999 resultados para Jahn-teller Interactions


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In the present investigation some spectroscopic properties of several lanthanide squarate hydrates are reported. The Raman spectra show the same distinctive Jahn-Teller intensity pattern for non-totally symmetric modes, as previously observed for the free anion. In the case of the terbium salt, the Tb3+ emission is very intense even at room temperature, revealing an efficient excitation via the ligand electronic levels. The Tb3+ dilution in Gd3+ or La3+ hosts increases this excitation efficiency without any appreciable variation in the 5D4 excited-state lifetime. However, the Eu3+ emission is very weak, with excited states located above the 5D2 level (ca. 21 550 cm-1) being completely quenched at room temperature. At lower temperatures higher-lying levels are not so efficiently quenched. The broad band observed in the UV excitation spectra of Eu3+ and Tb3+ is easily assigned to an intra-ligand transition leading to ligand-to-lanthanide ion energy transfer processes. As observed for Tb3+, Eu3+ dilution in Gd3+ or La3+ hosts also increases the relative emission intensity mediated by the ligand, without variation in the 5D0 excited-state lifetime. The Eu3+ 5D0 excitation spectra show vibronic structures that can be interpreted on the basis of the data available from the vibrational spectra. An increase in the vibronic intensities is observed as the lanthanide concentration is increased. © 1994.


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Compostos do tipo hidrotalcita, também conhecidos como hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDLs), do sistema (Zn-Ni-Cu/Fe-Al)-SO4 foram obtidos por meio de co-precipitação a pH variável (crescente) utilizando lama vermelha (LV) como material de partida devido a sua elevada porcentagem de Fe3+ e Al3+. Para tal estudo, a LV, previamente caracterizada por FRX e DRX, foi submetida à abertura ácida com HClconc. e H2SO4 2N. Para os HDLs obtidos, foram avaliados a influência do tipo de cátion bivalente, da variação do pH de síntese (pH 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 e 12) e da variação de razão molar teórica r = MII/MIII (2, 3 e 4) na sua estrutura cristalina mediante as seguintes técnicas de caracterização: DRX, FT-IR, MEV/EDS, TG/ATD. Os resultados FRX revelaram que a LV é composta principalmente por Fe2O3 (32,80%), Al2O3 (19,83%), SiO2 (18,14%) e Na2O (11,55%). DRX corrobora os resultados da análise química, visto que foram identificados os minerais: hematita, goethita, gibbsita, sodalita, calcita, anatásio e quartzo. Zn-HDLs mostraram que a o aumento de pH de síntese colabora para um melhor ordenamento cristalino do material, uma vez que os picos se tornam melhor definidos, culminando com a melhor condição experimental em pH 9 e r = 3, cujo HDL foi identificado como o mineral natroglaucocerinita (d~11 Ǻ). Nesses valores de pH, a incorporação de SO42- no espaçamento interlamelar foi favorecida apesar da competição com o CO2 presente no ar atmosférico no momento da síntese. FT-IR também indica a presença do sulfato. As análises por MEV revelam a presença de cristais muito finos e pequenos, > 2μm, de forma hexagonal que pela análise via EDS indicaram, em sua composição, os elementos Na, Zn, Fe, Al, S, C e O. TG/ATD evidenciaram quatro etapas de perda de massa: desidratação, desidroxilação, desoxidenação e dessulfatação, para os HDLs com melhor ordenamento cristalino. Para os materiais menos cristalinos, as duas primeiras etapas ocorrem