959 resultados para K channel


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Type II Bartter's syndrome is a hereditary hypokalemic renal salt-wasting disorder caused by mutations in the ROMK channel (Kir1.1; Kcnj1), mediating potassium recycling in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (TAL) and potassium secretion in the distal tubule and cortical collecting duct (CCT). Newborns with Type II Bartter are transiently hyperkalemic, consistent with loss of ROMK channel function in potassium secretion in distal convoluted tubule and CCT. Yet, these infants rapidly develop persistent hypokalemia owing to increased renal potassium excretion mediated by unknown mechanisms. Here, we used free-flow micropuncture and stationary microperfusion of the late distal tubule to explore the mechanism of renal potassium wasting in the Romk-deficient, Type II Bartter's mouse. We show that potassium absorption in the loop of Henle is reduced in Romk-deficient mice and can account for a significant fraction of renal potassium loss. In addition, we show that iberiotoxin (IBTX)-sensitive, flow-stimulated maxi-K channels account for sustained potassium secretion in the late distal tubule, despite loss of ROMK function. IBTX-sensitive potassium secretion is also increased in high-potassium-adapted wild-type mice. Thus, renal potassium wasting in Type II Bartter is due to both reduced reabsorption in the TAL and K secretion by max-K channels in the late distal tubule. © 2006 International Society of Nephrology.


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Crotalphine, a 14 amino acid peptide first isolated from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, induces a peripheral long-lasting and opioid receptor-mediated antinociceptive effect in a rat model of neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction of the sciatic nerve. In the present study, we further characterized the molecular mechanisms involved in this effect, determining the type of opioid receptor responsible for this effect and the involvement of the nitric oxide-cyclic GMP pathway and of K+ channels. Crotalphine (0.2 or 5 mu g/kg, orally; 0.0006 mu g/paw), administered on day 14 after nerve constriction, inhibited mechanical hyperalgesia and low-threshold mechanical allodynia. The effect of the peptide was antagonized by intraplantar administration of naltrindole, an antagonist of delta-opioid receptors, and partially reversed by norbinaltorphimine, an antagonist of kappa-opioid receptors. The effect of crotalphine was also blocked by 7-nitroindazole, an inhibitor of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase; by 1H-(1,2,4) oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline-1-one, an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase activation; and by glibenclamide, an ATP-sensitive K+ channel blocker. The results suggest that peripheral delta-opioid and kappa-opioid receptors, the nitric oxide-cyclic GMP pathway, and ATP-sensitive K+ channels are involved in the antinociceptive effect of crotalphine. The present data point to the therapeutic potential of this peptide for the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain. Behavioural Pharmacology 23:14-24 (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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The ether A go-go (Eag) gene encodes the voltage-gated potassium (K+) ion channel Kv10.1, whose function still remains unknown. As dopamine may directly affect K+ channels, we evaluated whether a nigrostriatal dopaminergic lesion induced by the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) would alter Eag1-K+ channel expression in the rat basal ganglia and related brain regions. Male Wistar rats received a microinjection of either saline or 6-OHDA (unilaterally) into the medial forebrain bundle. The extent of the dopaminergic lesion induced by 6-OHDA was evaluated by apomorphine-induced rotational behavior and by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity. The 6-OHDA microinjection caused a partial or complete lesion of dopaminergic cells, as well as a reduction of Eag1+ cells in a manner proportional to the extent of the lesion. In addition, we observed a decrease in TH immunoreactivity in the ipsilateral striatum. In conclusion, the expression of the Eag1-K+-channel throughout the nigrostriatal pathway in the rat brain, its co-localization with dopaminergic cells and its reduction mirroring the extent of the lesion highlight a physiological circuitry where the functional role of this channel can be investigated. The Eag1-K+ channel expression in dopaminergic cells suggests that these channels are part of the diversified group of ion channels that generate and maintain the electrophysiological activity pattern of dopaminergic midbrain neurons.


