959 resultados para Issues for Managing Tourism Information


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The study examines one case of students' experiences from the activity in a collaborative learning process in a networked learning environment, and explores whether or not the experiences explain the participation or lack of participation in the activities. As a research task the students' experiences in the database of the networked learning environment, participating in its construction, and the ways of working needed to build the database, were examined. To contrast the students' experiences, their actual participation in the building of the database was clarified. Based on actual participation, groups more active and more passive than average were separated, and their experiences were compared to each other. The research material was collected from the course Cognitive and Creative Processes, which was offered to studentsof the Department of Textile Teacher Education in University of Helsinki, and students of the Departments of Teacher Education Units giving textile education in Turku, Rauma and Savonlinna in the beginning of 2001. In this course, creativity was examined from a psychological and sosiocultural context with the aim of realizing a collaborative progressive inquiry process. The course was held in a network-based Future Learning Environment (Fle 2) except for the starting lecture and training the use of the learning environment. This study analyzed the learning diaries that the students had sent to the tutor once a week for four weeks, and the final thoughts written into the database of the learning environment. Content analysis was applied as the research method. The case was enriched from another point of view by examining the messages the students had written into the learning environment with the social network analysis. The theoretical base of the study looks at the research of computer-supported collaborative learning, the conceptions of learning as a process of participation and knowledge building, and the possibilities and limitations of network-based learning environments. The research results show, that both using the network-based learning environment and collaborative ways of studying were new to the students. The students were positively surprised by the feedback and support provided by the community. On the other hand, they also experienced problems with facelessness and managing the information in the learning environment. The active students seemed to be more ready for a progressive inquiry process. It can be seen from their attitudes and actions that they have strived to participate actively and invested into the process both from their own and the community's point of view. The more passive students reported their actions to get credits and they had a harder time of perceiving the thoughts presented in the net as common progression. When arranging similar courses in the future, attention should be paid to how to get the students to act in ways necessary for knowledge building, and different from more traditional ways of studying. The difficulties of students used to traditional studying methods to adapt to collaborative knowledge building were evident on the course Cognitive and Creative Processes. Keywords: computer supported collaborative learning, knowledge building, progressive Inquiry, participation


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The research analyzes product quality from a customer perspective in the case of the wood products industry. Of specific interest is to understand better how environmental quality is perceived from a customer perspective. The empirical material used comprises four data-sets from Finland, Germany and the UK, collected during 1992 2004. The methods consist of a set of quantitative statistical analyses. The results indicate that perceived quality from a customer perspective can be presented using a multidimensional and hierarchical construct with tangible and intangible dimensions, that is common to different markets and products. This applies in the case of wood products but also more generally at least for some other construction materials. For wood products, tangible product quality has two main sub-dimensions: technical quality and appearance. For product intangibles, a few main quality dimensions seem be detectable: Quality of intangibles related to the physical product, such as environmental issues and product-related information, supplier-related characteristics, and service and sales personnel behavior. Environmental quality and information are often perceived as being inter-related. Technical performance and appearance are the most important considerations for customers in the case of wood products. Organizational customers in particular also clearly consider certain intangible quality dimensions to be important, such as service and supplier reliability. The high technical quality may be considered as a license to operate , but product appearance and intangible quality provide potential for differentiation for attracting certain market segments. Intangible quality issues are those where Nordic suppliers underperform in comparison to their Central-European competitors on the important German markets. Environmental quality may not have been used to its full extent to attract customers. One possibility is to increase the availability of the environment-related information, or to develop environment-related product characteristics to also provide some individual benefits. Information technology provides clear potential to facilitate information-based quality improvements, which was clearly recognized by Finnish forest industry already in the early 1990s. The results indeed indicate that wood products markets are segmented with regard to quality demands


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Managing course information infoKit


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An overview is provided of studies on hypertrophic phytoplankton in order to explore the subject and to suggest uncovered areas of research in this increasingly important theme. The authors restrict themselves to stagnant environments, using a community criterion to define hypertrophic environments. They are defined as those whose yearly average of phytoplankton chlorophyll is equal to or higher than 100 mg per cubic metre of water. The paper deals with species composition, diversity, biomass, primary production, losses and seasonal succession of hypertrophic phytoplankton. Other topics, such as population dynamics and ecophysiological issues, either lack enough information to be considered or are well known, e.g. Microcystis and Oscillatoria ecophysiology.


