248 resultados para Karyotypes


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Polyploid gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, is an excellent model system for evolutionary genetics owing to its specific genetic background and reproductive modes. Comparative karyotype studies were performed in three cultured clones, one artificially manipulated group, and one mated group between two clones. Both the clones A and P had 156 chromosomes in their karyotypes, with 36 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. The karyotype of clone D contained 162 chromosomes, with 42 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. All the three clones had six small chromosomes in common. Group G, being originated from the clone D by artificial manipulation, showed supernumerary microchromosomes or chromosomal fragments, in addition to the normal chromosome complement that was identical to the clone D. The offspring from mating between clones D and A had 159 chromosomes. Comparing with the clone A, the DA offspring showed three extra metacentric chromosomes. In addition, variable RAPD fingerprint patterns and unusual SCAR marker inheritance were, respectively, detected among individuals of artificial group G and in the mated DA offspring. Both the chromosome and molecular findings suggest that genome reshuffling might have occurred by manipulation or mating of the clones.


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棘蛙族(Tribe Paini)隶两栖纲(Amphibia)、无尾目(Anura)、蛙科(Ranidae)、叉舌蛙亚科(Dicroglossinae),由棘蛙属(Paa)、倭蛙属(Nanorana) 和沙巴蛙属(Chaparana)构成(Dubois,1992)。由于特殊的形态特征和染色体核型,棘蛙族受到国内外学者的广泛重视和研究,但是到目前为止,棘蛙族的系统发育关系尚未明晰,族下属种的分类和归属问题还有待进一步研究和新的证据出现。本文通过光学显微镜、电子显微镜和石蜡切片对棘蛙族10 物种的精子和精巢进行研究,旨在了解棘蛙族精子的形态、量度、超微结构特征及不同季节精巢结构的变化规律,同时为棘蛙族的系统研究提供新的依据,也为棘蛙族濒危物种的保护和经济物种的繁殖提供基础资料。研究结果表明:棘蛙族各属物种精子的形态基本相似,精子整体呈线形,由头部、中片和尾部构成。精子头部呈长条状,顶体呈锥状,位于头部顶端并向前伸出,中片较长,尾部波动弯曲。棘蛙族各属物种精子量度差异较大,将各属物种精子头部、中片、尾部、头宽、尾宽的量度数据进行聚类分析,结果表明棘蛙族10 物种可分为三类:第一类包括棘侧蛙、合江棘蛙、小棘蛙、棘腹蛙和棘胸蛙,特点是精子较短,全长在72.6~103.35µm 之间;第二类包括倭蛙、高山倭蛙、腹斑倭蛙,特点是精子较长,全长在107.74~129.75µm 之间;第三类包括隆肛蛙和双团棘胸蛙,特点是精子最长,全长在145.89~165.84µm 之间。棘蛙族各属精子超微结构基本相似:精子头部由顶体、细胞核构成;中片由中心粒、线粒体构成;尾部由单根轴丝构成。精子顶体横切呈圆环状,细胞核电子密度高;线粒体为卵圆形,呈环状围绕轴丝排列,线粒体数目较多,约30层;尾部轴丝为典型的9+2结构,即由2根中央微管和9对外周微管组成。不同季节的倭蛙精巢结构变化表明倭蛙精巢每年只有一个生精周期,生精周期始于7 月,繁殖季节从5 月到6 月,生精高峰期为9 月;根据倭蛙不同季节精巢结构的变化,可将生精周期分为3 个阶段:第一阶段从7 月到9 月,为精子形成期;第二阶段从10 月到翌年4 月,为精子的贮存阶段,也即倭蛙的冬眠期;第三阶段从5 月到6 月,为精子的排放阶段,即倭蛙的繁殖期。不同季节的隆肛蛙精巢结构变化表明5 月为隆肛蛙的繁殖高峰期。根据棘蛙族各属精子的形态、量度和超微结构特征,结合已有的棘蛙族形态学、生态学、染色体核型及系统学研究成果,本文认为:1.基于精子数据对棘蛙族的划分和基于形态学及分子系统学数据对棘蛙族的划分均有相同之处,精子形态结构可为棘蛙族的系统研究提供新的证据。2. 棘蛙族各属精子的形态、量度及超微结构不仅与蛙科其他属种有明显差异,而且在无尾类中也较为特殊,精子学研究结果支持将棘蛙族从蛙科中分离出来,归隶于叉舌蛙科的叉舌蛙亚科的系统学修正。3. 精子的顶体、细胞核、中片的形态结构及量度可作为蛙科的分类指标。