999 resultados para Insuficiência de Múltiplos Órgãos


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FUNDAMENTO: A insuficiência cardíaca é uma síndrome complexa com múltiplos fatores de risco envolvidos em sua gênese, tornando difícil a prevenção e o manejo. OBJETIVO: Identificar as principais etiologias e os fatores de risco na insuficiência cardíaca; comparar características clínicas e demográficas dos pacientes conforme a etiologia; analisar se o tratamento utilizado está de acordo com o preconizado pelas diretrizes brasileiras. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e observacional realizado no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Os pacientes foram reunidos em quatro grupos, conforme etiologia, para comparação: cardiomiopatia chagásica, cardiomiopatia hipertensiva, cardiomiopatia dilatada e outras e cardiomiopatia isquêmica. Os testes de Qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher, a ANOVA e o teste de Kruskal-Wallis foram utilizados na análise dos grupos e das formas de tratamento. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 144 prontuários de pacientes, com média de idade 61 ± 15 anos, sendo 54,2% do sexo masculino. A cardiomiopatia chagásica destacou-se como principal etiologia (41%). Hipertensão arterial (48,6%), anemia (22,9%), doença coronariana (19,4%), dislipidemia (17,3%) e diabete (16,6%) foram os principais fatores de risco. Os hipertensos apresentaram prevalência maior do sexo feminino (p=0,044) e maior frequência de estertores pulmonares (p<0,01). A frequência cardíaca foi menor nos chagásicos (p<0,001). Os medicamentos prescritos foram diuréticos (81,2%), inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina ou bloqueadores dos receptores da angiotensina (77,7%), betabloqueadores (45,8%), espironolactona (35,4%), digitálicos (30,5%) e vasodilatadores (8,3%). CONCLUSÃO: A cardiomiopatia chagásica foi a principal causa de insuficiência cardíaca. Não se observou diferenças clínicas entre pacientes dos quatro grupos etiológicos.


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Esta tese busca analisar a atuação de burocracias na implementação de políticas públicas em um ambiente de múltiplios principals, stakeholders e agentes, por meio de um estudo de caso sobre a regulação federal de agrotóxicos, atribuída a três órgãos distintos – MAPA, ANVISA e IBAMA. O referencial teórico foi construído a partir das teorias de controle político da burocracia, teorias de fontes do poder burocrático e da literatura sobre implementação de políticas públicas. O formato da legislação e o nível de complexidade da política dão aos órgãos atribuições exclusivas e inúmeros espaços de autonomia, ao mesmo tempo em que lhes obriga a decidir de forma consensuada. As burocracias adotam diversas estratégias para minimizar a assimetria de informação e o risco moral por parte do setor regulado. Os principals políticos se valem de diversos instrumentos para impor suas preferências, mas o fazem de forma superficial ou esporádica. A baixa efetividade desta influência é explicada mais pelas limitações dos principals do que pela resistência dos agentes. Poder Judiciário e Ministério Público podem ser importantes parceiros ou pontos de veto à ação regulatória dos órgãos. O estilo de liderança dos gestores e a visão sobre qual deve ser o papel da burocracia em uma política regulatória explicam as diferenças observadas nos órgãos no tocante à busca de alianças e à ação estratégica perante os demais atores.


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Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently


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New technologies appear each moment and its use can result in countless benefits for that they directly use and for all the society as well. In this direction, the State also can use the technologies of the information and communication to improve the level of rendering of services to the citizens, to give more quality of life to the society and to optimize the public expense, centering it in the main necessities. For this, it has many research on politics of Electronic Government (e-Gov) and its main effect for the citizen and the society as a whole. This research studies the concept of Electronic Government and wishes to understand the process of implementation of Free Softwares in the agencies of the Direct Administration in the Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, it deepens the analysis to identify if its implantation results in reduction of cost for the state treasury and intends to identify the Free Software participation in the Administration and the bases of the politics of Electronic Government in this State. Through qualitative interviews with technologies coordinators and managers in 3 State Secretaries it could be raised the ways that come being trod for the Government in order to endow the State with technological capacity. It was perceived that the Rio Grande do Norte still is an immature State in relation to practical of electronic government (e-Gov) and with Free Softwares, where few agencies have factual and viable initiatives in this area. It still lacks of a strategical definition of the paper of Technology and more investments in infrastructure of staff and equipment. One also observed advances as the creation of the normative agency, the CETIC (State Advice of Technology of the Information and Communication), the Managing Plan of Technology that provide a necessary diagnosis with the situation how much Technology in the State and considered diverse goals for the area, the accomplishment of a course of after-graduation for managers of Technology and the training in BrOffice (OppenOffice) for 1120 public servers


