983 resultados para Lao (Tai people) -- Religion.
The topic of this dissertation is Rodnoverie, a religion that revives pre-Christian Slavic spirituality. Rodnoverie has been noted to be one of the fastest growing new religions in Russia and the aim of the study is to analyse why and how the movement has attained its popularity. First, the analysis asks how Rodnovers themselves explain the revival of ancient Paganism at this particular historical moment. Secondly, these interpretations are reflected in the framework of sociological discussions about contemporary religiosity. The analysis discusses how the Rodnoverie movement corresponds to some tendencies that are considered to characterise late modern religiosity. The primary material of the research is Rodnoverie texts: books, newspapers and electronic articles. The published literature is supplemented by fieldwork material which includes interviews with some Rodnoverie leaders and the author s participant observation of rituals and gatherings. Methodologically, the study draws on a sociological narrative approach that is focused on examining how individuals and groups use narratives to construct their identities and to challenge mainstream discussions and interpretations. The analysis discerns three narratives. The first one of these portrays Rodnoverie as a revival of the native Russian or Slavic religion. The narrative provides a new version of the old Slavophile idea, according to which imitation of the West has misguided Russia and, therefore, Russians should turn to their own tradition. In the second narrative, Rodnoverie is presented as a nature religion that features tolerance and pluralistic values. According to these perceptions, the emergence of Rodnoverie marks the dead-end of the earlier hegemonic universalistic world-views, the mono-ideologies . While the nationalist narrative focuses on Russia s national heritage, the third narrative interprets the tradition in more universal terms as an alternative to modern values and way of life. The main argument of this narrative is that contemporary people have become alienated from nature, their roots and their community. The themes that are discussed in the theoretical literature on late modern religiosity often configure in Rodnovers interpretations either directly or when looked at through an analytical framework. Of the various themes that are addressed in a sociological study of religion the ones that have most relevance for Rodnoverie are the discussions on individualisation, globalisation and secularisation. Rodnoverie reflects such tendencies as the subjectivisation of religion and the modern crisis of authority. The movement also both exemplifies and actively promotes religious pluralisation in Russia.
As disparities in wealth levels between and within countries become greater many poor people migrate in search of better earning opportunities. Some of this migration is legal but, in many cases, the difficulties involved in securing the necessary documentation mean that would-be migrants resort to illegal methods. This, in turn, makes them vulnerable to human trafficking, a phenomenon that has received growing attention from NGOs, governments and the media in recent years. Despite the attention being given to human trafficking, however, there remains a certain amount of confusion over what exactly it entails though it is generally understood to refer to the transportation and subsequent exploitation of vulnerable people through means of force or deception. The increased attention that has been given to the issue of human trafficking over the last decade has resulted in new discourses emerging which attempt to explain what human trafficking entails, what the root causes of the phenomenon are and how best to tackle the problem. While a certain degree of conceptual clarity has been attained since human trafficking rose to prominence in the 1990s, it could be argued that human trafficking remains a poorly defined concept and that there is frequently confusion concerning the difference between it and related concepts such as people smuggling, migration and prostitution. The thesis examines the ways in which human trafficking has been conceptualised or framed in a specific national context- that of Lao PDR. Attention is given to the task of locating the major frames within which the issue has been situated, as well as considering the diagnoses and prognoses that the various approaches to trafficking suggest. The research considers which particular strands of trafficking discourse have become dominant in Lao PDR and the effect this has had on the kinds of trafficking interventions that have been undertaken in the country. The research is mainly qualitative and consists of an analysis of key texts found in the Lao trafficking discourse.
O que é feito ou o que acontece com um grupo que se forma na juventude? Muitos podem ser os caminhos tomados, escolhas poderão ser feitas. Muitas dessas escolhas podem estar relacionadas à forma como esses grupos desenvolveram suas produções culturais e quais foram as relações extragrupo que fizeram parte de sua trajetória. Os grupos de jovens das periferias e favelas que produzem cultura se constituem de maneiras bem heterogêneas, há várias formas e caminhos de se fazer parte de um grupo cultural. A presente dissertação investiga, especificamente, como um grupo de jovens moradores de favelas se organiza e produz cultura sem apoio institucional. De que modo as suas produções têm algo de novo, um outro olhar com relação à produção cultural vigente? A partir do conceito de função fraterna, discutido por um grupo de psicanalistas coordenado por Maria Rita Kehl, pretendo investigar como essa organização horizontal se constitui na busca de um local de pertencimento. Com caráter interdisciplinar, essa pesquisa propõe também um laço fraterno ou na horizontalidade, entre Psicanálise, Educação e Ciências Sociais.
