935 resultados para Interface de programas aplicativos (Software)


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[ES]Se presenta un estudio realizado en la zona económica exclusiva del noroeste de México próxima a la region del Pacífico Norte de Baja California Sur, a bordo del barco de investigación “BIPO INAPESCA”. Como objetivo general se expondrá el estudio, sobre una campaña de prospección, la capa de dispersión profunda en el Noroeste de México, aplicando métodos de la acústica pesquera. Para ello, de la zona prospectada se mostrará el transecto que mejor describe la capa de dispersión profunda, cómo funciona el análisis e interpretación de los ecogramas indicando el tipo de ecos o agregaciones de los peces que componen la capa de dispersión profunda y finalmente se mencionarán los programas o software utilizados para el post-procesamiento de los datos


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Individual Video Training iVT and Annotating Academic Videos AAV: two complementing technologies 1. Recording communication skills training sessions and reviewing them by oneself, with peers, and with tutors has become standard in medical education. Increasing numbers of students paired with restrictions of financial and human resources create a big obstacle to this important teaching method. 2. Everybody who wants to increase efficiency and effectiveness of communication training can get new ideas from our technical solution. 3. Our goal was to increase the effectiveness of communication skills training by supporting self, peer and tutor assessment over the Internet. Two technologies of SWITCH, the national foundation to support IT solutions for Swiss universities, came handy for our project. The first is the authentication and authorization infrastructure providing all Swiss students with a nationwide single login. The second is SWITCHcast which allows automated recording, upload and publication of videos in the Internet. Students start the recording system by entering their single login. This automatically links the video with their password. Within a few hours, they find their video password protected on the Internet. They now can give access to peers and tutors. Additionally, an annotation interface was developed. This software has free text as well as checklist annotations capabilities. Tutors as well as students can create checklists. Tutor’s checklists are not editable by students. Annotations are linked to tracks. Tracks can be private or public. Public means visible to all who have access to the video. Annotation data can be exported for statistical evaluation. 4. The system was well received by students and tutors. Big numbers of videos were processed simultaneously without any problems. 5. iVT http://www.switch.ch/aaa/projects/detail/UNIBE.7 AAV http://www.switch.ch/aaa/projects/detail/ETHZ.9


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This paper describes the process of wrapping existing scientific codes in the domain of plasma physics simulations through the use of the Sun’s Java Native Interface. We have created a Java front-end for a particular functionality, offered by legacy native libraries, in order to achieve reusability and interoperability without having to rewrite these libraries. The technique, introduced in this paper, includes two approaches – the one-to-one mapping for wrapping a number of native functions, and using peer classes for wrapping native data structures.


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This paper describes how urban agriculture differs from conventional agriculture not only in the way it engages with the technologies of growing, but also in the choice of crop and the way these are brought to market. The authors propose a new model for understanding these new relationships, which is analogous to a systems view of information technology, namely Hardware-Software- Interface.
The first component of the system is hardware. This is the technological component of the agricultural system. Technology is often thought of as equipment, but its linguistic roots are in ‘technis’ which means ‘know how’. Urban agriculture has to engage new technologies, ones that deal with the scale of operation and its context which is different than rural agriculture. Often the scale is very small, and soils are polluted. There this technology in agriculture could be technical such as aquaponic systems, or could be soil-based agriculture such as allotments, window-boxes, or permaculture. The choice of method does not necessarily determine the crop produced or its efficiency. This is linked to the biotic that is added to the hardware, which is seen as the ‘software’.
The software of the system are the ecological parts of the system. These produce the crop which may or may not be determined by the technology used. For example, a hydroponic system could produce a range of crops, or even fish or edible flowers. Software choice can be driven by ideological preferences such as permaculture, where companion planting is used to reduce disease and pests, or by economic factors such as the local market at a particular time of the year. The monetary value of the ‘software’ is determined by the market. Obviously small, locally produced crops are unlikely to compete against intensive products produced globally, however the value locally might be measured in different ways, and might be sold on a different market. This leads to the final part of the analogy - interface.
The interface is the link between the system and the consumer. In traditional agriculture, there is a tenuous link between the producer of asparagus in Peru and the consumer in Europe. In fact very little of the money spent by the consumer ever reaches the grower. Most of the money is spent on refrigeration, transport and profit for agents and supermarket chains. Local or hyper-local agriculture needs to bypass or circumvent these systems, and be connected more directly to the consumer. This is the interface. In hyper-localised systems effectiveness is often more important than efficiency, and direct links between producer and consumer create new economies.


