978 resultados para LIQUID FLOW


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The final contents of total and individual trans-fatty acids of sunflower oil, produced during the deacidification step of physical refining were obtained using a computational simulation program that considered cis-trans isomerization reaction features for oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids attached to the glycerol part of triacylglycerols. The impact of process variables, such as temperature and liquid flow rate, and of equipment configuration parameters, such as liquid height, diameter, and number of stages, that influence the retention time of the oil in the equipment was analyzed using the response-surface methodology (RSM). The computational simulation and the RSM results were used in two different optimization methods, aiming to minimize final levels of total and individual trans-fatty acids (trans-FA), while keeping neutral oil loss and final oil acidity at low values. The main goal of this work was to indicate that computational simulation, based on a careful modeling of the reaction system, combined with optimization could be an important tool for indicating better processing conditions in industrial physical refining plants of vegetable oils, concerning trans-FA formation.


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Multiphase flows in ducts can adopt several morphologies depending on the mass fluxes and the fluids properties. Annular flow is one of the most frequently encountered flow patterns in industrial applications. For gas liquid systems, it consists of a liquid film flowing adjacent to the wall and a gas core flowing in the center of the duct. This work presents a numerical study of this flow pattern in gas liquid systems in vertical ducts. For this, a solution algorithm was developed and implemented in FORTRAN 90 to numerically solve the governing transport equations. The mass and momentum conservation equations are solved simultaneously from the wall to the center of the duct, using the Finite Volumes Technique. Momentum conservation in the gas liquid interface is enforced using an equivalent effective viscosity, which also allows for the solution of both velocity fields in a single system of equations. In this way, the velocity distributions across the gas core and the liquid film are obtained iteratively, together with the global pressure gradient and the liquid film thickness. Convergence criteria are based upon satisfaction of mass balance within the liquid film and the gas core. For system closure, two different approaches are presented for the calculation of the radial turbulent viscosity distribution within the liquid film and the gas core. The first one combines a k- Ɛ one-equation model and a low Reynolds k-Ɛ model. The second one uses a low Reynolds k- Ɛ model to compute the eddy viscosity profile from the center of the duct right to the wall. Appropriate interfacial values for k e Ɛ are proposed, based on concepts and ideas previously used, with success, in stratified gas liquid flow. The proposed approaches are compared with an algebraic model found in the literature, specifically devised for annular gas liquid flow, using available experimental results. This also serves as a validation of the solution algorithm


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The oil industry uses gas separators in production wells as the free gas present in the suction of the pump reduces the pumping efficiency and pump lifetime. Therefore, free gas is one of the most important variables in the design of pumping systems. However, in the literature there is little information on these separators. It is the case of the inverted-shroud gravitational gas separator. It has an annular geometry due to the installation of a cylindrical container in between the well casing and pioduction pipe (tubing). The purpose of the present study is to understand the phenomenology and behavior of inverted-shroud separator. Experimental tests were performed in a 10.5-m-length inclinable glass tube with air and water as working fluids. The water flow rate was in the range of 8.265-26.117 l/min and the average inlet air mass flow rate was 1.1041 kg/h, with inclination angles of 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees, 75 degrees, 80 degrees and 85 degrees. One of the findings is that the length between the inner annular level and production pipe inlet is one of the most important design parameters and based on that a new criterion for total gas separation is proposed. We also found that the phenomenology of the studied separator is not directly dependent on the gas flow rate, but on the average velocity of the free surface flow generated inside the separator. Maps of efficiency of gas separation were plotted and showed that liquid flow rate, inclination angle and pressure difference between casing and production pipe outlet are the main variables related to the gas separation phenomenon. The new data can be used for the development of design tools aiming to the optimized project of the pumping system for oil production in directional wells. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Microalgae cultures are attracting great attentions in many industrial applications. However, one of the technical challenges is to cut down the capital and operational costs of microalgae production systems, with special difficulty in reactor design and scale-up. The thesis work open with an overview on the microalgae cultures as a possible answer to solve some of the upcoming planet issues and their applications in several fields. After the work offers a general outline on the state of the art of microalgae culture systems, taking a special look to the enclosed photobioreactors (PBRs). The overall objective of this study is to advance the knowledge of PBRs design and lead to innovative large scale processes of microalgae cultivation. An airlift flat panel photobioreactor was designed, modeled and experimentally characterized. The gas holdup, liquid flow velocity and oxygen mass transfer of the reactor were experimentally determined and mathematically modeled, and the performance of the reactor was tested by cultivation of microalgae. The model predicted data correlated well with experimental data, and the high concentration of suspension cell culture could be achieved with controlled conditions. The reactor was inoculated with the algal strain Scenedesmus obliquus sp. first and with Chlorella sp. later and sparged with air. The reactor was operated in batch mode and daily monitored for pH, temperature, and biomass concentration and activity. The productivity of the novel device was determined, suggesting the proposed design can be effectively and economically used in carbon dioxide mitigation technologies and in the production of algal biomass for biofuel and other bioproducts. Those research results favored the possibility of scaling the reactor up into industrial scales based on the models employed, and the potential advantages and disadvantages were discussed for this novel industrial design.