On the base of unique morphological and kyrotype characters, Dubois(1992)recognized three genera Paa, Narnorana, Chaparana as tribe Paini, which is amember of Dicroglossinae, Ranidae. In present study, the sperm shape, size andultrastructure of 10 paini species were investigated through the light and electronmicroscope, and testis structure of N. pleskei and F. quadrana was also studied. Wesuppose this study could offer some spermatological evidence to phylogeny andreproduction study of tribe Paini. The results were as follows:The sperm shape of tribe paini is homologically similar, the spermatozoa arefiliform, composed of elongate head, long mid-piece and waved tail. The acrosome isapically associated with the nucleus and extend anteriorly.The sperm length of tribe paini differ remarkably among genera. Cluster for thelength of sperm head, mid-piece, tail, total length, head-width, tail-width of ten painifrogs indicated the 10 species could be separated into three groups: GroupⅠcontainsP. shini, P. robertingeri, P. spinosa, P. exilispinosa, P. boulengeri, the spermatozoa ischaracterized with short in total length, ranging from 72.6µm to 103.35µm; GroupⅡcontains N. pleskei, N. parkeri, N. ventripunctata, the spermatozoa ischaracterized with relatively long in total length, ranging from 107.74µm to129.75µm; Group Ⅲ contains F. quadrana and P. yunnanensis, the spermatozoa is characterized with longest in total length, ranging from 145.89µm to 165.84µm. thethree groups based on spermatological data is partially match the classification basedon morphological and molecular data.The ultrastructure of spermatozoa in tribe paini is also basic similar, includingacrosome vescile, nuleus of the head proper, centriole, mitochondriol of themid-pieces, axoneme of the tail. The acrosome vescle is circle in TEM transversesection, the density of nucleus is high; The mitochondrions is oval, surrounding theaxial filament with about 30 layers of mitochondria; The axoneme has the typical 9+2pattern of microtubules.The seasonal changes in testis of N. pleskei indicates it has only onespermatogenesis circle, which begin in July, the reproduction season is from May toJune, the spermatogenesis is active in September. On the base of seasonal changes intestis, the spermatogenesis circle can be separated into three stages: In stageⅠfromJuly to September, spermatids are formed; In stage Ⅱ from October to April next year,the spermatozoa are stored in testis,which is the hibernated period; In stage Ⅲ fromMay to June, mature spermatozoa were released from the testis, which is thereproduction season of N. pleskei. As to F. quadrana, reproduction is active in May.With the previous study of morphology, ecology, karyotypes and phylogenyresearch of tribe Paini, the spermatological data in present study suggests:1. The spermatological classification of tribe paini is partially consistant with themorphological and molecular classification respectively.2.The sperm morphology and ultrustructure of tribe paini is unique not only inthe family Ranida but also in Anura, which suggest the tribe paini is monophyletic andmight be transfered from the family Ranida to the family Dicroglossidae based onmolecular evidence.3. The acrosome, nuleus, shape, length and ultrastructure of mid-piece can beused as an alternative taxonomic character in Anura.