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Episodic ataxia type 1 is a neuronal channelopathy caused by mutations in the KCNA1 gene encoding the fast K(+) channel subunit K(v)1.1. Episodic ataxia type 1 presents with brief episodes of cerebellar dysfunction and persistent neuromyotonia and is associated with an increased incidence of epilepsy. In myelinated peripheral nerve, K(v)1.1 is highly expressed in the juxtaparanodal axon, where potassium channels limit the depolarizing afterpotential and the effects of depolarizing currents. Axonal excitability studies were performed on patients with genetically confirmed episodic ataxia type 1 to characterize the effects of K(v)1.1 dysfunction on motor axons in vivo. The median nerve was stimulated at the wrist and compound muscle action potentials were recorded from abductor pollicis brevis. Threshold tracking techniques were used to record strength-duration time constant, threshold electrotonus, current/threshold relationship and the recovery cycle. Recordings from 20 patients from eight kindreds with different KCNA1 point mutations were compared with those from 30 normal controls. All 20 patients had a history of episodic ataxia and 19 had neuromyotonia. All patients had similar, distinctive abnormalities: superexcitability was on average 100% higher in the patients than in controls (P < 0.00001) and, in threshold electrotonus, the increase in excitability due to a depolarizing current (20% of threshold) was 31% higher (P < 0.00001). Using these two parameters, the patients with episodic ataxia type 1 and controls could be clearly separated into two non-overlapping groups. Differences between the different KCNA1 mutations were not statistically significant. Studies of nerve excitability can identify K(v)1.1 dysfunction in patients with episodic ataxia type 1. The simple 15 min test may be useful in diagnosis, since it can differentiate patients with episodic ataxia type 1 from normal controls with high sensitivity and specificity.


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Voltage-gated potassium (K+) channels are present in all living systems. Despite high structural similarities in the transmembrane domains (TMD), this K+ channel type segregates into at least two main functional categories—hyperpolarization-activated, inward-rectifying (Kin) and depolarization-activated, outward-rectifying (Kout) channels. Voltage-gated K+ channels sense the membrane voltage via a voltage-sensing domain that is connected to the conduction pathway of the channel. It has been shown that the voltage-sensing mechanism is the same in Kin and Kout channels, but its performance results in opposite pore conformations. It is not known how the different coupling of voltage-sensor and pore is implemented. Here, we studied sequence and structural data of voltage-gated K+ channels from animals and plants with emphasis on the property of opposite rectification. We identified structural hotspots that alone allow already the distinction between Kin and Kout channels. Among them is a loop between TMD S5 and the pore that is very short in animal Kout, longer in plant and animal Kin and the longest in plant Kout channels. In combination with further structural and phylogenetic analyses this finding suggests that outward-rectification evolved twice and independently in the animal and plant kingdom.


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The n-type K+ channel (n-K+, Kv1.3) in lymphocytes has been recently implicated in the regulation of Fas-induced programmed cell death. Here, we demonstrate that ceramide, a lipid metabolite synthesized upon Fas receptor ligation, inhibits n-K+ channel activity and induces a tyrosine phosphorylation of the Kv1.3 protein in Jurkat T lymphocytes. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the n-K+ channel correlated with an activation of the Src-like tyrosine kinase p56lck upon cellular treatment with the ceramide analog C6-ceramide. Because genetic deficiency of p56lck or inhibition of Src-like tyrosine kinases by herbimycin A prevented ceramide-mediated n-K+ channel inhibition and tyrosine phosphorylation, we propose a ceramide-initiated activation of p56lck resulting in tyrosine phosphorylation and inhibition of the n-K+ channel protein.