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar a formulação de estratégias em órgãos públicos municipais de turismo do Estado de São Paulo. Para este fim realizou-se um estudo de casos múltiplos em seis municípios: Santos, Guarujá, Praia Grande, São Caetano do Sul, Rio Grande da Serra e Guarulhos. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Constatou-se que estes órgãos municipais desenvolvem um encaminhamento lógico na formulação de estratégias, os quais apresentam em seus estágios iniciais características de informalidade, e na evolução deste processo contemplam-se necessidades e desejos dos consumidores e de outros stakeholders. Todo o processo de formulação de estratégias recebe influência de diversos stakeholders. As principais dificuldades encontradas no processo de formulação estratégica foram: falta de mobilização coletiva, conflitos de interesses e carência de recursos.


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O tema Governança de Tecnologia da Informação (GTI) tornou-se mais premente no ambiente empresarial brasileiro, principalmente após as repercussões mundiais ocorridas com a queda da bolsa de valores americana Nasdaq, com a nova configuração mundial após os ataques aos Estados Unidos em 11 de setembro de 2001 e a partir da promulgação da Lei Sarbanes-Oxley em 2002. Esse modelo de gestão tem sido implementado por organizações que buscam não somente obter melhor controle de gestão em Tecnologia da Informação, como para aquelas que têm de atender às conformidades legais exigidas pelos órgãos de controle. Implementá-la é um processo complexo e desafiador em virtude da necessidade de se identificar o melhor modelo de GTI dentre as práticas existentes no mundo empresarial. As empresas precisam fazer uma composição daquelas que melhor se aderem às suas realidades. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os modelos de GTI adotados em organizações no Brasil, avaliar os seus resultados, seus níveis de maturidade, os seus benefícios, suas dificuldades e suas tendências, contribuindo assim para o seu melhor entendimento e para amenizar a carência de estudos nessa área no Brasil. Este estudo, que é de natureza empírica, baseou-se na metodologia de estudo de casos múltiplos realizado em cinco empresas para explorar como este modelo de gestão vem sendo adotado, quais estruturas, metodologias e práticas de mercado têm sido utilizadas para a sua efetividade. Neste contexto, apresentam-se os resultados obtidos, os aspectos que envolvem a implementação dos modelos de GTI nas organizações, as dificuldades encontradas, o que têm condicionado o seu desempenho e suas tendências.


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O tema Governança de Tecnologia da Informação (GTI) tornou-se mais premente no ambiente empresarial brasileiro, principalmente após as repercussões mundiais ocorridas com a queda da bolsa de valores americana Nasdaq, com a nova configuração mundial após os ataques aos Estados Unidos em 11 de setembro de 2001 e a partir da promulgação da Lei Sarbanes-Oxley em 2002. Esse modelo de gestão tem sido implementado por organizações que buscam não somente obter melhor controle de gestão em Tecnologia da Informação, como para aquelas que têm de atender às conformidades legais exigidas pelos órgãos de controle. Implementá-la é um processo complexo e desafiador em virtude da necessidade de se identificar o melhor modelo de GTI dentre as práticas existentes no mundo empresarial. As empresas precisam fazer uma composição daquelas que melhor se aderem às suas realidades. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os modelos de GTI adotados em organizações no Brasil, avaliar os seus resultados, seus níveis de maturidade, os seus benefícios, suas dificuldades e suas tendências, contribuindo assim para o seu melhor entendimento e para amenizar a carência de estudos nessa área no Brasil. Este estudo, que é de natureza empírica, baseou-se na metodologia de estudo de casos múltiplos realizado em cinco empresas para explorar como este modelo de gestão vem sendo adotado, quais estruturas, metodologias e práticas de mercado têm sido utilizadas para a sua efetividade. Neste contexto, apresentam-se os resultados obtidos, os aspectos que envolvem a implementação dos modelos de GTI nas organizações, as dificuldades encontradas, o que têm condicionado o seu desempenho e suas tendências.


