978 resultados para International initiatives


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L’ouvrage constitue la thèse de Doctorat de Monsieur Lauri Railas soutenue le 16 Octobre 2004 à la faculté de droit de l’Université de Helsinki. Expert reconnu en droit du commerce international, son parcours professionnel explique les orientations prises dans son étude et son approche très large des transactions relatives à la vente internationale de marchandises comparativement à d’autres travaux dans le même domaine. L’auteur a été conseiller juridique à l’Institut d’arbitrage de la chambre de commerce centrale finlandaise puis secrétaire général de la section finlandaise de la chambre internationale de commerce. Il a, ensuite, occupé le poste d’administrateur principal au secrétariat général du conseil de l’Union Européenne entre 1996 et 2002. Il est, actuellement, associé senior chez Krogerus & Co, un des plus importants cabinets d’avocats de Finlande. L’originalité de la thèse réside dans le fait qu’elle aborde les transactions relatives à la vente internationale de marchandises du point de vue du commerce électronique. L’étude traite de la création d’un cadre juridique uniforme et cohérent encadrant l’utilisation des instruments du commerce élecronique pour la vente internationale de marchandises en se concentrant, uniquement, sur le commerce électronique entre professionnels (B to B) et plus précisément sur les initiatives des organisations internationales pour en diffuser et en faciliter l’usage. S’inspirant des théories de l’analyse économique du droit, le postulat de départ de Monsieur Railas est que le commerce électronique peut changer les procédures du commerce international et apporter d’importante économie de coûts. Pour ce faire, un cadre juridique pour le commerce électronique et plus généralement les affaires électroniques, est en cours d’élaboration par les organisations internationales. L’étude aborde ces développements dans différents domaines comme la formation du contrat, le crédit documentaire ou encore la résolution des conflits.L’approche est holistique et basée sur les efforts déployés pour introduire des sources uniformes de régulation pour les transactions électroniques dans le commerce international. L’auteur recense un large répertoire de règles de droit qui sont en majorité d’origine internationales avec pour objectif la détermination du rôle que peuvent jouer les communications électroniques dans la passation de contrats de vente de marchandises, leur livraison mais aussi dans le recours au service de tiers dans des fonctions comme le transport, l’assurance-transport et la sécurisation des droits des différentes parties impliquées. L’idée de base étant que la vente internationale et le transport constituent une chaine de contrats et de services interreliés. En plus des règles de droits déjà établies, l’auteur analyse différentes initiatives de régulation novatrices pour le commerce électronique initiées par la CNUDCI notamment. L’ouvrage traite, également, des problématiques générales comme la formation des contrats et la signature électronique. Par ailleurs, l’auteur procède à l’analyse des contrats de vente dans lesquels le vendeur a l’obligation de livrer en plus des marchandises, les documents relatifs aux marchandises et ceux de transfert de propriété. Les marchandises étant soumises à différents droits de propriété, les documents de vente et de transport ont un rôle important à jouer dans l’exercice de ces droits. Enfin, l’auteur considère la procédure de résolution des conflits comme une part du cycle de vie de chaque transaction. L’arbitrage en ligne et les autres méthodes de résolution en ligne des conflits contribuant à la réalisation de transactions électroniques réussies. L’ouvrage peut être particulièrement utile pour les personnes qui s’intéressent à l’harmonisation internationale des droits applicables au commerce international. L’auteur fait une analyse, particulièrement intéressante, de plusieurs instruments et projets comme les E-terms 2004 de la chambre internationale de commerce, le système Boléro, le système TEDI (Trade Electronic Data Interchange) et le système de transactions financières SWIFNet. La finalité de la démarche est de trouver une plate-forme commune qui fasse en sorte que les transactions électroniques puissent être conclues de manière sécuritaire en s’inspirant des résultats tangibles d’harmonisation atteints par la convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises et par les principes UNIDROIT mais aussi du consensus selon lequel le commerce électronique doit être gouverné dans une large part par les instruments de « droit mou » comme les codes de conduite, et que, les règlements extrajudiciaires des conflits doivent être utilisés pour les transactions électroniques.