simultaneamente. Ni-HDLs apresentaram três picos com posições próximas às do mineral carrboydita a partir de pH igual a 7. No entanto, a partir de pH 9, surge hematita como uma fase acessória. Também há disputa entre os ânions SO42- e CO32- no espaço interlamelar, visto que os valores de espaçamento basal d diminuem (de aproximadamente 9,5 até 7,8 Ǻ). Tal fato também foi observado pelo FT-IR. As análises por MEV mostraram aglomerados de minerais anédricos menores que 2μm que, via EDS indicaram composição Ni, Fe, Al, S, C e O. As análises de TG/ATD apresentaram o mesmo comportamento do sistema anterior, evidenciaram as etapas de desidratação, desidroxilação, desoxigenação e dessulfatação e, para os materiais menos cristalinos, as duas primeiras etapas também ocorrem simultaneamente. Cu-HDLs, em valores de pH entre 7 e 10, não cristalizaram a fase HDL tal qual verificada para os sistemas contendo zinco ou níquel. O cobre distorce a estrutura do octaedro causando o chamado Efeito Jahn-Teller: distorção tetraédrica no ambiente octaédrico. As análises por FT-IR apresentaram o mesmo comportamento dos sistemas anteriores, apesar de o material se apresentar amorfo via DRX. O MEV também revela aglomerados amorfos que, de acordo com o EDS, indicaram em sua composição os elementos Cu, Fe, Al, S, C e O. As análises de TG/ATD apresentaram o mesmo comportamento que os materiais menos cristalinos dos dois sistemas anteriores, para os quais as etapas de desidratação e desidroxilação ocorreram simultaneamente. Mt-HDLs (mistura de Zn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+), apresentaram comportamento semelhante aos HDLs de níquel, com quatro picos em posições próximas aos da carrboydita a partir de pH igual a 7. A disputa entre sulfato e carbonato também se repete, visto que os valores de espaçamento basal d diminuem (de aproximadamente 9,5 até 7,9 Ǻ), o que também pode ser notado nos espectros de FT-IR. O MEV dessas amostras também apresentaram aglomerados com tamanhos menores que 2μm e, via EDS, indicaram em sua composição os elementos Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Al, S, C e O. Aqui também o comportamento das curvas TG/ATD foi semelhante aos materiais pouco cristalinos obtidos anteriormente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ausgehend von der Entdeckung der reversiblen Strukturierung mittels Rastersondenmethoden im Phasensystem Na2O/V2O5/P2O5 wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zwei Ansatzpunkte verfolgt. Einerseits sollten mittels der Schmelzflußelektrolyse einige bereits existierende niederdimensionale Molybdänbronzen mit bekannten elektronischen Übergängen in ausreichend großen Kristallen gezüchtet werden, um sie auf ihre Strukturierungseigenschaften hin zu untersuchen. Gleichzeitig sollte durch Variation versucht werden, neue, bisher unbekannte Bronzen oder reduzierte Oxide zu synthetisieren und charakterisieren. Der zweite Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag in der Synthese und Charakterisierung von Oxidchalkogeniden, bestehend aus einem Seltenerdmetall und einem 3d-Metall von Titan bis hin zu den mittleren Übergangsmetallen. Diese Verbindungen können durch die Kombination der jeweiligen Eigenschaften der oxidischen und chalkogeniden Teilstrukturen völlig neue elektronische und/oder magnetische Eigenschaften aufweisen. Mögliche auftretende Phasenübergänge sind wiederum für Strukturierungsversuche interessant. Die zu den Oxidchalkogeniden durchgeführten Untersuchungen ergaben im Phasensystem Ln/Ti/S/O (Ln = Lanthanoide) insgesamt sechs