969 resultados para Labyrinth (Ear)
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the power of various parameters of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in detecting unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction and in characterizing certain inner ear pathologies. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study of consecutive ambulatory patients presenting with acute onset of peripheral vertigo and spontaneous nystagmus. SETTING: Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS: Seventy-four patients (40 females, 34 males) and 22 normal subjects (11 females, 11 males) were included in the study. Patients were classified in three main diagnoses: vestibular neuritis: 40; viral labyrinthitis: 22; Meniere's disease: 12. METHODS: The VOR function was evaluated by standard caloric and impulse rotary tests (velocity step). A mathematical model of vestibular function was used to characterize the VOR response to rotational stimulation. The diagnostic value of the different VOR parameters was assessed by uni- and multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: In univariable analysis, caloric asymmetry emerged as the most powerful VOR parameter in identifying unilateral vestibular deficit, with a boundary limit set at 20%. In multivariable analysis, the combination of caloric asymmetry and rotational time constant asymmetry significantly improved the discriminatory power over caloric alone (p<0.0001) and produced a detection score with a correct classification of 92.4%. In discriminating labyrinthine diseases, different combinations of the VOR parameters were obtained for each diagnosis (p<0.003) supporting that the VOR characteristics differ between the three inner ear disorders. However, the clinical usefulness of these characteristics in separating the pathologies was limited. CONCLUSION: We propose a powerful logistic model combining the indices of caloric and time constant asymmetries to detect a peripheral vestibular loss, with an accuracy of 92.4%. Based on vestibular data only, the discrimination between the different inner ear diseases is statistically possible, which supports different pathophysiologic changes in labyrinthine pathologies.
Multisensory interactions are observed in species from single-cell organisms to humans. Important early work was primarily carried out in the cat superior colliculus and a set of critical parameters for their occurrence were defined. Primary among these were temporal synchrony and spatial alignment of bisensory inputs. Here, we assessed whether spatial alignment was also a critical parameter for the temporally earliest multisensory interactions that are observed in lower-level sensory cortices of the human. While multisensory interactions in humans have been shown behaviorally for spatially disparate stimuli (e.g. the ventriloquist effect), it is not clear if such effects are due to early sensory level integration or later perceptual level processing. In the present study, we used psychophysical and electrophysiological indices to show that auditory-somatosensory interactions in humans occur via the same early sensory mechanism both when stimuli are in and out of spatial register. Subjects more rapidly detected multisensory than unisensory events. At just 50 ms post-stimulus, neural responses to the multisensory 'whole' were greater than the summed responses from the constituent unisensory 'parts'. For all spatial configurations, this effect followed from a modulation of the strength of brain responses, rather than the activation of regions specifically responsive to multisensory pairs. Using the local auto-regressive average source estimation, we localized the initial auditory-somatosensory interactions to auditory association areas contralateral to the side of somatosensory stimulation. Thus, multisensory interactions can occur across wide peripersonal spatial separations remarkably early in sensory processing and in cortical regions traditionally considered unisensory.
Newly synthesized glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) enters into the insulin-responsive storage compartment in a process that is Golgi-localized γ-ear-containing Arf-binding protein (GGA) dependent, whereas insulin-stimulated translocation is regulated by Akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160). In the present study, using a variety of GLUT4/GLUT1 chimeras, we have analyzed the specific motifs of GLUT4 that are important for GGA and AS160 regulation of GLUT4 trafficking. Substitution of the amino terminus and the large intracellular loop of GLUT4 into GLUT1 (chimera 1-441) fully recapitulated the basal state retention, insulin-stimulated translocation, and GGA and AS160 sensitivity of wild-type GLUT4 (GLUT4-WT). GLUT4 point mutation (GLUT4-F5A) resulted in loss of GLUT4 intracellular retention in the basal state when coexpressed with both wild-type GGA and AS160. Nevertheless, similar to GLUT4-WT, the insulin-stimulated plasma membrane localization of GLUT4-F5A was significantly inhibited by coexpression of dominant-interfering GGA. In addition, coexpression with a dominant-interfering AS160 (AS160-4P) abolished insulin-stimulated GLUT4-WT but not GLUT4-F5A translocation. GLUT4 endocytosis and intracellular sequestration also required both the amino terminus and large cytoplasmic loop of GLUT4. Furthermore, both the FQQI and the SLL motifs participate in the initial endocytosis from the plasma membrane; however, once internalized, unlike the FQQI motif, the SLL motif is not responsible for intracellular recycling of GLUT4 back to the specialized compartment. Together, we have demonstrated that the FQQI motif within the amino terminus of GLUT4 is essential for GLUT4 endocytosis and AS160-dependent intracellular retention but not for the GGA-dependent sorting of GLUT4 into the insulin-responsive storage compartment.
