907 resultados para Lacan, Jacques, 1901-1981 - Contributions in psychoanalysis


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My PhD-thesis Body Images! Psychoanalytical Analysis of Finnish Performance and Body Art in the 1980s and 1990s considers Finnish performance and body art performed mainly by visual artists. In Part I, I chart the historical construction of performance art and its extension since the beginning of the 21st century. There are several wievs of the historical background of performance art. I introduce three different genealogies of performance art. One is Rose-Lee Goldberg s view. She connects performance art with the European avant-garde already at the beginning of the 20th century from futurists and dadaists to Russian avant-garde and the Bauhaus. I prefer to present performance art as contemporary art, which began to take shape in connection with visual arts in the 1950s and 1960s. The focus on the body is apparent in nearly all performance art. Nevertheless, throug the concept of body art I want to empasize the artist s body as the place of art. Body art (as part of performance art) functions as thematic and interpretive concept, which allows me to focus on performances where the questions of body image, narcissism, desire, language and pleasure are incorporated in particular intensive ways. In Part II, I explore the arrival of performance art in Finnish visual arts in the 1980s. I study the new generation s relation to earlier Finnish happenings (1960s) and performative actions in 1970 s. I briefly introduce performance groups of the 1980s art scene and consider their reception in media. The main focus is on the group Jack Helen Brut, in which I see many similarities to the so- called Theatre of Images. The goal of this part II is to provide historical context for the performance analysis that follows. In Part III, I develop the concept of body image which is my main theoretical term. The concept of body image is used according to Lacanian psychoanalytical theory, especially his considerations of mirror stages. My first mapping of body image, which I call imaginary body image, is based on Lacan s famous mirror stage article (1949). According to my reading, body image is narcistic and aggressive. The important concepts here are ego, imaginary, méconnaisance and alienation. In 1953 Lacan began to develop different version on mirror stage, in which he emphasized the primacy of symbolic dimension. It is not image, but language which constructs the foundations of body image. Central concepts in this chater are Other as language, ego-ideal, demand and desire. In the last chapter I connect the third version of the mirror stage to concepts of gaze, phantasy, real, jouissance and object a. In previous chapters I had considered body image in relation to ego. Now I explore it in relation to subject. In my reading the body image is fragile phenomen, which oscillates between yearning for coherence and phantasies of fragmented images. Part IV of the thesis begins with an introduction to the central concepts and debates in performace studies over the last few decades. Important concepts are presence, performativity and theatricality. The main substance of my thesis, however, is the performance analysis, which focuses on works by three Finnish artists and one Finnish group. The first analysis concerns the performance (1992) of Kimmo Schroderus. I discuss the relationship between narcissism and body art and the changes in demands projected on body images of men in recent decades in a Euro-American context. I also explore this performance in relation to the myth of Narcissus, which I reinterpret through Narcissus s aggression against his own body. The group Homo S is the main subject of the next analysis. I discuss the relationship between feminist art and performance art, especially in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. Homo S is different from this early performance art because of its anarchism, humor and rejection of all ideals. Homo S characterizes its performance Body Body (1983) as liberating vulgar feminism . Sociality and performance of erotic relations between women are central in Body Body. Pia Lindman s performances are the subjects of my third analysis. I study three of her performances: Olen muoto (1993), 17 and in love (1994) and Arranged views (1995). I interpret these performances as efforts to disperse the imaginary and symbolic structures of the body image. She constructs the peculiar object a and phantasy space of her own. In the last analysis I move from questions of image and gaze to a study of language, sound and jouissance. I discuss at a general level the performance of orality and helplesness (Hilflosigkeit) in body art. The central elements in Pentti Otto Koskinen s performances are the ear, listening and receptive gestures and postions. Perseveraatio (1998) can be understood representing as submission to the super-ego s power, which compels one to enjoy. I examine particularly closely the performance Maissi on hyvää ei missään nimessä maissia (1995), which I interpret as the return of a baby s body image to the liminal site of choice: language or jouissance?


