935 resultados para Industrial automation techniques


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The evolution of automation in recent years made possible the continuous monitoring of the processes of industrial plants. With this advance, the amount of information that automation systems are subjected to increased significantly. The alarms generated by the monitoring equipment are a major contributor to this increase, and the equipments are usually deployed in industrial plants without a formal methodology, which entails an increase in the number of alarms generated, thus overloading the alarm system and therefore the operators of such plants. In this context, the works of alarm management comes up with the objective of defining a formal methodology for installation of new equipment and detect problems in existing settings. This thesis aims to propose a set of metrics for the evaluation of alarm systems already deployed, so that you can identify the health of this system by analyzing the proposed indices and comparing them with parameters defined in the technical norms of alarm management. In addition, the metrics will track the work of alarm management, verifying if it is improving the quality of the alarm system. To validate the proposed metrics, data from actual process plants of the petrochemical industry were used


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The present work has as objective to present a method of project and implementation of controllers PID, based on industrial instrumentation. An automatic system of auto-tunning of controllers PID will be presented, for systems of first and second order. The software presented in this work is applied in controlled plants by PID controllers implemented in a CLP. Software is applied to make the auto-tunning of the parameters of controller PID of plants that need this tunning. Software presents two stages, the first one is the stage of identification of the system using the least square recursive algorithm and the second is the stage of project of the parameters of controller PID using the root locus algorithm. An important fact of this work is the use of industrial instrumentation for the accomplishment of the experiments. The experiments had been carried through in controlled real plants for controllers PID implemented in the CLP. Thus has not only one resulted obtained with theoreticians experiments made with computational programs, and yes resulted obtained of real systems. The experiments had shown good results gotten with developed software


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Industrial automation networks is in focus and is gradually replacing older architectures of systems used in automation world. Among existing automation networks, most prominent standard is the Foundation Fieldbus (FF). This particular standard was chosen for the development of this work thanks to its complete application layer specification and its user interface, organized as function blocks and that allows interoperability among different vendors' devices. Nowadays, one of most seeked solutions on industrial automation are the indirect measurements, that consist in infering a value from measures of other sensors. This can be made through implementation of the so-called software sensors. One of the most used tools in this project and in sensor implementation are artificial neural networks. The absence of a standard solution to implement neural networks in FF environment makes impossible the development of a field-indirect-measurement project, besides other projects involving neural networks, unless a closed proprietary solution is used, which dos not guarantee interoperability among network devices, specially if those are from different vendors. In order to keep the interoperability, this work's goal is develop a solution that implements artificial neural networks in Foundation Fieldbus industrial network environment, based on standard function blocks. Along the work, some results of the solution's implementation are also presented


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The structure of Industrial Automation bases on a hierarchical pyramid, where restricted information islands are created. Those information islands are characterized by systems where hardware and software used are proprietors. In other words, they are supplied for just a manufacturer, doing with that customer is entailed to that supplier. That solution causes great damages to companies. Once the connection and integration with other equipments, that are not of own supplier, it is very complicated. Several times it is impossible of being accomplished, because of high cost of solution or for technical incompatibility. This work consists to specify and to implement the visualization module via Web of GERINF. GERINF is a FINEP/CTPetro project that has the objective of developing a software for information management in industrial processes. GERINF is divided in three modules: visualization via Web, compress and storage and communication module. Are presented results of the utilization of a proposed system to information management of a Natural Gas collected Unit of Guamar´e on the PETROBRAS UN-RNCE.