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O tema Governança de Tecnologia da Informação (GTI) tornou-se mais premente no ambiente empresarial brasileiro, principalmente após as repercussões mundiais ocorridas com a queda da bolsa de valores americana Nasdaq, com a nova configuração mundial após os ataques aos Estados Unidos em 11 de setembro de 2001 e a partir da promulgação da Lei Sarbanes-Oxley em 2002. Esse modelo de gestão tem sido implementado por organizações que buscam não somente obter melhor controle de gestão em Tecnologia da Informação, como para aquelas que têm de atender às conformidades legais exigidas pelos órgãos de controle. Implementá-la é um processo complexo e desafiador em virtude da necessidade de se identificar o melhor modelo de GTI dentre as práticas existentes no mundo empresarial. As empresas precisam fazer uma composição daquelas que melhor se aderem às suas realidades. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os modelos de GTI adotados em organizações no Brasil, avaliar os seus resultados, seus níveis de maturidade, os seus benefícios, suas dificuldades e suas tendências, contribuindo assim para o seu melhor entendimento e para amenizar a carência de estudos nessa área no Brasil. Este estudo, que é de natureza empírica, baseou-se na metodologia de estudo de casos múltiplos realizado em cinco empresas para explorar como este modelo de gestão vem sendo adotado, quais estruturas, metodologias e práticas de mercado têm sido utilizadas para a sua efetividade. Neste contexto, apresentam-se os resultados obtidos, os aspectos que envolvem a implementação dos modelos de GTI nas organizações, as dificuldades encontradas, o que têm condicionado o seu desempenho e suas tendências.


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Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently


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New technologies appear each moment and its use can result in countless benefits for that they directly use and for all the society as well. In this direction, the State also can use the technologies of the information and communication to improve the level of rendering of services to the citizens, to give more quality of life to the society and to optimize the public expense, centering it in the main necessities. For this, it has many research on politics of Electronic Government (e-Gov) and its main effect for the citizen and the society as a whole. This research studies the concept of Electronic Government and wishes to understand the process of implementation of Free Softwares in the agencies of the Direct Administration in the Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, it deepens the analysis to identify if its implantation results in reduction of cost for the state treasury and intends to identify the Free Software participation in the Administration and the bases of the politics of Electronic Government in this State. Through qualitative interviews with technologies coordinators and managers in 3 State Secretaries it could be raised the ways that come being trod for the Government in order to endow the State with technological capacity. It was perceived that the Rio Grande do Norte still is an immature State in relation to practical of electronic government (e-Gov) and with Free Softwares, where few agencies have factual and viable initiatives in this area. It still lacks of a strategical definition of the paper of Technology and more investments in infrastructure of staff and equipment. One also observed advances as the creation of the normative agency, the CETIC (State Advice of Technology of the Information and Communication), the Managing Plan of Technology that provide a necessary diagnosis with the situation how much Technology in the State and considered diverse goals for the area, the accomplishment of a course of after-graduation for managers of Technology and the training in BrOffice (OppenOffice) for 1120 public servers


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Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently