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Understanding liquid flow at the vicinity of solid surfaces is crucial to the developmentrnof technologies to reduce drag. One possibility to infer flow properties at the liquid-solid interface is to compare the experimental results to solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations assuming the no-slip boundary condition (BC) or the slip BC. There is no consensus in the literature about which BC should be used to model the flow of aqueous solutions over hydrophilic surfaces. Here, the colloidal probe technique is used to systematically address this issue, measuring forces acting during drainage of water over a surface. Results show that experimental variables, especially the cantilever spring constant, lead to the discrepancy observed in the literature. Two different parameters, calculated from experimental variables, could be used to separate the data obtained in this work and those reported in the literature in two groups: one explained with the no-slip BC, and another with the slip BC. The observed residual slippage is a function of instrumental variables, showing a trend incompatible with the available physical justifications. As a result, the no-slip is the more appropriate BC. The parameters can be used to avoid situations where the no-slip BC is not satisfied.


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Die pneumatische Zerstäubung ist die häufigste Methode der Probenzuführung von Flüssigkeiten in der Plasmaspektrometrie. Trotz der bekannten Limitierungen dieser Systeme, wie die hohen Probenverluste, finden diese Zerstäuber aufgrund ihrer guten Robustheit eine breite Anwendung. Die flussratenabhängige Aerosolcharakteristik und pumpenbasierte Signalschwankungen limitieren bisher Weiterentwicklungen. Diese Probleme werden umso gravierender, je weiter die notwendige Miniaturisierung dieser Systeme fortschreitet. Der neuartige Ansatz dieser Arbeit basiert auf dem Einsatz modifizierter Inkjet-Druckerpatronen für die Dosierung von pL-Tropfen. Ein selbst entwickelter Mikrokontroller ermöglicht den Betrieb von matrixkodierten Patronen des Typs HP45 mit vollem Zugriff auf alle essentiellen Betriebsparameter. Durch die neuartige Aerosoltransportkammer gelang die effiziente Kopplung des Tropfenerzeugungssystems an ein ICP-MS. Das so aufgebaute drop-on-demand-System (DOD) zeigt im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen und miniaturisierten Zerstäubern eine deutlich gesteigerte Empfindlichkeit (8 - 18x, elementabhängig) bei leicht erhöhtem, aber im Grunde vergleichbarem Signalrauschen. Darüber hinaus ist die Flexibilität durch die große Zahl an Freiheitsgraden des Systems überragend. So ist die Flussrate über einen großen Bereich variabel (5 nL - 12,5 µL min-1), ohne dabei die primäre Aerosolcharakteristik zu beeinflussen, welche vom Nutzer durch Wahl der elektrischen Parameter bestimmt wird. Das entwickelte Probenzuführungssystem ist verglichen mit dem pneumatischen Referenzsystem weniger anfällig gegenüber Matrixeffekten beim Einsatz von realen Proben mit hohen Anteilen gelöster Substanzen. So gelingt die richtige Quantifizierung von fünf Metallen im Spurenkonzentrationsbereich (Li, Sr, Mo, Sb und Cs) in nur 12 µL Urin-Referenzmaterial mittels externer Kalibrierung ohne Matrixanpassung. Wohingegen beim pneumatischen Referenzsystem die aufwändigere Standardadditionsmethode sowie über 250 µL Probenvolumen für eine akkurate Bestimmung der Analyten nötig sind. Darüber hinaus wird basierend auf der Dosierfrequenz eines dualen DOD-Systems eine neuartige Kalibrierstrategie vorgestellt. Bei diesem Ansatz werden nur eine Standard- und eine Blindlösung anstelle einer Reihe unterschiedlich konzentrierter Standards benötigt, um eine lineare Kalibrierfunktion zu erzeugen. Zusätzlich wurde mittels selbst entwickelter, zeitlich aufgelöster ICP-MS umfangreiche Rauschspektren aufgenommen. Aus diesen gelang die Ermittlung der Ursache des erhöhten Signalrauschens des DOD, welches maßgeblich durch das zeitlich nicht äquidistante Eintreffen der Tropfen am Detektor verursacht wird. Diese Messtechnik erlaubt auch die Detektion einzeln zugeführter Tropfen, wodurch ein Vergleich der Volumenverteilung der mittels ICP-MS detektierten, gegenüber den generierten und auf optischem Wege charakterisierten Tropfen möglich wurde. Dieses Werkzeug ist für diagnostische Untersuchungen äußerst hilfreich. So konnte aus diesen Studien neben der Aufklärung von Aerosoltransportprozessen die Transporteffizienz des DOD ermittelt werden, welche bis zu 94 Vol.-% beträgt.