Photosynthetic activity of cereals has traditionally been studied using leaves, thus neglecting the role of other organs such as ears. Here, we studied the effects of water status and genotypes on the photosynthetic activity of the flag leaf blade and the ear of durum wheat. The various parameters related to the photosynthetic activity were analysed in relation to the total above-ground plant biomass and grain yield at maturity. Four local varieties plus two cultivars adapted to the semiarid areas of South Morocco were grown in pots in a greenhouse. Five different water treatments were maintained from the beginning of stem elongation to maturity, when shoot biomass and grain yield were recorded. The net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (T) of the ear and the flag leaf were measured at anthesis. In both organs these factors decreased significantly with water deficit, whereas the A/T and A/gs ratios increased. The genotype effect was also significant for all traits studied. Whole-organ photosynthesis was much higher in the ear than in the flag leaf in well-watered conditions. As water stress developed, photosynthesis decreased less in the ear than in the flag leaf. Whole-ear photosynthesis correlated better than flag leaf photosynthesis with biomass and yield. Nevertheless, the relationships of the whole flag leaf with biomass and yield improved as the water stress became more severe, suggesting a progressive shift of yield from sink to source limitation. For all water regimes the ratios A/gs and A/T of the ear also showed a higher (negative) correlation with both biomass and yield than those of the flag leaf. The results indicate that the ear has a greater photosynthetic role than the flag leaf in determining grain yield, not only in drought but also in the absence of stress.
Death of sensory hair cells in the inner ear results in two global health problems that millions of people around the world suffer: hearing loss and balance disorders. Hair cells convert sound vibrations and head movements into electrical signals that are conveyed to the brain, and as a result of aging, exposure to noise, modern drugs or genetic predisposition, hair cells die. In mammals, the great majority of hair cells are produced during embryogenesis, and hair cells that are lost after birth are not replaceable. However, in the last decades, researches have shown some model organisms that retain the ability to regenerate hair cells damaged after embryogenesis, such as Zebrafish and chicken, providing clues as to the cellular and molecular mechanisms that may block hair cell regeneration in mammals. This discovery initiated a search for methods to stimulate regeneration or replacement of hair cells in mammals, a search that, if fruitful, will revolutionize the treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders. One aim of my project is to study the role of retinoic acid in adult Zebrafish and in mice, which is a metabolite of vitamin A known as an essential molecule to activate hair cell regeneration after cells damaged in Zebrafish embryo. We want to study important genes involved in retinoic acid pathway, such as Aldh1a3 and RARs genes, to check what their role is in the inner ear of adult Zebrafish and compare result obtained in the inner ear of mice. On the other hand, Zebrafish lateral line contains neuromast, which are formed by the same structure than the inner ear: hair cells surrounded by supporting cells and neurons. The lateral line is a structure below the skin's surface that makes easier to damage hair cells to study their regeneration. For that reason, another aim of my project is to study how Sox2 and Atoh1, essential genes during the inner ear development, change their expression during hair cell regeneration in the lateral line. In my project, the most important concepts related to Zebrafish world are explained in order to understand why we have studied this animal and these essential genes. Then, techniques that we used are explained, with their protocol attached in the annexes. Finally, results of my project are shown, but many of them were not expected and they would be needed to follow studying.
OBJECTIVE: To report a rare case of primary meningioma of the middle ear. METHOD: We describe the case of a 55-year-old woman who presented with decreased hearing and fullness in the left ear, with a middle-ear mass. We also review the world literature regarding primary extracranial meningioma of the middle ear and its management. RESULTS: Primary middle-ear meningioma, a rare clinical entity, was diagnosed in this patient based on an initial transmastoid biopsy. Magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium enhancement excluded the presence of an intracranial component. Complete excision of the tumour was achieved using a combined approach tympanoplasty. The patient had an uneventful post-operative course. CONCLUSION: Meningiomas, although rare in the middle ear, need to be included in the differential diagnosis of middle-ear lesions presenting to the otolaryngologist. This case emphasises the management strategy required when dealing with a middle-ear mass.