O modelo de atenção que até então pautava a assistência ao louco, baseava-se na lógica manicomial cujo tratamento prestado reduzia-se à internação psiquiátrica. Ao tomar o asilo como seu único destino, restava ao sujeito submeter-se ao único modo de tratar a loucura: o isolamento e a exclusão. Era este o cenário que o movimento da reforma psiquiátrica intentava romper. Para além do fim dos manicômios, o que se visava era a transposição do modelo asilar por outro mais comunitário.Este é o mote da política de saúde mental no município do Rio de Janeiro instaurado desde os anos 90. Portanto, nossa investigação colocou em análise a invenção do Fórum de saúde mental instituído no ano de 2002 como arena participativa envolvendo os trabalhadores de saúde mental na direção da construção de uma rede de atenção territorial.Para tanto, este estudo produziu uma narrativa sobre sua trajetória pelo viés de sua formulação e implementação, a partir dos sujeitos que participaram deste processo. Entendemos que essa escolha nos deu subsídios para compreender os caminhos trilhados ou descartados e as inflexões que transformaram esta arena como operador da gestão do cuidado em saúde mental. Nesta direção, a contribuição teórica de que nos servimos apoiou-se na Teoria da Estruturação que pauta seu estudo em torno da produção e reprodução da vida social pelos próprios agentes sociais. O uso deste conceito nos auxiliou na compreensão de um processo a partir dos próprios agentes uma vez que eles detêm uma capacidade reflexiva, ou melhor, um entendimento teórico acerca de suas próprias ações, incluindo as razões, motivos e necessidades que o instigam a fazê-lo. O estudo identificou que a arena do fórum de saúde mental funcionou como operador da gestão do cuidado, entretanto, é poroso ao conjunto de pessoas que o conduz, tornando delicada sua institucionalidade como arena participativa e de poder decisório.
An algalytic bacterium provisionally designated as TL1 was isolated from Tai Lake, a large freshwater lake in the Yangtze Delta plain on the border of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and close to Wuxi city in the People's Republic of China. Strain TL1 was identified as Achromobacter sp. based on its biophysical and biochemical properties and the analysis of its 16S rRNA sequence. Microcystis aeruginosa, which is the most common toxic cyanobacterium in eutrophic freshwater, could be decomposed by strain TL1. The results showed that after inoculation with the algalytic bacterium, the content of chlorophyll-a, maximum PSII quantum yield, and maximum electron transport rates of the alga decreased sharply. At first, the algal cells enhanced the activities of some antioxidative enzymes, but subsequently, the activities of antioxidative enzymes fell sharply once damage of the algal cells was achieved. The filtrate from strain TL1 culture suspension, after autoclaving and treatments with proteinase K, strongly inhibited algal growth, indicating that the lytic metabolites were extracellular and thermostable, not a protein.
Gunning, Jeroen, Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence (London: Hurst Publishers Ltd, 2007), pp.xiv+310 RAE2008
The purpose of the project is to research the shape and influence of religion and spirituality in the lives of U.S. adolescents; to identify effective practices in the religious, moral, and social formation of the lives of youth; to describe the extent to which youth participate in and benefit from the programs and opportunities that religious communities are offering to their youth; and to foster an informed national discussion about the influence of religion in youth's lives, in order to encourage sustained reflection about and rethinking of our cultural and institutional practices with regard to youth and religion.
This article uses a case study of a Pentecostal/charismatic congregation to explore how inclusive, overarching identities are constructed in South Africa. It explores how the congregation's culture impacts on identity formation, contestation and change. It argues that the way people construct their identities correlates with their perceived level of empowerment. It concludes that for an overarching identity to become durable, it must be accompanied by structural changes that dismantle the power imbalances embedded in old racial categories.