Verbindungen. Zwei von ihnen, La8Ti9S24O4 und Nd20Ti11S44O6, besitzen als gemeinsames Strukturelement tetranukleare [Ti4(u4-S)2(u2-O)4]-Cluster, bestehend aus vier miteinander über gemeinsame Flächen kondensierte TiS4O2-Oktaeder. Die Titanpositionen innerhalb der Cluster sind mit Ti+3-Ionen besetzt. Beide Verbindungen weisen in einem Temperaturbereich zwischen 150 K und 250 K eine deutlich ausgeprägte Hysterese der magnetischen Suszeptibilität auf, die sich im Falle von La8Ti9S24O4 auf einen Jahn-Teller-Übergang zurückführen läßt. Daneben konnte erstmals eine Serie oxidisch/sulfidisch gemischter Ruddlesden-Popper-Verbindungen mit Ln2Ti2S2O5 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Sm) synthetisiert und charakterisiert werden. Titan liegt als vierwertiges Ion in aus TiSO5-Oktaedern gebildeten Perowskit-Doppelschichten vor. Die neunfach koordinierten Positionen sind mit den Seltenerdmetallionen gefüllt, die zwölffach koordinierten Lagen sind unbesetzt. Bei dem sechsten erhaltene Titanoxidsulfid, La4TiS6.5O1.5, handelt es sich um einen Halbleiter mit einer Bandlücke von etwa 2 eV. Weiterhin gelang es, die Serie Ln2M3S2O8 (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm; M = Nb, Ta) zu synthetisieren und in ihren physikalischen Eigenschaften zu charakterisieren. Es handelt sich ausnahmslos um Halbleiter mit Bandlücken zwischen E=0.125 eV für La2Nb3S2O8 und E=0.222 eV für Pr2Ta3S2O8. Die Struktur der Oxidsulfide Ce2Ta3S2O8, Pr2Ta3S2O8, Nd2Nb3S2O8 sowie Sm2Ta3S2O8 weist im Gegensatz zu den anderen Verbindungen eine Fehlordnung eines der beiden kristallographisch unabhängigen Nb- bzw. Ta-Atome auf. Daraus resultiert eine Symmetrieerniedrigung von Pnma zu Pbam. Der Einsatz von Europium führte zu einer neuen Modifikation des bronzoiden Oxids EuTa2O6, in der das Europium als Eu+2 vorliegt, wie 151Eu-Mößbauer-Untersuchungen bestätigten. Vor der Durchführung der Kristallzüchtungen mittels der Schmelzflußelektrolysen mußten die benutzen Öfen und Elektrolysezellen geplant und angefertigt werden. Es konnten dann verschiedene blaue, rote und violette Moybdänbronzen (sowie La2Mo2O7) in Kristallen bis zu 25 mm Länge dargestellt werden. Ferner gelang die erste exakte Einkristalluntersuchung der roten Bronze Rb0.33MoO3. Sie verfügt über die höchste d-Elektronen-Lokalisierungsrate aller bekannten roten Bronzen. Die erhaltenen Bronzen wurden teilweise von der Arbeitsgruppe Fuchs, Physikalisches Institut der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, auf ihre Nanostrukturierbarkeit hin untersucht. Dabei ergaben sich zwei verschiedene Strukturierungsmechanismen. Sind es im Fall der blauen Alkalimetall-Molybdänbronzen ausschließlich Lochstrukturen, die entstehen, handelt es sich bei La2Mo2O7 um Hügelstrukturen. Mittels der Schmelzflußelektrolyse konnte auch das gemischtvalente Alkalimetall-Eisenmolybdat NaFe2(MoO4)3 synthetisiert werden. Daneben gelang die Synthese dreier weiterer Alkalimetall-Eisenmolybdate: Cs2Fe2(MoO4)3, NaFe4(MoO4)5 und CsFe5(MoO4)7. Bis auf Cs2Fe2(MoO4)3, welches in der bekannten Langbeinit-Struktur kristallisiert, handelt es sich bei den übrigen Alkalimetall-Eisenmolybdaten um völlig neuartige Käfigverbindungen, bzw. bei CsFe5(MoO4)7 um eine Tunnelverbindung. Die Kristallstrukturen beinhalten kondensierte FeO6-Oktaeder. Im Fall von NaFe2(MoO4)3 lassen sich [Fe2O10]-Einheiten, für NaFe4(MoO4)5 [Fe2O10]- sowie [Fe3O14]-Einheiten, und für CsFe5(MoO4)7 [Fe4O18]-Baueinheiten beobachten. Die Positionen der Fe+2- und Fe+3-Atome in NaFe4(MoO4)5 wurden mit Hilfe einer 57Fe-Mößbauer-Untersuchung bestimmt.