Myc family members play crucial roles in regulating cell proliferation, size, and differentiation during organogenesis. Both N-myc and c-myc are expressed throughout inner ear development. To address their function in the mouse inner ear, we generated mice with conditional deletions in either N-myc or c-myc. Loss of c-myc in the inner ear causes no apparent defects, whereas inactivation of N-myc results in reduced growth caused by a lack of proliferation. Reciprocally, the misexpression of N-myc in the inner ear increases proliferation. Morphogenesis of the inner ear in N-myc mouse mutants is severely disturbed, including loss of the lateral canal, fusion of the cochlea with the sacculus and utriculus, and stunted outgrowth of the cochlea. Mutant cochleas are characterized by an increased number of cells exiting the cell cycle that express the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 and lack cyclin D1, both of which control the postmitotic state of hair cells. Analysis of different molecular markers in N-myc mutant ears reveals the development of a rudimentary organ of Corti containing hair cells and the underlying supporting cells. Differentiated cells, however, fail to form the highly ordered structure characteristic for the organ of Corti but appear as rows or clusters with an excess number of hair cells. The Kölliker's organ, a transient structure neighboring the organ of Corti and a potential source of ectopic hair cells, is absent in the mutant ears. Collectively, our data suggest that N-myc regulates growth, morphogenesis, and pattern formation during the development of the inner ear.
Bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmps) regulate the expression of the proneural gene Atoh1 and the generation of hair cells in the developing inner ear. The present work explored the role of Inhibitor of Differentiation genes (Id1-3) in this process. The results show that Id genes are expressed in the prosensory domains of the otic vesicle, along with Bmp4 and Bmp7. Those domains exhibit high levels of the phosphorylated form of Bmp-responding R-Smads (P-Smad1,5,8), and of Bmp-dependent Smad transcriptional activity as shown by the BRE-tk-EGFP reporter. Increased Bmp signaling induces the expression of Id1-3 along with the inhibition of Atoh1. Conversely, the Bmp antagonist Noggin or the Bmp-receptor inhibitor Dorsomorphin elicit opposite effects, indicating that Bmp signaling is necessary for Id expression and Atoh1 regulation in the otocyst. The forced expression of Id3 is sufficient to reduce Atoh1 expression and to prevent the expression of hair cell differentiation markers. Together, these results suggest that Ids are part of the machinery that mediates the regulation of hair cell differentiation exerted by Bmps. In agreement with that, during hair cell differentiation Bmp4 expression, P-Smad1,5,8 levels and Id expression are downregulated from hair cells. However, Ids are also downregulated from the supporting cells which contrarily to hair cells exhibit high levels of Bmp4 expression, P-Smad1,5,8, and BRE-tk-EGFP activity, suggesting that in these cells Ids escape from Bmp/Smad signaling. The differential regulation of Ids in time and space may underlie the multiple functions of Bmp signaling during sensory organ development.
Wheat plants (Triticum durum Desf., cv. Regallo) were grown in the field to study the effects of contrasting [CO2] conditions (700 versus 370 μmol mol−1) on growth, photosynthetic performance, and C management during the post-anthesis period. The aim was to test whether a restricted capacity of sink organs to utilize photosynthates drives a loss of photosynthetic capacity in elevated CO2. The ambient 13C/12C isotopic composition (δ13C) of air CO2 was changed from-10.2 in ambient [CO2] to-23.6 under elevated [CO2] between the 7th and the 14th days after anthesis in order to study C assimilation and partitioning between leaves and ears. Elevated [CO2] had no significant effect on biomass production and grain filling, and caused an accumulation of C compounds in leaves. This was accompanied by up-regulation of phosphoglycerate mutase and ATP synthase protein content, together with down-regulation of adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphatase protein. Growth in elevated [CO2] negatively affected Rubisco and Rubisco activase protein content and induced photosynthetic down-regulation. CO2 enrichment caused a specific decrease in Rubisco content, together with decreases in the amino acid and total N content of leaves. The C labelling revealed that in flag leaves, part of the C fixed during grain filling was stored as starch and structural C compounds whereas the rest of the labelled C (mainly in the form of soluble sugars) was completely respired 48 h after the end of labelling. Although labelled C was not detected in the δ13C of ear total organic matter and respired CO2, soluble sugar δ13C revealed that a small amount of labelled C reached the ear. The 12CO2 labelling suggests that during the beginning of post-anthesis the ear did not contribute towards overcoming flag leaf carbohydrate accumulation, and this had a consequent effect on protein expression and photosynthetic acclimation.