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The using of supervision systems has become more and more essential in accessing, managing and obtaining data of industrial processes, because of constant and frequent developments in industrial automation. These supervisory systems (SCADA) have been widely used in many industrial environments to store process data and to control the processes in accordance with some adopted strategy. The SCADA s control hardware is the set of equipments that execute this work. The SCADA s supervision software accesses process data through the control hardware and shows them to the users. Currently, many industrial systems adopt supervision softwares developed by the same manufacturer of the control hardware. Usually, these softwares cannot be used with other equipments made by distinct manufacturers. This work proposes an approach for developing supervisory systems able to access process information through different control hardwares. An architecture for supervisory systems is first defined, in order to guarantee efficiency in communication and data exchange. Then, the architecture is applied in a supervisory system to monitor oil wells that use distinct control hardwares. The implementation was modeled and verified by using the formal method of the Petri networks. Finally, experimental results are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solution


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The Ethernet technology dominates the market of computer local networks. However, it was not been established as technology for industrial automation set, where the requirements demand determinism and real-time performance. Many solutions have been proposed to solve the problem of non-determinism, which are based mainly on TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access), Token Passing and Master-Slave. This work of research carries through measured of performance that allows to compare the behavior of the Ethernet nets when submitted with the transmissions of data on protocols UDP and RAW Ethernet, as well as, on three different types of Ethernet technologies. The objective is to identify to the alternative amongst the protocols and analyzed Ethernet technologies that offer to a more satisfactory support the nets of the industrial automation and distributed real-time application


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The control of industrial processes has become increasingly complex due to variety of factory devices, quality requirement and market competition. Such complexity requires a large amount of data to be treated by the three levels of process control: field devices, control systems and management softwares. To use data effectively in each one of these levels is extremely important to industry. Many of today s industrial computer systems consist of distributed software systems written in a wide variety of programming languages and developed for specific platforms, so, even more companies apply a significant investment to maintain or even re-write their systems for different platforms. Furthermore, it is rare that a software system works in complete isolation. In industrial automation is common that, software had to interact with other systems on different machines and even written in different languages. Thus, interoperability is not just a long-term challenge, but also a current context requirement of industrial software production. This work aims to propose a middleware solution for communication over web service and presents an user case applying the solution developed to an integrated system for industrial data capture , allowing such data to be available simplified and platformindependent across the network


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IEEE 1451 is Standard to connect transduscers through a communication network. This article describes a supervisory system implementaion according to IEEE 1451 Standard using Java. This software, named NCAP, may be used in several industrial applications, besides making feasible to obtain TEDS as a report or by Internet. NCAP communicates with transduscer module through RS232 Interface and was testes in industrial automation processes. © 2009 IEEE.


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This work describes a hardware/software co-design system development, named IEEE 1451 platform, to be used in process automation. This platform intends to make easier the implementation of IEEE standards 1451.0, 1451.1, 1451.2 and 1451.5. The hardware was built using NIOS II processor resources on Alteras Cyclone II FPGA. The software was done using Java technology and C/C++ for the processors programming. This HW/SW system implements the IEEE 1451 based on a control module and supervisory software for industrial automation. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Proficiency in management activities undertaken in product development processes is regarded as a key competitive advantage for companies, particularly for high-tech industrial firms, which benefit from the important competitiveness factor of launching products with a differentiated technological content. This paper's objective was to identify, through case study, practices for integration between the roles of R & D with others involved in product development in a large Brazilian company of industrial automation. The results suggest some management practices to improve the integration in new products development, such as the use of employees from marketing with knowledge and experience previously gained from R & D activities and uses the heavyweight product manager to solve synchronization problems between product and technology development. © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The interaction between industry and university is often discussed. Industry participants feel they do not have enough time to spend with academics because of tight deadlines to achieve your goals. The other hand, professors and his students do not have availability and resources for responding quickly to industry activities. Both sides recognize the associated problems and feel the consequences of various forms. One way to reduce the distance between them is to provide industrial labs that resemble the factory floor at the university. Thus not only students may work on a real technological base, but also the industry's problems can be brought to the university laboratory. To ensure that relevant industrial problems will be studied, the industry needs help in the formulation of the problem being researched. The graduate program of Automation and Control Engineering from UNESP Sorocaba is aimed at training human resources with skills in automation and control activities related to the development of automatic control processes, integrating electronic commands, intelligent manufacturing and industrial robotics. In order to achieve its objectives, one of the pillars of the university consists of a wide range of modern equipments and software for industrial automation, which allows the circuit assembly from most primitive until configuration and programming of a complex system of integrated manufacturing. This paper describes industrial automation equipments and laboratory structure offered to students of Control and Automation Engineering graduate program at UNESP Sorocaba as alternative to close technologies and real problems on the job until academic world. The strategic is to do students understand theory and operations in robotic and industrial automation by means to manipulating real production systems locate at university


