988 resultados para Judah, ha-Nasi, ca. 135-ca. 220.


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Proyecto realizado por cuatro profesores de diferentes Institutos de Educaci??n Secundaria de las provincias de Soria y Salamanca. Tiene como objetivos: -Elaborar materiales did??cticos que faciliten la observaci??n y el estudio de dos itinerarios del Parque Natural del 'Ca????n del r??o Lobos'. -Fomentar el conocimiento, estima y cuidado de un espacio castellano-leon??s, profundizando en el estudio del entorno natural y del patrimonio cultural. El desarrollo del trabajo sigue cada itinerario diferenciando tramos y paradas en funci??n de los aspectos a observar y estudiar en cada una de las actividades que desarrollan contenidos interdisciplinares (geolog??a, flora, fauna, vestigios hist??ricos, cultura popular, etc). El sistema de trabajo seguido: reuniones, salidas y estudio individual. El contenido del estudio se distribuye en dos cuadernillos: 1) Gu??a did??ctica 'El Mirador de las Gullur??as'. 2) Gu??a did??ctica 'El Castillo de Ucero'. Cada una de estas gu??as contiene: -Textos descriptivos de cada tramo de los itinerarios, indicando las actividades a realizar en cada momento. -Fichas de actividades. -Orientaciones did??cticas y pautas a seguir en las recorridos. -Materiales complementarios: planos, claves, ilustraciones, tablas y diapositivas. El trabajo no ha sido publicado.


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The doctoral thesis was an study about Miquel Mai, a polític, jurist, bibliophile and art collector in Barcelona in the first half of the XVI century. The thesis presents the figure of Miquel Mai by his biographic history, with emphasis in the principals chapters that he was participant. After, there was a chapter whose principal theme its the connection between Miquel Mai and the Erasmism movement. Third, it was an analysis of all the art objects that Miquel Mai accumulates. Fourth, the thesis explores the library (formed by more than 2000 books). And finally, we studied the relationship between the art objects who decorate the library and the same books that was in the library.


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Grunenthal Ecuatoriana Cia. Ltda. es una empresa que ha ocupado un elevado nivel de competitividad durante veinticinco años en el país, razón por la cual se hace indispensable desarrollar una propuesta de mejora continua que permita ajustar las actividades y procesos a una mayor efectividad sostenible en el tiempo. Caso contrario dadas las condiciones económicas del país el futuro empresarial se tornará incierto. El presente trabajo de investigación está destinado a determinar los lineamientos, políticas y normas que una organización debe seguir o establecer dentro de su plan estratégico de mejoramiento continuo. Además permitirá medir la gestión realizada por las diferentes áreas o departamentos de la organización a través del cuadro de mando integral. Y principalmente determinar como lograr una Organización de Calidad a través del uso del cuadro de mando Integral como herramienta de medición de gestión.


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En la presente tesis se plantea una propuesta que conlleva al mejoramiento de sus procesos desde sus generalidades hasta los aspectos particulares en el desarrollo de Vimarth Cía. Ltda. En el primer capítulo se presenta el marco teórico que ha servido de referencia para esta tesis, incluye los temas de valor agregado, planificación estratégica y mejoramiento de los procesos. En el segundo capítulo se realizó el análisis de la evolución del sector de la pequeña industria en el Ecuador y de manera particular en el ramo de prendas de vestir, analizando sus principales indicadores del sector. El tercer capítulo indica el diagnóstico estratégico de la Industria Vimarth en sus diferentes áreas, para definir sus fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas, para investigar y recomendar estrategias de mejoramiento de sus procesos para mantener a la empresa en franca competencia en el sector de confecciones textiles. En el cuarto capítulo se plantea una estrategia de mejoramiento de los procesos para aprovechar las oportunidades de innovar la empresa y reducir tiempos improductivos, fijando objetivos y estrategias necesarias para lograrlos.


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This paper proposes and describes a high power factor AC-AC converter for naval applications using Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). The three-phase output voltages of the PMG vary from 260 Vrms (220 Hz) to 380 Vrms (360 Hz), depending on load conditions. The proposed converter consists of a Y-/ΔY power transformer, which provides electrical isolation between the PMG and remaining stages, and a twelve-pulse uncontrolled rectifier stage directly connected to a single-phase inverter stage, without the use of an intermediary DC-DC topology. This proposal results in more simplicity for the overall circuitry, assuring robustness, reliability and reduced costs. Furthermore, the multipulse rectifier stage is capable to provide high power factor and low total harmonic distortion for the input currents of the converter. The single-phase inverter stage was designed to operate with wide range of DC bus voltage, maintaining 120 Vrms, 60 Hz output. The control philosophy, implemented in a digital signal processor (DSP) which also contains protection routines, alows series connections between two identical converters, achieving 240 Vrms, 60 Hz total output voltage. Measured total harmonic distortion for the AC output voltage is lower than 2% and the input power factor is 0.93 at 3.6kW nominal load. © 2010 IEEE.