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This paper examines the temporal concepts that underlie the theory of transference in psychoanalysis. The paper reviews Freud's rejection of linear temporality as characteristic of unconscious thought in favour of regression, repetition, and deferred action. It then develops concepts drawn from Jacques Lacan's theory of the formation of the ego. Here, the biologically determined helplessness derived from the human prematurity of birth becomes transformed into an ego that anticipates subjective unity. The paper then moves on to the more complex theory of the temporality implied in subject formation, offered in Lacan's later theory of separation. Implications are drawn for the use and understanding of transference in the practice of psychoanalysis via clinical examples. In addition, Lacan's ideas on subject formation are proposed as an extension and clarification of previous psychoanalytic theories of development.


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This paper examines the historical claims about philosophy, dating back to Parmenides, that we argue underlie Jacques Lacan’s polemical provocations in the mid-1970s that his position was an “anti-philosophie”. Following an introduction surveying the existing literature on the subject, in part ii, we systematically present the account of classical philosophy Lacan has in mind when he declares psychoanalysis to be an antiphilosophy after 1975, assembling his claims about the history of ideas in Seminars XVII and XX in ways earlier contributions of this subject have not systematically done. In part iii, focusing upon Lacan’s remarkable reading of Descartes’ break with premodern philosophy—but touching on Lacan’s readings of Hegel and (in a remarkable confirmation of Lacan’s “Parmenidean” conception of philosophy) the early Wittgenstein—we examine Lacan’s positioning of psychoanalysis as a legatee of the Cartesian moment in the history of western ideas, nearly-contemporary with Galileo’s mathematization of physics and carried forwards by Kant’s critical philosophy and account of the substanceless subject of apperception. In different terms than Slavoj Žižek, we propose that it is Lacan’s famous avowal that the subject of the psychoanalysis is the subject first essayed by Descartes in The Meditations on First Philosophy as confronting an other capable of deceit (as against mere illusion or falsity) that decisively measures the distance between Lacan’s unique “antiphilosophy” and the forms of later modern linguistic and cultural relativism whose hegemony Alain Badiou has decried, at the same time as it sets Lacan’s antiphilosophy apart from the Parmenidean legacy for which thinking and being could be the same.


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El trabajo expone las principales conclusiones de una investigación centrada en el problema de las relaciones estructura-desarrollo en la enseñanza de Jacques Lacan. Después de revisar los problemas que tal relación presenta, se delimitan dos momentos de tal enseñanza en los que se articulan los tiempos lógicos de transformación del niño como sujeto a partir de su posición de objeto. El trabajo aborda el primer momento, la inscripción del sujeto en la estructura.: de lo imaginario a lo simbólico en una teoría del desarrollo estructurado Se subraya el desplazamiento teórico que se opera en la noción de desarrollo cuando Lacan lo aborda a partir de la estructura del inconsciente en sus relaciones con los tres registros imaginario, simbólico y real, contemplando el anudamiento entre el lenguaje, el cuerpo y la pulsión


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El trabajo expone las principales conclusiones de una investigación centrada en el problema de las relaciones estructura-desarrollo en la enseñanza de Jacques Lacan. Después de revisar los problemas que tal relación presenta, se delimitan dos momentos de tal enseñanza en los que se articulan los tiempos lógicos de transformación del niño como sujeto a partir de su posición de objeto. El trabajo aborda el primer momento, la inscripción del sujeto en la estructura.: de lo imaginario a lo simbólico en una teoría del desarrollo estructurado Se subraya el desplazamiento teórico que se opera en la noción de desarrollo cuando Lacan lo aborda a partir de la estructura del inconsciente en sus relaciones con los tres registros imaginario, simbólico y real, contemplando el anudamiento entre el lenguaje, el cuerpo y la pulsión