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This paper aims to show practical and effectiveexperiencesfor lessons Industrial Automation Laboratory taught inundergraduate degreein ElectricalEngineering from the University Júlio MesquitaFilho - UNESP, Guaratinguetá. Experiments carriedsimulatecontrol and drive systems of electric three phase induction motors (MIT)widely usedinindustries. The experiments simulate a manufacturing environment where there isa need to control the activation and continuous operation ofelectricmotors. Seven experimentsthat simulatethe firing of electrical motors through a controlsystem, a driver along with asimulator loads coupled to the electric motor was developed. Experiments usinga Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as acontroller,an inverter frequencyasdriver, and MagneticBrake, as simulatorengine loads . The experiments were divided accordingto the speed reference signal used fordrivingand operating the electric motor: digital and analog. The first five experiments performing the drive control and operation of the electric motor via digital signals. The sixth and seventh experiments using an analog signal as a reference speed for the electric motor


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The Internet of Things is a new paradigm where smart embedded devices and systems are connected to the Internet. In this context, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are becoming an important alternative for sensing and actuating critical applications like industrial automation, remote patient monitoring and domotics. The IEEE 802.15.4 protocol has been adopted as a standard for WSN and the 6LoWPAN protocol has been proposed to overcome the challenges of integrating WSN and Internet protocols. In this paper, the mechanisms of header compression and fragmentation of IPv6 datagrams proposed in the 6LoWPAN standard were evaluated through field experiments using a gateway prototype and IEEE 802.15.4 nodes.


