover, ultrasound-assisted extraction and colorimetric determination is a simple, fast and low-cost procedure for application in routine analysis.