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A K+ channel gene has been cloned from Drosophila melanogaster by complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells defective for K+ uptake. Naturally expressed in the neuromuscular tissues of adult flies, this gene confers K+ transport capacity on yeast cells when heterologously expressed. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, expression yields an ungated K+-selective current whose attributes resemble the “leak” conductance thought to mediate the resting potential of vertebrate myelinated neurons but whose molecular nature has long remained elusive. The predicted protein has two pore (P) domains and four membrane-spanning helices and is a member of a newly recognized K+ channel family. Expression of the channel in flies and yeast cells makes feasible studies of structure and in vivo function using genetic approaches that are not possible in higher animals.


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We recently cloned an inward-rectifying K channel (Kir) cDNA, CCD-IRK3 (mKir 2.3), from a cortical collecting duct (CCD) cell line. Although this recombinant channel shares many functional properties with the “small-conductance” basolateral membrane Kir channel in the CCD, its precise subcellular localization has been difficult to elucidate by conventional immunocytochemistry. To circumvent this problem, we studied the targeting of several different epitope-tagged CCD-IRK3 in a polarized renal epithelial cell line. Either the 11-amino acid span of the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G glycoprotein (P5D4 epitope) or a 6-amino acid epitope of the bovine papilloma virus capsid protein (AU1) was genetically engineered on the extreme N terminus of CCD-IRK3. As determined by patch-clamp and two-microelectrode voltage-clamp analyses in Xenopus oocytes, neither tag affected channel function; no differences in cation selectivity, barium block, single channel conductance, or open probability could be distinguished between the wild-type and the tagged constructs. MDCK cells were transfected with tagged CCD-IRK3, and several stable clonal cell lines were generated by neomycin-resistance selection. Immunoprecipitation studies with anti-P5D4 or anti-AU1 antibodies readily detected the predicted-size 50-kDa protein in the transfected cells lines but not in wild-type or vector-only (PcB6) transfected MDCK cells. As visualized by indirect immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, both the tagged CCD-IRK3 forms were exclusively detected on the basolateral membrane. To assure that the VSV G tag was not responsible for the targeting, the P5D4 epitope modified by a site-directed mutagenesis (Y2F) to remove a potential basolateral targeting signal contained in this tag. VSV(Y2F) was also detected exclusively on the basolateral membrane, confirming bona fide IRK3 basolateral expression. These observations, with our functional studies, suggest that CCD-IRK3 may encode the small-conductance CCD basolateral K channel.


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In the COS7 cells transfected with cDNAs of the Kir6.2, SUR2A, and M1 muscarinic receptors, we activated the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel with a K+ channel opener and recorded the whole-cell KATP current. The KATP current was reversibly inhibited by the stimulation of the M1 receptor, which is linked to phospholipase C (PLC) by the Gq protein. The receptor-mediated inhibition was observed even when protein kinase C (PKC) was inhibited by H-7 or by chelating intracellular Ca2+ with 10 mM 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetate (BAPTA) included in the pipette solution. However, the receptor-mediated inhibition was blocked by U-73122, a PLC inhibitor. M1-receptor stimulation failed to inhibit the KATP current activated by the injection of exogenous phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) through the whole-cell patch pipette. The receptor-mediated inhibition became irreversible when the replenishment of PIP2 was blocked by wortmannin (an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol kinases), or by including adenosine 5′-[β,γ–imido]triphosphate (AMPPNP, a nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue) in the pipette solution. In inside-out patch experiments, the ATP sensitivity of the KATP channel was significantly higher when the M1 receptor in the patch membrane was stimulated by acetylcholine. The stimulatory effect of pinacidil was also attenuated under this condition. We postulate that stimulation of PLC-linked receptors inhibited the KATP channel by increasing the ATP sensitivity, not through PKC activation, but most probably through changing PIP2 levels.