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The West Indian Ocean is rich in biodiversity and marine resources. This paper gives an overview of fisheries development and resource management in the region. There are many shared issues that must be addressed within countries and at the regional level. These are illustrated by examples from three countries. In Mozambique the issues of lack of information about artisanal fisheries, excessive harvesting of juveniles and conflicts between artisanal and commercial sectors are highlighted. Elements in addressing this include targeted research and decision-making support tools. The challenges faced in Somalia stem primarily from the political instability that contributed to an absence of sound fisheries policy. An example of a highly participatory process to develop the policy provides a model for other countries. In Tanzania, the issue of dynamite fishing was addressed by local communities initiating a program to promote wise use of the resources. There is a clear opportunity for better collaboration and greater integration of fisheries research and management on a regional basis. There is also much to be learnt by the sharing of experiences between countries. This has been initiated by some recently launched regional cooperation projects, but there are still many challenges facing this region.


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This paper identifies the significance of make or buy issues for manufacturing industry, and positions the question as central to manufacturing strategy. The key importance of technology assessment in formulating a make or buy strategy is examined, together with some practical techniques for making this assessment. Finally the issues of managing the technology base of a business are reviewed, and current research aimed at facilitating this task is described.


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Managing product information for product items during their whole lifetime is challenging, especially during their usage and end-of-life phases. A major challenge is how to keep a link between the product item and its associated information, which may be stored in backend systems of different organisations. In this paper, we analyse and compare three approaches for addressing this task, i.e. the EPC Network, DIALOG and WWAI. Copyright © 2006 IFAC.


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Managing product information for product items during their whole lifetime is challenging, especially during their usage and end-of-life phases. A major challenge is how to keep a link between the product item and its associated information that may be stored in backend systems of different organizations. This chapter analyses and compares three approaches for addressing this task-that is, the electronic product code (EPC) Network, DIALOG, and World Wide Article Information (WWAI). The EPC network has three key strengths with respect to Product lifecycle management (PLM): First, it is an internationally accepted standard that is supported by a world-wide standards body (GSI). Second, the lookup mechanism helps to insulate the data on the tag from change. Third, because it is becoming widespread and that this tag can also be used for PLM. WWAI is more technically sophisticated than the other approaches. The DIALOG approach might be the most general purpose one of the three because it places few restrictions on the format of the data on the tag. © 2006 Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O presente trabalho versa sobre a temática da corrupção como fenómeno global e a sua influência nas mais diversos setores da atividade politica, social e económica. A sua prevenção e combate tem sido objeto das mais variadas intervenções a nível mundial, através da criação de organismos e mecanismos legais. No contexto nacional, esta problemática tem feito parte das políticas governamentais de vários governos, através da adoção dos vários mecanismos internacionais ratificados e transpostos para o ordenamento jurídico interno português, ao abrigo dos quais foram criados mecanismos de foro institucional e legislativo, como forma de tornar a sua atuação cada vez mais transparente. Entendemos realizar este estudo na perspetiva do poder local (municípios) e respetivos sítios web e tendo em conta que a informação é o pilar de uma Administração aberta e transparente aos cidadãos, quer na sua atuação, quer na sua responsabilização. Propõe-se neste estudo observar como se refletem as diversas imposições legislativas em matéria de informação (produção e publicidade) e demais mecanismos, na atuação dos municípios, sob ponto de vista da sua implementação nos sítios web. Para tal recorremos à vasta matéria legislativa existente e delineamos a nossa investigação ao abrigo da questão principal formulada, para qual propusemos algumas hipóteses de investigação, que nos propusemos aferir pela observação e análise on-line ao sítio web definido. As conclusões indicam que as questões de transparência e informação são o objetivo primordial de qualquer Administração aberta e responsável, cujo objetivo seja a prossecução do interesse público. Para além disso, constata-se que os diversos mecanismos legislativos constituem forte comprometimento na sua implementação, bem como condicionam a atuação dos decisores públicos em termos de desvios de comportamento e responsabilização.


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Nowadays, to be competitive in society means to have a technological framework that fi ts customer responses. In tourism, the need for ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) is even more important, since to sell the tourist product it is crucial to disclose the information that characterizes it, plus, it is necessary to organize, manage and deal with it in accordance with the tourists’ expectations. After the tourist product has been consumed, it is important to share the experience with other travellers. The process of purchase and consumption of a tourist product is possible only if tourists and professionals have access to the information required, and for this it is necessary to use systems that can: manage results, flights and customer loyalty, distribute information and travel planning, among other things. All these systems have tourist information management in common, which leads to the conclusion that they are indispensable to tourism. This paper presents several information systems that coexist in the tourism sector, as well as those used in tourist distribution channels. Finally we show the trends that these systems are causing in tourism.