In Spain a significant number of individuals die from atherosclerotic disease of the coronary and carotid arteries without having classic risk factors and prodromal symptoms. The diagonal ear lobe crease (DELC) has been characterized in the medical literature as a surrogate marker which can identify high risk patients having occult atherosclerosis. This topic however has not been examined in either the medical or dental literature emanating from Spain. The majority of clinical, angiography and postmortem reports support the premise that DELC is a valuable extravascular physical sign able to distinguish some patients at risk of succumbing to atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. A minority of studies have however failed to support this hypothesis. More recently reports using B mode ultrasound have also linked DELC to atherosclerosis of the carotid artery and another report has related DELC to the presence of calcified carotid artery atheromas on panoramic radiographs. DELC is readily visible during head and neck cancer screening examinations. In conjunction with the patient"s medical history, vital signs, and panoramic radiograph, the DELC may assist in atherosclerotic risk assessment
L’objectiu principal del projecte és la creació d'un prototip de videojoc basat en el joc clàssic Laberint de Congost, utilitzant l’eina de creació de videojocs Unity, per dispositius mòbils i webs.
Middle ear cholesteatoma is a relevant and relatively common disease that may have severe consequences. In the present pictorial essay, the authors have selected illustrative examples of multislice computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging depicting the main presentations of cholesteatomas, and describing their characteristics, locations, and major complications.
The objective of this study is to assess the results of labyrinthine fenestration for fixed stapes in chronic ear disease. Using a prospective database, pre- and postoperative audiometric data from patients undergoing labyrinthine fenestration for fixation of the stapes in chronic ear disease others than otosclerosis between 2002 and 2012 were evaluated. Twenty-three labyrinthine fenestrations in chronic ear disease were performed (17 malleo-stapedotomies, 4 incus-stapedotomies, 1 neo-malleus-stapedotomy, 1 TORP-stapedotomy). Overall, the mean short-term (2 months) and long-term (42 months) postoperative air-bone gap (0.5-3 kHz) were 17.5 and 16.5 dB, respectively; long-term air-bone gap of <20 dB was obtained in 73 % of patients. There was no significant difference in air-bone gap closure between tympanosclerotic and post inflammatory osteogenic fixation of the stapes (p = 0.267). Hearing benefit success using the 'Belfast rule of the thumb' was achieved in 48 %. Normal bilateral hearing was achieved in 17 % and bilateral symmetric hearing impairment in 26 %. Only in 4 %, bone conduction worsened by more than 5 dB. Labyrinthine fenestration is an option in selected cases of stapes fixation in chronic ear disease and provides hearing gain without significant risk for sensorineural hearing loss. In those already selected cases, hearing benefit success 'Belfast rule of the thumb' is achieved only in half of the cases. This and the possible alternatives, should therefore be discussed preoperatively.
The aim of this study was to describe a fatal salmonellosis case in a non-human female primate (Callithrix jacchus), found in the illegal pet trade in Brazil. The marmoset was sent to the quarantine section of the Guarulhos City Zoo and died in the sequence of an episode of profuse diarrhea. Necropsy findings included mucous enteritis, and liver enlargement and necrosis. Feces and liver fragments were collected for bacteriological tests, which indicated the presence of Salmonella sp.; it was subsequently characterized as pertaining to the Yoruba serotype. The susceptibility profile demonstrated resistance to tetracycline only. The strain was positive for genes that encoded the virulence factors investigated (invA, sefC, pefA and spvC). The results indicated the risk of introduction of Salmonella pathogenic serotypes in primates in captivity.