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Inwardly rectifying potassium (K+) channels gated by G proteins (Kir3.x family) are widely distributed in neuronal, atrial, and endocrine tissues and play key roles in generating late inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, slowing the heart rate and modulating hormone release. They are directly activated by Gβγ subunits released from G protein heterotrimers of the Gi/o family upon appropriate receptor stimulation. Here we examine the role of isoforms of pertussis toxin (PTx)-sensitive G protein α subunits (Giα1–3 and GoαA) in mediating coupling between various receptor systems (A1, α2A, D2S, M4, GABAB1a+2, and GABAB1b+2) and the cloned counterpart of the neuronal channel (Kir3.1+3.2A). The expression of mutant PTx-resistant Gi/oα subunits in PTx-treated HEK293 cells stably expressing Kir3.1+3.2A allows us to selectively investigate that coupling. We find that, for those receptors (A1, α2A) known to interact with all isoforms, Giα1–3 and GoαA can all support a significant degree of coupling to Kir3.1+3.2A. The M4 receptor appears to preferentially couple to Giα2 while another group of receptors (D2S, GABAB1a+2, GABAB1b+2) activates the channel predominantly through Gβγ liberated from GoA heterotrimers. Interestingly, we have also found a distinct difference in G protein coupling between the two splice variants of GABAB1. Our data reveal selective pathways of receptor activation through different Gi/oα isoforms for stimulation of the G protein-gated inwardly rectifying K+ channel.


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The homozygous weaver mouse displays neuronal degeneration in several brain regions. Previous experiments in heterologous expression systems showed that the G protein-gated inward rectifier K+ channel (GIRK2) bearing the weaver pore-region GYG-to-SYG mutation (i) is not activated by Gβγ subunits, but instead shows constitutive activation, and (ii) is no longer a K+-selective channel but conducts Na+ as well. The present experiments on weaverGIRK2 (wvGIRK2) expressed in Xenopus oocytes show that the level of constitutive activation depends on intracellular Na+ concentration. In particular, manipulations that decrease intracellular Na+ produce a component of Na+-permeable current activated via a G protein pathway. Therefore, constitutive activation may not arise because the weaver mutation directly alters the gating transitions of the channel protein. Instead, there may be a regenerative cycle of Na+ influx through the wvGIRK2 channel, leading to additional Na+ activation. We also show that the wvGIRK2 channel is permeable to Ca2+, providing an additional mechanism for the degeneration that characterizes the weaver phenotype. We further demonstrate that the GIRK4 channel bearing the analogous weaver mutation has properties similar to those of the wvGIRK2 channel, providing a glimpse of the selective pressures that have maintained the GYG sequence in nearly all known K+ channels.


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The nervous system maintains a delicate balance between excitation and inhibition, partly through the complex interplay between voltage-gated sodium and potassium ion channels. Because K+ channel blockade or gene deletion causes hyperexcitability, it is generally assumed that increases in K+ channel gene expression should reduce neuronal network excitability. We have tested this hypothesis by creating a transgenic mouse that expresses a Shaker-type K+ channel gene. Paradoxically, we find that addition of the extra K+ channel gene results in a hyperexcitable rather than a hypoexcitable phenotype. The presence of the transgene leads to a complex deregulation of endogenous Shaker genes in the adult central nervous system as well as an increase in network excitability that includes spontaneous cortical spike and wave discharges and a lower threshold for epileptiform bursting in isolated hippocampal slices. These data suggest that an increase in K+ channel gene dosage leads to dysregulation of normal K+ channel gene expression, and it may underlie a mechanism contributing to the pathogenesis of human aneuploidies such as Down syndrome.


