437 resultados para Interrogation


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This thesis presents a novel high-performance approach to time-division-multiplexing (TDM) fibre Bragg grating (FBG) optical sensors, known as the resonant cavity architecture. A background theory of FBG optical sensing includes several techniques for multiplexing sensors. The limitations of current wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) schemes are contrasted against the technological and commercial advantage of TDM. The author’s hypothesis that ‘it should be possible to achieve TDM FBG sensor interrogation using an electrically switched semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)’ is then explained. Research and development of a commercially viable optical sensor interrogator based on the resonant cavity architecture forms the remainder of this thesis. A fully programmable SOA drive system allows interrogation of sensor arrays 10km long with a spatial resolution of 8cm and a variable gain system provides dynamic compensation for fluctuating system losses. Ratiometric filter- and diffractive-element spectrometer-based wavelength measurement systems are developed and analysed for different commercial applications. The ratiometric design provides a low-cost solution that has picometre resolution and low noise using 4% reflective sensors, but is less tolerant to variation in system loss. The spectrometer design is more expensive, but delivers exceptional performance with picometre resolution, low noise and tolerance to 13dB system loss variation. Finally, this thesis details the interrogator’s peripheral components, its compliance for operation in harsh industrial environments and several examples of commercial applications where it has been deployed. Applications include laboratory instruments, temperature monitoring systems for oil production, dynamic control for wind-energy and battery powered, self-contained sub-sea strain monitoring.


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The aim of the research work described in this thesis was to investigate the interrogation of fibre optic sensors using "off the shelf optical components and equipment developed mainly for the telecommunications industry. This provides a cost effective way of bringing fibre optic sensor systems to within the price range of their electro-mechanical counterparts. The research work focuses on the use of an arrayed waveguide grating, an acousto-optic tuneable filter and low-coherence interferometry to measure dynamic strain and displacement using fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Based on the intrinsic properties of arrayed waveguide gratings and acousto-optic tuneable filters used in conjunction with interferometry, fibre Bragg gratings and interferometric sensors a number of novel fibre optic sensor interrogation systems have been realised. Special single mode fibre, namely, high-birefringence fibre has been employed to implement a dual-beam interrogating interferometer. The first interrogation scheme is based on an optical channel monitor, which is an arrayed waveguide grating with integral photo-detectors providing a number of amplified electrical outputs. It is used to interrogate fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Using the properties of polarisation maintainability in high-birefringent fibre an interrogating interferometer was realised by winding a length of the fibre around a piezoelectric modulator generating a low-frequency carrier signal. The system was used to interrogate both fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Finally, the use of an acousto-optic tuneable filter is employed to interrogate fibre Bragg gratings. The device is used to generate a very high frequency carrier signal at the output of an optical interferometer.


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Through the application of novel signal processing techniques we are able to measure physical measurands with both high accuracy and low noise susceptibility. The first interrogation scheme is based upon a CCD spectrometer. We compare different algorithms for resolving the Bragg wavelength from a low resolution discrete representation of the reflected spectrum, and present optimal processing methods for providing a high integrity measurement from the reflection image. Our second sensing scheme uses a novel network of sensors to measure the distributive strain response of a mechanical system. Using neural network processing methods we demonstrate the measurement capabilities of a scalable low-cost fibre Bragg grating sensor network. This network has been shown to be comparable with the performance of existing fibre Bragg grating sensing techniques, at a greatly reduced implementation cost.


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We demonstrate a novel and simple sensor interrogation scheme for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensing systems. In this scheme, a chirped FBG based Sagnac loop is used as a wavelength-dependent receiver, and a stable and linear readout response is realised. It is a signijkant advantage of this scheme that the sensitivity and the measurement wavelength range can be easily adjhsted by controlling the chirp of the FBG or using an optical delay line in the Sagnac loop.


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A high frequency sensing interrogation system by using fiber Bragg grating based microwave photonic filtering is proposed, in which the wavelength measurement sensitivity is proportional to the RF modulation frequency applied to the optical signal.


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A novel high-frequency fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing interrogation system by using fiber Sagnac-loop-based microwave photonic filtering is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. By adopting the microwave photonic filtering, the wavelength shift of sensing FBG can be converted into amplitude variation of the modulated electronic radio-frequency (RF) signal. In the experiment, the strain applied onto the sensing FBG has been demodulated by measuring the intensity of the recovered RF signal, and by modulating the RF signal with different frequencies, different interrogation sensitivities can be achieved.