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La acumulación de material sólido en embalses, cauces fluviales y en zonas marítimas hace que la extracción mecánica de estos materiales por medio de succión sea cada vez mas frecuente, por ello resulta importante estudiar el rendimiento de la succión de estos materiales analizando la forma de las boquillas y los parámetros del flujo incluyendo la bomba. Esta tesis estudia, mediante equipos experimentales, la eficacia de distintos dispositivos de extracción de sólidos (utilizando boquillas de diversas formas y bombas de velocidad variable). El dispositivo experimental ha sido desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Hidráulica de la E.T.S.I. de Caminos, C. y P. de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Dicho dispositivo experimental incluye un lecho sumergido de distintos tipos de sedimentos, boquillas de extracción de sólidos y bomba de velocidad variable, así como un elemento de separación del agua y los sólidos extraídos. Los parámetros básicos analizados son el caudal líquido total bombeado, el caudal sólido extraído, diámetro de la tubería de succión, forma y sección de la boquilla extractora, así como los parámetros de velocidad y rendimiento en la bomba de velocidad variable. Los resultados de las medidas obtenidas en el dispositivo experimental han sido estudiados por medio del análisis dimensional y con métodos estadísticos. A partir de este estudio se ha desarrollado una nueva formulación, que relaciona el caudal sólido extraído con los diámetros de tubería y boquilla, caudal líquido bombeado y velocidad de giro de la bomba. Así mismo, desde el punto de vista práctico, se han analizado la influencia de la forma de la boquilla con la capacidad de extracción de sólidos a igualdad del resto de los parámetros, de forma que se puedan recomendar que forma de la boquilla es la más apropiada. The accumulation of solid material in reservoirs, river channels and sea areas causes the mechanical extraction of these materials by suction is becoming much more common, so it is important to study the performance of the suction of these materials analyzing the shape of the nozzles and flow parameters, including the pump. This thesis studies, using experimental equipment, the effectiveness of different solids removal devices (using nozzles of different shapes and variable speed pumps). The experimental device was developed at the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Civil University of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The device included a submerged bed with different types of sediment solids, different removal nozzles and variable speed pump. It also includes a water separation element and the solids extracted. The key parameters analyzed are the total liquid volume pumped, the solid volume extracted, diameter of the suction pipe, a section of the nozzle and hood, and the parameters of speed and efficiency of the variable speed pump. The basic parameters analyzed are the total liquid volume pumped, the removed solid volume, the diameter of the suction pipe, the shape and cross-section of the nozzle, and the parameters of speed, efficiency and energy consumed by the variable speed pump. The measurements obtained on the experimental device have been studied with dimensional analysis and statistical methods. The outcome of this study is a new formulation, which relates the solid volume extracted with the pipe and nozzle diameters, the pumped liquid flow and the speed of the pump. Also, from a practical point of view, the influence of the shape of the nozzle was compared with the solid extraction capacity, keeping equal the rest of the parameters. So, a recommendation of the best shape of the nozzle can be given.