Religion is alive and well all over the world, especially in times of personal, political, and social crisis. Even in Europe, long regarded as the most 'secular' continent, religion has taken centre stage in how people respond to the crises associated with modernity, or how they interact with the nation-state. In this book, scholars working in and on Europe offer fresh perspectives on how religion provides answers to existential crisis, how crisis increases the salience of religious identities and cultural polarization, and how religion is contributing to changes in the modern world in Europe and beyond. Cases from Poland to Pakistan and from Ireland to Zimbabwe, among others, demonstrate the complexity and ambivalence of religion's role in the contemporary world.
It is a commonplace that the labour movement was somehow nurtured within the witness for liberty of the Free Churches. Exploring this at a range of levels - including organisation, rhetoric, policies, electoral politics and people - this book demonstrates the extent to which this remained a reality into the inter-war years. The distinctive religious setting in which it emerged indeed helps to explain the differences between Labour and more Marxist counterparts on the Continent. It is shown here that this setting continued to influence Labour approaches towards welfare, nationalisation and industrial relations between the wars. In the process Labour also adopted some of the righteousness of tone of the Free Churches. This setting was, however, changing. Dropping their traditional suspicion of the State, Nonconformists instead increasingly invested it with religious values, turning it through its growing welfare functions into the provider of practical Christianity. This nationalisation of religion continues to shape British attitudes to the welfare state as well as imposing narrowly utilitarian and material tests of relevance upon the churches and other social institutions. The elevation of the State was not, however, intended as an end in itself. What mattered were the social and individual outcomes. Socialism, for those Free Churchmen and women who helped to shape Labour in the early twentieth century, was about improving society as much as systems.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol.34, n.2,pp. 253 — 269
Contient : I (livre 1)晉尚書令何充等執沙門不應敬王者奏并序Jin shang shu ling he chong deng zhi sha men bu ying jing wang zhe zou bing xu.Rapports au trône de He Chong, président du Conseil privé, et autres sur les marques de respect qui ne sont pas dues par les religieux au souverain ; II (livre 1)車騎將軍庾冰為成帝出令沙門致敬詔Ju qi jiang jun yu bing wei cheng di chu ling sha men zhi jing zhao.Ordre aux religieux de manifester leur respect, donné par Yu Bing, maréchal de Ju qi, au nom de l'empereur Cheng ; III (livre 1)太尉桓玄與八座桓謙等論道人應致敬事書并序Tai wei huan xuan yu ba zuo huan qian deng lun dao ren ying zhi jing shi shu bing xu.Avis du grand maréchal Huan Xuan, adressé au ministre Huan Qian et autres, sur les marques de respect dues par les religieux ; IV (livre 1)八座等答桓玄明道人不應致敬事書Ba zuo deng da huan xuan ming dao ren bu ying zhi jing shi shu.Réponse du ministre et autres à Huan Xuan : il n'y a pas lieu pour les religieux de donner des marques de respect ; V (livre 1)桓玄與中書令王謐論沙門應致敬事書Huan xuan yu zhong shu ling wang mi lun sha men ying zhi jing shi shu.Avis de Huan Xuan adressé au Président du Conseil privé Wang Mi sur les marques de respect dues, etc ; VI (livre 1)王謐答桓玄明沙門不應致敬事書Wang mi da huan xuan ming sha men bu ying zhi jing shi shu.Réponse de Wang Mi à Huan Xuan : il n'y a pas lieu, etc ; VII (livre 1)桓玄難王謐不應致敬事Huan xuan nan wang mi bu ying zhi jing shi.Objections de Huan Xuan à Wang Mi ; VIII (livre 1)王謐答桓玄應致敬難Wang mi