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Diese Dissertation ist in zwei Teile aufgeteilt: Teil 1 befasst sich mit der Vorhersage von Halb-Metallizität in quarternären Heuslerverbindungen und deren Potential für Spintronik-Anwendungen. Teil 2 befasst sich mit den strukturellen Eigenschaften der Mn2-basierenden Heuslerverbindungen und dem Tuning von ihrer magnetischen Eigenschaften bzgl. Koerzitivfeldstärke und Remanenz. Diese Verbindungen sind geeignet für Spin-Transfer Torque-Anwendungen.rnrnIn Teil 1 wurden die folgenden drei Probenserien quarternärer Heuslerverbindungen untersucht: XX´MnGa (X = Cu, Ni und X´ = Fe, Co), CoFeMnZ (Z = Al, Ga, Si, Ge) und Co2−xRhxMnZ (Z = Ga, Sn, Sb). Abgesehen von CuCoMnGa wurden alle diese Verbindungen mittels ab-initio Bandstrukturrechnungen als halbmetallische Ferromagnete prognostiziert. In der XX´MnGa-Verbindungsklasse besitzt NiFeMnGa zwar eine zu niedrige Curie-Temperatur für technologische Anwendungen, jedoch NiCoMnGa mit seiner hohen Spinpolarisation, einem hohen magnetischen Moment und einer hohen Curie-Temperatur stellt ein neues Material für Spintronik-Anwendungen dar. Alle CoFeMnZ-Verbindungen kristallisieren in der kubischen Heuslerstruktur und ihre magnetischen Momente folgen der Slater-Pauling-Regel, was Halbmetalizität und eine hohe Spinpolarisation impliziert. Die ebenfalls hohen Curie-Temperaturen ermöglichen einen Einsatz weit über Raumtemperatur hinaus. In der strukturellen Charakterisierung wurde festgestellt, dass sämtliche Co2−xRhxMnZ abgesehen von CoRhMnSn verschiedene Typen von Unordnung aufweisen; daher war die ermittelte Abweichung von der Slater-Pauling-Regel sowie von der 100%-igen Spinpolarisation dieser Verbindungen zu erwarten. Die Halbmetallizität der geordneten CoRhMnSn-Verbindung sollte nach den durchgeführten magnetischen Messungen vorhanden sein.rnrnIm zweiten Teil wurden Mn3−xCoxGa und Mn2−xRh1+xSn synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass Mn3−xCoxGa im Bereich x = 0.1 − 0.4 in einer tetragonal verzerrten inversen Heuslerstruktur kristallisiert und im Bereich x = 0.6−1 in einer kubisch inversen Heuslerstruktur. Während die tetragonalen Materialien hartmagnetisch sind und Charakeristika aufweisen, die typischerweise für Spin-Transfer Torque-Anwengungen attraktiv sind, repräsentieren die weichmagnetischen kubischen Vertreter die 100% spinpolarisierten Materialien, die der Slater-Pauling-Regel folgen. Mn2RhSn kristallisiert in der inversen tetragonal verzerrten Heuslerstruktur, weist einernhartmagnetische Hystereseschleife auf und folgt nicht der Slater-Pauling-Regel. Bei hohen Rh-Gehalt wird die kubische inverse Heuslerstruktur gebildet. Alle kubischen Proben sind weichmagnetisch und folgen der Slater-Pauling-Regel.


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Die biologische Stickstofffixierung durch Molybdän-haltige Nitrogenasen sowie die Erforschung des zugrundeliegenden komplexen Mechanismus (N2-Aktivierung an Metall-Zentren, 6-fache Protonierung und Reduktion, N–N Bindungsspaltung unter Bildung von Ammoniak) ist von erheblichem Interesse. Insbesondere Molybdän-Komplexe wurden bereits erfolgreich als Modellverbindungen für die Untersuchung elementarer Einzelschritte der N2-Aktivierung eingesetzt. Durch die Verwendung von Triamidoamin-Liganden ist es Schrock et al. sogar gelungen mehrere Katalysezyklen zu durchlaufen und einen Mechanismus zu formulieren. Trotz der sterisch anspruchsvollen Substituenten in den Schrock-Komplexen ist die Umsatzrate dieses homogenen Katalysators, aufgrund Komplex-Deaktivierung infolge intermolekularer Reaktionen wie Dimerisierung und Disproportionierung, limitiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden einige dieser Herausforderungen angegangen und die aktiven Spezies auf einer Festphase immobilisiert, um intermolekulare Reaktionen durch räumliche Isolierung der Komplexe zu unterdrücken.rnEin Polymer-verankertes Analogon des Schrock Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes wurde auf einem neuen Reaktionsweg synthetisiert. Dieser beinhaltet nur einen einzigen Reaktionsschritt, um die funktionelle Gruppe „MoN“ einzuführen. Protonierung des immobilisierten Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes LMoVIN (L = Polymer-verankerter Triamidoamin-Ligand) mit 2,6-Lutidinium liefert den entsprechenden Imido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplex. Durch anschließende Ein-Elektronen-Reduktion mit Cobaltocen wird der Polymer-angebundene Imido-Molybdän(V)-Komplex erhalten, bewiesen durch EPR-Spektroskopie (g1,2,3 = 1.989, 1.929, 1.902). Durch die Immobilisierung und die effektive räumliche Separation der Reaktionszentren auf der Festphase werden bimolekulare Nebenreaktionen, die oft in homogenen Systemen auftreten, unterdrückt. Dies ermöglicht zum ersten Mal die Darstellung des Imido-Molybdän(V)-Intermediates des Schrock-Zyklus.rnEPR-Spektren des als Spin-Label eingeführten immobilisierten Nitrato-Kupfer(II)-Komplexes wurden unter verschiedenen Bedingungen (Lösungsmittel, Temperatur) aufgenommen, wobei sich eine starke Abhängigkeit zwischen der Zugänglichkeit und Reaktivität der immobilisierten Reaktionszentren und der Art des Lösungsmittels zeigte. Somit wurde die Reaktivität von LMoVIN gegenüber Protonen und Elektronen, welches zur Bildung von NH3 führt, unter Verwendung verschiedener Lösungsmittel untersucht und optimiert. Innerhalb des kugelförmigen Polymers verläuft die Protonierung und Reduktion von LMoVIN stufenweise. Aktive Zentren, die sich an der „äußeren Schale“ des Polymers befinden, sind gut zugänglich und reagieren schnell nach H+/e− Zugabe. Aktive Zentren im „Inneren des Polymers“ hingegen sind schlechter zugänglich und zeigen langsame diffusions-kontrollierte Reaktionen, wobei drei H+/e− Schritte gefolgt von einer Ligandenaustausch-Reaktion erforderlich sind, um NH3 freizusetzen: LMoVIN  LMoVNH  LMoIVNH2  LMoIIINH3 und anschließender Ligandenaustausch führt zur Freisetzung von NH3.rnIn einem weiteren Projekt wurde der Bis(ddpd)-Kupfer(II)-Komplex EPR-spektroskopisch in Hinblick auf Jahn−Teller-Verzerrung und -Dynamik untersucht. Dabei wurden die EPR-Spektren bei variabler Temperatur (70−293 K) aufgenommen. Im Festkörperspektrum bei T < 100 K erscheint der Kupfer(II)-Komplex als gestreckter Oktaeder, wohingegen das EPR-Spektrum bei höheren Temperaturen g-Werte aufzeigt, die einer pseudo-gestauchten oktaedrischen Kupfer(II)-Spezies zuzuordnen sind. Diese Tatsache wird einem intramolekularen dynamischen Jahn−Teller Phänomen zugeschrieben, welcher bei 100 K eingefroren wird.


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The rare mixed copper-zinc phosphate mineral veszelyite (Cu,Zn)2Zn(PO4)(OH)3·2H2O space group P21/c, a = 7.5096(2), b = 10.2281(2), c = 9.8258(2) Å, β = 103.3040(10)°, V = 734.45(3) Å3 was investigated by in situ temperature-dependent single-crystal X-ray structure refinements. The atomic arrangement of veszelyite consists of an alternation of octahedral and tetrahedral sheets. The Jahn-Teller distorted CuO6 octahedra form sheets with eight-membered rings. The tetrahedral sheet composed of PO4 and ZnO3(OH) tetrahedra shows strong topological similarities to that of cavansite, gismondine, and kipushite.Diffraction data of a sample from Zdravo Vrelo, near Kreševo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) have been measured in steps of 25 up to 225 °C. Hydrogen positions and the hydrogen-bond system were determined experimentally from the structure refinements of data collected up to 125 °C. At 200 °C, the hydrogen-bonding scheme was inferred from bond-valence calculations and donor-acceptor distances. The hydrogen-bond system connects the tetrahedral sheet to the octahedral sheet and also braces the Cu sheet.At 150 °C, the H2O molecule at H2O2 was released and the Cu coordination (Cu1 and Cu2) decreased from originally six- to fivefold. Cu1 has a square planar coordination by four OH groups and an elongate distance to O3, whereas Cu2 has the Jahn-Teller characteristic elongate bond to H2O1. The unit-cell volume decreased 7% from originally 734.45(3) to 686.4(4) Å3 leading to a formula with 1 H2O pfu. The new phase observed above 150 °C is characterized by an increase of the c axis and a shortening of the b axis. The bending of T-O-T angles causes an increasing elliptical shape of the eight-membered rings in the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets. Moreover a rearrangement of the hydrogen-bond system was observed.At 225 °C, the structure degrades to an X-ray amorphous residual due to release of the last H2O molecule at H2O1. The stronger Jahn-Teller distortion of Cu1 relative to Cu2 suggests that Cu1 is fully occupied by Cu, whereas Cu2 bears significant Zn. H2O1 is the fifth ligand of Cu2. Zn at Cu2 is not favorable to adopt planar fourfold coordination. Thus, if the last water molecule is expelled the structure is destabilized.This study contributes to understanding the dehydration mechanism and thermal stability of supergene minerals characterized by Jahn-Teller distorted octahedra with mixed Cu, Zn occupancy.


