950 resultados para Language education


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Language learning beyond the classroom is part of a growing body of literature focused on teaching and learning in contexts that are informal and unstructured. Areas include so-called shadow education and informal pedagogies. Shadow education refers to the privatised tutoring supplementing school curricular that is a pervasive feature of education in parts of Asia (Bray & Lykins, 2012) and increasingly evident in Australia. Informal pedagogies refers to teaching in informal contexts and was the focus of a Special Interest Group (SIG) at the recent American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference in Chicago. Presentations in the SIG included designing tools for supporting learning in science classes after school and in sites such as zoos...


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Reúne el trabajo de varios expertos en educación elemental para dar un enfoque integrador a la educación de los niños en una segunda lengua. El estudio se ocupa no sólo del desarrollo del lenguaje sino también del desarrollo integral del niño, es decir, se examina el papel de la escuela, la familia y la comunidad. La edad de estos niños está comprendida entre cuatro y doce años,y durante sus años preescolares han aprendido un idioma o idiomas distintos del inglés, viven en comunidades o países de habla inglesa y están siendo educados en este idioma. Lo importante es que para ellos, el aprendizaje de esta nueva lengua es una necesidad para su integración social en la vida de la escuela y de la comunidad, pero también, para el éxito académico, la supervivencia económica y subienestar en edad adulta.


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Examina diez enfoques diferentes para facilitar el desarrollo profesional en la enseñanza de idiomas: auto-escucha, profesor de grupos de apoyo, observación de la clase, análisis crítico de incidentes, análisis de casos, los compañeros de entrenamiento, equipo docente, investigación-acción El capítulo introductorio ofrece un marco conceptual de la naturaleza de la formación del profesorado. Todos los capítulos contienen ejemplos prácticos y preguntas de reflexión para ayudar a los lectores aplicar el enfoque de la enseñanza en su propio contexto. Bibliografía al final de los capítulos. Tiene índice.


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Desarrolla una actitud positiva hacia la lectura a menudo perdida en el aula de segundo idioma. Los autores proporcionan una base teórica para este enfoque mediante el examen de la naturaleza afectiva y cognitiva de la lectura. También ofrecen sugerencias prácticas para la aplicación de una lectura amplia, incluida su integración en el plan de estudios, el establecimiento de una biblioteca, la selección de material de lectura, y el mantenimiento de registros de evaluación. Contiene una amplia variedad de actividades en la clase para complementar la lectura silenciosa, y un apéndice con una valiosa bibliografía, organizada por niveles, de los mejores libros escritos en inglés para estudiantes de idiomas.


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Esta publicación se centra en la comunicación como elemento central de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en aulas de segundo idioma. Basándose en las transcripciones reales de aula, el autor construye un marco conceptual a través del cual los docentes pueden reconocer cómo los patrones de comunicación se han establecido y mantenido en la clase. Reconoce la importancia de lo que los profesores y los estudiantes aportan de su propio medio, así como lo que realmente ocurre durante la interacción en la comunicación del aula. En la primera parte del volumen se esboza un marco para la comprensión de la comunicación de la segunda lengua en las aulas, incluyendo el control de patrones de comunicación, las percepciones de los estudiantes de patrones de comunicación en la clase, y el conocimiento y uso del lenguaje en el aula, tanto en general como a efectos del aprendizaje de los alumnos. La segunda parte examina una serie de patrones de la comunicación:la interacción profesor-alumno, la interacción estudiante-estudiante, y las pautas que se relacionan con la comunidad basada en cuestiones tales como inglés como segundo idioma de instrucción y el uso de materiales comerciales. La parte tercera ofrece sugerencias para la ampliación de patrones de comunicación, lo que permite su variabilidad, y establecer y ampliar las competencias comunicativas en el aula. Se incluye bibliografía.


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Se utiliza en cursos de introducción a la enseñanza de la lectura en una segunda lengua y esta dirigido a profesores tanto principiantes, que encuentran información práctica sobre métodos, problemas y estrategias, como experimentados, a los que proporciona métodos más eficaces y un plan de estudios más flexible. El texto analiza la naturaleza de la lectura y las estrategias personales ante ella, así como, los factores que influyen en la lectura en una lengua materna y la realizada en un segundo idioma. Los profesores aprenden a seleccionar las actividades de lectura más apropiadas y a planificar las lecciones más eficaces para sus alumnos.


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This study examines the impact of a large-scale UK-based teacher development programme on innovation and change in English language education in Western China within a knowledge management (KM) framework. Questionnaire data were collected from 229 returnee teachers in 15 cohorts. Follow-up interviews and focus groups were conducted with former participants, middle and senior managers, and teachers who had not participated in the UK programme. The results showed evidence of knowledge creation and amplification at individual, group and inter-organizational levels. However, the present study also identified knowledge creation potential through the more effective organization of follow-up at the national level, particularly for the returnee teachers. It is argued that the KM framework might offer a promising alternative to existing models and metaphors of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).