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Este trabalho é continuação da linha de pesquisa em escoamentos de alta velocidade, aerados, conduzida no departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento da EESC/USP. O trabalho tem cunho experimental visando elucidar aspectos de enlaçamento de ar pela água, como resultado das flutuações turbulentas do escoamento do líquido. Medidas de vazão de ar e água, perfis de velocidade do escoamento líquido, perfis de concentração de ar no escoamento bifásico, perfis de intensidade turbulenta, comprimentos de jatos no salto sobre o aerador, foram efetuados com o fito de testar modelos que quantificam o enlaçamento de ar. Propostas básicas de quantificação de vazões de ar são apresentadas, fundamentadas em propostas da literatura, que mostram coerência entre vazões medidas diretamente e vazões estimadas. A metodologia desenvolvida no presente estudo permite obter adequadamente as grandezas relevantes para escoamentos aerados de alta velocidade. Quanto aos resultados obtidos, quando confrontados com os da literatura, indicam que há maiores incertezas para as propostas que envolvem principalmente as intensidades turbulentas.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as possíveis correlações entre as taxas de recomposição do fundo, pluviometria e marés para a região do Terminal Marítimo de Ponta da Madeira, Maranhão, Brasil. Foram analisados os dados de levantamentos batimétricos, pluviometria e marés, realizados na região do Terminal, além de dados de chuvas e vazões líquidas e sólidas provenientes do sistema fluvial da sub-bacia do rio Mearim, ligado ao estuário em que se localiza o Terminal. O período analisado compreende os anos de 2010 a 2013. Observou-se que há boa correlação entre vazões sólidas e líquidas no sistema fluvial, sendo que há variação sazonal de vazão líquida, relacionada aos períodos chuvoso e seco, com maiores vazões no período chuvoso. Foram observadas influências desta sazonalidade nas áreas de dragagem mais a sul no Terminal, com boa correlação entre taxas de recomposição do fundo e pluviometria. Em relação às marés, as influências foram melhor observadas nas áreas mais a norte, com boa correlação entre taxas de recomposição do fundo e marés nestas áreas. Os períodos com maiores intensidades de movimentação de fundo estão, de maneira geral, relacionados ao período de intensificação das chuvas e aos solstícios e equinócios, principalmente o equinócio de primavera. O método utilizado provou ser uma boa ferramenta de auxílio à previsão de movimentação e deposição de sedimentos.