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En los últimos años la tecnología láser se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible en la fabricación de dispositivos fotovoltaicos, ayudando a la consecución de dos objetivos claves para que esta opción energética se convierta en una alternativa viable: reducción de costes de fabricación y aumento de eficiencia de dispositivo. Dentro de las tecnologías fotovoltaicas, las basadas en silicio cristalino (c-Si) siguen siendo las dominantes en el mercado, y en la actualidad los esfuerzos científicos en este campo se encaminan fundamentalmente a conseguir células de mayor eficiencia a un menor coste encontrándose, como se comentaba anteriormente, que gran parte de las soluciones pueden venir de la mano de una mayor utilización de tecnología láser en la fabricación de los mismos. En este contexto, esta Tesis hace un estudio completo y desarrolla, hasta su aplicación en dispositivo final, tres procesos láser específicos para la optimización de dispositivos fotovoltaicos de alta eficiencia basados en silicio. Dichos procesos tienen como finalidad la mejora de los contactos frontal y posterior de células fotovoltaicas basadas en c-Si con vistas a mejorar su eficiencia eléctrica y reducir el coste de producción de las mismas. En concreto, para el contacto frontal se han desarrollado soluciones innovadoras basadas en el empleo de tecnología láser en la metalización y en la fabricación de emisores selectivos puntuales basados en técnicas de dopado con láser, mientras que para el contacto posterior se ha trabajado en el desarrollo de procesos de contacto puntual con láser para la mejora de la pasivación del dispositivo. La consecución de dichos objetivos ha llevado aparejado el alcanzar una serie de hitos que se resumen continuación: - Entender el impacto de la interacción del láser con los distintos materiales empleados en el dispositivo y su influencia sobre las prestaciones del mismo, identificando los efectos dañinos e intentar mitigarlos en lo posible. - Desarrollar procesos láser que sean compatibles con los dispositivos que admiten poca afectación térmica en el proceso de fabricación (procesos a baja temperatura), como los dispositivos de heterounión. - Desarrollar de forma concreta procesos, completamente parametrizados, de definición de dopado selectivo con láser, contactos puntuales con láser y metalización mediante técnicas de transferencia de material inducida por láser. - Definir tales procesos de forma que reduzcan la complejidad de la fabricación del dispositivo y que sean de fácil integración en una línea de producción. - Mejorar las técnicas de caracterización empleadas para verificar la calidad de los procesos, para lo que ha sido necesario adaptar específicamente técnicas de caracterización de considerable complejidad. - Demostrar su viabilidad en dispositivo final. Como se detalla en el trabajo, la consecución de estos hitos en el marco de desarrollo de esta Tesis ha permitido contribuir a la fabricación de los primeros dispositivos fotovoltaicos en España que incorporan estos conceptos avanzados y, en el caso de la tecnología de dopado con láser, ha permitido hacer avances completamente novedosos a nivel mundial. Asimismo los conceptos propuestos de metalización con láser abren vías, completamente originales, para la mejora de los dispositivos considerados. Por último decir que este trabajo ha sido posible por una colaboración muy estrecha entre el Centro Láser de la UPM, en el que la autora desarrolla su labor, y el Grupo de Investigación en Micro y Nanotecnologías de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, encargado de la preparación y puesta a punto de las muestras y del desarrollo de algunos procesos láser para comparación. También cabe destacar la contribución de del Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, CIEMAT, en la preparación de experimentos específicos de gran importancia en el desarrollo del trabajo. Dichas colaboraciones se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos, tales como el proyecto singular estratégico PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-iv 120000-2006-6), el proyecto INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), ambos financiados por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) “Una manera de hacer Europa” y el MICINN, y el proyecto del Plan Nacional AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02), cuya financiación ha permitido en gran parte llevar a término este trabajo. v ABSTRACT. Last years lasers have become a fundamental tool in the photovoltaic (PV) industry, helping this technology to achieve two major goals: cost reduction and efficiency improvement. Among the present PV technologies, crystalline silicon (c-Si) maintains a clear market supremacy and, in this particular field, the technological efforts are focussing into the improvement of the device efficiency using different approaches (reducing for instance the electrical or optical losses in the device) and the cost reduction in the device fabrication (using less silicon in the final device or implementing more cost effective production steps). In both approaches lasers appear ideally suited tools to achieve the desired success. In this context, this work makes a comprehensive study and develops, until their implementation in a final device, three specific laser processes designed for the optimization of high efficiency PV devices based in c-Si. Those processes are intended to improve the front and back contact of the considered solar cells in order to reduce the production costs and to improve the device efficiency. In particular, to improve the front contact, this work has developed innovative solutions using lasers as fundamental processing tools to metalize, using laser induced forward transfer techniques, and to create local selective emitters by means of laser doping techniques. On the other side, and for the back contact, and approached based in the optimization of standard laser fired contact formation has been envisaged. To achieve these fundamental goals, a number of milestones have been reached in the development of this work, namely: - To understand the basics of the laser-matter interaction physics in the considered processes, in order to preserve the functionality of the irradiated materials. - To develop laser processes fully compatible with low temperature device concepts (as it is the case of heterojunction solar cells). - In particular, to parameterize completely processes of laser doping, laser fired contacts and metallization via laser transfer of material. - To define such a processes in such a way that their final industrial implementation could be a real option. - To improve widely used characterization techniques in order to be applied to the study of these particular processes. - To probe their viability in a final PV device. Finally, the achievement of these milestones has brought as a consequence the fabrication of the first devices in Spain incorporating these concepts. In particular, the developments achieved in laser doping, are relevant not only for the Spanish science but in a general international context, with the introduction of really innovative concepts as local selective emitters. Finally, the advances reached in the laser metallization approached presented in this work open the door to future developments, fully innovative, in the field of PV industrial metallization techniques. This work was made possible by a very close collaboration between the Laser Center of the UPM, in which the author develops his work, and the Research Group of Micro y Nanotecnology of the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, in charge of the preparation and development of samples and the assessment of some laser processes for comparison. As well is important to remark the collaboration of the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, CIEMAT, in the preparation of specific experiments of great importance in the development of the work. These collaborations have been developed within the framework of various projects such as the PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-120000-2006-6), the project INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), both funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) “Una manera de hacer Europa” and the MICINN, and the project AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02), whose funding has largely allowed to complete this work.