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Defect interaction can take place in CdTe under Te and Bi rich conditions. We demonstrate in this work through first principles calculations, that this phenomenon allows a Jahn Teller distortion to form an isolated half-filled intermediate band in the host semiconductor band-gap. This delocalized energy band supports the experimental deep level reported in the host band-gap of CdTe at a low bismuth concentration. Furthermore, the calculated optical absorption of CdTe:Bi in this work shows a significant subband-gap absorption that also supports the enhancement of the optical absorption found in the previous experimental results.


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The synthesis and crystal structure of a novel one-dimensional Cu(II) compound [Cu(1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)ethane)3](ClO4)2 are described. The single-crystal X-ray structure determination was carried out at 298 K. The molecular structure consists of a linear chain in which the Cu(II) ions are linked by three N4,N4' coordinating bis(tetrazole) ligands in syn conformation. The Cu(II) ions are in a Jahn-Teller distorted octahedral environment (Cu(1)-N(11)=2.034(2) Å, Cu(1)-N(21)=2.041(2) Å and Cu(1)-N(31)=2.391(2) Å). The Cu⋯Cu separations are 7.420(3) Å.


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The binary compound SnSe exhibits record high thermoelectric performance, largely because of its very low thermal conductivity. The origin of the strong phonon anharmonicity leading to the low thermal conductivity of SnSe is investigated through first-principles calculations of the electronic structure and phonons. It is shown that a Jahn-Teller instability of the electronic structure is responsible for the high-temperature lattice distortion between the Cmcm and Pnma phases. The coupling of phonon modes and the phase transition mechanism are elucidated, emphasizing the connection with hybrid improper ferroelectrics. This coupled instability of electronic orbitals and lattice dynamics is the origin of the strong anharmonicity causing the ultralow thermal conductivity in SnSe. Exploiting such bonding instabilities to generate strong anharmonicity may provide a new rational to design efficient thermoelectric materials.


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Thermoelectric materials are revisited for various applications including power generation. The direct conversion of temperature differences into electric voltage and vice versa is known as thermoelectric effect. Possible applications of thermoelectric materials are in eco-friendly refrigeration, electric power generation from waste heat, infrared sensors, temperature controlled-seats and portable picnic coolers. Thermoelectric materials are also extensively researched upon as an alternative to compression based refrigeration. This utilizes the principle of Peltier cooling. The performance characteristic of a thermoelectric material, termed as figure of merit (ZT) is a function of several transport coefficients such as electrical conductivity (σ), thermal conductivity (κ) and Seebeck coefficient of the material (S). ZT is expressed asκσTZTS2=, where T is the temperature in degree absolute. A large value of Seebeck coefficient, high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity are necessary to realize a high performance thermoelectric material. The best known thermoelectric materials are phonon-glass electron – crystal (PGEC) system where the phonons are scattered within the unit cell by the rattling structure and electrons are scattered less as in crystals to obtain a high electrical conductivity. A survey of literature reveals that correlated semiconductors and Kondo insulators containing rare earth or transition metal ions are found to be potential thermoelectric materials. The structural magnetic and charge transport properties in manganese oxides having the general formula of RE1−xAExMnO3 (RE = rare earth, AE= Ca, Sr, Ba) are solely determined by the mixed valence (3+/4+) state of Mn ions. In strongly correlated electron systems, magnetism and charge transport properties are strongly correlated. Within the area of strongly correlated electron systems the study of manganese oxides, widely known as manganites exhibit unique magneto electric transport properties, is an active area of research.Strongly correlated systems like perovskite manganites, characterized by their narrow localized band and hoping conduction, were found to be good candidates for thermoelectric applications. Manganites represent a highly correlated electron system and exhibit a variety of phenomena such as charge, orbital and magnetic ordering, colossal magneto resistance and Jahn-Teller effect. The strong inter-dependence between the magnetic order parameters and the transport coefficients in manganites has generated much research interest in the thermoelectric properties of manganites. Here, large thermal motion or rattling of rare earth atoms with localized magnetic moments is believed to be responsible for low thermal conductivity of these compounds. The 4f levels in these compounds, lying near the Fermi energy, create large density of states at the Fermi level and hence they are likely to exhibit a fairly large value of Seebeck coefficient.