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El trabajo expone las principales conclusiones de una investigación centrada en el problema de las relaciones estructura-desarrollo en la enseñanza de Jacques Lacan. Después de revisar los problemas que tal relación presenta, se delimitan dos momentos de tal enseñanza en los que se articulan los tiempos lógicos de transformación del niño como sujeto a partir de su posición de objeto. El trabajo aborda el primer momento, la inscripción del sujeto en la estructura.: de lo imaginario a lo simbólico en una teoría del desarrollo estructurado Se subraya el desplazamiento teórico que se opera en la noción de desarrollo cuando Lacan lo aborda a partir de la estructura del inconsciente en sus relaciones con los tres registros imaginario, simbólico y real, contemplando el anudamiento entre el lenguaje, el cuerpo y la pulsión


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The Biscayne Bay Benthic Sampling Program was divided into two phases. In Phase I, sixty sampling stations were established in Biscayne Bay (including Dumfoundling Bay and Card Sound) representing diverse habitats. The stations were visited in the wet season (late fall of 1981) and in the dry season (midwinter of 1982). At each station certain abiotic conditions were measured or estimated. These included depth, sources of freshwater inflow and pollution, bottom characteristics, current direction and speed, surface and bottom temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, and water clarity was estimated with a secchi disk. Seagrass blades and macroalgae were counted in a 0.1-m2 grid placed so as to best represent the bottom community within a 50-foot radius. Underwater 35-mm photographs were made of the bottom using flash apparatus. Benthic samples were collected using a petite Ponar dredge. These samples were washed through a 5-mm mesh screen, fixed in formalin in the field, and later sorted and identified by experts to a pre-agreed taxonomic level. During the wet season sampling period, a nonquantitative one-meter wide trawl was made of the epibenthic community. These samples were also washed, fixed, sorted and identified. During the dry season sampling period, sediment cores were collected at each station not located on bare rock. These cores were analyzed for sediment size and organic composition by personnel of the University of Miami. Data resulting from the sampling were entered into a computer. These data were subjected to cluster analyses, Shannon-Weaver diversity analysis, multiple regression analysis of variance and covariance, and factor analysis. In Phase II of the program, fifteen stations were selected from among the sixty of Phase I. These stations were sampled quarterly. At each quarter, five Petite Ponar dredge samples were collected from each station. As in Phase I, observations and measurements, including seagrass blade counts, were made at each station. In Phase II, polychaete specimens collected were given to a separate contractor for analysis to the species level. These analyses included mean, standard deviation, coefficient of dispersion, percent of total, and numeric rank for each organism in each station as well as number of species, Shannon-Weaver taxa diversity, and dominance (the compliment of Simpson's Index) for each station. Multiple regression analysis of variance and covariance, and factor analysis were applied to the data to determine effect of abiotic factors measured at each station. (PDF contains 96 pages)


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A psicanálise e a arte sempre se atraíram. Freud e Lacan se utilizam muito da literatura, das artes plásticas, da música e do teatro para a ilustração de importantes conceitos psicanalíticos. Esta dissertação tem a intenção de mostrar a relação da psicanálise com a literatura, sobretudo, da psicanálise com a poesia. Através da obra do poeta e escritor português Teixeira de Pascoaes (1877-1952), o principal representante do saudosismo e uma das mais proeminentes figuras da cultura portuguesa do século XX, e do poeta brasileiro Manoel de Barros, considerado por muitos, o maior poeta brasileiro vivo, ratificaremos como a literatura foi fundamental para a construção do corpus teórico de Freud e Lacan e de outros grandes autores da psicanálise. Usaremos a poesia de Pascoaes e Barros para exemplificarmos conceitos como a pulsão, o inconsciente e a sublimação, este último, inacabado pelo pai da psicanálise. Mostraremos também, como a obra dos dois poetas, de alguma forma, se encontram