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Jatkuvasti lisääntyvä matkapuhelinten käyttäjien määrä, internetin kehittyminen yleiseksi tiedon ja viihteen lähteeksi on luonut tarpeen palvelulle liikkuvan työaseman liittämiseksi tietokoneverkkoihin. GPRS on uusi teknologia, joka tarjoaa olemassa olevia matka- puhelinverkkoja (esim. NMT ja GSM) nopeamman, tehokkaamman ja taloudellisemman liitynnän pakettidataverkkoihin, kuten internettiin ja intranetteihin. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli toteuttaa GPRS:n paketinohjausyksikön (Packet Control Unit, PCU) testauksessa tarvittavat viestintäajurit työasemaympristöön. Aidot matkapuhelinverkot ovat liian kalliita, eikä niistä saa tarvittavasti lokitulostuksia, jotta niitä voisi käyttää GPRS:n testauksessa ohjelmiston kehityksen alkuvaihessa. Tämän takia PCU-ohjelmiston testaus suoritetaan joustavammassa ja helpommin hallittavassa ympäristössä, joka ei aseta kovia reaaliaikavaatimuksia. Uusi toimintaympäristö ja yhteysmedia vaativat PCU:n ja muiden GPRS-verkon yksiköiden välisistä yhteyksistä huolehtivien ohjelman osien, viestintäajurien uuden toteutuksen. Tämän työn tuloksena syntyivät tarvittavien viestintäajurien työasemaversiot. Työssä tarkastellaan eri tiedonsiirtotapoja ja -protokollia testattavan ohjelmiston vaateiden, toteutetun ajurin ja testauksen kannalta. Työssä esitellään kunkin ajurin toteuttama rajapinta ja toteutuksen aste, eli mitkä toiminnot on toteutettu ja mitä on jätetty pois. Ajureiden rakenne ja toiminta selvitetään siltä osin, kuin se on oleellista ohjelman toiminnan kannalta.


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This paper presents a Graphical User Interface, developed with python and the graphic library wxpython, to GRASS GIS. This GUI allows to access several modules with a graphic interface written in Spanish. Its main purpouse is to be a teaching tool, that is the reason way it only allows to access several basic put crucial moludes. It also allows user to organize the elements presented to stress the aspects to be resalted in a particular working sesion with the program


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Conocer qué desafíos se fijan los creadores de software educativo multimedia, qué tipo de comunicación debemos establecer entre el usuario y el ordenador para que sus exploraciones desemboquen en situaciones de aprendizaje y cómo favorecer la realización de software adecuado a la naturaleza del proceso educativo en las cuales las características de accesibilidad, transparencia, atractivo, claridad de objetivos educativos y la realización de actividades, contribuyen a una mayor interactividad del hombre con la máquina. Se utilizó la investigación por compilación, con compilación documental, por entrevista y por encuesta, y la investigación documental, utilizando fuentes primarias y secundarias de información para esbozar la evolución, tendencias y orientaciones de diseño de interfaces. La investigación empírica se divide en dos estudios, el primero abordó la cuestión del nivel de conocimientos y la utilización del software educativo por parte de los maestros de Educación infantil y profesores de primaria y, el segundo, tenía como objetivo confeccionar una lista de orientaciones para el diseño de interfaces, a partir de aspectos estudiados en el marco teórico, y a partir de los cuales se diseñó una tabla de evaluación de interfaces de software educativo multimedia. El estudio se llevó a cabo con maestros y profesores de primaria que asistían al curso complementario de formación en la Escuela Superior de Educación de Fafe durante los años 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002. Se elaboró una tabla de evaluación de interfaces destinado a los realizadores de software educativo que sirve para controlar la calidad del interfaz. Los docentes a pesar de conocer algún que otro software educativo disponible en el mercado, su uso en el contexto educativo es poco frecuente. Los profesores que estuvieron ligados a proyectos con prácticas en ordenador o que realizaron acciones de formación en Nuevas Tecnologías conocen y recurren más al software educativo.


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A integração de aplicações heterogêneas é uma tarefa constante entre empresas do mundo moderno. A grande quantidade de fornecedores de software, aliada à extensa variedade de técnicas e linguagens computacionais utilizadas, fazem desta integração uma tarefa trabalhosa e cara para as organizações. As alternativas existentes para a integração de sistemas de diferentes fornecedores podem variar, desde acesso compartilhado a uma base de dados comum, uso de replicadores de dados entre bases de dados distintas, troca de mensagens entre aplicações, ou o uso de programas exportadores/importadores, gerando arquivos em um formato previamente protocolado entre os desenvolvedores dos softwares envolvidos. Este trabalho visa propor uma alternativa para a integração de sistemas heterogêneos, fazendo uso da tecnologia XML para representar os dados que são trocados entre os aplicativos. Para tanto, sugere um framework a ser utilizado no planejamento da arquitetura dos softwares. O objetivo principal da adoção de um framework é a utilização de uma metodologia previamente desenvolvida e certificada, economizando tempo de análise para a solução de um problema. O framework proposto subtrai dos desenvolvedores a necessidade de alteração do código fonte dos seus programas cada vez que a integração com um novo fornecedor de software se faz necessária, ou que há alteração no formato dos dados trocados entre os aplicativos. Este efeito é conseguido através da utilização de XSLT para a conversão de formatos de documentos XML trocados pelos softwares. Tal conversão é realizada por um processador XSLT externo aos programas envolvidos. Para simplificar o processo, foi desenvolvido o protótipo de uma ferramenta para a geração de templates XSLT. Templates são elementos da especificação XSLT capazes de realizar a transformação entre estruturas representadas em XML. O gerador de templates XSLT é uma ferramenta gráfica capaz de converter mapeamentos realizados entre estruturas XML em templates XSLT, podendo aplicar as transformações geradas a documentos XML, com a finalidade de teste ou transformação.