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Le Canada consacre chaque année des milliards en aide internationale. Selon le Ministère des affaires étrangères, commerce et développement, l’aide déployée en 2013 s’est chiffrée à plus de 5,48 milliards de dollars. Dans chaque projet mis en œuvre dans les pays en développement, des ressources humaines donnent de leur temps et s’efforcent de contribuer au renforcement des capacités des organisations locales. Ces projets sont des initiatives de coopération technique ou renferment des composantes de coopération technique; les personnes qui y sont affectées doivent accomplir de multiples tâches, dont celle d’agent de partage de connaissances. Cette thèse explore ce phénomène en apportant un éclairage sur les processus relationnels sous-jacents aux échanges entre les personnes liées à ces initiatives, soient les conseillers volontaires expatriés et les membres des équipes locales qui accueillent de telles initiatives. Elle tend à appuyer l’influence marquée des relations interpersonnelles sur les résultats de partage de connaissances, sauf que la confiance, à elle seule, ne suffit pas pour atteindre des objectifs de développement durable. L’analyse des cas, s’appuyant principalement sur des entrevues semi-dirigées effectuées à Haïti et au Sénégal, nous permet d’affirmer l’importance de s’attarder à la capacité d’assimilation dynamique des parties au partage, mais également aux rôles des gestionnaires des organismes partenaires locaux dans leur engagement à réaliser des mandats visant le partage de connaissances.


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This paper examines two innovative educational initiatives for the Ecuadorian public health workforce: a Canadian-funded Masters programme in ecosystem approaches to health that focuses on building capacity to manage environmental health risks sustainably; and the training of Ecuadorians at the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba (known as Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina in Spanish). We apply a typology for analysing how training programmes address the needs of marginalized populations and build capacity for addressing health determinants. We highlight some ways we can learn from such training programmes with particular regard to lessons, barriers and opportunities for their sustainability at the local, national and international levels and for pursuing similar initiatives in other countries and contexts. We conclude that educational efforts focused on the challenges of marginalization and the determinants of health require explicit attention not only to the knowledge, attitudes and skills of graduates but also on effectively engaging the health settings and systems that will reinforce the establishment and retention of capacity in low- and middle-income settings where this is most needed.


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This paper examines language reproduction in the family in the context of a highly innovative project in Wales, where the Welsh language has been in decline for over a century. Although Welsh-medium schooling has played a pivotal role in slowing and even reversing language shift in recent decades, there is mounting evidence of the dangers of over-reliance on education. The Twf (Growth) Project was established in 2002 with funding from the National Assembly for Wales with the aim of raising awareness of the benefits of bilingualism among parents and prospective parents. Analysis of interviews with the main stakeholders in the project (managers, the Twf project officers, parents, health workers and a range of other partners), publicity materials and observations of project staff at work suggests that the achievements of the project lie in two main areas: the recognition of the need for building strong alliances with professional groups and organisations that work with families with young children; and the development of a marketing strategy appropriate for the target audience. It is argued that the experience of the project will be of interest to those addressing the issue of intergenerational transmission in a range of other minority language settings.


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he first international urban land surface model comparison was designed to identify three aspects of the urban surface-atmosphere interactions: (1) the dominant physical processes, (2) the level of complexity required to model these, and 3) the parameter requirements for such a model. Offline simulations from 32 land surface schemes, with varying complexity, contributed to the comparison. Model results were analysed within a framework of physical classifications and over four stages. The results show that the following are important urban processes; (i) multiple reflections of shortwave radiation within street canyons, (ii) reduction in the amount of visible sky from within the canyon, which impacts on the net long-wave radiation, iii) the contrast in surface temperatures between building roofs and street canyons, and (iv) evaporation from vegetation. Models that use an appropriate bulk albedo based on multiple solar reflections, represent building roof surfaces separately from street canyons and include a representation of vegetation demonstrate more skill, but require parameter information on the albedo, height of the buildings relative to the width of the streets (height to width ratio), the fraction of building roofs compared to street canyons from a plan view (plan area fraction) and the fraction of the surface that is vegetated. These results, whilst based on a single site and less than 18 months of data, have implications for the future design of urban land surface models, the data that need to be measured in urban observational campaigns, and what needs to be included in initiatives for regional and global parameter databases.


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The Brazilian public health system requires competent professionals sensitive to the needs of the population. The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) provides a two-year faculty development programme for health professions educators, aiming to build leadership in education to improve health. A partnership with governmental initiatives and FAIMER was established for meeting these needs. This paper describes the initial process evaluation results of the Brazilian FAIMER Institute Fellowship (FAIMER BR). Methods: Data were analysed for the classes 2007-2010 regarding: application processes; innovation project themes; retrospective post-pre self-ratings of knowledge acquisition; and professional development portfolios. Results: Seventeen of 26 Brazilian states were represented among 98 Fellows, predominantly from public medical schools (75.5%) and schools awarded Ministry of Health grants to align education with public health services (89.8%). One-third (n = 32) of Fellows' innovation projects were related to these grants. Significant increases occurred in all topic subscales on self-report of knowledge acquisition (eff ect sizes, 1.21-2.77). In the follow up questionnaire, 63% of Fellows reported that their projects were incorporated into the curriculum or institutional policies. The majority reported that the programme deepened their knowledge (98%), provided new ideas about medical education (90%) and provided skills for conflict management (63%). One-half of the Fellows reported sustained benefits from the programme listserv and other communications, including breadth of expertise, establishment of research collaboration and receiving emotional support. Conclusion: Contributors to initial programme success included alignment of curriculum with governmental initiatives, curriculum design merging educational technology, leadership and management skills and central role of an innovation educational project responding to local needs.