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Esta dissertação tem como proposta investigar as psicoses ordinárias e suas invenções. Partimos dos impasses de nossa prática clínica relativo ao diagnóstico diferencial, buscando identificar quais seriam os principais conceitos utilizados em referência ao mesmo. Sobretudo, apuramos de que maneira estes conceitos se mostram operativos no tratamento possível das psicoses. De forma que o esclarecimento da noção da psicose em psicanálise favorece a compreensão das psicoses ordinárias. Deduzimos que as psicoses, de forma ampla, possuem um aspecto multifacetário e, neste sentido, que as psicoses ordinárias pertencem à diversidade do campo. Estas últimas possuem uma apresentação discreta de fenômenos elementares. Embora a psicose ordinária não seja uma categoria de Jacques Lacan, averiguamos que pode ser depreendida da clínica lacaniana, extraída de uma perspectiva original do autor. Lacan nos faz avançar na ideia de uma direção de tratamento que privilegia a invenção de um significante novo que cumpre a função de sinthoma, exemplificado a partir das elaborações sobre James Joyce e o nó borromeano. O sinthoma é um artifício inventado para dar sustentação ao nó borromeano que é composto pelas instâncias separadas do imaginário, simbólico e real. Supomos que o mais específico das psicoses ordinárias se encontra no modo pelo qual ocorrem suas invenções de amarração do nó borromeano, ou seja, como surgem as compensações da foraclusão do Nome-do-Pai. Nossos dados indicam que a noção de compensação ou suplência que comportam as psicoses ordinárias produz uma forma inédita de apurar suas singularidades, facilitando não apenas o diagnóstico como também a direção do tratamento.


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Este trabalho explora as possibilidades de contribuição da psicanálise para a compreensão do processo de construção de identidade e busca de autonomia de adultos com limitação intelectual moderada. Parte da ideia de que estas pessoas apresentam formas diversas de subjetivação e que, como todos, ao longo da vida são passíveis de encontros e desencontros provocadores dos mais diversos sentimentos. Reconhece a importância dos aspectos orgânicos, e afastando-se dos mesmos, desenvolve a ideia de que, para além do substrato orgânico, os aspectos emocionais são fatores fundamentais para a construção da autonomia. A hipótese básica é a de que os limites e as possibilidades de aquisição da autonomia são variáveis e que os aspectos emocionais são importantes neste processo. Há aspectos da dependência ambiental que são insuperáveis nestes casos, o que não quer dizer que sejam fixos ou imutáveis. Mesmo levando-se em consideração as restrições impostas pela base orgânica dos quadros estudados, as ligações familiares, primordialmente representadas pela relação da mãe com seu filho, colocam-se como fator importante quando se propõe a compreender e trabalhar com estas pessoas. O trabalho aborda a articulação possível entre a dependência e a autonomia levantando algumas consequências: nas práticas sociais, na construção da subjetividade e nos tratamentos. Pretende desenvolver a ideia de que a teoria do desenvolvimento emocional primitivo de Winnicott traz uma importante contribuição para a compreensão deste processo.


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Desde a criação do instituto de Berlim, em 1919, primeiro serviço ambulatorial em que psicanalistas prestavam assistência aos neuróticos de guerra, a psicanálise não mais se limita às quatro paredes de um consultório particular. A aplicação da psicanálise se dá nas mais diversas instituições e o hospital geral é uma delas. Portanto, esse trabalho é resultado de um estudo realizado durante o estágio que fazia parte do programa da especialização em Psicologia Hospitalar do Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo. Além disso, encontra-se aqui também experiências decorrentes de nossa experiência enquanto pesquisador auxiliar do mesmo instituto. Assim, atendimentos à beira dos leitos do pronto socorro, de unidades de tratamento intensivo, de enfermaria, além de atendimentos ambulatoriais, discussão de casos e o trabalho de consultoria e interconsultoria com equipes multiprofissionais, são relatados nesta dissertação, numa tentativa de seguir a indicação freudiana de que, em Psicanálise, clinica e pesquisa coincidem. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi dissertar sobre as possibilidades e limites de atuação do analista em um hospital geral, partindo da indicação lacaniana de que todo discurso traz em sua estrutura a marca do real, ou seja, o impossível de coincidir seu produto com a verdade, que é sempre não toda. Para isso, coloca-se em relevo a necessidade do retorno de cada um psicanalista aos fundamentos da teoria freudiana e da técnica da psicanálise para que possa não só entrar, mas se inserir em uma equipe multiprofissional. Além disso, partimos da teoria dos quatro discursos de Jacques Lacan para diferenciar a ética da psicanálise da ética aristotélica e a ética dos bens. Isso se faz importante para evidenciar que os limites de atuação de um analista no contexto hospitalar são mais éticos do que burocráticos. Posteriormente, considerando a avaliação como um dos principais efeitos do discurso capitalista no hospital, discutimos o sentido do significante eficácia em psicanálise, ao se diferenciar eficácia simbólica de eficácia analítica. Finalmente, delimitamos que as especificidades de atuação do analista no hospital refere-se ao método e não à teoria e, com isso, propomos a localização subjetiva como o que geralmente se faz possível no hospital em termos de entrevistas preliminares