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Karyotype and chromosomal location of the major ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) were studied using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in five species of Crassostrea: three Asian-Pacific species (C. gigas, C. plicatula, and C. ariakensis) and two Atlantic species (C. virginica and C. rhizophorae). FISH probes were made by PCR amplification of the intergenic transcribed spacer between the 18S and 5.8S rRNA genes, and labeled with digoxigenin-11-dUTP. All five species had a haploid number of 10 chromosomes. The Atlantic species had 1-2 submetacentric chromosomes, while the three Pacific species had none. FISH with metaphase chromosomes detected a single telomeric locus for rDNA in all five species without any variation. In all three Pacific species, rDNA was located on the long arm of Chromosome 10 (10q)-the smallest chromosome. In the two Atlantic species, rDNA was located on the short arm of Chromosome 2 (2p)-the second longest chromosome. A review of other studies reveals the same distribution of NOR sites (putative rDNA loci) in three other species: on 10q in C. sikamea and C. angulata from the Pacific Ocean and on 2p in C. gasar from the western Atlantic. All data support the conclusion that differences in size and shape of the rDNA-bearing chromosome represent a major divide between Asian-Pacific and Atlantic species of Crassostrea. This finding suggests that chromosomal divergence can occur under seemingly conserved karyotypes and may play a role in reproductive isolation and speciation.


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The hybrid between olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and stone flounder Kareius bicoloratus was produced by artificial insemination of olive flounder eggs with stone flounder sperm. Sinistral and dextral are two types of hybrid progeny after metamorphosis. Karyotypes of both hybrid flounders are the same as those of the two parental species. Of the 22 loci examined from 12 allozymes, 12 confirmed hybridization of the paternal and maternal loci in hybrids and no difference was found in allozyme patterns of sinistral and dextral hybrid fishes. RAPD patterns of these specimens were also studied with 38 primers selected from 104 tested. Among them, the PCR products of 30 primers showed hybridization of the paternal and maternal bands. Genetic variation between hybrids and their parental stocks was analyzed by RAPD using 10 of the above 38 primers. The average heterozygosity and genetic distance were calculated. The results suggested that the filial generation could inherit a little more genetic materials from paternal fish than that from maternal fish.


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Milula, a monotypic genus endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, was found to be nested deeply within Allium by the molecular phylogeny despite the aberrant morphology. It remains unknown what had contributed to the rapid evolution of morphology and origin of this exceptional species. In contrast to a previous report of its karyotypes with 2n = 16 = 8M+8SM (2SAT), similar to most species of Allium, a rather different karyotype, 2n = 20 = 4M +10SM+6T (2SAT), was found in examined 31 individuals from 6 populations of M. spicata distributed in the central Tibet. Karyotypes of 7 Allium species occurring in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were further reported. The basic number x = 8 was confirmed for all of them and their karyotypes consist mainly of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes with rare subterminal and terminal chromosomes. The karyotype of M. spicata is distinctly different from that of most Allium species occurring in the plateau through a complete comparison of all available species in this region and adjacent areas. However, the same chromosome number and similar karyotypic structure were found in A. fasciculatum of Sect. Bromatorrhiza, indicating a possible close relationship between them. But this similarity is contradictory to the preliminary molecular phylogenetic analysis that Milula was closely related to A. cyathophorum of Sect. Bromatorrhiza with x=8, but the other species with x=10 and 11 in this section were clearly placed in the other clade. We therefore suggested that the paralleling evolution from x=8 to x=9, 10 and 11 with increasing asymmetry of karyotype possibly due to the chromosomal Robertsonian translocation might occur separately in the two recognized phylogenetic lineages of Allium. In addition to aneuploidy and following change of the chromosomal structures, the habitat isolation due to the recent uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the Quaternary climatic oscillation, plays a greater role in origin of Milula and other endemic species (genera) with aberrant morphology from their progenitors.


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Twenty-two populations of seven species of Cremanthodium from high altitude regions of western China were observed karyologically. C. ellisii, C. microglossum, C. brunneo-pilosum, C. stenoglossum, C. discoideum and C. lineare all had the same chromosome number of 2n=58 whereas C. humile had 2n=60. All chromosome numbers of these species are documented here for the first time. The basic number of x=30 is new for this genus. The karyotypes of all species belong to 2A type according to Stebbins' asymmetry classification of karyotypes. Two basic chromosome numbers, x=30 and x=29 in Cremanthodium, correspond exactly to two branching patterns in this genus, sympodial versus monopodial. The systematic and taxonomic statuses of the sympodial species need further study. The karyomorphological data provide no support to the sectional subdivision in Cremanthodium. (C) 2001 The Linnean Society of London.