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Although the transition metal chemistry of many dialkylamido ligands has been well studied, the chemistry of the bulky di(tert-butyl)amido ligand has been largely overlooked. The di(tert-butyl)amido ligand is well suited for synthesizing transition metal compounds with low coordination numbers; such compounds may exhibit interesting structural, physical, and chemical properties. Di(tert-butyl)amido complexes of transition metals are expected to exhibit high volatilities and low decomposition temperatures, thus making them well suited for the chemical vapor deposition of metals and metal nitrides. Treatment of MnBr₂(THF)₂, FeI₂, CoBr₂(DME), or NiBr₂(DME) with two equivalents of LiN(t-Bu)2 in benzene affords the two-coordinate complex M[N(t-Bu)₂]₂, where M is Mn, Fe, Co, or Ni. Crystallographic studies show that the M-N distances decrease across the series: 1.9365 (Mn), 1.8790 (Fe), 1.845 (Co), 1.798 Å (Ni). The N-M- N angles are very close to linear for Mn and Fe (179.30 and 179.45°, respectively), but bent for Co and Ni (159.2 and 160.90°, respectively). As expected, the d⁵ Mn complex has a magnetic moment of 5.53 μΒ that is very close to the spin only value. The EPR spectrum is nearly axial with a low E/D ratio of 0.014. The d⁶ Fe compound has a room temperature magnetic moment of 5.55 μΒ indicative of a large orbital angular momentum contribution. It does not exhibit a Jahn-Teller distortion despite the expected doubly degenerate ground state. Applied field Mössbauer spectroscopy shows that the effective internal hyperfine field is unusually large, Hint = 105 T. The magnetic moments of Co[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ and Ni[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ are 5.24 and 3.02 μΒ respectively. Both are EPR silent at 4.2 K. Treatment of TiCl₄ with three equivalents of LiN(t-Bu)2 in pentane affords the briding imido compound Ti₂[μ-N(t-Bu)]₂Cl₂[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ via a dealkylation reaction. Rotation around the bis(tert-butyl)amido groups is hindered, with activation parameters of ΔH‡ = 12.8 ± 0.6 kcal mol-1 and ΔS‡ = -8 ± 2 cal K-1 ·mol-1, as evidenced by variable temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy. Treatment of TiCl₄ with two equivalents of HN(t-Bu)₂ affords Ti₂Cl₆[N(t-Bu)₂]₂. This complex shows a close-contact of 2.634(3) Å between Ti and the carbon atom of one of the CH₃ substituents on the tert-butyl groups. Theoretical considerations and detailed structural comparisons suggest this interaction is not agostic in nature, but rather is a consequence of interligand repulsions. Treatment of NiI₂(PPh3)₂ and PdCl₂(PPh₃)₂ with LiN(t-Bu)₂in benzene affords Ni[N(t-Bu)₂](PPh₃)I and Pd₃(μ₂-NBut₂)2(μ₂-PPh₂)Ph(PPh₃) respectively. The compound Ni[N(t-Bu)₂](PPh₃)I has distorted T-shape in geometry, whereas Pd₃(μ₂-NBut₂)₂(μ₂-PPh₂)Ph(PPh₃) contains a triangular palladium core. Manganese nitride films were grown from Mn[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ in the presence of anhydrous ammonia. The growth rate was several nanometers per minute even at the remarkably low temperature of 80⁰C. As grown, the films are carbon- and oxygen-free, and have a columnar morphology. The spacings between the columns become smaller and the films become smoother as the growth temperature is increased. The composition of the films is consistent with a stoichiometry of Mn₅N₂.