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The year 1998 is shaping up to be a year of grand regional initiatives focusing on the setting up of regional integrated transport systems. The past six months have seen intense activity in Latin America and the Caribbean. It would seem that the public and private sectors have agreed to launch converging initiatives, each from its own perspectives. In Central America, a multimodal transport project is already under way, while a new transport master plan put forward by the Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration (SIECA) is being prepared; in South America, the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA) and Latin American Railways Association (ALAF) have launched a prefeasability study concerning a plan for the sustainable development of transport; the second Summit of the Americas adopted a plan of action that now takes in the work of the Executive Committee of the Western Hemisphere Transport Initiative; and the private sector also held its regional meeting in São Paulo, Brazil, with Intermodal 98, the fourth in a series. These initiatives are taking shape around similar lines of thought and action; their backgrounds are similar, and they tend towards the same goal: taking action in the immediate environment with a view to expanding linkages with the global economy. The background is the observation that after several years of growth, transport infrastructure, equipment and services appear unable to satisfy the growing demand of international trade in the region. The goal is to implement the requisite reforms in the transport sector so as to meet the challenges posed by global competition. This issue of the Bulletin is devoted to news about recent initiatives and possible future developments.


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This course will be designed for the officers within government departments who have responsibilty for guiding the country’s energy policy and energy management framework. Other stakeholders also will include private sector representatives who have interest in providing energy efficiency equipment and renewable energy solutions to the market towards advancing improvements in both energy efficiency and meeting renewable energy targets. The course will provide insight into all aspects of energy management with specific emphasis on energy efficiency as well as renewable energy. Emphasis will be placed on highlighting issues and challenges that countries face in pursuing energy efficiency and renewable energy strategies. International and regional best practices will be highlighted as a means of showcasing how various countries have overcome the barriers to advancing renewable energy targets and increasing energy efficiencies towards meeting national energy goals. The curriculum is divided into five modules and is designed to be covered over a 3-day period. The course will be designed to ensure practical application of the learning. The course also is designed to enable the Caribbean to demonstrate leadership in energy efficiency practices and the adoption of renewable energy strategies, serving as a model for other small island developing states.


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This special volume of the Journal of Cleaner Production is comprised of articles presented at the 3rd International Workshop Advances in Cleaner Production held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 2011. The content underscores the recognition of the pressing and inescapable need for making changes from unsustainable to sustainable production and consumption patterns. The 48 articles from 15 countries provide different, but complimentary approaches to help industrial and societal sectors in advancing on their paths towards sustainability. Initiatives and challenges are included, which systematically address problems affecting raw material changes, technological modifications, product and policy changes. The findings range from proposals for alternative uses of wastes, substitution of raw materials for environmentally friendlier substances, optimization of industrial processes by source reductions of wastes and emissions and documented economic and environmental advantages of a wide array of initiatives. The roles of operational and managerial practices are also stressed, highlighting the role of diverse stakeholders as promoters of implementation and internalization of innovative cleaner technologies within companies. Systemic assessment tools are employed and experimented with in order to more effectively evaluate the environmental performance of systems on the biosphere scale. The methodological procedures and proposals presented can help in the design and management of production systems, for governmental and corporate policy development, for implementing and monitoring CP Programs, prevention and mitigation strategies, and evaluation of the outcomes of CP initiatives in the production and service sectors. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract This paper analyzed the changing livelihood strategies in Kenya, and their cultural impacts via a literature review. I then combined this understanding with the data I collected while in Kenya to examine the opinions local people have of community conservation initiatives, based on their changing livelihood strategies. I expected to find that the following factors would have an affect on the opinions local community members have of community conservation initiatives: livelihood strategy, gender, ethnicity, whether or not they believe the distribution of benefits coming from wildlife conservation is equitable, what issues they would like to see improved within community conservation initiatives, and their overall satisfaction with community conservation initiatives. Through correlation tests done using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Scientists) I found that all five of these factors do influence the perceptions local community members have of community conservation initiatives within the Amboseli region in Kenya.