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Around 80% of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients achieve a complete remission, however many will relapse and ultimately die of their disease. The association between karyotype and prognosis has been studied extensively and identified patient cohorts as having favourable [e.g. t(8; 21), inv (16)/t(16; 16), t(15; 17)], intermediate [e.g. cytogenetically normal (NK-AML)] or adverse risk [e.g. complex karyotypes]. Previous studies have shown that gene expression profiling signatures can classify the sub-types of AML, although few reports have shown a similar feature by using methylation markers. The global methylation patterns in 19 diagnostic AML samples were investigated using the Methylated CpG Island Amplification Microarray (MCAM) method and CpG island microarrays containing 12,000 CpG sites. The first analysis, comparing favourable and intermediate cytogenetic risk groups, revealed significantly differentially methylated CpG sites (594 CpG islands) between the two subgroups. Mutations in the NPM1 gene occur at a high frequency (40%) within the NK-AML subgroup and are associated with a more favourable prognosis in these patients. A second analysis comparing the NPM1 mutant and wild-type research study subjects again identified distinct methylation profiles between these two subgroups. Network and pathway analysis revealed possible molecular mechanisms associated with the different risk and/or mutation sub-groups. This may result in a better classification of the risk groups, improved monitoring targets, or the identification of novel molecular therapies.


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Osteosarcomas are the most prevalent primary bone tumors found in pediatric patients. To understand their molecular etiology, cell culture models are used to define disease mechanisms under controlled conditions. Many osteosarcoma cell lines (e.g., SAOS-2, U2OS, MG63) are derived from Caucasian patients. However, patients exhibit individual and ethnic differences in their responsiveness to irradiation and chemotherapy. This motivated the establishment of osteosarcoma cell lines (OS1, OS2, OS3) from three ethnically Chinese patients. OS1 cells, derived from a pre-chemotherapeutic tumor in the femur of a 6-year-old female, were examined for molecular markers characteristic for osteoblasts, stem cells, and cell cycle control by immunohistochemistry, reverse transcriptase-PCR, Western blotting and flow cytometry. OS I have aberrant G-banded karyotypes, possibly reflecting chromosomal abnormalities related to p53 deficiency. OS I had ossification profiles similar to human fetal osteoblasts rather than SAOS-2 which ossifies ab initio, (P


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First described more that 150 years ago, the systematics of the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia (Arionidae, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) is still challenging. The taxonomic classification of arionid species is based on extremely labile characters such as body size or color that depends both on diet and environment, as well as age. Moreover, there is little information on the genetic diversity and population structure of the Iberian slugs that could provide extra clues to disentangle their problematic classification. The present work uses different analytical tools such as habitat suitability (Ecological Niche Modeling - ENM), cytogenetic analysis and phylogeography to establish the geographical distribution and evolutionary history of these pulmonate slugs. The potential distribution of the four Geomalacus species was modeled using ENM, which allowed the identification of new locations for G. malagensis, including a first report in Portugal. Also, it was predicted a much wider distribution for G. malagensis and G. oliveirae than previously known. Classical cytogenetic analyses were assayed with reproductive and a novel use of somatic tissues (mouth and tentacles) returning the number of chromosomes for the four Geomalacus species and L. numidica (n = 31, 2n = 62) and the respective karyotypes. G. malagensis and L. numidica present similar chromosome morphologies and karyotypic formulae, being more similar to each other than the Geomalacus among themselves. We further reconstructed the phylogeny of the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear ribosomal small subunit (18S rRNA), and applied an independent evolutionary rate method, the indicator vectors correlation, to evaluate the existence of cryptic diversity within species. The five nominal species of Geomalacus and Letourneuxia comprise 14 well-supported cryptic lineages. Letourneuxia numidica was retrieved as a sister group of G. malagensis. G. oliveirae is paraphyletic with respect to G. anguiformis. According to our dating estimates, the most recent common ancestor of Geomalacus dates back to the Middle Miocene (end of the Serravallian stage). The major lineage splitting events within Geomalacus occurred during the dry periods of the Zanclean stage (5.3-3.6 million years) and some lineages were confined to more humid mountain areas of the Iberian Peninsula, which lead to a highly geographically structured mitochondrial genetic diversity. The major findings of this are the following: (1) provides updated species distribution maps for the Iberian Geomalacus expanding the known geographic distribution of the concerned species, (2) unravels the cryptic diversity within the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia, (3) Geomalacus oliveirae is paraphyletic with G. anguiformis and (4) Letourneuxia numidica is sister group of G. malagensis.


