975 resultados para International Body Project


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National Natural Science Foundation of China [30590381]; Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX2YW-432]; International Partnership Project


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The world is facing environmental changes that are increasingly affecting how we think about manufacturing, the consumption of products and use of resources. Within the HE product design community, thinking and designing sustainability’ has evolved to become a natural part of the curriculum. Paradoxical as the rise in awareness of sustainability increases there is growing concern within HE product design of the loss of workshop facilities and as a consequence a demise in teaching traditional object-making skills and material experimentation. We suggest the loss of workshops and tangible ‘learning by making skills’ also creates a lost opportunity for a rich learning resource to address sustainable thinking, design and manufacture ‘praxis’ within HE design education. Furthermore, as learning spaces are frequently discussed in design research, there seems to be little focus on how the use of an outdoor environment might influence learning outcomes particularly with regard to material teaching and sustainability. This 'case study' of two jewellery workshops, used outdoor learning spaces to explore both its impact on learning outcomes and to introduce some key principles of sustainable working methodologies and practices. Academics and students mainly from Norway and Scotland collaborated on this international research project. Participants made models from disposable packaging materials, which were cast in tin, in the sand on a local beach, using found timber to create a heat source for melting the metal. This approach of using traditional making skills, materials and nature was found to be a relevant contribution to a sustainable discourse.


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ß-Site amyloid precursor protein (APP)-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) is a biological and positional candidate gene for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). BACE1 is a protease that catalyses APP cleavage at the ß-secretase site. We evaluated all common and putatively functional polymorphisms in the genomic region encompassing BACE1 for an association with AD, and for functional effects on platelet ß-secretase activity. Tag SNPs (n = 10) derived from phase II of the International HapMap Project, and a nonsynonymous variant, were successfully genotyped in 901 Caucasian individuals from Northern Ireland using Sequenom iPLEX and TaqMan technologies. APOE genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP. Platelet membrane ß-secretase activity was assayed in a subset of individuals (n = 311). Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was observed for all variants. Evidence for an association with AD was observed with multi-marker haplotype analyses (P = 0.01), and with rs676134 when stratified for APOE genotype (P = 0.02), however adjusting for multiple testing negated the evidence for association of this variant with AD. ?2 analysis of genotype and allele frequencies in cases versus controls for individual SNPs revealed no evidence for association (5% level). No genetic factors were observed that significantly influenced platelet membrane ß-secretase activity. We have selected an appropriate subset of variants suitable for comprehensive genetic investigation of the BACE1 gene. Our results suggest that common BACE1 polymorphisms and putatively functional variants have no significant influence on genetic susceptibility to AD, or platelet ß-secretase activity, in this Caucasian Northern Irish population.


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Aims/hypothesis: SMAD proteins are involved in multiple signalling pathways and are key modulators of gene expression. We hypothesised that genetic variation in selected SMAD genes contributes to susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy. Methods: We selected 13 haplotype tag (ht) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 67 variants identified by resequencing the SMAD2 and SMAD3 genes. For SMAD1, SMAD4 and SMAD5 genes, genotype data were downloaded for 217 SNPs from Phase II of the International HapMap project. Of these, 85 SNPs met our inclusion criteria, resulting in the selection of 13 tag SNPs for further investigation. A case-control approach was employed, using 267 nephropathic patients and 442 controls with type 1 diabetes from Ireland. Two further populations (totalling 1,407 patients, 2,238 controls) were genotyped to validate initial findings. Genotyping was conducted using iPLEX, TaqMan and gel electrophoresis.
Results: The distribution of genotypes was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Analysis by the ? 2 test of genotype and allele frequencies in patients versus controls in the Irish population (n?=?709) revealed evidence for the association of one allele at 5% level of significance (rs10515478, p uncorrected?=?0.006; p corrected?=?0.04). This finding represents a relatively small difference in allele frequency of 6.4% in the patient group compared with 10.7% in the control group; this difference was not supported in subsequent investigations using DNA from European individuals with similar phenotypic characteristics.
Conclusions/interpretation: We selected an appropriate subset of variants for the investigation of common genetic risk factors and assessed SMAD1 to SMAD5 genes for association with diabetic nephropathy. We conclude that common polymorphisms in these genes do not strongly influence genetic susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy in white individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus.


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Este artículo describe dos experiencias de investigación de nuestro grupo interconectadas, la primera desarrollada durante el año 2007 a través del proyecto internacional CALVINO del Programa Cultura 2000 de la Unión Europea, y la segunda implementada durante el año 2014 en el marco del Proyecto Investigación e Innovación en Secundaria en Andalucía (PIIISA). Ambos proyectos tienen en común el eje temático de la identidad a partir de una idea de patrimonio y el hecho de haber puesto en práctica metodologías de investigación basadas en las artes visuales con un enfoque multimodal. Desde estos dos puntos de anclaje relativos a la temática (qué) y a la metodología (cómo) analizamos lo acontecido para obtener conclusiones relevantes que, por una parte, pongan en valor estas prácticas significativas y, por otra, aporten nuestra experiencia para futuras propuestas de investigación en el ámbito temático y/o metodológico.