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The purpose of this presentation is to discuss how teacher’s leadership can be used as a teaching method in web based language education. The environments that offer online courses provide a wide field for discussion on the contact between teacher and student. My intention is to contribute to the debate on teacher leadership in online courses. In my earlier studies on leadership, I have explored how some religious leaders affected different social movements in Brazil during the military dictatorship (1964-1985). Pruth (2004) by examining the three kinds of legitimacy described by Max Weber I aimed at seeing and analyzing how religious leaders used different teaching methods to explain their messages to ordinary citizens. Thus my research showed how educational leadership is a way to get people to reach their goals. I became interested in the subject teacher’s leadership whenI participated in a survey of the teaching methods of language courses in Dalarna University which is funded by the NGL Center of Dalarna University. In  this project, we have made interviews with the teachers, undertaken the course plans (in the language department at Dalarna University) and categorized the learning outcomes. A questionnaire was constructed based on the learning outcomes and then either sent out remotely to teachers or completed face to face through interviews. The answers provided to the questionnaires enabled the  project to identify many differences in how language teachers interact with their students but  also, the way of giving feedback, motivating and helping students, types of class activities and materials used. This made me aware of how teachers use their leadership or not in their teaching. My focus is to look at the relationship between teachers and students as an important part of the development and quality of online courses. The teacher's performance on campus is different from online courses. I want to understand how the contact between teachers and students in online courses develop and look at how students can make use of this contact and what influence the teacher's leadership has on the ability for the students to achieve the goals of their course


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Teaching the cultural aspect of foreign language education is a complex and sometimes difficult task, especially since English has become an international language used in different settings and contexts throughout the world. Building on the idea that the spread of the English language and its international status in the world has made English an important school subject to develop students’ cross-cultural and intercultural awareness, this paper has studied what research reveals about the influence this has had on cultural representations in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks. Findings from a systematic literature review that analyzed four different international studies on the topic are presented. The study showed that EFL textbooks often present stereotypical and overgeneralized representations of culture and that the cultural aspect of EFL education is not adequately addressed since focus tends to lean towards language proficiency. Results also indicated that though steps are made to include cultural representations from different international contexts, the target culture of countries where English is the first language remains dominant in EFL textbooks. The findings are discussed in correlation with the Swedish national curriculum and syllabus.


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This paper presents a research project that is being conducted at Dalarna University in Sweden. The aim is to study the following: 1) The quality of online language education compared with that of campus education, and 2) Advantages and disadvantages of online language education and how the disadvantages might be overcome. The project consists of two parts: pedagogical methods in online language education from the teachers’ point of view and from the students’ point of view. The first part was conducted in 2012 and various characteristics (benefits and difficulties) of online language education were identified. Flexibility and wider opportunities were general benefits, while lack of physical co-presence, difficulty in having lively debates/discussions, and high dropout rates were among the problems. The second part of the project (being conducted in 2014) aims to investigate how students experience online language learning. The goal is to explore alignments and misalignments between teachers’ perspectives and students’ perspectives, and to develop methods to enhance the quality of online education.


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This paper is concerned with the ways secondary teachers in Victoria, Australia, speak about inclusive education for international students. Preliminary analysis of recent research shows teachers understand that English language teaching is crucial and are committed to its good practice. Nevertheless, further analysis suggests teacher approaches to education are contested, support a deficit view of teaching practice, and simplify notions of language and culture to their discrete and systemic characteristics vis-a-vis their embodied and ontological aspects. Even as teachers work to include all of their students, their efforts are mediated by discourses that negotiate the nexus between identity and difference, language and culture, and English language education. Together these discourses work to inscribe international students differently within the community, redefine the education provided to them, and constrain their access to contemporary and globalized life-worlds.


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This essay raises questions about how language educators might construct and further develop their epistemology of practice in and through the situations in which they work from day to day. The occasion for this paper is our work as guest editors of a special issue of L-1: Educational Studies in Language and Literature, when we invited L1 teachers to reflect on the role that language plays in their professional learning, whether it be in the form of conversations with peers, reflective writing, or by other means. We begin this essay by locating our reflections within our current policy context, namely the standards-based reforms that have come to dominate educational thinking around the world, offering a brief critique of the values and attitudes embedded within them. We then outline a philosophical framework as an alternative to the world-view reflected by such reforms, focusing specifically on the work of Walter Benjamin. In the final sections, we review our work as guest editors of the special issue of L-1, reflecting on what we have learned from the papers we have assembled for this issue, and locating our learning within the philosophical framework that we have drawn from Benjamin. We argue that it is timely for language educators to articulate the assumptions that inhere within their work, in contradistinction to the common sense embedded in standards. Thus we might begin to reconceptualise the relation between language, experience and professional learning in opposition to the hegemony of standards.