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Limitation of water loss and control of gas exchange is accomplished in plant leaves via stomatal guard cells. Stomata open in response to light when an increase in guard cell turgor is triggered by ions and water influx across the plasma membrane. Recent evidence demonstrating the existence of ATP-binding cassette proteins in plants led us to analyze the effect of compounds known for their ability to modulate ATP-sensitive potassium channels (K-ATP) in animal cells. By using epidermal strip bioassays and whole-cell patch-clamp experiments with Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts, we describe a pharmacological profile that is specific for the outward K+ channel and very similar to the one described for ATP-sensitive potassium channels in mammalian cells. Tolbutamide and glibenclamide induced stomatal opening in bioassays and in patch-clamp experiments, a specific inhibition of the outward K+ channel by these compounds was observed. Conversely, application of potassium channel openers such as cromakalim or RP49356 triggered stomatal closure. An apparent competition between sulfonylureas and potassium channel openers occurred in bioassays, and outward potassium currents, previously inhibited by glibenclamide, were partially recovered after application of cromakalim. By using an expressed sequence tag clone from an Arabidopsis thaliana homologue of the sulfonylurea receptor, a 7-kb transcript was detected by Northern blot analysis in guard cells and other tissues. Beside the molecular evidence recently obtained for the expression of ATP-binding cassette protein transcripts in plants, these results give pharmacological support to the presence of a sulfonylurea-receptor-like protein in the guard-cell plasma membrane tightly involved in the outward potassium channel regulation during stomatal movements.


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Mutational and biophysical analysis suggests that an intracellular COOH-terminal domain of the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BK channel) contains Ca2+-binding site(s) that are allosterically coupled to channel opening. However the structural basis of Ca2+ binding to BK channels is unknown. To pursue this question, we overexpressed the COOH-terminal 280 residues of the Drosophila slowpoke BK channel (Dslo-C280) as a FLAG- and His6-tagged protein in Escherichia coli. We purified Dslo-C280 in soluble form and used a 45Ca2+-overlay protein blot assay to detect Ca2+ binding. Dslo-C280 exhibits specific binding of 45Ca2+ in comparison with various control proteins and known EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins. A mutation (D5N5) of Dslo-C280, in which five consecutive Asp residues of the “Ca-bowl” motif are changed to Asn, reduces 45Ca2+-binding activity by 56%. By electrophysiological assay, the corresponding D5N5 mutant of the Drosophila BK channel expressed in HEK293 cells exhibits lower Ca2+ sensitivity for activation and a shift of ≈+80 mV in the midpoint voltage for activation. This effect is associated with a decrease in the Hill coefficient (N) for activation by Ca2+ and a reduction in apparent Ca2+ affinity, suggesting the loss of one Ca2+-binding site per monomer. These results demonstrate a functional correlation between Ca2+ binding to a specific region of the BK protein and Ca2+-dependent activation, thus providing a biochemical approach to study this process.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana AtHKT1 protein, a Na+/K+ transporter, is capable of mediating inward Na+ currents in Xenopus laevis oocytes and K+ uptake in Escherichia coli. HKT1 proteins are members of a superfamily of K+ transporters. These proteins have been proposed to contain eight transmembrane segments and four pore-forming regions arranged in a mode similar to that of a K+ channel tetramer. However, computer analysis of the AtHKT1 sequence identified eleven potential transmembrane segments. We have investigated the membrane topology of AtHKT1 with three different techniques. First, a gene fusion alkaline phosphatase study in E. coli clearly defined the topology of the N-terminal and middle region of AtHKT1, but the model for membrane folding of the C-terminal region had to be refined. Second, with a reticulocyte-lysate supplemented with dog-pancreas microsomes, we demonstrated that N-glycosylation occurs at position 429 of AtHKT1. An engineered unglycosylated protein variant, N429Q, mediated Na+ currents in X. laevis oocytes with the same characteristics as the wild-type protein, indicating that N-glycosylation is not essential for the functional expression and membrane targeting of AtHKT1. Five potential glycosylation sites were introduced into the N429Q. Their pattern of glycosylation supported the model based on the E. coli-alkaline phosphatase data. Third, immunocytochemical experiments with FLAG-tagged AtHKT1 in HEK293 cells revealed that the N and C termini of AtHKT1, and the regions containing residues 135–142 and 377–384, face the cytosol, whereas the region of residues 55–62 is exposed to the outside. Taken together, our results show that AtHKT1 contains eight transmembrane-spanning segments.