897 resultados para Kavanagh and English Ltd -- Catalogs
Esta formado de dos especificaciones distintas: Inglés y Lengua inglesa, con calificaciones separadas en los exámenes del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) Edexcel. Se divide en cinco unidades, cada una de ellas integrada por varias lecciones y con sus propios objetivos de aprendizaje. Su contenido ayuda a desarrollar las habilidades de lectura y escritura. Incluye actividades de evaluación y distintas evaluaciones de control.
Prepara a los alumnos para los cursos WJEC GCSE de inglés y WJEC GCSE de literatura inglesa, es decir, para el General Certificate Secondary Education en Galés. Ofrece muestras de preguntas y respuestas de los exámenes, junto con comentarios de los examinadores a estas respuestas y consejos para mejorarlas. También, proporciona un apartado para localizar y recuperar información, en el que se repasan las cuestiones principales de cada capítulo, así como un CD-ROM con material complementario.
This paper reviews a study that was done with hearing and hearing impaired children to test the effectiveness of self-instructional programs and whether the results can be correlated with Educational Quotient and Intelligence Quotient.
This study investigated the relationships between phonological awareness and reading in Oriya and English. Oriya is the official language of Orissa, an eastern state of India. The writing system is an alphasyllabary. Ninety-nine fifth grade children (mean age 9 years 7 months) were assessed on measures of phonological awareness, word reading and pseudo-word reading in both languages. Forty-eight of the children attended Oriya-medium schools where they received literacy instruction in Oriya from grade 1 and learned English from grade 2. Fifty-one children attended English-medium schools where they received literacy instruction in English from grade 1 and in Oriya from grade 2. The results showed that phonological awareness in Oriya contributed significantly to reading Oriya and English words and pseudo-words for the children in the Oriya-medium schools. However, it only contributed to Oriya pseudo-word reading and English word reading for children in the English-medium schools. Phonological awareness in English contributed to English word and pseudo-word reading for both groups. Further analyses investigated the contribution of awareness of large phonological units (syllable, onsets and rimes) and small phonological units (phonemes) to reading in each language. The data suggest that cross-language transfer and facilitation of phonological awareness to word reading is not symmetrical across languages and may depend both on the characteristics of the different orthographies of the languages being learned and whether the first literacy language is also the first spoken language.
The aim of this study was to compare the prosodic profiles of English and Spanish-speaking children with WS, examining cross-linguistic differences. Two groups of children with WS, English and Spanish, of similar chronological and nonverbal mental age, were compared on performance in expressive and receptive prosodic tasks from the Profiling Elements of Prosody in Speech-Communication (PEPS-C) battery in its English or Spanish version. Differences between the English and Spanish WS groups were found regarding the understanding of affect through prosodic means,using prosody to make words more prominent, and imitating different prosodic patterns. Such differences between the two WS groups on function prosody tasks mirrored the cross-linguistic differences already reported in typically developing children.
This study investigates how primary school teachers of grades F-3 pupils in a number of sample schools in Sweden use children’s literature and other methods to enhance their teaching of English. The study explores the attitudes of these teachers’ to using English children’s literature as a teaching tool to promote language development in their pupils, focusing on vocabulary. An empirical questionnaire study was carried out including a total of twenty-three respondents from seven schools in a Stockholm suburb. The respondents are all working teachers with experience of teaching English to young learners, particularly in grades F-3. This study contributes with new knowledge about the often-recommended use of children’s literature as a method for teaching English to young learners, connecting international research with empirical data from the Swedish context. While the results suggest that the majority of the respondents are positive to using children’s literature in their teaching and regularly do so, many of them feel that it is somewhat difficult to find relevant materials to plan, implement and evaluate lessons within the allocated time-frame. Based on these results, further research about how to create more effective ways of using children’s literature as a method for English vocabulary teaching in Swedish schools is recommended.
Scopo. Lo scopo di questo studio è esaminare il problema degli sprechi nelle moderne food supply chain, così da consentire una piena comprensione delle principali cause di inefficienza sistemica nell’industria alimentare e individuare potenziali opportunità di miglioramento. Approccio e Metodologia. Per raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati la presente trattazione si propone di implementare una ricerca empirica basata sull’analisi di due realtà industriali operanti nel settore alimentare. Nello specifico verranno studiate due aziende integrate rispettivamente nel contesto economico italiano e in quello inglese e operanti a due stadi diversi e complementari della filiera alimentare, quello della produzione e quello della distribuzione. Questo studio incrociato consentirà, auspicabilmente, di portare alla luce quegli elementi chiave necessari per una lettura chiara ed esaustiva delle maggiori sfide che le moderne supply chain si trovano a dover affrontare, in una prospettiva di minimizzazione degli sprechi e di accrescimento del valore per il consumatore. Risultati. I risultati che si prevede di ottenere dall’implementazione di questo studio sono fondamentalmente quattro: 1.Piena comprensione del concetto di spreco nell’industria alimentare. 2.Identificazione dei principali fattori chiave che dovrebbero essere attentamente monitorati con lo scopo di conseguire un’efficace riduzione degli sprechi lungo la filiera alimentare. 3.Analisi critica di quelle che sono le più utilizzate pratiche manageriali e operative nelle moderne aziende alimentari. 4.Individuazione dei potenziali sviluppi che potrebbero essere implementati attraverso l’utilizzo delle più recenti ICT in termini di efficienza della supply chain. Valore della Ricerca. Seppure mediante un’analisi prevalentemente di tipo qualitativo, questa trattazione si prefigge di fornire un contributo nell’ambito del food supply chain management che, data la rilevanza del problema relativo agli sprechi, risulta oggi più attuale che mai. L’originalità di questo studio risiede principalmente nelle fonti dei dati che ne hanno costituito le fondamenta: da un lato la ricerca teorica sviluppata nel Regno Unito, dove lo studio della supply chain è ormai da decenni approfondito nelle più importanti Università; dall’altro la ricerca empirica sviluppata sia presso una delle più importanti e moderne aziende alimentari italiane, che presso uno dei più famosi logistics service provider a livello mondiale.
The aim of this work is to develop a prototype of an e-learning environment that can foster Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for students enrolled in an aircraft maintenance training program, which allows them to obtain a license valid in all EU member states. Background research is conducted to retrace the evolution of the field of educational technology, analyzing different learning theories – behaviorism, cognitivism, and (socio-)constructivism – and reflecting on how technology and its use in educational contexts has changed over time. Particular attention is given to technologies that have been used and proved effective in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Based on the background research and on students’ learning objectives, i.e. learning highly specialized contents and aeronautical technical English, a bilingual approach is chosen, three main tools are identified – a hypertextbook, an exercise creation activity, and a discussion forum – and the learning management system Moodle is chosen as delivery medium. The hypertextbook is based on the technical textbook written in English students already use. In order to foster text comprehension, the hypertextbook is enriched by hyperlinks and tooltips. Hyperlinks redirect students to webpages containing additional information both in English and in Italian, while tooltips show Italian equivalents of English technical terms. The exercise creation activity and the discussion forum foster interaction and collaboration among students, according to socio-constructivist principles. In the exercise creation activity, students collaboratively create a workbook, which allow them to deeply analyze and master the contents of the hypertextbook and at the same time create a learning tool that can help them, as well as future students, to enhance learning. In the discussion forum students can discuss their individual issues, content-related, English-related or e-learning environment-related, helping one other and offering instructors suggestions on how to improve both the hypertextbook and the workbook based on their needs.