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Background: Genetic variation within interleukin genes has been reported to be associated with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). These findings have not been consistently replicated. No study has yet reported the comprehensive investigation of IL1A, IL1B, IL1RN, IL6 and IL10 genes. Methods: 664 kidney transplant recipients (cases) and 577 kidney donors (controls) were genotyped to establish if common variants in interleukin genes are associated with ESRD. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype data for each gene were downloaded for a northern and western European population from the International HapMap Project. Haploview was used to visualize linkage disequilibrium and select tag SNPs. Thirty SNPs were genotyped using MassARRAY (R) iPLEX Gold technology and data were analyzed using the chi(2) test for trend. Independent replication was conducted in 1,269 individuals with similar phenotypic characteristics. Results: Investigating all common variants in IL1A, IL1B, IL1RN, IL6 and IL10 genes revealed a statistically significant association (rs452204 p(empirical) = 0.02) with one IL1RN variant and ESRD. This IL1RN SNP tags three other variants, none of which have previously been reported to be associated with renal disease. Independent replication in a separate transplant population of comparable size did not confirm the original observation. Conclusions: Common variants in these five candidate interleukin genes are not major risk factors for ESRD in white Europeans. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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beta-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme (BACE1) is the rate-limiting enzyme for production of beta-amyloid peptides (A beta), which are proposed to drive the pathological changes found in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Reticulon 3 (RTN3) is a negative modulator of BACE1 (beta-secretase) proteolytic activity, while peptidylprolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)-like 2 (PPIL2) positively regulates BACE1 expression. The present study investigated whether there was any association between genetic variation in RTN3 and PPIL2, and either risk for AD, or levels of platelet beta-secretase activity, in a large Northern Irish case-control sample. Four hundred and sixty-nine patients with a diagnosis of probable AD (NINCDS-ADRDA criteria) and 347 control individuals (MMSE > 28/30) were genotyped. SNPs in both genes were selected by downloading genotype data from the International HapMap Project (Phase II) and tags selected using multimarker approach in Haploview, where r (2) > 0.8 and LOD > 3.0. Non-synonymous SNPs of interest were also included. Genotyping was performed by Sequenom iPLEX and TaqMan technologies. Alleles, genotypes and multi-marker haplotypes were tested for association with AD, and platelet beta-secretase activities were measured for a subset of individuals (n = 231). Eight SNPs in RTN3 and 7 in PPIL2 were genotyped. We found no significant associations between allele, genotype or haplotype frequencies and risk of AD. Further, there was no effect of genotype on platelet membrane beta-secretase activity. We conclude that common or potentially functional genetic variation in these BACE1 interacting proteins does not affect platelet membrane beta-secretase activity or contribute to risk of AD in this population.


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We read with interest the comments offered by Drs. Hughes and Bradley (1) on our systematic review (2). Four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs9332739 and rs547154 in the complement component 2 gene (C2) and rs4151667 and rs641153 in the complement factor B gene (CFB), were pooled. Hughes and Bradley point out that we omitted the most common variant, rs12614. In fact, rs12614 is in high linkage disequilibrium (LD) with rs641153, which was included, and the major allele of both of these SNPs is in the range of 90% (population code, CEU, in the International HapMap Project (http://hapmap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)). Moreover, our review was initiated in September 2010, at which point only 4 studies had published associations with rs12614, whereas 14 studies (n = 11,378) were available for rs641153. While it is true that both SNPs are better analyzed as a haplotype, these data were simply not available for pooling.
Hughes and Bradley also point out that we obtained and pooled new data that were not previously published. While it is recommended that contact with authors be completed as part of a comprehensive meta-analysis, we acknowledge that these additional data were not previously published and peer reviewed and, hence, do not have the same level of transparency. However, given that sample collections often increase over time and that the instrumentation for genotyping is continually improving, we thought that it would be advantageous to use the most recent information; this is a subjective decision.
We also agree that the allele frequencies given by Kaur et al. (3) were exactly opposite to those expected and were suggestive of strand flipping. However, we specifically queried this with the lead author on 2 separate occasions and were assured it was not.
Hughes and Bradley do make an interesting suggestion that SNPs in high LD should be used as a gauge of genotyping quality in HuGE reviews. This is an interesting idea but difficult to put into practice as the r2 parameter they propose as a measure of LD has some unusual properties. Although r2 is a measure of LD, it is also linked to the allele frequency; even small differences in allele frequencies between 2 linked SNPs can reduce the r2 dramatically. Wray (4) explored these effects and found that, at a baseline allele frequency of 10%, even a difference in allele frequency between 2 SNPs as small as 2% can drop the r2 value below 0.8. This degree of allele frequency difference is consistent with what could be expected for sampling error. Furthermore, when we look at 2 linked dialleleic SNPs, giving 4 possible haplotypes, the absence of 1 haplotype dramatically reduces r2, despite the 2 loci being in high LD as measured by D'. In fact, this is the situation for rs12614 and rs641153, where the low frequency of 1 haplotype means that the r2 is 0.01 but the D' is 1.
Hughes and Bradley also suggest consideration of genotype call rate restrictions as an inclusion criterion for metaanalysis. This would be more appropriate when focusing on genetic variants per se, as considered within the context of a genome-wide association study or other specific genetic analysis where large numbers of SNPs are evaluated (5).
The concerns raised by Hughes and Bradley reflect the limited ability of a meta-analysis based on summary data to tease out inconsistencies best identified at the individual level. We agree that SNPs in LD should be evaluated, but this will not necessarily be straightforward. A move to make genetic data sets publicly available, as in the Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ gap), is a step in the right direction for greater transparency.