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Estudou-se o processo de absorção e dessorção de CO2 em solução aquosa da mistura de metildietanolamina (MDEA) e piperazina (PZ). Os ensaios de absorção foram realizados numa coluna de parede molhada com promotor de película, e, os ensaios de dessorção num sistema de semibatelada, ambos em escala de laboratório. Os testes experimentais de absorção foram realizados a 298 K e pressão atmosférica, com vazão de gás (CO2 e ar atmosférico) de 2,2.10-4 m3 s-1 e as seguintes vazões de líquido: 1,0.10-6; 1,3.10-6 e 1,7.10-6 m3 s-1. O sistema de absorção foi caracterizado através da determinação da área interfacial, a, o coeficiente volumétrico de transferência de massa, kGa, e o coeficiente volumétrico global médio de transferência de massa, KGa. No caso dos ensaios de dessorção, estes foram realizados nas temperaturas de 353, 363 e 368 K, onde empregou-se uma solução carbonatada de 10% PZ-20% MDEA e uma corrente de ar atmosférico nas vazões de 1,1.10-5 m3 s-1 e 2,7.10-5 m3 s-1. Este sistema foi caracterizado através da determinação do coeficiente volumétrico global de transferência de massa, KLa. Os resultados experimentais da área interfacial mostram que este é função da vazão do líquido, sugerindo uma maior área de irrigação como o aumento desta, onde teve-se uma maior área de transferência de massa. O resultado do parâmetro, KGa, indica uma dependência da vazão de líquido, a qual está associada à variação da área interfacial e à dependência do parâmetro KG com o perfil das concentrações da MDEA e PZ ao longo da coluna. A partir da teoria do duplo filme e pelo conhecimento dos parâmetros KGa, a e kGa, estimou-se um parâmetro cinético-difusivo associado à fase líquida, (( ) ) . Os resultados experimentais mostram que esse parâmetro varia pouco com a vazão de líquido, indicando tratar-se de um processo independente da hidrodinâmica do líquido, característico de sistemas com reação rápida. A concentração das aminas e carbamatos, nos ensaios de absorção e dessorção, foi determinada através dos modelos de calibração obtidas pela técnica de espectroscopia no infravermelho. Nos ensaios de absorção, foram observados que a concentração de PZ teve uma variação considerável (4 a 5% massa massa-1), entanto que a de MDEA variou pouco (0,3 a 0,5% massa massa-1), sugerindo que o processo de absorção de CO2 na mistura MDEA-PZ é controlado principalmente pela PZ, e supõe-se que a MDEA tem um papel de receptor de prótons procedentes da reação entre a PZ e o CO2. Nos ensaios de dessorção, observou-se que esse processo é afetado pela temperatura, sendo que, em temperaturas perto da ebulição (372 K), a taxa de dessorção de CO2 é maior do que em temperaturas menores, em certa forma é devido à dependência da velocidade de reação química com a temperatura. Os resultados do parâmetro KLa indicam que este diminui em função da concentração de carbamato de PZ (por exemplo, na temperatura de 368 K, de 7,5.10-4 a 1,0.10-4 s-1), devido a que este componente é decomposto em altas temperaturas gerando o CO2 e as aminas, sugerindo uma diminuição na velocidade de dessorção de CO2. Assim também, os resultados experimentais do parâmetro KLa indicam que este aumenta ligeiramente com a vazão do gás.


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The effect of a gas flow field on the size of raceway has been studied experimentally using a two-dimensional (2-D) cold model. It is observed that as the blast velocity from the tuyere increases, raceway size increases, and when the blast velocity is decreased from its highest value, raceway size does not change much until the velocity reaches a critical velocity. Below the critical velocity, raceway size decreases with decreasing velocity but is always larger than that for the same velocity when the velocity increased. This phenomenon is called raceway hysteresis. Raceway hysteresis has been studied in the presence of different gas flow rates and different particle densities. Raceway hysteresis has been observed in all the experiments. The effect of liquid flow, with various superficial velocities, on raceway hysteresis has also been studied. A study of raceway size hysteresis shows that interparticle and particle-wall friction have a very large effect on raceway size. A hypothesis has been proposed to describe the hysteresis phenomenon in the packed beds. The relevance of hysteresis to blast furnace raceways has been discussed. Existing literature correlations for raceway size ignore the frictional effects. Therefore, their applicability to the ironmaking blast furnace is questionable.


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This paper describes recent advances made in computational modelling of the sugar cane liquid extraction process. The saturated fibro-porous material is rolled between circumferentially grooved rolls, which enhance frictional grip and provide a low-resistance path for liquid flow during the extraction process. Previously reported two-dimensional (2D) computational models, account for the large deformation of the porous material by solving the fully coupled governing fibre stress and fluid-flow equations using finite element techniques. While the 2D simulations provide much insight into the overarching cause-effect relationships, predictions of mechanical quantities such as roll separating force and particularly torque as a function of roll speed and degree of compression are not satisfactory for industrial use. It is considered that the unsatisfactory response in roll torque prediction may be due to the stress levels that exist between the groove tips and roots which have been largely neglected in the geometrically simplified 2D model. This paper gives results for both two- and three-dimensional finite element models and highlights their strengths and weaknesses in predicting key milling parameters. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.