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It has been long recognized that highly polymorphic genetic markers can lead to underestimation of divergence between populations when migration is low. Microsatellite loci, which are characterized by extremely high mutation rates, are particularly likely to be affected. Here, we report genetic differentiation estimates in a contact zone between two chromosome races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus), based on 10 autosomal microsatellites, a newly developed Y-chromosome microsatellite, and mitochondrial DNA. These results are compared to previous data on proteins and karyotypes. Estimates of genetic differentiation based on F- and R-statistics are much lower for autosomal microsatellites than for all other genetic markers. We show by simulations that this discrepancy stems mainly from the high mutation rate of microsatellite markers for F-statistics and from deviations from a single-step mutation model for R-statistics. The sex-linked genetic markers show that all gene exchange between races is mediated by females. The absence of male-mediated gene flow most likely results from male hybrid sterility.


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El retardo mental se caracteriza por limitaciones en el desempeño como resultado de significativas deficiencias de la inteligencia y la conducta adaptativa. En Colombia, la mayor parte de los pacientes con esta alteración no reciben evaluación genética. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar y caracterizar el retardo mental en un grupo de personas con esta condición en la población de Rovira (Tolima, Colombia) e identificar los posibles factores asociados. La metodología consistió en realizar un diagnóstico clínico preliminar de 25 pacientes con retardo mental y realizar la correspondiente toma de muestras de sangre y orina para efectuar los exámenes correspondientes. Se realizaron estudios bioquímicos (cloruro férrico, nitrosonaftol, nitroprusiato de sodio, Benedict, cromatografía para la detección de aminoácidos y carbohidratos) y citogenéticos (bandeo G). Para la detección de plaguicidas, se realizó un muestreo aleatorio en diferentes puntos de todo el recorrido del sistema de distribución de agua y ciertos lugares del centro del municipio de Rovira. Con este fin, se recolectaron 20 muestras de agua y 20 muestras de tomate, elegidas al azar, de los diferentes sitios de distribución y cultivos de la hortaliza. Se identificó una familia de tres hijos afectados (dos mujeres y un hombre) con retardo mental, lo cual sugiere un componente genético en este caso. Las pruebas metabólicas fueron negativas y los cariotipos normales. Se plantea la necesidad de realizar pruebas moleculares que incluyan el síndrome de X-frágil para complementar el estudio y realizar consejería genética. En cuanto a los resultados y el análisis pertinente de las muestras para organofosforados, el 100% de éstas resultaron positivas. Se reportó un 60% de positividad en las muestras de agua y del 100% en las muestras de tomate, para el caso de los carbamatos; sin embargo, para el caso de los organoclorados, el 100% de las muestras estudiadas resultaron negativas.