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This study explores the extent to which work and organizational (W&O) psychology practitioners use evidence, how they apply it to the everyday contexts in which they work and the types of barriers they encounter in so doing. It adopts a mixed methods approach involving the administration of a survey to a UK sample (N=163) of W&O psychologists and a series of semi-structured interviews (N=25) exploring in greater depth how evidence is applied in practice. Findings reveal that practitioners consult a wide range of different types of evidence which they employ at various stages of engagement with client organisations and that this evidence is pressed into service in the pursuit of solutions which are both acceptable from the client perspective and consistent with the scientific standards underpinning professional knowledge and expertise in W&O psychology. Barriers to evidence-use were mainly practical in nature, concerning issues around managing the client-consultant relationship and the particularities of implementation context, both of which were shown to influence evidence utilisation. The study contributes to current debate on the extent to which W&O psychologists adopt an evidence-based approach and provides a valuable and much called-for empirical insight into the enactment of the scientist-practitioner model in W&O psychology


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Lors d'une intervention conversationnelle, le langage est supporté par une communication non-verbale qui joue un rôle central dans le comportement social humain en permettant de la rétroaction et en gérant la synchronisation, appuyant ainsi le contenu et la signification du discours. En effet, 55% du message est véhiculé par les expressions faciales, alors que seulement 7% est dû au message linguistique et 38% au paralangage. L'information concernant l'état émotionnel d'une personne est généralement inférée par les attributs faciaux. Cependant, on ne dispose pas vraiment d'instruments de mesure spécifiquement dédiés à ce type de comportements. En vision par ordinateur, on s'intéresse davantage au développement de systèmes d'analyse automatique des expressions faciales prototypiques pour les applications d'interaction homme-machine, d'analyse de vidéos de réunions, de sécurité, et même pour des applications cliniques. Dans la présente recherche, pour appréhender de tels indicateurs observables, nous essayons d'implanter un système capable de construire une source consistante et relativement exhaustive d'informations visuelles, lequel sera capable de distinguer sur un visage les traits et leurs déformations, permettant ainsi de reconnaître la présence ou absence d'une action faciale particulière. Une réflexion sur les techniques recensées nous a amené à explorer deux différentes approches. La première concerne l'aspect apparence dans lequel on se sert de l'orientation des gradients pour dégager une représentation dense des attributs faciaux. Hormis la représentation faciale, la principale difficulté d'un système, qui se veut être général, est la mise en œuvre d'un modèle générique indépendamment de l'identité de la personne, de la géométrie et de la taille des visages. La démarche qu'on propose repose sur l'élaboration d'un référentiel prototypique à partir d'un recalage par SIFT-flow dont on démontre, dans cette thèse, la supériorité par rapport à un alignement conventionnel utilisant la position des yeux. Dans une deuxième approche, on fait appel à un modèle géométrique à travers lequel les primitives faciales sont représentées par un filtrage de Gabor. Motivé par le fait que les expressions faciales sont non seulement ambigües et incohérentes d'une personne à une autre mais aussi dépendantes du contexte lui-même, à travers cette approche, on présente un système personnalisé de reconnaissance d'expressions faciales, dont la performance globale dépend directement de la performance du suivi d'un ensemble de points caractéristiques du visage. Ce suivi est effectué par une forme modifiée d'une technique d'estimation de disparité faisant intervenir la phase de Gabor. Dans cette thèse, on propose une redéfinition de la mesure de confiance et introduisons une procédure itérative et conditionnelle d'estimation du déplacement qui offrent un suivi plus robuste que les méthodes originales.