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New technologies appear each moment and its use can result in countless benefits for that they directly use and for all the society as well. In this direction, the State also can use the technologies of the information and communication to improve the level of rendering of services to the citizens, to give more quality of life to the society and to optimize the public expense, centering it in the main necessities. For this, it has many research on politics of Electronic Government (e-Gov) and its main effect for the citizen and the society as a whole. This research studies the concept of Electronic Government and wishes to understand the process of implementation of Free Softwares in the agencies of the Direct Administration in the Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, it deepens the analysis to identify if its implantation results in reduction of cost for the state treasury and intends to identify the Free Software participation in the Administration and the bases of the politics of Electronic Government in this State. Through qualitative interviews with technologies coordinators and managers in 3 State Secretaries it could be raised the ways that come being trod for the Government in order to endow the State with technological capacity. It was perceived that the Rio Grande do Norte still is an immature State in relation to practical of electronic government (e-Gov) and with Free Softwares, where few agencies have factual and viable initiatives in this area. It still lacks of a strategical definition of the paper of Technology and more investments in infrastructure of staff and equipment. One also observed advances as the creation of the normative agency, the CETIC (State Advice of Technology of the Information and Communication), the Managing Plan of Technology that provide a necessary diagnosis with the situation how much Technology in the State and considered diverse goals for the area, the accomplishment of a course of after-graduation for managers of Technology and the training in BrOffice (OppenOffice) for 1120 public servers


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The study assessed phloem canal development and ultra-structure in shoot apices of Spondias dulcis G. Forst., phloematic canal ultra-structure in shoot apices of Tapirira guianensis Aubl., and floral canal ultra-structure and development and fruit canal ultra-structure of the latter specie. The flower and fruit canals of Anacardium humile St.Hil. were also studied ultra-structurally. The canals in shoot apices of S. dulcis show schizo-lysigenous formation and the floral canals of T. guianensis show schizogenous development. Epithelial cells of S. dulcis and T. guianensis canals have rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes, elongated plastids of several shapes with osmiophilic inclusions and dictyosomes with production of vesicles. Such organelles participate in the secretion of a heterogeneous exudate, which is comprised of hydrophilic and lipophilic substances. The epithelial cells of the fruit of A. humile present elongated plastids with circular membrane system, which are involved in the synthesis of lipophilic substances. The results of the ultra-structural analyses of the epithelial cells corroborate the results previously obtained in a histochemical study. In the histochemical study, lipophilic and hydrophilic substances were identified in the canals of T. guinanensis and S. dulcis and only lipophilic substances were identified in the canals of A. humile. Based on the ultrastructural aspects of the secretory canals of T. guianensis and S. dulcis we concluded that the plastids of the epithelial cells of the two species are different although they produce secretion of similar composition. A new record for the family is the presence of a great number of circular plastids in epithelial cells of the fruit of Anacardium humile. The pattern found in the secretory canals of the studied species is the ecrine type of secretion release.


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Esta pesquisa caracteriza os estádios de desenvolvimento dos testículos e canais deferentes da lagosta Panulirus echinatus Smith, 1869 a partir da relação entre seus aspectos macroscópicos, microscópicos e a relação gonadossomática (RGS). Através de amostragem mensal (novembro de 1999 a outubro de 2000) foram capturados 1716 machos, empregando-se redes de espera de fundo. Retirou-se a região dorsal da carapaça para avaliação dos órgãos reprodutivos. Os testículos e canais deferentes foram dissecados, pesados, fixados em solução de Bouin e submetidos aos procedimentos histológicos. A análise microscópica dos órgãos reprodutivos foi avaliada pela presença ou ausência de espermatozóides nos testículos e canais deferentes. Esta, quando associada a macroscopia (mudança de cor, tamanho, diâmetro e desenvolvimento de espermatóforo) e a relação gonadossomática (RGS), possibilitou a caracterização de três estádios de desenvolvimento: imaturo, intermediário e maturo. Ficou evidenciada que a maturidade dos testículos precedeu a maturidade dos canais deferentes. Para avaliar se a RGS é um bom indicador quantitativo dos estádios de maturidade, um teste t (alfa = 0,05) foi usado e constatou diferença significativa nas médias da RGS. A RGS pode ser utilizada como indicadora dos estádios de maturidade para P. echinatus.