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A group of six Queen’s year out students, led by Dr Agustina Martire, worked in the international collaborative project POLYPORT organised by RIBA. Polyport involved 14 schools of architecture in the UK and abroad with the aim of to bringing back the spirit of Cedric Price’s Polyark in the 1970s. We worked on a brief provided by University of Lima for the harbour of Callao as a project for the regeneration of deprived areas. The students worked on a very thorough analysis of the site and were in close communication with students in Lima.
The results of the project were presented in Roma Tre University, with all the other schools involved. All presentations showed a very committed and engaged position towards the sites and very innovative ways of designing and making architecture.


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Worldwide competitiveness poses enormous challenges on managers, demanding a continuous quest to increase rationality in the use of resources. As a management philosophy, Lean Manufacturing focuses on the elimination of activities that do not create any type of value and therefore are considered waste. For companies to successfully implement the Lean Manufacturing philosophy it is crucial that the human resources of the organization have the necessary training, for which proper tools are required. At the same time, higher education institutions need innovative tools to increase the attractiveness of engineering curricula and develop a higher level of knowledge among students, improving their employability. This paper describes how Lean Learning Academy, an international collaboration project between five EU universities and five companies, from SME to Multinational/Global companies, developed and applied an innovative training programme for Engineers on Lean Manufacturing, a successful alternative to the traditional teaching methods in engineering courses.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Rui Filipe Pereira Bertuzi da Silva Coorientador: Mestre Paulino Manuel Leite da Silva Coorientador: Doutor António José Balloni – GESITI/CTI


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This paper analyzes the document on primary health care (PHC) published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008, held to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata on PHC (1). Objective: to investigate in depth the assumptions outlined in the report, in order to problematize the notion of APS and universal access to health that are made in this proposal. Methodology: using documentary analysis examines the health proposal prepared by the international body and subjected to criticism from the following areas: a) conception of health as aright or as a service. b) Criteria commodified healthcare. Results: emphasize the permanence of a neoliberal perspective on the proposals WHO health reform in this document, which needs to be discussed in contexts where neoliberalism was intense processes of inequality and exclusion, as in the case of Latin America.


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The gradualist approach to trade liberalization views the uniform tariffs implied by MFN status as an important step on the path to free trade. We investigate whether a regime of uniform tariffs will be preferable to discriminatory tariffs when countries engage in non-cooperative interaction in multilateral trade. The analysis includes product differentiation and asymmetric costs. We show that with the cost asymmetry the countries will disagree on the choice of tariff regime. When the choice of import tariffs and export subsidies is made sequentially the uniform tariff regime may not be sustainable, because of an incentive to deviate to a discriminatory regime. Hence, an international body is needed to ensure compliance with tariff agreement.


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We analyze the non-cooperative interaction between two exporting countries producing differentiated products and one importing country when governments use optimal policies to maximize welfare. The analysis includes product differentiation, asymmetric costs, and Bertrand competition. For identical exporting countries we demonstrate that the importing country always prefers a uniform tariff regime while both exporting countries prefer a discriminatory tariff regime for any degree of product differentiation. If countries are asymmetric in terms of production cost then the higher-cost exporter always prefers the discriminatory regime but the lower-cost exporter prefers the uniform regime if there is a significant cost differential. With cost asymmetry the announcement of a uniform tariff regime by the importer is not a credible strategy since there is an incentive to deviate to discrimination. This implies an international body can play a role in ensuring that tariff agreements are respected.


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The UK government is mandating the use of building information modelling (BIM) in large public projects by 2016. As a result, engineering firms are faced with challenges related to embedding new technologies and associated working practices for the digital delivery of major infrastructure projects. Diffusion of innovations theory is used to investigate how digital innovations diffuse across complex firms. A contextualist approach is employed through an in-depth case study of a large, international engineering project-based firm. The analysis of the empirical data, which was collected over a four-year period of close interaction with the firm, reveals parallel paths of diffusion occurring across the firm, where both the innovation and the firm context were continually changing. The diffusion process is traced over three phases: centralization of technology management, standardization of digital working practices, and globalization of digital resources. The findings describe the diffusion of a digital innovation as multiple and partial within a complex social system during times of change and organizational uncertainty, thereby contributing to diffusion of innovations studies in construction by showing a range of activities and dynamics of a non-linear diffusion process.