da huan xuan ying zhi jing nan.Réponses de Wang Mi aux objections de Huan Xuan ; IX (livre 1)桓玄與廬山法師慧遠使述沙門不致敬王者意書并遠答往反Huan xuan yu lü shan fa shi hui yuan shi shu sha men bu zhi jing wang zhe yi shu bing yuan da wang fan.Correspondance de Huan Xuan avec le bonze Hui yuan au sujet des marques de respect ; X (livre 2)晉廬山釋慧遠沙門不敬王者論并序Jin lü shan shi hui yuan sha men bu jing wang zhe lun bing xu.Dissertation de Hui yuan sur les marques de respect non données par les religieux ; XI (livre 2)偽楚桓玄許沙門不致禮詔Wei chu huan xuan xu sha men bu zhi li zhao.Décret rendu par Huan Xuan, empereur de Chu, pour autoriser les religieux à ne pas accomplir les rites de respect ; XII (livre 2)侍中卞嗣之等執沙門應敬奏。桓楚答Shi zhong bian si zhi deng zhi sha men ying jing zou. Huan chu da.Rapport du conseiller Bian Si zhi et autres sur les marques de respect dues par les religieux. Réponses de Huan, empereur de Chu ; XIII (livre 2)宋孝武帝抑沙門致拜事Song xiaowWu di yi sha men zhi bai shi.Xiao Wu di, des Song, oblige les religieux à saluer ; XIV (livre 2)夏赫連勃勃令沙門致拜事Xia he lian bu bu ling sha men zhi bai shi.He lian Bu bu, de Xia, ordonne aux religieux de saluer ; XV (livre 2)齊武帝論沙門抗禮事Qi wu di lun sha men kang li shi.Avis de Wu di, des Qi, sur la résistance des religieux aux rites ; XVI (livre 2)隋煬帝敕沙門致拜事。興善寺沙門明瞻答Sui yang di chi sha men zhi bai shi. Xing shan si sha men ming zhan da.Yang di, des Sui, ordonne aux religieux de saluer. Réponse de Ming zhan ; XVII (livre 2)洛濱翻經館沙門釋彥悰福田論并序Luo bin fan jing guan sha men shi yan cong fu tian lun bing xu.Dissertations de Yan cong Fu tian, bonze du Fan jing guan ; XVIII (Livre 3)制沙門等致拜君親敕Zhi sha men deng zhi bai jun qin chi.Ordre aux religieux de saluer les princes et leurs parents ; XIX (livre 3)大莊嚴寺僧威秀等上沙門不合拜俗表Da zhuang yan si seng wei xiu deng shang sha men bu he bai su biao.Rapport pour établir que les religieux ne doivent pas saluer les laïques, présenté par Wei xiu et autres religieux de Da zhuang yan si ; XX (livre 3)西明寺僧道宣等上雍州牧沛王賢論沙門不應拜俗事啟Xi ming si seng dao xuan deng shang yong zhou mu pei wang xian lun sha men bu ying bai su shi qi.Rapport de Dao xuan et autres religieux de Xi ming si présentant l'avis du prince de Phei, que les religieux ne doivent pas, etc ; XXI (livre 3)西明寺僧道宣等上榮國夫人楊氏請論沙門不合拜俗事啟Xi ming si seng dao xuan deng shang yong guo fu ren yang shi qing lun sha men bu he bai su deng shi qi.Rapport de Dao xuan, etc., présentant la prière et l'avis de la princesse de Yong, que les religieux ne doivent pas, etc ; XXII (livre 3)西明寺僧道宣等序佛教隆替事簡諸宰輔等狀Xi ming si seng dao xuan deng xu fo jiao long ti shi jian zhu zai fu deng zhuang.Rapport de Dao xuan, etc. faisant l'historique de la religion bouddhique ; XXIII (livre 3)中臺司禮太常伯隴西王博又(autre titre 叉)大夫孔志約等議狀Zhong tai si li tai shang bai long xi wang bai you (autre titre cha) da fu kong zhi yue deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par le prince de Long xi, Kong Zhi yue, etc ; XXIV (livre 3)司元太常伯竇德玄少常伯張仙壽等議狀Si yuan tai shang bai dou de xuan shao shang bai zhang shan shou deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Dou De xuan, Zhang Shan shou, etc ; XXV (livre 3)司戎太常伯城護軍鄭欽泰員外郎秦懷恪等議狀Si rong tai shang bai hu jun zheng qin tai yuan wai lang qin huai ke deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Zheng Qin tai, Qin Huai ke, etc ; XXVI (livre 3)司刑太常伯城陽縣開國侯劉祥道等議狀Si xing tai shang bai cheng yang xian kai guo hou liu xiang dao deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Liu Xiang dao et autres ; XXVII (livre 4)中御府少監護軍高藥尚等議狀Zhong yu fu shao jian hu jun gao yue shang deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Gao Yue shang et autres ; XXVIII (livre 4)內侍監給事王泉博士胡玄亮等議狀Nei shi jian ji shi wang quan bai shi hu xuan liang deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Wang