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"Des spécialistes de la Cour suprême du Canada et de la Cour fédérale du Canada, Bill MURRAY et Gary PINDER, ont entrepris d’explorer les moyens par lesquels ces institutions pourraient prendre le virage vers l’électronique pour leurs échanges et leur gestion de l’information. Deux projets ont initialement été présentés au programme Gouvernement en direct. Ces projets ont progressivement convergés jusqu’au point de n’en former qu’un seul, celui décrit dans le « Document de travail : Modèle de fournisseur de services de dépôt électronique ». Un document, avertissent ses auteurs, qui ne vise pas l’endossement d’un modèle particulier, mais plutôt l’identification des voies par lesquelles un système cohérent de dépôt électronique pourrait être mis en place au Canada. D'emblée, quatre éléments du modèle proposé apparaissent particulièrement remarquables : il offre un cadre d’ensemble plutôt qu’un projet isolé ; il s’appuie sur l’utilisation de normes techniques, « Standard as Key Enabler » écrivent-ils ; il met à profit l’entreprise privée, un partenaire capable de trouver les marchés et de les développer ; il prévoit enfin, et ce n’est pas le moindre de ses mérites, la création d’un environnement compétitif pour le dépôt électronique. Selon nous, la voie qu’ils ont tracée peut être empruntée. Ce n’est pas dire qu’il faille accepter, tels quels, tous les éléments du projet sans examiner d’autres orientations ou poursuivre certaines réflexions. Mais, dans l’ensemble, la direction est juste et nous devrions nous y engager. Nous avons choisi de suggérer des orientations, et elles convergent presque toujours avec celles adoptées par les auteurs du document de travail. Nous ne mentionnons ici que la plus centrale d’entre elles. Le projet de mettre en place un système cohérent de dépôt électronique confirme s’il était nécessaire le besoin maintes fois ressenti d’un conseil canadien de l’information juridique. Un tel conseil pourrait mener des consultations et procéder à l’adoption des normes techniques qui manquent aujourd’hui cruellement au monde juridique canadien. Le présent projet et la réflexion qu’il nous impose nous offrent peut-être l’occasion de nous doter de cet outil qui non seulement pourrait clarifier le cadre du dépôt électronique, mais aussi d’élaborer les autres normes et lignes de conduite nécessaires à notre domaine. Il reste à inviter la magistrature à examiner attentivement le projet avancé par MURRAY et PINDER. Il esquisse une approche audacieuse et nouvelle pour que nos institutions judiciaires évoluent vers une utilisation encore plus efficiente des nouveaux moyens technologiques. L’influence et l’appui éclairé de la magistrature sont essentiels au démarrage d’un tel projet. D’autres aussi auront à examiner les mérites du modèle proposé, notamment les responsables administratifs des grandes institutions judiciaires canadiennes, nous sommes certains qu’ils sauront eux aussi reconnaître les possibilités que recèle ce projet."


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Dos de los problemas más comunes presentes en las Administraciones que gestionan Información Territorial a través de una IDE, son la dificultad de que los técnicos para gestionar y actualizar la información, y la dependencia tecnológica de terceros. Parte del problema de la actualización y gestión de la información lo hemos solucionado con el desarrollo de un Gestor de Contenidos del Geoportal y de los servicios WMS, que se liberará como software libre. El Gestor funciona a través de una navegador web estándar donde el usuario, tras validarse, accede a la configuración y publicación de servicios que le permite entre otras: crear nuevos WMS, gestionar los WMS existentes, gestionar las capas del Geoportal, generar leyendas, gestionar usuarios, etc. De este modo, un usuario no técnico y sin conocimientos avanzados de geomática puede publicar capas como servicios WMS sin dificultad


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El presente trabajo de investigación fue realizado con el propósito de modelar el proceso de percepción de marca a partir del análisis de los componentes provenientes de la marca “Bodytech”, esto con el fin de simular el proceso de percepción de marca y evaluar la efectividad de la misma. El proceso que se modela es el de percepción – razonamiento – acción y se hace con el fin de evaluar los gastos en cada uno de los “componentes” que antes mencionaron Para realizar el análisis se hizo uso de un sistema de simulación basada en agentes, el cual recibe valores de diferentes variables analizadas por medio de tres herramientas: (1) un diagrama de grupos poblacionales, (2) un diagrama de desagregación de los núcleos temáticos de la marca y (3) las conclusiones obtenidas de una entrevista que se realizó a los responsables de gestionar la marca. Dicho proceso se lleva a cabo con el fin de poder determinar los valores relacionados al gasto en cada uno de los núcleos temáticos que llevan al sistema a evaluar la percepción de marca y la efectividad de estos gastos. Posteriormente, basados en los resultados del sistema de simulación, se obtiene un escenario que puede ser entendido y parcialmente predicho que le permitirán a Bodytech tener una herramienta de valoración de percepción de su marca.