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We introduce quantum sensing schemes for measuring very weak forces with a single trapped ion. They use the spin-motional coupling induced by the laser-ion interaction to transfer the relevant force information to the spin-degree of freedom. Therefore, the force estimation is carried out simply by observing the Ramsey-type oscillations of the ion spin states. Three quantum probes are considered, which are represented by systems obeying the Jaynes-Cummings, quantum Rabi (in 1D) and Jahn-Teller (in 2D) models. By using dynamical decoupling schemes in the Jaynes-Cummings and Jahn-Teller models, our force sensing protocols can be made robust to the spin dephasing caused by the thermal and magnetic field fluctuations. In the quantum-Rabi probe, the residual spin-phonon coupling vanishes, which makes this sensing protocol naturally robust to thermally-induced spin dephasing. We show that the proposed techniques can be used to sense the axial and transverse components of the force with a sensitivity beyond the yN/\wurzel{Hz}range, i.e. in the xN/\wurzel{Hz}(xennonewton, 10^−27). The Jahn-Teller protocol, in particular, can be used to implement a two-channel vector spectrum analyzer for measuring ultra-low voltages.


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Small polarons (SP) have been thoroughly investigated in 3d transition metal oxides and they have been found to play a crucial role in physical phenomena such as charge transport, colossal magnetoresistance and surface reactivity. However, our knowledge about these quasi-particles in 5d systems remains very limited, since the more delocalised nature of the 5d orbitals reduces the strength of the Electronic Correlation (EC), making SP formation in these compounds rather unexpected. Nevertheless, the Spin-Orbit coupled Dirac-Mott insulator Ba2NaOsO6 (BNOO) represents a good candidate for enabling polaron formation in a relativistic background, due to the relatively large EC (U ∼ 3 eV) and Jahn-Teller activity. Moreover, anomalous peaks in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy experiments suggest the presence of thermally activated SP dynamics when BNOO is doped with Ca atoms. We investigate SP formation in BNOO both from an electronic and structural point of view by means of fully relativistic first principles calculations. Our numerical simulations predict a stable SP ground state and agree on the value of 810 K for the dynamical process peak found by NMR experiments.


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High-throughput screening of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions brings important perspectives in the Systems Biology field, as the analysis of these interactions provides new insights into protein/gene function, cellular metabolic variations and the validation of therapeutic targets and drug design. However, such analysis depends on a pipeline connecting different tools that can automatically integrate data from diverse sources and result in a more comprehensive dataset that can be properly interpreted. We describe here the Integrated Interactome System (IIS), an integrative platform with a web-based interface for the annotation, analysis and visualization of the interaction profiles of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest. IIS works in four connected modules: (i) Submission module, which receives raw data derived from Sanger sequencing (e.g. two-hybrid system); (ii) Search module, which enables the user to search for the processed reads to be assembled into contigs/singlets, or for lists of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest, and add them to the project; (iii) Annotation module, which assigns annotations from several databases for the contigs/singlets or lists of proteins/genes, generating tables with automatic annotation that can be manually curated; and (iv) Interactome module, which maps the contigs/singlets or the uploaded lists to entries in our integrated database, building networks that gather novel identified interactions, protein and metabolite expression/concentration levels, subcellular localization and computed topological metrics, GO biological processes and KEGG pathways enrichment. This module generates a XGMML file that can be imported into Cytoscape or be visualized directly on the web. We have developed IIS by the integration of diverse databases following the need of appropriate tools for a systematic analysis of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions. IIS was validated with yeast two-hybrid, proteomics and metabolomics datasets, but it is also extendable to other datasets. IIS is freely available online at: http://www.lge.ibi.unicamp.br/lnbio/IIS/.