Quan, Hu Xuan liang, etc ; XXIX (livre 4)奉常寺丞劉慶道主簿郝處傑等議狀Feng shang si cheng liu qing dao zhu bu he chu jie deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Liu Qing dao, He Chu jie, etc ; XXX (livre 4)詳刑寺承王千石司直張道遜等議狀Xiang xing si cheng wang qian shi si zhi zhang dao sun deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Wang Qian shi, Zhang Dao sun, etc ; XXXI (livre 4)司稼寺卿梁孝仁太倉署令趙行本等議狀Si jia si qing liang xiao ren tai cang shu ling zhao xing ben deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Liang Xiao ren, Zhao Xing ben, etc ; XXXII (livre 4)司稼寺卿梁孝仁太倉署令趙行本等議狀Wai fu si qing wei si zhai zhu bu jia ju deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Wei Si zhai, Jia Ju, etc ; XXXIII (livre 4)繕工監太監劉審禮監作上官突厥等議狀Shan gong jian tai jian liu shen li jian zuo shang guan tu jue deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Liu Shen li, Shang guan Tu jue, etc ; XXXIV (livre 4)司成館大司成令狐德棻等議狀Si cheng guan da si cheng ling hu de fen deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Ling hu De fen et autres ; XXXV (livre 4)司成寺館守宣業範義頵等議狀Si cheng si guan shou xuan ye fan yi jun deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Fan Yi jun et autres ; XXXVI (livre 4)左衛大將軍張延師等議狀Zuo wei da jiang jun zhang yan shi deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Zhang Yan shi et autres ; XXXVII (livre 4)右衛長史崔修業等議狀You wei zhang shi cui xiu ye deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Cui Xiu ye et autres ; XXXVIII (livre 4)左驍衛長史王玄策騎曹蕭灌等議狀Zuo xiao wei zhang shi wang xuan ce qi cao xiao guan deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Wang Xuan ce, Xiao Guan et autres ; XXXIX (livre 4)左 (autre titre 右) 武衛長史孝昌縣公徐慶等議狀Zuo (autre titre you) wu wei zhang shi xiao chang xian gong xu qing deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Xu Qing et autres ; XL (livre 4)右威衛將軍李晦等議狀You wei wei jiang jun li hui deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Li Hui et autres ; XLI (livre 4)左戎衛大將軍懷甯縣公杜君綽等議狀Zuo rong wei da jiang jun huai ning xian gong du jun chuo deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Du Jun tchho et autres ; XLII (livre 4)左金吾衛將軍上柱國開國侯權善才等議狀Zuo jin wu wei jiang jun shang zhu guo kai guo hou quan shan cai deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Quan Shan cai et autres ; XLIII (livre 4)右奉宸衛將軍辛弘亮等議狀You feng shen wei jiang jun xin hong liang deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Xin Hong liang et autres ; XLIV (livre 4)右春坊主事謝壽等議狀You chun fang zhu shi xie shou deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Xie Shou et autres ; XLV (livre 4)馭僕寺大夫王思泰丞牛玄璋等議狀Yu bu si da fu wang si tai cheng niu xuan zhang deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Wang Si tai, Niu Xuan zhang, etc ; XLVI (livre 4)萬年縣令源誠心等議狀Wan nian xian ling yuan cheng xin deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Yuan Cheng xin et autres ; XLVII (livre 4)長安縣尉崔道默等議狀Chang an xian wei cui dao mo deng yi zhuang ; autre titre : 長安縣丞王方則崔道默等議狀Chang an xian cheng wang fang ze cui dao mo deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Wang Fang ze, Cui Dao mo, etc ; XLVIII (livre 4)沛王府長史皇甫公義文學陳至德等議狀Pei wang fu zhang shi huang fu gong yi wen xue chen zhi de deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Huang fu Gong yi, Chen Zhi de, etc ; XLIX (livre 4)周王府長史源直心參軍元思敬等議狀Zhou wang fu zhang shi yuan zhi xin can jun yuan si jing deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Yuan Zhi xin, Yuan Si jing, etc ; L (livre 5)左威衛長史崔安都錄事沈玄明等議狀Zuo wei wei zhang shi Cui an du lu shi shen xuan ming deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Cui An du, Shen Xuan ming, etc ; LI (livre 5)右清道衛長史李洽等議狀You qing dao wei zhang shi li xia deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Li Xia et autres ; LII (livre 5)長安縣令張松壽等議狀Chang an xian ling zhang song shou deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Zhang Song shou et autres ; LIII (livre 5)中臺司列少常伯楊思玄司績大夫楊守拙等議狀Zhong tai si lie shao shang bo yang si xuan si ji da fu yang shou zhuo deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Yang Si Xuan, Yang Shou zhuo, etc ; LIV (livre 5)司平太常伯閻立本等議狀Si ping tai shang bo yan li ben deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Yan Li ben et autres ; LV (livre 5)蘭臺秘閣局郎中李淳風等議狀Lan tai bi ge ju lang zhong li shun feng deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Li Shun feng et autres ; LVI (livre 5)太常寺博士呂才等議狀Tai shang si bo shi lü cai deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Lü Cai et autres ; LVII (livre 5)司宰寺丞豆盧暕等議狀Si zai si cheng dou lu jian deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Dou Lu jian et autres ; LVIII (livre 5)司衛寺卿楊思儉等議狀Si wei si qing yang si jian deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Yang Si jian et autres ; LIX (livre 5)司馭寺丞韓處玄等議狀Si yu si cheng han chu xuan deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Han Chu xuan et autres ; LX (livre 5)詳刑寺少卿元大士等議狀Xiang xing si shao qing yuan da shi deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Yuan Da shi et autres ; LXI (livre 5)司(autre titre 同)文寺丞謝祐等議狀Si (autre titre tong) wen si cheng xie you deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Xie You et autres ; LXII (livre 5)內府監丞柳元貞等議狀Nei fu jian cheng liu yuan zheng deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Liu Yuan zheng et autres ; LXIII (livre 5)司津監李仁方等議狀Si jin jian li ren fang deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Li Ren fang et autres ; LXIV (livre 5)右武衛兵曹參軍趙崇素等議狀You wu wei bing cao can jun zhao chong su deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Zhao Chong su et autres ; LXV (livre 5)右戎衛長史李義範等議狀You rong wei zhang shi li yi fan deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Li Yi fan et autres ; LXVI (livre 5)右金吾衛將軍薛孤吳仁長史劉文琮等議狀You jin wu wei jiang jun xie gu wu ren zhang shi liu wen cang deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Xie Gu, Liu Wen tshong, etc ; LXVII (livre 5)右監門衛中郎將能玄逸等議狀You jian men wei zhong lang jiang xiong xuan yi deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Xiong Xuan yi et autres ; LXVIII (livre 5)端尹府端尹李寬等議狀Duan yin fu duan yin li khoan deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Li Khoan et autres ; LXIX (livre 5)左春坊中護賀蘭敏之贊善楊全節等議狀Zuo chun fang zhong hu he lan min zhi zan shan yang quan jie deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par He lan Min zhi, Yang Quan jie, etc ; LXX (livre 5)右春坊中護郝處俊贊善楊思正等議狀You chun fang zhong hu he chu jun zan shan yang si zheng deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par He Chu jun, Yang Si zheng, etc ; LXXI (livre 5)司更寺丞張約等議狀Si jing si cheng zhang yue deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Zhang Yue et autres ; LXXII (livre 5)左典戎衛倉曹王思九等議狀Zuo dian rong wei cang cao wang si jiu deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Wang Si jiu et autres ; LXXIII (livre 5)右典戎衛將軍斛斯敬則等議狀You dian rong wei jiang jun hu si jing ze deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Hu si Jing ze et autres ; LXXIV (livre 5)左司禦衛長史馬大師等議狀Zuo si yu wei zhang shi ma da shi deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Ma Da shi et autres ; LXXV (livre 5)右司禦衛長史崔崇業等議狀You si yu wei zhang shi cui chong ye deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Cui Chong ye et autres ; LXXVI (livre 5)左清道衛長史蔣眞胄等議狀Zuo qing dao wei zhang shi jiang zhen zhou deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Jiang Zhen zhou et autres ; LXXVII (livre 5)左崇掖衛長史竇尚義等議狀Zuo chong yi wei zhang shi dou shang yi deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Dou Shang yi et autres ; LXXVIII (livre 5)右崇掖衛長史李行敏等議狀You chong yi wei zhang shi li xing min deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Li Xing min et autres ; LXXIX (livre 5)左奉裕衛長史丘神靜等議狀Zuo feng yu wei zhang shi qiu shen jing deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Qiu Shen jing et autres ; LXXX (livre 5)右奉裕衛率韋懷敬等議狀You feng yu wei choai wei huai jing deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Wei Huai jing et autres ; LXXXI (livre 5)雍州司功劉仁叡等議狀Yong zhou si gong liu ren rui deng yi zhuang.Avis formulé par Liu Ren rui et autres ; LXXXII (livre 6)普光寺沙門玄範質拜議狀Pu guang si sha men xuan fan zhi bai yi zhuang.Examen de la question du salut des religieux, par le bonze Xuan fan, de Pu guang si ; LXXXIII (livre 6)中臺司禮太常伯隴西王博叉等執議奏狀Zhong tai si li tai shang bai long xi wang bai cha deng zhi yi zou zhuang.Rapport du prince de Long xi et autres ; LXXXIV (livre 6)今上停沙門拜君詔Jin shang ting sha men bai jun zhao.Ordre de l'empereur régnant suspendant l'obligation pour les bonzes de saluer le souverain ; LXXXV (livre 6)京邑老人程士顒等上請出家子女不拜親表Jing yi lao ren cheng shi yong deng shang qing chu jia zi nü bu bai qin biao.Rapport présenté par les vieillards Cheng Shi yong et autres, demandant que les religieux et religieuses ne saluent pas leurs parents ; LXXXVI (livre 6)直東臺馮神德上請依舊僧尼等不拜親表并上佛道先後事Zhi dong tai feng shen de shang qing yi jiu seng ni deng bu bai qin biao bing shang fo dao xian hou shi.Rapport présenté par Feng Shen de, demandant que les religieux et religieuses continuent à ne pas saluer leurs parents et exposant l'historique du bouddhisme ; LXXXVII (livre 6)西明寺僧道宣等重上榮國夫人楊氏請論不合拜親啟Xi ming si seng dao xuan deng chong shang rong guo fu ren yang shi qing lun bu he bai qin qi.Rapport de Dao xuan et autres religieux de Xi ming si, présentant de nouveau la prière et l'avis de la princesse de Rong, que les religieux ne doivent pas saluer leurs parents ; LXXXVIII (livre 6)大莊嚴寺僧威秀等上僧尼請依內教不拜父母表Da zhuang yan si seng wei xiu deng shang seng ni qing yi nei jiao bu bai fu mu biao.Rapport de Wei xiu et autres religieux de Da zhuang yan si, présentant la prière des religieux et religieuses qui demandent à ne pas saluer leurs père et mère ; LXXXIX (livre 6)玉華宮寺譯經沙門靜邁等上僧尼拜父母有損表Yu hua gong si yi jing sha men jing mai deng shang seng ni bai fu mu you sun biao.Rapport de Jing mai et autres religieux traducteurs, de Yu hua gong si, exposant qu'il y a inconvénient à ce que les religieux et religieuses saluent leurs père et mère ; XC (livre 6)襄州禪居寺僧崇拔上請僧尼父母同君上不受出家男女致拜表Xiang zhou shan ju si seng chong ba shang qing seng ni fu mu tong jun shang bu shou chu jia nan nü zhi bai biao.Rapport de Chong ba, religieux de Xiang zhou, demandant que les père et mère, comme les princes et supérieurs des religieux et religieuses, ne reçoivent pas le salut de leurs fils et filles entrés en religion
A number of previous studies have shown that there is a widespread view among young people that science and religion are opposed. In this paper, we suggest that it requires a significant level of what can be termed ‘epistemic insight’ to access the idea that some people see science and religion as compatible while others do not. To explore this further, we draw on previous work to devise a methodology to discover students’ thinking about apparent contradictions between scientific and religious explanations of the origins of the universe. In our discussion of the findings, we highlight that students’ epistemic insight in this context does seem in many cases to be limited and we outline some of the issues emerging from the study that seem to boost or limit students’ progress in this area.