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to add to current discussions on the use of Lacanian psychoanalysis in organizational change. Specifically, It argues that critiques of Lacan's work must be acknowledged and incorporated into these discussions. To date, there remains a silence surrounding these critiques within organization studies.
Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents the existing studies that draw upon Lacan's work in the context of organizational change initiatives. It highlights the value of this theory. Next, it outlines critiques of Lacan's concepts of phallus and incest taboo, and show how these concepts can be exclusionary.
Findings: The paper finds that there remains little debate within organization studies around such critiques. Lacan tends to be employed in ways that risk reproducing particular, exclusionary aspects of his theory. A homophobic and patriarchal legacy persists in appropriations of his writing. It outlines alternative ways of reading Lacan, which aim to avoid such exclusions. It shows how introducing such alternatives is a difficult project, first, given the silence surrounding critiques of Lacan in the organizational change literature. Second, following Foucault, It argues that language has power: a patriarchal schema is self-reinforcing in its persistence within a particular discipline, and thus difficult to dislodge.
Research limitations/implications: Given these findings, the paper concludes that organization theorists and practitioners ought to engage with critiques of Lacan's work, when employing it in their own. The silence surrounding such legacies is dangerous. It argues that the first step in engaging with Lacan's work should be to give voice to such critiques, if his writing is to be employed in the practice and study of organizational change.
Originality/value: This paper provides a unique engagement with Lacan's work in the context of the study and practice of organizational change interventions. It presents an evaluation of well-known critiques and useful recommendations for theorists and practitioners considering a Lacanian approach to this area of management studies. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Este trabajo intenta mostrar, a partir de la experiencia como interlocutor en el Consultorio Social Minuto de Dios (CSMD), las relaciones que se dan entre sus actores (directivas, profesores, practicantes e interloutor) para encontrar si hay distancia entre los discursos y las practicas que se dan.


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El presente trabajo de grado es una revisión de la literatura que permite hacer un recorrido desde el psicoanálisis acerca de la compleja problemática de las adicciones. Para ello, se revisaron las bases de datos PepWeb, Ebsco, y Jstor, revisando las posiciones del psicoanálisis freudiano, lacaniano y otras corrientes psicoanalíticas respondiendo a las siguientes preguntas de investigación: (a) ¿Cómo se comprenden las adicciones desde un marco de referencia psicoanalítico? (b) ¿Cómo –desde la teoría freudiana y la teoría lacaniana - se aborda la comprensión de la adicción? (c) ¿Qué dice el psicoanálisis contemporáneo sobre ésta problemática? Se abordan temas como la concepción de una adicción desde la perspectiva de Freud y Lacan hasta psicoanalistas contemporáneos, el rol que juega el goce en la adicción y, finalmente, el complejo debate incipiente sobre la legalidad del tóxico. Se encontró que es un campo de constante publicación y es necesario que los clínicos y los psicoanalistas aborden este campo de estudio clínico permanentemente y sigan produciendo investigaciones sobre el fenómeno.