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Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus), a tropical perennial plant, was found to be infected by a phytoplasma. Plants exhibiting virescence, phyllody and variegation symptoms were collected in the states of Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo, Brazil. The phytoplasma was transmitted by grafting from an infected periwinkle plant to healthy plants and by dodder to a citrus plant. Phytoplasma isolates from periwinkle plants from Brazil had the 16S rDNA gene sequenced and were classified in the 16SrIX group, subgroup A, belonging to the 'Candidatus P. phoenicium' species.


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La monografia propone un’analisi del periodo ca. 478-461 a.C. della storia ateniese e delle vicende di Cimone figlio di Milziade entro il contesto contemporaneo. Lo studio dell’Atene, e più in generale di varie realtà elleniche affacciate sull’Egeo, negli immediati anni ‘post-persiani’ si articola in due parti: la prima ripercorre in senso cronologico le notizie, essenzialmente letterarie, disponibili in merito alle attività politiche e militari di Atene, quale guida dell’alleanza greca; la seconda trae conclusioni di respiro più ampio, fondate sull’analisi precedente, e cerca una sintesi del periodo e del personaggio nel superamento di stereotipi e condizionamenti letterari. In tale ottica si esprime una riflessione, a partire dalla scarna trattazione tucididea, sui meccanismi attraverso i quali la tradizione ha deformato e sedimentato le informazioni disponibili generando un progressivo arricchimento che ha portato alla definizione, di fatto, di una ‘era cimoniana’ che è possibile mettere in discussione in alcuni tratti essenziali. Si mira dunque a proporre una valutazione del periodo priva di alcuni elementi, in ultimo evidenti soprattutto nell’approccio plutarcheo alla materia, che appaiono alieni al contesto di riferimento per la prima parte del V secolo: i temi principali ai quali si dedica la riflessione sono quelli dell’imperialismo ateniese, del filolaconismo, della bipolarità tra democrazia e oligarchia, della propaganda politico-mitologica. Il rapporto di Atene con Sparta, con gli Ioni e con le altre realtà del mondo egeo viene letto alla luce degli indizi disponibili sul clima di incertezza e di delicati equilibri creatosi all’indomani della ritirata delle forze persiane. Il ritratto di Cimone che si propone è quello di una figura indubbiamente significativa nella politica contemporanea ma, al contempo, fortemente condizionata e talora adombrata da dinamiche in qualche modo condivise all’interno dello scenario politico ateniese, improntato alla soddisfazione di necessità e volontà che la tradizione renderà archetipiche del paradigma democratico.


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In the largest global cooling event of the Cenozoic Era, between 33.8 and 33.5 Myr ago, warm, high-CO2 conditions gave way to the variable 'icehouse' climates that prevail today. Despite intense study, the history of cooling versus ice-sheet growth and sea-level fall reconstructed from oxygen isotope values in marine sediments at the transition has not been resolved. Here, we analyse oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios of benthic foraminifera, and integrate the results with the stratigraphic record of sea-level change across the Eocene-Oligocene transition from a continental-shelf site at Saint Stephens Quarry, Alabama. Comparisons with deep-sea (Sites 522 (South Atlantic) and 1218 (Pacific)) d18O and Mg/Ca records enable us to reconstruct temperature, ice-volume and sea-level changes across the climate transition. Our records show that the transition occurred in at least three distinct steps, with an increasing influence of ice volume on the oxygen isotope record as the transition progressed. By the early Oligocene, ice sheets were ~25% larger than present. This growth was associated with a relative sea-level decrease of approximately 105 m, which equates to a 67 m eustatic fall.


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Constraining the magnitude of high-latitude temperature change across the Eocene-Oligocene transition (EOT) is essential for quantifying the magnitude of Antarctic ice-sheet expansion and understanding regional climate response to this event. To this end, we constructed high-resolution stable oxygen isotope (d18O) and magnesium/calcium (Mg/Ca) records from planktic and benthic foraminifera at four Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites in the Southern Ocean. Planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca records from the Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Sites 738, 744, and 748) show a consistent pattern of temperature change, indicating 2-3 °C cooling in direct conjunction with the first step of a two-step increase in benthic and planktic foraminiferal d18O values across the EOT. In contrast, benthic Mg/Ca records from Maud Rise (ODP Site 689) and the Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Site 748) do not exhibit significant temperature change. The contrasting temperature histories derived from the planktic and benthic Mg/Ca records are not reconcilable, since vertical d18O gradients remained nearly constant at all sites between 35.0 and 32.5 Ma. Based on the coherency of the planktic Mg/Ca records from the Kerguelen Plateau sites and complications with benthic Mg/Ca paleothermometry at low temperatures, the planktic Mg/Ca records are deemed the most reliable measure of Southern Ocean temperature change. We therefore interpret a uniform cooling of 2-3 °C in both deep surface (thermocline) waters and intermediate deep waters of the Southern Ocean across the EOT. Cooling of Southern Ocean surface waters across the EOT was likely propagated to the deep ocean, since deep waters were primarily sourced on the Antarctic margin throughout this time interval. Removal of the temperature component from the observed foraminiferal d18O shift indicates that seawater d18O values increased by 0.6 ± 0.15 per mil across the EOT interval, corresponding to an increase in global ice volume to a level equivalent with 60-130% modern East Antarctic ice sheet volume.