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A low-cost high-resolution wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) interrogation system operating around 800 nm region with operational bandwidth up to 60 nm and resolution of 12.7 pm utilizing a tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) and a CCDarray detector has been implemented. The system has been evaluated for interrogating fiber Bragg grating based strain, temperature sensors, giving sensitivities of 0.59 pm/µe and 5.6 pm/°C, which are in good agreement with previously reported values. Furthermore, the system has been utilized to detect the refractive index change of sample liquids, demonstrating a capability of measuring index change as small as 10¯5. In addition, the vectorial expression of phase match condition and fabrication of TFBG have been discussed.


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A potential low cost novel sensing scheme for monitoring absolute strain is demonstrated. The scheme utilizes a synthetic heterodyne interrogation technique working in conjunction with a linearly chirped, sinusoidally tapered, apodized Bragg grating sensor. The interrogation technique is relatively simple to implement in terms of the required optics and the peripheral electronics. This scheme generates an output signal that has a quasi-linear response to absolute strain with a static strain resolution of ~±20 με and an operating range of ~1000 με.


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We describe how an acousto-optic tunable filter can be used to both demultiplex the signals from multiple fibre Bragg grating sensors and simultaneously provide wide bandwidth signal demodulation in a system using interferometric wavelength shift detection. In an experimental demonstration, the approach provided a noise limited strain resolution of 24.9 n epsilon Hz(-1/ 2) at 15 Hz.


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We propose a new method for the simultaneous interrogation of conventional two-beam interferometers and Bragg grating sensors. The technique employs an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer illuminated by a single low-coherence source, which acts as a wavelength-tunable source for the grating and as a path-matched f ilter for the Fizeau interferometer, thus providing a high phase resolution output for each sensor. The grating sensor demonstrates a dynamic strain resolution of ~0.05 µe/vHz at 20 Hz, while the interferometric phase resolution is better than 1 mrad/vHz at 20 Hz, corresponding to an rms mirror displacement of 0.08 nm.


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We report the implementation of a low-cost high-resolution WDM interrogation system operating around 800nm region with bandwidth up to 60 nm and resolution of 13 pm by utilising a tilted fibre Bragg grating as an out-coupling device and a CCD-array detector. The system has been evaluated for interrogating fibre Bragg grating based strain, temperature sensors, giving sensitivities of 0.6 pm/µe and 5.6 pm/°C which are in good agreement with previously reported values. Furthermore, the system has been utilised to detect refractive index change of sample liquids, demonstrating a capability of measuring index change as small as 10-5.


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Fiber Bragg gratings can be used for monitoring different parameters in a wide variety of materials and constructions. The interrogation of fiber Bragg gratings traditionally consists of an expensive and spacious peak tracking or spectrum analyzing unit which needs to be deployed outside the monitored structure. We present a dynamic low-cost interrogation system for fiber Bragg gratings which can be integrated with the fiber itself, limiting the fragile optical in- and outcoupling interfaces and providing a compact, unobtrusive driving and read-out unit. The reported system is based on an embedded Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) which is tuned dynamically at 1 kHz and an embedded photodiode. Fiber coupling is provided through a dedicated 45° micromirror yielding a 90° in-the-plane coupling and limiting the total thickness of the fiber coupled optoelectronic package to 550 µm. The red-shift of the VCSEL wavelength is providing a full reconstruction of the spectrum with a range of 2.5 nm. A few-mode fiber with fiber Bragg gratings at 850 nm is used to prove the feasibility of this low-cost and ultra-compact interrogation approach.


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Optical fibre strain sensors using Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs) are poised to play a major role in structural health monitoring in a variety of application from aerospace to civil engineering. At the heart of technology is the optoelectronic instrumentation required to convert optical signals into measurands. Users are demanding compact, lightweight, rugged and low cost solutions. This paper describes development of a new device based on a blazed FBG and CCD array that can potentially meet the above demands. We have shown that this very low cost technique may be used to interrogate a WDM array of sensor gratings with highly accurate and highly repeatable results unaffected by the polarisation state of the radiation. In this paper, we present results showing that sensors may be interrogated with an RMS error of 1.7pm, drift below 0.12pm and dynamic range of up to 65nm.


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We report the implementation of a low-cost high-resolution WDM interrogation system operating around 800nm region with bandwidth up to 60 nm and resolution of 13 pm by utilising a tilted fibre Bragg grating as an out-coupling device and a CCD-array detector. The system has been evaluated for interrogating fibre Bragg grating based strain, temperature sensors, giving sensitivities of 0.6 pm/µe and 5.6 pm/°C which are in good agreement with previously reported values. Furthermore, the system has been utilised to detect refractive index change of sample liquids, demonstrating a capability of measuring index change as small as 10-5.