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Chromosome microdeletions or duplications are detected in 10-20% of patients with mental impairment and normal karyotypes. A few cases have been reported of mental impairment with microdeletions comprising tumor suppressor genes. By array-CGH we detected 4 mentally impaired individuals carrying de novo microdeletions sharing an overlapping segment of similar to 180 kb in 17p13.1. This segment encompasses 18 genes, including 3 involved in cancer, namely KCTD11/REN, DLG4/PSD95, and GPS2. Furthermore, in 2 of the patients, the deletions also included TP53, the most frequently inactivated gene in human cancers. The 3 tumor suppressor genes KCTD11, DLG4, and GPS2, in addition to the GABARAP gene, have a known or suspected function in neuronal development and are candidates for causing mental impairment in our patients. Among our 4 patients with deletions in 17p13.1, 3 were part of a Brazilian cohort of 300 mentally retarded individuals, suggesting that this segment may be particularly prone to rearrangements and appears to be an important cause (similar to 1%) of mental retardation. Further, the constitutive deletion of tumor suppressor genes in these patients, particularly TP53, probably confers a significantly increased lifetime risk for cancer and warrants careful oncological surveillance of these patients. Constitutional chromosome deletions containing tumor suppressor genes in patients with mental impairment or congenital abnormalities may represent an important mechanism linking abnormal phenotypes with increased risks of cancer. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using telomeric and ribosomal sequences was performed in four species of toad genus Chaunus: C. ictericus, C. jimi, C. rubescens and C. schneideri. Analyses based on conventional, C-banding and Ag-NOR staining were also carried out. The four species present a 2n = 22 karyotype, composed by metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, which were indistinguishable either after conventional staining or banding techniques. Constitutive heterochromatin was predominantly located at pericentromeric regions, and telomeric sequences (TTAGGG)(n) were restricted to the end of all chromosomes. Silver staining revealed Ag-NORs located at the short arm of pair 7, and heteromorphism in size of NOR signals was also observed. By contrast, FISH with ribosomal probes clearly demonstrated absence of any heteromorphism in size of rDNA sequences, suggesting that the difference observed after Ag-staining should be attributed to differences in chromosomal condensation and/or gene activity rather than to the number of ribosomal cistrons.


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Chromosomes of the South American geckos Gymnodactylus amarali and G. geckoides from open and dry areas of the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes in Brazil, respectively, were studied for the first time, after conventional and AgNOR staining, CBG- and RBG-banding, and FISH with telomeric sequences. Comparative analyses between the karyotypes of open areas and the previously studied Atlantic forest species G. darwinii were also performed. The chromosomal polymorphisms detected in populations of G. amarali from the states of Goias and Tocantins is the result of centric fusions (2n = 38, 39 and 40), suggesting a differentiation from a 2n = 40 ancestral karyotype and the presence of supernumerary chromosomes. The CBG- and RBG-banding patterns of the Bs are described. G. geckoides has 40 chromosomes with gradually decreasing sizes, but it is distinct from the 2n = 40 karyotypes of G. amarali and G. darwinii due to occurrence of pericentric inversions or centromere repositioning. NOR location seems to be a marker for Gymnodactylus, as G. amarali and G. geckoides share a medium-sized subtelocentric NOR-bearing pair, while G. darwinii has NORs at the secondary constriction of the long arm of pair 1. The comparative analyses indicate a non-random nature of the Robertsonian rearrangements in the genus Gymnodactylus. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Studies about composition of repetitive sequences and their chromosomal location have been helpful to evolutionary studies in many distinct organisms. In order to keep on assessing the possible relationships among different cytotypes of Astyanax fasciatus (Teleostei, Characiformes) in the Mogi-Guacu River (Sao Paulo State, Brazil), C-banding, chromomycin A 3 staining, and fluorescent in situ hybridization with a repetitive DNA sequence (As51) isolated from Astyanax scabripinnis were performed in the present work. The constitutive heterochromatin was distributed in terminal regions on long arms of submetacentric, subtelocentric, and acrocentric chromosomes and in the terminal region on short arms of a pair of submetacentric chromosomes in both standard cytotypes. This latter heterochromatic site was also GC-rich, as revealed by chromomycin A(3) staining, corresponding to the nucleolar organizer region (NOR), as shown by previous studies. The sites of the satellite As51 DNA were located in terminal regions on long arms of several chromosomes. Some variant karyotypic forms, which diverge from the two standard cytotypes, also presented distinctive chromosomes carrying As51 satellite DNA. It is possible that the standard 2n = 46 cytotype represents an invader population in the Mogi-Guacu River able to interbreed with the resident standard 2n = 48 cytotype. Therefore, the variant karyotypes would be related to a possible viable offspring, where complementary chromosomal rearrangements could favor new locations of the satellite DNA analyzed. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel