1000 resultados para Invasive mole (IM)


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An 8 1/2-year-old neutered male Beagle was diagnosed with acquired myasthenia gravis associated with a non-invasive thymic carcinoma. The thymic mass was surgically excised and the dog was treated with pyridostigmine, prednisolone and azathioprine. Serial acetylcholine receptor antibody titres were increased initially but slowly declined to normal values over a period of 24 weeks. Improved exercise tolerance was seen following therapy, however, oesophageal dysfunction persisted. The dog was euthanased 26 weeks after initial presentation due to a complicating illness. A necropsy showed no regrowth or metastasis of the thymic carcinoma.


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This paper describes a process-based metapopulation dynamics and phenology model of prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica, an invasive alien species in Australia. The model, SPAnDX, describes the interactions between riparian and upland sub-populations of A. nilotica within livestock paddocks, including the effects of extrinsic factors such as temperature, soil moisture availability and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. The model includes the effects of management events such as changing the livestock species or stocking rate, applying fire, and herbicide application. The predicted population behaviour of A. nilotica was sensitive to climate. Using 35 years daily weather datasets for five representative sites spanning the range of conditions that A. nilotica is found in Australia, the model predicted biomass levels that closely accord with expected values at each site. SPAnDX can be used as a decision-support tool in integrated weed management, and to explore the sensitivity of cultural management practices to climate change throughout the range of A. nilotica. The cohort-based DYMEX modelling package used to build and run SPAnDX provided several advantages over more traditional population modelling approaches (e.g. an appropriate specific formalism (discrete time, cohort-based, process-oriented), user-friendly graphical environment, extensible library of reusable components, and useful and flexible input/output support framework). (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Este projeto refere-se ?? implementa????o de novos procedimentos referentes ?? cobran??a da taxa de ocupa????o dos im??veis funcionais realizada pela Divis??o de Controle e Finan??as do MARE. O projeto visa a melhoria do atendimento ao cidad??o e efici??ncia nos controles de arrecada????o. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em conv??nio com o SERPRO, o SIAPE, a ECT e o Banco do Brasil. Com esta parceria criou-se uma rotina que evitou cobran??as indevidas e proporcionou aumento da arrecada????o. Houve maior agiliza????o no processo de baixa dos valores pagos e acesso permanente ??s informa????es


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Este projeto refere-se ?? implementa????o de novos procedimentos referentes ?? cobran??a da taxa de ocupa????o dos im??veis funcionais realizada pela Divis??o de Controle e Finan??as do MARE


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A cess??o de uso de im??veis residenciais funcionais de propriedade da ENAP ?? regulamentada por meio da Resolu????o n?? 2, de 24 de fevereiro de 2011.


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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a disponibilidade e o acesso à bebida alcoólica num bairro da cidade de Vitória/ES. Os dados foram obtidos através de pesquisa de campo na região selecionada utilizando a observação simples e a entrevista através da aplicação de questionários numa amostra de 10% dos estabelecimentos encontrados. Os pontos de venda funcionam 7 dias por semana; 68,8% vendem a credito e a um preço médio de R$ 0,41 (a dose de cachaça). 93,8% dos entrevistados não solicitam documento de identidade ao cliente antes de lhe vender bebidas. A relação entre número de moradias e número de pontos de venda foi de 3:1. A alta concentração de estabelecimentos que vendem bebidas alcoólicas no bairro aponta para a necessidade de pensar o entorno (regiões vizinhas) da mesma. Estas regiões envolvem áreas marginalizadas onde ocorre tráfico de drogas, fazendo da região estudada uma área importante para o comércio, pela facilidade de acesso aos outros bairros adjacentes da cidade.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o resultado do tratamento dos pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide do palato mole. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Série de casos, retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados os prontuários de 111 pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide do palato mole tratados entre 1977 e 2000. Foram excluídos 12 pacientes com múltiplos tumores primários simultâneos e selecionados 66 pacientes com seguimento após o tratamento, sendo avaliados o controle loco-regional e a sobrevida livre de doença de acordo com o estadiamento. RESULTADOS: O tratamento radioterápico apresentou resposta completa no sítio primário em 76% dos pacientes e no pescoço em 47% dos pacientes N+. Considerando as recidivas, o controle em ambos os sítios caiu para 52% e 31%, respectivamente. As recidivas cervicais ocorreram em 11% dos pacientes N0 irradiados e em 28% dos casos T1 sem tratamento do pescoço. A sobrevida livre de doença a 3 e 5 anos foi de 45% e 35% respectivamente, sendo significativamente menor entre os pacientes N+. CONCLUSÃO: A persistência ou recidiva cervical é a principal causa de falha no tratamento radioterápico exclusivo. Mesmo as lesões T1 apresentam alta incidência de metástases, justificando o esvaziamento cervical eletivo.


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Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. A minimally invasive surgical correction is commonly carried out to remodel the anterior chest wall by using an intrathoracic convex prosthesis in the substernal position. The process of prosthesis modeling and bending still remains an area of improvement. The authors developed a new system, i3DExcavatum, which can automatically model and bend the bar preoperatively based on a thoracic CT scan. This article presents a comparison between automatic and manual bending. The i3DExcavatum was used to personalize prostheses for 41 patients who underwent pectus excavatum surgical correction between 2007 and 2012. Regarding the anatomical variations, the soft-tissue thicknesses external to the ribs show that both symmetric and asymmetric patients always have asymmetric variations, by comparing the patients’ sides. It highlighted that the prosthesis bar should be modeled according to each patient’s rib positions and dimensions. The average differences between the skin and costal line curvature lengths were 84 ± 4 mm and 96 ± 11 mm, for male and female patients, respectively. On the other hand, the i3DExcavatum ensured a smooth curvature of the surgical prosthesis and was capable of predicting and simulating a virtual shape and size of the bar for asymmetric and symmetric patients. In conclusion, the i3DExcavatum allows preoperative personalization according to the thoracic morphology of each patient. It reduces surgery time and minimizes the margin error introduced by the manually bent bar, which only uses a template that copies the chest wall curvature.


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Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. A minimally invasive surgical correction is commonly carried out to remodel the anterior chest wall by using an intrathoracic convex prosthesis in the substernal position. The process of prosthesis modeling and bending still remains an area of improvement. The authors developed a new system, i3DExcavatum, which can automatically model and bend the bar preoperatively based on a thoracic CT scan. This article presents a comparison between automatic and manual bending. The i3DExcavatum was used to personalize prostheses for 41 patients who underwent pectus excavatum surgical correction between 2007 and 2012. Regarding the anatomical variations, the soft-tissue thicknesses external to the ribs show that both symmetric and asymmetric patients always have asymmetric variations, by comparing the patients’ sides. It highlighted that the prosthesis bar should be modeled according to each patient’s rib positions and dimensions. The average differences between the skin and costal line curvature lengths were 84 ± 4 mm and 96 ± 11 mm, for male and female patients, respectively. On the other hand, the i3DExcavatum ensured a smooth curvature of the surgical prosthesis and was capable of predicting and simulating a virtual shape and size of the bar for asymmetric and symmetric patients. In conclusion, the i3DExcavatum allows preoperative personalization according to the thoracic morphology of each patient. It reduces surgery time and minimizes the margin error introduced by the manually bent bar, which only uses a template that copies the chest wall curvature.


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Pectus carinatum (PC) is a chest deformity caused by a disproportionate growth of the costal cartilages compared to the bony thoracic skeleton, pulling the sternum towards, which leads to its protrusion. There has been a growing interest on using the ‘reversed Nuss’ technique as minimally invasive procedure for PC surgical correction. A corrective bar is introduced between the skin and the thoracic cage and positioned on top of the sternum highest protrusion area for continuous pressure. Then, it is fixed to the ribs and kept implanted for about 2–3 years. The purpose of this work was to (a) assess the stresses distribution on the thoracic cage that arise from the procedure, and (b) investigate the impact of different positioning of the corrective bar along the sternum. The higher stresses were generated on the 4th, 5th and 6th ribs backend, supporting the hypothesis of pectus deformities correction-induced scoliosis. The different bar positioning originated different stresses on the ribs’ backend. The bar position that led to lower stresses generated on the ribs backend was the one that also led to the smallest sternum displacement. However, this may be preferred, as the risk of induced scoliosis is lowered.


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Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. A minimally invasive surgical correction is commonly carried out to remodel the anterior chest wall by using an intrathoracic convex prosthesis in the substernal position. The process of prosthesis modeling and bending still remains an area of improvement. The authors developed a new system, i3DExcavatum, which can automatically model and bend the bar preoperatively based on a thoracic CT scan. This article presents a comparison between automatic and manual bending. The i3DExcavatum was used to personalize prostheses for 41 patients who underwent pectus excavatum surgical correction between 2007 and 2012. Regarding the anatomical variations, the soft-tissue thicknesses external to the ribs show that both symmetric and asymmetric patients always have asymmetric variations, by comparing the patients’ sides. It highlighted that the prosthesis bar should be modeled according to each patient’s rib positions and dimensions. The average differences between the skin and costal line curvature lengths were 84 ± 4 mm and 96 ± 11 mm, for male and female patients, respectively. On the other hand, the i3DExcavatum ensured a smooth curvature of the surgical prosthesis and was capable of predicting and simulating a virtual shape and size of the bar for asymmetric and symmetric patients. In conclusion, the i3DExcavatum allows preoperative personalization according to the thoracic morphology of each patient. It reduces surgery time and minimizes the margin error introduced by the manually bent bar, which only uses a template that copies the chest wall curvature.


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Resumo O presente artigo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os resultados da aplicação do Modelo de Excelência na Gestão Pública (MEGP) na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) buscando avaliar os principais obstáculos culturais, burocráticos e políticos, no período de 2003 a 2011, conforme o Programa Nacional de Gestão Pública (Gespública). Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e explicativa, na forma de um estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa, envolvendo a coleta de dados primários e secundários. Os resultados apontam para o cumprimento parcial dos objetivos do programa na instituição, pois se verificam melhorias decorrentes de sua implantação, porém barreiras culturais, burocráticas e de descontinuidade política precisam ser vencidas. Conclui-se que o modelo de excelência é um importante instrumento para as organizações públicas que desejem qualificar seus serviços, não sendo um pré-requisito o alinhamento total com o modelo.


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O tema sobre o qual me proponho escrever insere-se no âmbito da 'tradução intersemiótica', já que se trata de uma análise comparativa da obra Der Sturz des Ikarus, de Pieter Brueghel, e do poema Schimmernde Inselchen im Meer, de Robert Walser, em que estamos perante um exemplo flagrante de transposição de uma obra pictórica para a escrita. No artigo, darei, ainda, especial enfoque à questão de aquele quadro representar, também ele, um exemplo de 'tradução intersemiótica' (neste caso, uma passagem da palavra às artes plásticas), uma vez que Brueghel faz, nele, uma recontextualização do mito de Ícaro, ao transpor para a tela um poema de Ovídio (estamos, assim, mais uma vez, perante um exemplo de mudança de medium). Dado que a questão da 'tradução intersemiótica' se inscreve numa outra, mais vasta ainda, que éa da intertextualidade, tentarei enquadrar uma na outra, tecendo, na introdução do artigo e, sempre que oportuno, ao longo do mesmo, algumas considerações breves sobre a função significante do mitema, as metamorfoses do mito e o papel do mito no 'diálogo intermedial das artes' ao longo dos tempos. Nesta análise comparativa, parto do pressuposto de estarmos, em qualquer tradução, face a um acto de re-escrita, pelo que há que reflectir, particularmente no caso da 'tradução intersemiótica', sobre a (nova) dimensão interpretativa conferida pelo processo de transposição mediática